Saturday, January 4, 2020

Adventure story. 430. Searching for bride

                                     Searching for bride
Tarun started to wait for train. Today his train was late. He was not that much concerned about train. He was staying alone. His family was staying in his hometown so no one was waiting for him at home. He kept waiting peacefully on railway station. He could see remaining people were so upset. But he could understand specially ladies. They needed to reach home soon. No one felt traveling late was safe for ladies. They wanted future and job. But at same time they needed to reach home on time. After particular time streets were not just safe for women. But he was man so he could wait as much as he wanted. Of course there might be threat of robbery but he didn't have anything that precious and costly near him. He was totally relaxed. Then finally his train came, people started pushing their way inside. He waited peacefully for sometime. He thought that he could wait for next train too. But then he sensed that every train might be loaded with people and he needed his dinner too. He didn't understand why did he felt that train was going to be less crowded. He understood logic of this crowd. Sometimes train was so loaded and sometimes totally empty. He went inside train. He stood near door but someone asked him his station to get down when he told it that fellow said angrily " Why you are blocking door so early? Can't you see train is crowded?" He nodded. He knew that he was going down on last station and when train reached there it would almost empty. He went inside. After two three stations train started to get almost empty. He managed to get seat too. He was sitting peacefully when suddenly something soft touched his hand. He was so shocked that he almost jumped by surprise. He looked towards hand. It was lady's handbag. He was shocked to see a lady was sitting beside him. He knew that sometimes ladies travelled in normal compartment instead of ladies. But this lady was looking so scared. He could see that she was sweating. He asked her slowly " Are you alright?" She nodded. She said " I am Reshama. I am searching for my brother." " He was with you on train." " Yes..yes he was!! We came in train together." " Will you show me picture of your brother?" She nodded. She took out her mobile and showed picture. He looked at his face carefully. He felt as if he recognised him. He couldn't say properly where he saw him. But he was sure that he had seen this face. He began to think that he might had seen this man on station or on train. He didn't recall properly. He looked at her. She was clearly tense. He gave gentle smile to her and said " I feel you should go to cops." She shivered with fear. Clearly she was scared of cops too. " Don't worry cops will help you." She nodded and then she went down on next station. He kept watching her. She was showing photo of her brother to few people. It clearly didn't help her much. So she decided to find Police station. He felt so sad about her. He suddenly felt that he might just got out of train and help her. He knew that keeping one girl alone at this hour was not wise. And no one was waiting for him in his home so he could easily go. He immediately stood up from seat and ran towards door. Then he slowly went out of train. He kept searching for her but she was not visible. Then he sensed that train was about to start luckily it was second last station so not much crowd so he went inside in hurry. He kept searching for her on that station. But he couldn't locate her. He was so upset and scared. He didn't want her to be in some trouble. He searched for Police station out of train window. He didn't able to locate. But he began to feel so guilty. He did biggest mistake. He didn't care for her since she was not related to her. But then he suddenly began to feel that he did right. He was not related to her. If he had went to Police station what relation he could tell between them? He felt that they might took it in wrong way. A young girl alone with young man at this hour surely lead to wrong assumption. He could sense even fellow passengers were looking at him with suspicion now. Finally one asked " Why did you let that girl go out alone at this hour? Don't you care for her!!" Another passenger " You must understand whatever might be cause of your argument but sending her alone like that was risky." Tarun was so shocked. He said " Stop this. She is not related to me. I was just sitting when she came and sat beside me and started asking about her brother." Another passenger " Did you look in her eyes?" Tarun was so confused. When person talk with another person, surely they look in each other's eyes but when this question comes regarding girl then it looked all wrong. He just didn't understand how to answer it. But then he took deep breath and told truth. " Yes. I saw in her eyes." " Then you must check your bags. She might had hypnotized you and managed to take away your things. Specially cash from your pocket." He nodded and checked everything. When he confirmed everything was perfect, he informed others. He was so confused. He didn't understand what was trick. He was not robbed. " I think she was genuinely needy woman. But I feel if I had gone out with her then it would look worst." " Surely. After all she was unknown lady and I still feel she might be thief"" But I am not robbed." They all looked confused. Then suddenly wife of one passenger said " She might be some needy woman too. But you can't locate her when you went down so it is not your mistake." Another passenger " But what if something happen to her? Cops will blame him. Forget Cops all newspapers will blame him. He didn't helped her and.." Tarun " Enough. I went behind her but I missed her in crowd. They could see it on CCTV too." They all nodded. Then they didn't say anything for long time. Tarun decided to forget about that woman. He began to convince himself that she was fine. He was so scared in heart that she might get hurt. Truthfully he was sure that he couldn't sleep peacefully for long time. He was feeling guilty. He just wanted to go in past and correct himself. He wanted to take her properly in Police station. But he knew that he was not possible so he kept telling himself that she was fine.
     When Tarun reached home, he immediately started news. He didn't understand what he was expecting. He couldn't expect from anchor to announce that some unknown girl was safe and sound or he was expecting some bad news. He was so confused. He didn't understand why did he feel that this girl was going to get hurt. He kept thinking about her. He began to watching TV. But soon he sensed that anchor was not planning to discuss anything. He needed to concentrate on other matters. Like his office work which he brought with himself. He worked so hard to get things in right way. But his guilt kept irritating him. He knew that he did nothing wrong. He was so upset. He didn't understand why did he kept feeling so much guilty. He was so uneasy. He looked at watch. He needed to cook dinner too. Nobody was waiting for him so he needed to cook dinner for himself too. He began to cook it. He did that cooking very carefully. He wanted it to be tasty. But for that he needed to do efforts so he decided to shift to simple food only. He did cooking. But in his mind he was still thinking about that girl. He didn't understand why did he kept thinking about her. He needed to shift his thoughts. He hoped that he was not in love with her. But then after some moments he rejected this idea. He didn't like it at all. He decided that he didn't want to move ahead with wrong dreams. He was planning to find some nice girl from website. He could find her details then he could get married with her. He was very careful about these issues. He heard many worst effects of wrong marriage. Sometimes those girls kept two, three boyfriends and still they pretended like honest and simple girl. But on website he felt that he could find personal details too. He opened his laptop and started searching. He found long list of girls. He began to go one by one. Then he suddenly stopped. He thought that he found photo of girl who was searching for her brother. She appeared nice girl. She was graduated in science and her earnings were good too. He felt that she was perfect match. He wanted money from his wife too. He knew that he was going to give double burden on her. But he saw all his friends did same thing. After some age children went to babysitting arranged properly. He knew all about it since it was near by. He wanted his wife to earn. He wanted to become rich and he knew that wife with big salary or contacts would become ladder. He began to search for wife with help of salary. He selected big salary. He found few girls but soon he sensed that they wanted husband with bigger salary and he was not rich enough. He felt so sad. He began to search again. After long time he sensed that he was useless. He began to sense that he must reduce salary. But he was not ready to do it. He needed just money. He didn't care much about other things. He wanted a girl who was well settled in her life. He had desire to marry daughter of rich man but it was hard so he was searching for girl who had good salary. He wasted some hours. Then he took dinner. But his mind kept returning to that girl. He began to think that he might go to Police station himself. He didn't understand his strange obsession but it was there. He kept thinking about that incidence. Finally he decided that he might just go to Police station. He looked at his mobile. He saw that it was too late. And he didn't feel that he had any logical explanation for Police. He just couldn't say that "Officer there is an unknown girl yesterday asking for help regarding her brother. I told her to go to you and I am concerned now." This way Cops would feel that he was either criminal or mad man. He knew that he just needed to forget her. He began to find ways to entertain himself. Then he remembered one movie that he wanted to see. He looked at time. It was going to be late night show but he still decided to enjoy it. He began to get ready when his Boss called. His Boss insisted on immediately completing one project. He didn't want to but forced to agree. He didn't want any bad impact on his job and he wanted to stay in good books of his Boss. He knew that saying " No" means losing promotion. He agreed. He once again sat on computer and started working. He kept working till midnight and then he felt that he did enough so he went to sleep. During that sleep he kept seeing that girl. He didn't understand why. He was so upset. He began to feel that he might be having some mental trouble. He knew that other people didn't understand but he was not person who kept away from psychiatrist or counselor if he needed help. He decided that he might ask for one to his family Doctor. He didn't understand why did he kept seeing this girl. He called his family Doctor. But his family Doctor laughed. Doctor " You are mad I think you are in love with that girl." " Love?!! that is not possible. I don't love her. I just met her once." " Actually you are staying alone for long time so I feel you have need of companion. Why don't you start to date? I heard you are planning to get married?!!" " Yes but I can't find suitable girl." " Come on!! Just reduce your greediness and you will find nice wife." Tarun knew that this was true. But he didn't want to left this chance to get some door open to become rich. But then he began to sense that he didn't want to get rich on cost of his mental health. He took deep breath and said " Fine. I will choose one." On that day he selected a nice girl from website and started chatting with her. It really helped. He soon got so involved that he forgot about that girl who wanted help. But then after chatting with one girl he felt that he must try other options too. Soon he began to chat with many girls. He was so confused. All girls seemed so nice and wonderful that he didn't want to choose one out of them. Then he decided to meet all one by one then he could decide finally who was best. He didn't sense that he was doing wrong. He was treating girls like some object from shop. He just wanted best girl for him so he decided to visit all.
     Tarun kept fixing date from that day. He met one girl. She was nice but he didn't say "Yes" to her since he wanted to see next one. Then he met next one. She was better. He was so confused. Soon he began to chat with both girls. Then suddenly third one entered in picture too. She took his office address while chatting then one day she was standing before his office. She was dressed in such way that entire crowd was watching her. Even his colleagues asked about her. Tarun said " She is just college friend." When they began to chat this girl started pushing her proposal more forcefully. He was so confused. He didn't understand which girl would be right for him. He was still talking to first two girls. He decided to be honest with this one. Tarun " Actually I am dating a girl already." She made sad face. But then she smiled. " You are truly in love with her!!" He was confused about it. " Well!! I am thinking about it.." " But you are confused. Right?" She gave sweet smile. He smiled back too. " But I can't cheat her." " Really? Come on. I am not so sure that you are not already cheating her!" She said this and started laughing. He was so shocked. He didn't understand how did she knew about it. " Are you spying on me?" She started laughing more loudly. " My God you have just confessed your cheating yourself. This is too much. I mean I can read person's mind but no one confessed crime so easily." " This is not crime." She slowly turned towards him. She started to brush away dust from his T-shirt. She gave innocent smile and said " I just want a date. Otherwise I will complaint to website about your attitude." He was so scared. He agreed. Then he went home. He didn't want to go out with her. She was so scary. He opened website and confessed to both girls his mistake. Immediately they decided to leave him. They both felt that person who was cheating them before marriage couldn't be trusted after marriage. It was clear that they both planned to complaint about him to website. He didn't waited for it. He deleted his profile himself. He hoped that this girl wouldn't come again. But it didn't happen. Next day that girl was standing before his office again. He went down and told her to go away. " I am not planning to get married." That girl looked shocked. " But why?" " I need to settle down." " But you were even dating."" I have changed by mind." " Why? Did I irritated you so much?!!" " I am planning to go abroad so I don't want to settle." This statement proved bigger mistake. She began to try hard pursue. She began to come near him. He literally ran away. He didn't understand what way would be better to get rid of her. He accepted that it was his mistake but now he didn't understand how to confess it. He knew that marriage to her was worst decision of life so he was not going to take it. When he was went inside office, he kept discussing different topics. But they didn't help him much. He kept getting confused. Then finally his colleague asked " What happened?" He told everything. " This is too much. Why did you act like that?" " I got carried away!!" " You got carried away!! Don't you feel shame?"" Yes I feel now but it seem like too late." " You felt it just because that girl caught you red handed." " I know. But can't you help me?" That colleague kept quiet for sometime. Then he asked " Did you touch any girl?" " I don't got involved so much. We just chatted." That man took breath of relief. " Thank God!! Those girls left you." " Yes. They hated me. And I am scared of them." " You should be. You need to respect woman. They are not object." On this point another colleague interfered " Stop this nonsense. What is big deal!! I have dated many girls before getting married. And I even went ahead with few." Now this managed to upset first colleague. " If you like his suggestion then keep me out of this." " Come on." Tarun didn't like the way argument was going. He never did anything wrong. But he dated two girls at same time so it was totally wrong. He needed to get rid of third girl too. He began to think that it all happened due to his family Doctor's advice. He shouldn't have joined that website. He began to think psychiatrist was right option. But he didn't understand who could suggest right name. He was so upset and stressed. He needed to manage to find it. His colleagues were so busy in moral discussion that they were not suggesting any cure for him. He just went away to canteen. He knew that every one would discuss him behind his back. But he was not concerned about it. He did biggest blunder of life and he needed to take punishment for it. He needed to improve himself. He decided that this time he would not treat woman that way. He suddenly began to think that he might just talk with that third girl. She might be nice girl too. After all she opened his eyes. He waited. In evening when his office was over, he saw that girl was waiting for him. He told her entire truth. That girl suddenly looked frustrated. " So you are not going abroad?" " No." " What is size of your flat?" " One bedroom kitchen, hall." That girl stood up in shock. " But in address you said Bangalow." " Yes. But that bangalow was sold to four person so we have small flat. We have created interior by our choice." That girl suddenly began to go away. She didn't even waited to say " Good bye." So after this drama he was once again alone. He was so frustrated and once again he sat on railway station waiting for train. His idea of searching for bride was complete failure. He didn't achieve anything by it. In fact he did all wrong. He knew one thing that he needed to find psychiatrist. He wanted to call his parents but they were so stressed due to his sister's situation. Her in-laws started harassing her since she gave birth to third daughter. She wanted to left her husband but financially it was not possible. They didn't have enough money to manage all. He was so upset that he was not getting any attention at all. He was not even ready to help his sister. He knew that he should. He decided that he might just support her family and forget about his marriage. He was so confused. He was thinking when train came.
     Tarun was sleeping near window in train. This time train was almost empty. Then suddenly that girl appeared out of nowhere. She was sitting beside him. She smiled towards him. This time he began to feel so scared. She once again started to demand information regarding her missing brother. She showed him picture. He looked at it. It was similar but he didn't recognise. Then he remembered. It was picture of man who was found under train. He shivered. That woman was looking towards him. He began to feel so scared. He started to remember entire story of that man. He was planning to help his sister regarding dowry. But he couldn't managed so his sister was harassed by her in-laws and she commited suicide according to her in-laws but she was murdered according to her family and she was standing beside him. He started screaming like mad person. He began to scream " You are ghost. You are dead." His voice was hysteric. That girl started crying. She kept saying " I am not her. Don't push me away. Just found my brother." Tarun started to run in train compartment. At beginning he felt that it was almost empty. Then he sensed that few people were sitting in next compartment. He started to scream " Ghost..ghost help me. Pull chain." People from next compartment started to look confused. They didn't saw that girl. Then they saw her. They began to ask her. " Did this man harm you?" " he is just confused." He was so shocked. They felt that he was doing something wrong. But in this situation who could blame them. He understood that he must tell. " She is dead it was in every newspaper." It was so upsetting. They didn't believe him. But she didn't come ahead. He was happy. On next station Cops came in train. He told them entire story. Cops started to laugh. Cop "This is not that sister. This younger sister. She is little bit mad from beginning. It just increased. We need to call her parents now."  Then Tarun waited. He wanted to confirm. Cops didn't pay much attention to him since he was sitting in corner quietly. He was not disturbance for them. He waited when finally her parents came and they started taking her away then he ran towards them and asked " Will you give me number of psychiatrist?" They looked confused. Her Dad " Believe us sir she is really mad." " this is not about her. I needed psychiatrist for myself." Her parents looked shocked. Then they immediately gave him number. Her Mom said " Go to psychiatrist immediately. I am saying this since my son suffered. He kept tolerating. Then he started drinking. We didn't fix his marriage but he fall in love with one girl. But after what happened to his sister his drinking problem increased. That girl didn't marry him but I will not blame her. He was not in condition to marry. He was wasting his entire salary in drinking. She couldn't agree to marry such a man. She married to another person. He started to get more drunk every day. Last time when he jumped himself before train, he saw his brother-in-law with his new wife. She was beautiful and he was enjoying life with her. There was not any sorrow in his eyes. Her brother was so upset. Her brother went towards him. My son started abusing him. But my son-in-law created drama. He told everyone that he was thief. Public started hitting him. Finally Police came to rescue. They called us. We took him home. We tried to convince him that he should visit psychiatrist but he didn't finally one day he lost even his job. Then he threw himself before train. " Her Mom started crying. That girl began to pat on her back and started saying "Don't worry now cops will find my brother we made complaint." It was worst scene. When Tarun returned to home, he immediately called psychiatrist and he took appointment. Next day when he went to office, he sensed that most of his colleagues were no longer acting normal. Many of them were clearly upset. He was evil person to them. He didn't even feel that it was his mistake. He kept working. He went home. From that day he started avoiding people. He began to just work. He didn't talk with anyone unless it was necessary. It suited him perfectly. Then finally that day came when he supposed to meet psychiatrist. He went there on fixed timing. He tried to sit peacefully. But he was so scared. Then he kept feeling that psychiatrist might blame him just like his colleagues. Finally he went inside and told everything. Psychiatrist heard all. Psychiatrist "What your family Doctor suggested was totally wrong? This is not about your marriage. This is about your sister's marriage. On one point you want to help her. On other point you hate her for damaging her life. You have reacted so much after seeing that girl because you remember her brother's story and you feel this will be your story one day." " But I am not so much attached to my sister." " You are lying because you are angry with her." Tarun denied it at first. But then step by step after few sessions he sensed truth in it. He decided to handle his sister's matter. He knew that he needed to do it. He called his parents. Soon he sensed that her sister's husband was not that bad. He could stay with her and her daughters if he get financial help. Tarun managed to get that loan for them from his office. His sister got settled. Then he waited for some days. Soon his colleagues started chatting. He told them about his visit to psychiatrist. Many were impressed. They all took number. Tarun was so happy to help them. He was happy and he wanted to distribute that happiness. He didn't care what people say but he wanted to tell them that psychiatrist could help a lot in many problems.

                                                                      The End

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