Friday, March 23, 2012

Poem 94. Lie

Sometimes I just felt a question why do people lie? because some times
It happen in such a way that we don't even ask any questions to them but
Still those people come ahead to us and they without any second thought
They just began to answer those unasked questions which are nothing but
Lies and they just love to misguide but I just have one question that when
I never ask that person what is need of that one to come ahead  but
Inside in life on each and every time that person just manage to tell lies
Because that person never tell truth inside this world and that person just
Like and prefer to lie to whole world after all in life lying is one skill
Which seems other people to develop when ever they like but that skill
Is some thing I just understand why did they use some times in their life
Because some times even some people don't ask them about their thoughts
And not even interested in their attitudes towards that part still they just lie
Some people says such a thinking is sign of a guilty mind while other says
That in this life we just love to lying on each and every time because lying
Is one skill which make us happy in each and every part and lying is some thing
Important for life's every part but I don't think that is truth of life after all
Truth is lot better than that bunch of lies but inside our life many thinks this way
That they are ahead in life just because they use lot of lies so this is their thinking
May it seem to some of us a wrong but then each person have right to keeping
Their own and personal thinking but problem is that these person slowly began to
Take them in wrong thinking of life they began to think saying truth is crime
And we need to lie on each and every time in this life so strange it feel that
Instead of using in problems those lies people began to think that they need lies
On each and every time people need those lies because those lies have become
A permanent part of their thinking as well as their life and those lies are
Some thing precious to our mind because they manage to hurt us even when
We want to stay far away from lies because we just think that why did that person
Lie this way in life because it seems so unnecessary to use lies there in life
But in life on each and every time they get so use to lying that talking in normal way
Becomes impossible for their life so every day in life they pretend in their life
That some times in normal things they start to use lies but it will always shock me
To see such people in life who just love to lie even about their breakfast which
They had in morning every time they may find a cause which is perfect reason
For their lying but to me it seems as if those people just love to use lying
But interesting is that some times even those lies put them in big problems in life
And still they just love so much this process of lying in their life because
When some person began to lie it becomes so hard habit to break that
Saying truth become slowly for them a biggest pain so inside our life on every time
If only you see those person in life that have that much trouble in telling truth
As much as some have in lying but if you ask your heart it always says that
It is totally wrong when a person lies then why did those person fall in love with lying
So strange is this world that some people prefer to die instead of lying in life
While some people just spend whole life in love of lying but we are some thing
Normal who may prefer to truth but some times sadly need to use lying
Because some times even in case of winning of truth there is need of lying
Because many times in life some people hide truth in such a way in our life
That truth can't come out unless we learn to lying so this time in our life
We must learn to fight against our success and against our failures inside our life
Because if we get success by use of lying it's better to give it up and that is
Biggest type of fight then when comes failure because we said some truth in life
So in life we need to start our fight but first we need avoid those people
Who love and prefer lies over each and every truth inside their thinking and life.

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