Saturday, March 17, 2012

Poem 79. View

When people see out of the window they say they can't see the view
After all in this world in past we can easily use to see the view and then
We can easily see nice nature and it's beauty from our view when we were
Kids how easily we use to sit in window and use to see the view at that moment
We never thought it is that important in any point of view then we have just
One wish like bigger kids we like to go to school then when slowly buildings
Came capture all those views we never thought about them until we saw
Once again out of window to watch views because we are too busy in life
To go out near window and stop to watch view but one day with our guest
We sit near same window and started to see that view all trees are hidden
Behind the big buildings and sun rise and sunset become just names but
Thing that never can be seen they are so hidden behind every thing that
We can't able to see them properly when ever needed as a human being
After all out of window we saw many types of views which touch our heart
We think that those views are some thing which never touch our feeling and heart
So when we notice that due to that building we can't watch any nature and view
We began to hate those building for blocking all our lovely nature and views
But we never thought at that moment we are also living in some house which
Is full of convenience and comfort for us which gives us all every type of happiness
Which is part of our world so if we live in nice house why we hate  other person
When we see those building we just think that what is missing for us but we never
Think this way that other people have right to same freedom if we have right
To build house which give us comfort don't they also have right to live in nice house
Like us just because their houses are new it don't make much difference while
Asking for our right we forget what right we must have to give others because
We think in this life we need many important sort of things like house,air and view
But we never thought what others want in their life to happily enjoy and live
In our life they want some thing nice like beautiful type of house and after all
House is basic need which is important than view but then people said what
About our need of air do you really think one building can block it if we act with care
If we use proper sources inside this world and took proper care of our environment
And nature then how can just building damage our air these things happen
Because we don't handle our nature with concern as well as care in our world
If we need basic things same need apply to other in world so before asking
For view we need to think about houses of others but in this world we must
Think of our self and forget about other human being is common line which
Is told to us by other people and other human beings after all in our life
Every time we should not  think about other human being if we do that we will
Get destroyed in our future every time but do you think from heart is it true
That we must think about our self and not about other human being when
You answer just think about those person who help you when you are growing
No one is perfect in life so every one need some help from other person
And those human being give them courage every time as other human being
After all in life if every one just thought about them self where are we suppose
To be standing after all in this life on each and every time we need to think
Twice before accepting some thing because person who is saying may not
Paid attention to these thing but if we want to achieve and win in world we must
Need to understand to give respect to need of other human being I just want
To say that may be we are born alone but we can't go ahead in life without
Other human being when ever we get success behind it stood not just one but
Efforts and helps of many human being but some people just forget them and
Think that they are great so they have achieved the things but truth is that
They achieved things because they are helped by other human being who
Always remember need of other person when they fulfill their own needs as human being.

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