Sunday, February 7, 2016

Poem 2564. Satisfaction in life

                                                          Satisfaction in life
Some people just never understand one word in life which says satisfaction is need of every point and those
People are moving from one point to another point just with one hope one day some one will manage to give them
That satisfaction which they want in life when people start to move from one view to another view in our life
We just want to understand those thoughts which will have power in our mind we need to move ahead at just
Each moment in life with one thinking from mind those satisfaction on every point in life we need to understand
On every moment just one fact of life that satisfaction is required from our mind we have to understand every
Thinking in life will start to show world in new style we need to understand facts of life which will differ on just
Every point but one thing is so sure that satisfaction is needed from heart on every point we need to just understand
That satisfaction as basic need of life but we just keep searching for it on every section of life we have to learn
That power of heart on every point which we get due to satisfaction from soul since that soul will start to just
Show world in interesting way in life then satisfaction will show world in interesting style we just sense one thing
That satisfaction can be achieved just by our heart on every point when we don’t able to get it from heart
Then it will no longer matter that much in life people will began to think that satisfaction can be achieved
With help of others will be wrong thought for every part of mind what we want to understand is just one thought
From inside satisfaction will be there inside our soul with just view to understand soul from inside when we will
Start to move ahead we just have one thinking from inside that satisfaction can help our soul and it can bring out
Every hope of our mind when we are moving ahead with hope of satisfaction we need to understand that hope
From our soul and mind when we move ahead we got to move with one thought that we can get satisfaction
For our heart from our mind some people just began to believe others can give them satisfaction in life they
Just began to believe that if they move others in their ways then others will start to give happiness to their
Thinking and soul on every point what we desire is just one hope from mind that satisfaction is that source
Which will give happiness to our mind but we can never achieve it as basic need of life when we start to feel
Satisfied then we can get satisfaction since it is just thought of mind by getting things you will not feel that much
Happy or satisfied but we will just feel one thing that satisfaction is that need which should be given as gift
From others on every point when life will start to show shine of satisfaction we need to understand our life
As basic thought of mind when we will start to move ahead we need to understand satisfaction as basic thought
Of our thinking and mind when people start to find it by getting things and feel it is just in it then only their true troubles
Start in life since that will start it will began to show world on every point with one thought from mind when
We will start to move ahead on every point of life satisfaction will start to show world in interesting style we
Just need to understand soul which will have so many factors on every point satisfaction is that source in life
Which will start to show world in interesting way on every point since satisfaction will give world new happiness
On every  point we have one desire which will show world with one thought that we need to understand
our soul
With our mind we have just one desire from inside that we need to move ahead with one thought that we can
Create power with our soul on every point we have to move ahead with one thought from mind we need
To move with one thought that satisfaction we need to move ahead on every point with just one thought that
We need to find some one who will understand those thirst of life when we will start to understand those
Effect which are having so much interesting at every point we need to know that we can’t satisfy our life we will
Start to move ahead on just every point we need to just understand those need of satisfaction which will just
Manage to have effect on mind but we can’t please others on every point we want to understand satisfaction
On every point with one thought from inside that we need to understand every move of life we need to understand
Satisfaction will start to move ahead on every point with one thought that we need it to move ahead at just
Every point but some people want others to get that for them but that is not possible in life since we will start
To move ahead on every point satisfaction which we can get will start from our mind we need to understand
Our satisfaction as basic need of our soul on every point we need to move ahead will with one thought from
Our thinking and mind since those moves which are made to make other satisfied are not beginning true satisfaction in life
We need to understand satisfaction is something which will have effect on our mind we need to understand
Our thoughts and mind when satisfaction will show new touch will start to move ahead we start to move
Ahead with one thought from mind when we will start to understand those touches which are showing world
In interesting style we have to understand every fact of life which will start to show world in different style
Since satisfactions can be achieved with one thought from mind we need to understand it as basic start to move
Understanding on every point we need to understand satisfaction as basic need of our life but we can’t move world and get it we need to understand from heart on every point.

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