Monday, February 22, 2016

Poem 2589. Living like leaves

                                                          Living like leaves
When wind moves with it  leaves moves but it is up to if we want to be human or just those leaves since with
Every wind leaves move on each time since they don’t got power to stop and they can’t control it on any point
With wind leaves move at every point of life because even if they want they can’t change their ways in life
But question is that why people will start to have one thought from mind when wind will start to change ways
We just start to decide with our emotions we have to hope from our mind just one thought that wind will
Start to change ways on every point leaves can’t do but we can’t change it with our mind but that will not
Happen on every time since when we will start to understand changes of wind we will sense one thinking from
Inside of mind with just one thought that wind will start to change ways of life when we will sense that moves
We want not to be helpless like leaves on every point we just sense movement of wind which will have effect
On our mind when leaves will start to move we just sense one thought from inside those leaves are moving
On each way and on every point when we will start to move we will have to move in our own way and our
Own style of life when wind will move with it moves every thinking of mind we want to understand and find
That strength that is powerful thought which will show world in interesting style we just sense one thing that
We need to move ahead on every point in life when we will see light touch that life will began to show effect
Leaves are showing those touch which will have effect on our mind we will start showing world in different way
And on different point when mind will have power to have strength on every point we want to understand
Those touch which will start to have effect on mind we need to understand those touches are showing world
In different style we need to understand thoughts of mind when mind will have power on every point since
Those touches are showing those effect on our life when we will start to understand those effect will show
Those reaction on our life when we will start to move ahead on every section of life since leaves are showing
Those light touch on every point of mind when leaves will start to move it have effect on mind when we will learn on
Each point of mind leaves will start to have to effect on our mind when those leaves move with wind some
People will say they have thinking life just leaves that they can’t move against on any point it seem so hard
To accept on mind when we will start to have effect on our mind since those touches are showing on every point
When we will start to have mild feel in life we start to understand every concept of mind what we want is just
One thought that we must understand every step of life when we will start to move ahead on each point we
Are not leaves but other people may prefer to live like leaves for entire life other people may feel that what
Other think will not matter that much on any point since those people never want to understand fights from
Inside of mind when we will start to move ahead on every way of life we just sense one thing from inside
That we need to move ahead at every step of life we start to understand those effect on life since when we
Will start to have so much effect in life when we start to have learn every thought from inside when we start
To show those touches which are having so much appeals to mind when mild will start to show those effect
Which are showing world in interesting style when we will began to move we may find some people from
Our mind those people who are showing world in wonderful way and start to show that way from inside those
Effect which will start to show world in interesting style we need to have that touch which will start to show
Our mind but some people just never want to use their mind they seem to settle with one thought that they
Should get that power which will start to show light we have one thinking that we must find that wonderful
Sort of touch which will start to show world in that style which will effect on mind when we will show those effect
Which are having understanding on mind that some will use mind when some mind will start to have some
Worst effect on our life when we will start to show those effect which can change ways of life but at just each
And every point we start to understand leaves will have their own mind when those leaves will manage to move
With wind at time life will look different with each move and show world in different style when we will start
To understand world we just sense one thought from inside that thinking will change every concept of your mind
But if someone decide not to use that mind and fight then that one will be relieved with one thought from
Inside since those leaves are mindless on every point we need to understand those leaves as basic need of life
Since they are showing many people who are just moving on every point with one thought from mind which
Will start to show world in different style we need to understand every concept of life we have to just create
New start at every portion of life we need to understand those touches of life which will start to have effect
On life we need to look ahead on every point with just one thought from mind leaves will start to show new
Impact on mind those leaves will not have power but some mind will have power they prefer their ways in their life on every point.

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