Monday, March 5, 2012

Poem 53. Equally

They tell us that they act equal but when they saw a slum
They turned around their face and say they treat every one equally in life
So in this life they just don't like to see some sights and still they claim that
They like every one from every background in their life because
May be they never like to understand truths of their life those who
Doesn't charity can be called nice nature's person from heart but
Can't be called a person who treat every one equally in their life
Treating some one equally is hardest task of life because some people just
Care for rich people and other take revenge by just caring for poor people in life
When you say equal it means you must treat every one with proper respect in life
After all in life we every day treat every one with respect is impossible in life
Some hate people who are ugly some hate people who are dominating in life
And some don't like greed while some just hate honesty in life you just
See how easily even good qualities are also hated by some person's in life
So when we meet some one in life never claim that this person will
Truly treat every one equal in life because each person have like and dislike
So they want to change small things in life and you think you are treating
Everyone just alike just think twice in your life that can you treat even
Bad nature's person with same respect in life because some times even greedy
One needed to be treated equally in life because just due to that person's badness
It don't reduce their equal rights in their thinking as well as in their life
But when we see those people are going to use these things for wrong sides
And they insults other as they like we suddenly began to think that
They don't deserve equal right ever inside our thinking as well as in our life
But if you think by rules that set our life it is surely said that every one
Deserve nice and perfect kind of live because those person's also have right
To live and enjoy fully their complete and peaceful kind of life because
That is rule of life that even worst type of person have complete right
Until that one do actual harm to some one in their life because these people
Just use the words as weapon for their life and they just never think
Twice before insulting other person in their life but this is sadly in
Any books can't be called such serious crime that you can take away
From that person that one's true and full birth rights that one will hurt
You because you can't able to ignore their words in life sadly it seems
Impossible but that is what asked for us from our each moment and day in life
If some one hurt you with words ignore that one from life and then
When we see some dirt and dust we even find it hard to ignore it from life
We can turn away and make faces on this type of people but may be there are
Some people who claim they are great in their life but we are not that good
To judge any one in life after all we never know how to treat people
In equal way in life we claim every day that we are not prejudice but
Sadly prejudice are part of our life but we are at least truthful enough to accept
Our fault in our life but other people are not that truthful in their life
They just claim that they treat equally because they just give some thing
To people whom they know in their life or they just go and make charity in life
But do you think making charity means treating every one with respect in life
Even while making charity they don't like to see those faces with their eyes
They just do it to show their conscious in their life after all in life we want
To enjoy our each and every day as well as our time and we can't do it
Until we clear our conscious in our life after all we want to live perfect life
So we must at least understand we never treat every one equally in our life
Because this is most hardest as well as most impossible task for our thinking and life
To do it we must use lot of hours and lot of time to change our thinking in life.

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