Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Poem 71. Black holes

                                                       Black holes
Have you heard of black holes? I heard they are in the space and
If something goes inside in them then it never comes out again
How scary they seem when we read about them but if you saw
Their picture they don't look that bad in any way but we are always
So scared to see and hear about them that we just continue thinking
What happen if our earth goes inside them we are so scared of their
Darkness and fear that they will destroy us one day because those black holes
Are some thing which absorb things always and that thing will never return
And that why we are sacred they attract many stars and planets near them
When that star or planet goes inside them know one know what happen to them
May be they get destroyed but one thing is sure that we never want
To go there but why we worry about those black holes when in human nature
Some we see each and every day there are many black holes but few
Are most common in them Greed,Sorrow and Revenge are famous in them
Once person attract to greed that person seems so different every way that
Person never even care about other people who are their life's part every day
That person never think about many sort of things which people see every day
After all those feeling is one which make that person just want money and
Slowly nothing any more matters to them so once some one attract to black hole
Called greed we never saw that person who was kind and nice before taking that way
Instead of showing kindness that person began convince other that greed is
Some thing required part of life which is really needed after that in greed
That person slowly pull every one that how corruption and wrong thing
Start every where once one person get involved other slowly pulled there
Because our life is so fast that no one have time for fighting with morals every day
Then comes next black hole sorrow is it's name when some thing sad happen
In some one's life that black hole appear suddenly there then that person just
Think about that once sorrow and forget about all world there even if some needy
Person comes near for help that person don't want to help that needy because
That person thinks sorrows are biggest important to them in that sorrows
They forget each thing around them they just cry on their pains and never
Forget sorrows always walk around with them even on other person's happiness
They bring their sorrow there and feel that no one have right to smile again
Their sorrow become so important that every one around get absorb in them
So their sorrows are some thing that attract every one on each and every day
Like black holes their sorrows suddenly began to absorb every one on each time
And on every way even if some one want to go away still all roads are closed
Because their sorrows set such trap that every one will remain under them
Then common next famous black hole people call is revenge but those who want it
Call it justice and tell every one that we must do justice there inside their heart
They don't even accept that it is not justice it's just revenge in fact they just
Convince every one that they must support them so in this black hole called
Revenge whole world get so involved that it becomes personal for them
These black holes are some thing we experience every day and in this black
Holes many times many people who are known to us get attracted inside them
But we never have time to think about them we just worry about those
Black holes which attracts stars and planets inside them after all in life
Those black holes in sky seems hardly matter to us at any of near day
Or many of our future moments but this type of black holes destroy us
Every day but still we prefer just to ignore them because we never understand
Their importance until they come near us and start to destroy what is
Near and dear to us on each and every day so please pay more attention
To these black holes there instead of searching those black holes which
Existed some where in sky but from our sun and earth they are still far away.

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