Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Poem 2570. Sorrows and happiness in life

                                                         Sorrows and happiness in life
Sometimes we need to understand every concept of life which will tell us we need to form those feelings
Which are showing world in interesting style when we will start to move ahead with every concept of life
We need to move with one hope from mind those touches which are forming effect on life since those concepts
Are needed to be retained on every point we need to understand that concept of mind which will start to
Show our world with one hope from inside since those sort of touch which will have light when we will start
To show those concepts which are having shine of hope from inside we need to move ahead with one thought
That those concepts which will take us ahead are beginning from mind but sometimes those hopes are vanishing
Due to sorrows of life when we will began to face sorrows again and again it will happen sometimes but then
Those words which are with meanings are forming impact on understanding that will create appeals to our mind
When concepts will began we need to new start from inside we have to just understand those effect on life
Which are showing those effect on mind those effect which are showing sorrows from our heart are showing
World in new style when we will start to understand every point we need to understand sorrows are hurting
Our heart at every moment of life when we will start to move ahead on each step of life I just want to see
Happiness but next question comes what I suppose to do with those sorrows of life when they are just limited
And useful for limited time we need to understand sorrows as basic fact of life but when sorrows will start
To show world in new way suddenly world will become that thought which we hate from mind when we will
Start to move ahead on each point which are having so much appeals which are having effect on mind we
Need to understand those sorrows as well as happiness on every point how much we may love sorrows that
Are just one thought from mind when we will start to understand those sorrows which are showing so many
Effect on mind since those concepts of happiness are showing those feelings of happiness but sorrows are
Also trying hard to get their place in life so it seem like race which always goes on in our mind some times
Sorrows will become winner and sometimes happiness will become winner in life what we desire is just one
Thinking from heart that we need to move ahead towards happiness with one sort of touch which will began
To have effect on mind what we desire is that thought which will show world in interesting style we need
To understand every concept of happiness as basic need of life when we will start to move ahead with every
Thought of happiness those feelings of sorrows will enter in life but those feelings which are touching on every place
Inside life since those concepts are showing those feelings which are having effect on our mind when we will
Start to understand concept which are having so much effect which are having so much impact on mind what
We need to understand that sorrows are those thoughts which are having new touch of life when we will
Start to understand those thoughts which are created from sorrows of mind we need to move ahead with
Just one thinking from mind that happiness is need of world not sorrows on any point when we will go in just
Both ways there are different touches of life we need to understand those touches which will give happiness
To our future and our life when we start to understand mind will have so much effect on mind since those
Touches which are having so much effect on mind we need to just understand every concept of life when
We will start sorrows and happiness which will began to have effect in life we need to understand on every point
Since sorrows and happiness are two part of life which needed to move ahead with one thought from mind
Sorrows as well as happiness showing effect on life we need to understand those feelings in life when we
Will have to move ahead we need to understand sorrows are those facts which are showing world in just
Wonderful style we need to understand those sorrows as basic feel of life when happiness will enter on just
Every point we need to understand sorrows are also there but we have to understand them as basic cause
Of our life when we will start to understand sorrows we must understand with them need of happiness from
Inside of mind when we move ahead we have to understand sorrows will there after some steps of life but
When we learn to move ahead with them or take them as part of our life suddenly every thing become truth
Of our life when we start to understand sorrows as basic need of life those sorrows seem to create impact
On our world and on our mind when we start to move ahead on just every point we need to understand those
Feel of sorrows which are having effect on mind those movement which we do in our life seem to tell us that
Sorrows come again and again it never help us to treat them as enemy of life when we need sorrows on just
Each point we need to understand every step of life we must understand those effect which will start to move
With one thought from mind when we will began to move with hopes and sometimes even sorrows can have
Some hidden hopes on every point we need to understand those sorrows as those truths which are having effect on mind.

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