Sunday, February 14, 2016

Poem 2575. Some chances

                                                                   Some chances
Some chances we get will show world in interesting style we need to understand those chances which are
Having so much power hidden in mind when chance will show world in interesting way on every point since
Those chances are showing world with one hope that they will give shine to our life when we will start to
Just understand our mind we need to understand those effect on mind chances will show so many different
Effect on mind we need to understand effect which are showing so much touch on every point what we desire
Which are showing that are showing new touch to our mind when we will start to move ahead on every point
We need to understand chances as basic need of life some chances are great as well as some chances are
Wrong on every point we need to understand our world on every point since those touches of life which are
Showing world in right way on every point we need to understand chances as basic need of life what chance
Will start to open new touch on every point we have to understand chance is that need which we have in life
When we will start to study chances which will have to understand every section of life when chance will come
We just never understand when we will need to have it in life when we will start to understand chances are
Basic in life when chances are showing world in different style we need to understand that touch of chance
On every point in life when we will began to move on each way in life which will start to move ahead with
One thought that chances are showing world in totally different way on every point what we want is just one
Thinking from mind that chance will show our world in some light but it will not happened chance will just
Manage to confuse our life when we see so many chances which are forming impact on mind we need to
Just understand them as basic need of life when we will start to move ahead on just every point we need
To move with one thought that chance is need of life when chance will show new touch we will see it’s desire
From inside since it will start to show world in interesting way on every point we need to understand those
Needs as basic thirst of mind when we see those chances we just feel one thought from our mind that those
Chances are not telling our world truth but they are showing different touches of life when we see some chance
We just need to understand that chance in different style it will be understood with one thought from mind
Chance will start to have so much effect on life since chance will start to show world in new style we have
To understand those chances as basic feel of life when we see chances we need to judge in our life just
Understand those basic of life when we will start to see in that chance new understanding which will show
World in interesting way on every point chances will start to show world with interesting way of our life when
We will start to show chances which are having so many things written on every point when we will start to
Move ahead on just each point chance are showing world in different style when chances are having so much
Effect on mind chances are showing world in different style we need to understand in that chance there are
Many points hidden on every point every chance will have so many concepts which are important to understand
In our life when we will start to study those concepts in those concepts we will see new hope from inside
We have to understand in every concept there will be that future which will start to create new world for
Our thinking and mind when we will start to move ahead with chance in that chance we will see new start
On every point we need to understand that chance from inside since that chance will open new world for mind
We have to see that chance as new path but we also need to judge that chance as one point where we need
To understand both concept on same point when we will start to move ahead with every hope there will be two
Shades of life one will open new start and another will open new way to hell so we have to think twice but
Even after thinking sometimes we manage to take wrong chance in life if such thing happen we have to just
Understand those thinking will manage to have impact on mind since chances are with meanings and with
That understanding which will start to have so much effect on life when we will start to show meanings which
Are showing world in new way on every point chances will show world in that way which will show new sort
Of understanding that will began to form effect on mind when we will start to understand those concepts
Which are showing world in new style on every point when we will start to show those concepts that are showing
World in interesting way on every point when we will began to understand those concepts which are forming
Chances from inside when chance will start to show world in interesting style we have to understand that
Chance as basic need of life when chance will began to form new appeals on mind we want to understand
Chance as basic clue on every point of life when chance will touch our world we need to understand that chance
As basic need of life we need to move ahead with our chance and hope since it is created with one basic need
Of life since those chances will form impact on our future and life when chances are creating new start they are forming new world on every point.

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