Monday, March 19, 2012

Poem 88 . Trying

Can you come down on earth to convince them my god because I am
So sure they will never listen to me how hard may I use to tell them from heart
Some thing wrong have happen inside their heart and just devil is sitting
On their thinking and heart but when ever I say this I just forgot from my heart
If god decide to come down it will not be that easy for me or for all after all
When god have given us this chance god must expect some thing which is
Little bit kindness inside our heart but when I ask god to help god will just see
One thing if person have some kindness can't that person see clearly that
When some one get hurt we must bleed from our heart that blood can be of any one
But it should not matter at all if some one harm or insult any heart do you really
Think if we call god then god will explain it all because when god sees this
God may decide some thing like may be god want to punish you as well as me
So when I want ask to god explain it from my heart some where in heart I know
I am asking punishment for all because we have went so ahead in our life
That on some portion explaining in not needed and required in our thinking and life
I hear we are always stuck in mess even when we can see the truth we never able
To accept it with grace after all in life how easily we learn to forget other person
Who have done us favour we can use other person's life style or their dressing style
But still want to insult them as if they are not part of our life but how can I explain
When my words get so confuse how can a person understand when that one
Don't want to see difference how can I explain them in my words because
Many people have more knowledge of world but still some times it seems as if
They are stuck on one word that my thought and that is my thinking so how can
I go ahead with my thoughts and thinking after all if god may come to earth
I just have one question can any one listen to him in world because these people
Are so blind from their heart and mind for understanding god they need some pure mind
When injustice done screams start from whole the world but some time victims
Remain behind and people use them in the world every one is wrong and no one
Is right but still some people have to claim they are perfect in their life so may
Be when god will come then it will end of the world so why waste our time
In telling people what is wrong and right once you told some one it is never enough
And who have so much time to explain every thing to the world our life is so short
And there are many things to do so instead of explaining this may I will just
Enjoy my life in all pleasure which are in my view after all in end of life
And on end any discussion it seems to impossible to convince any one
And give them explanation after all they all know what is true and about every thing
In life and they must have read all those books which I have read in life
So in our life on each and every time we all think we can explain but it's impossible
For us in life but then when we think about god who have come on earth
As human in life it seems even god was hardly understood in life so why should
We feel sad when people don't listen to us in life may I should just say it
And then went ahead in life if people believe me they will listen to my mind
And those who don't want to listen let them go ahead with life even
Without sentence some times our acts tells our mind and we should
Do as we wish on each and every day of our life so inside this life
On every time we just need to think that our life will be perfect for future and life
So if people think that is right way for life then may be I should stop telling
And let god tell them what is right after all every time we can't do
Any thing in our life we want to think that we must go ahead without much
Efforts in our life those who like some thought can't go away from those thoughts
In entire life and they want   to escape them from entire life so on eve
Just do as you like this is one sentence we all must learn to say in life
Because warning people from crisis every time is not at all good for our health
Because they don't listen to us and it just harm our image we create by all efforts in life
Because for them their thoughts are more important than our efforts and trying
So some times we must quit trying and keep our faith in god and let god decide
How to make perfect way for us and how to punish those people who are not right.

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