Saturday, February 9, 2019

Adventure story. 383. Magic of the Piper

                                      Magic of the Piper
Hina began to search for apartment. She needed it as soon as possible. She got this job after so many efforts. She couldn't say no to it but it was not near her house. It was far away. She felt so sad. She didn't want to leave comfort of her own house behind. But she didn't have much option. Her parents were insisting on marriage which she didn't want to do. That man kept coming in her house every day. Actually he was shop owner from shop which was just under their flat. He was son of rich man. He was clearly a wonderful match in her parent's eyes. They didn't see any evil in him. But she didn't like him. He always talked nicely before all. But whenever he met her, he always kept telling list of work which her mother and grandmother did in his home. He was trying to convince her that she must do all too. But it was too much for her. She tried to tell it but her Mom said " You are exaggerating things. He was just admiring his Mom. He did not expect all those things from you." " No Mom he expects!!" Her Mom looked upset. Mom " Do you notice this house?" She looked around. " Yes Mom but what about it?" " This house is small." Hina began to get confused. She didn't see any link in two things. "I don't understand what are you trying to say?!!" " Well!! Your brother will complete his college soon. Then he would plan to marry. And our house is small so we can't manage to keep too many people in it. You can't afford big house so you need to find some way to settle by then." Hina was so shocked. " Mom are you suggesting me that you want me out of this house before Ravi's marriage?!!" " Well.. do we have option with our limited finance?!You know your Dad is not rich man. He have limited salary." " So you want your daughter out of your house and want to just keep son here." Her Mom looked at Hina with anger. Mom " This is system of society. It always happen this way. Daughter goes out of house and son bring daughter-in-law in house. You must leave this house as per rule of society and for it you need to marry a man and that shop owner seem like perfect husband for you." " In which way?" Her Mom was confused. Her Mom didn't find any good point in him. She was so upset. " So Mom?!! You don't find any good point in him yourself. " Mom " He is rich enough to buy big flat and feed you." " Mom that is not enough. I don't feel just person who can feed me is enough for me. I want something better. Person who love me." Her Mom started to look upset. Mom " Why don't you understand?" " What?!! I can't stay in this house. Fine Mom I will get job and leave this house but I can't marry that man." Her Mom didn't like this solution. Mom " It will not solve our problems!!" " But Mom I am not here to solve your problem!! I am here to solve mine." Her Mom didn't like it. Then next day her father told her that she supposed to marry this boy with red eyes which used to scare her from childhood. He kept cursing her. Soon she sensed that they wanted her to marry so desperately that they didn't let her live happily there. One day he heard her father telling Mom that shop owner was coming home next day with his parents. She must remain ready. On that point she forgot her all fear and now or never became truth. She came out and said loudly " I am not going to marry him. If he came here then I will say this on his face and it will become insulting for all so you must stop him." Her father became so angry. He started throwing things around in house. He created big drama. Then he started feeling uneasy. His blood pressure was increased. Entire family and society blamed it on her. But still she stood firm on her stand. She didn't want to marry him. She was treated like outcast since that day. She kept looking for way to go out. Finally she got that job. She was looking for flat when she decided that she must make final call for confirmation. She needed appointment letter. "Hello!!" Receptionist asked in sweet voice " What can I do Madam?" " Actually I was calling about job which I got in this company. I want my appointment letter." That receptionist sweetness suddenly vanished " Which job? Did you gave interviews?" She was confused. " But they said that they will do interviews when I will reach there." Receptionist sounded confused now. Receptionist " Will you wait for sometime? If you remain on call I will make inquiries since I need confirm." Then she heard heated discussion. Then a harsh voice came on phone "Who told you this nonsense? What is your experience?" " I don't have experience since I am looking for job." " So you are fresher?!!" " No... Actually I don't got job suitable for me." Suddenly that person sounded more irritated. " Sorry Madam but you can't get job without experience. That last call was not for confirmation of job but for just interview. You misunderstood all. Bye." That man disconnected the call. And Hina kept looking at phone with shock. She couldn't stay here and marry that man. She shivered with fear.
       Hina didn't understand when she got stuck in this nightmare. She didn't understand how could she made this mistake. She was pretty sure that man said that she got this job. But she was so upset now. She began to recall entire incidence. She started thinking what she heard. She remembered that he said " You have to come for interview then you will get job." She asked " But what I supposed to do for passing that interview?!!" He said " Nothing special just come and answer few simple questions." She felt so happy. She thought that she would get this job. She knew that this man didn't promise. She just believed what she desired to believe. She sensed that he never mentioned that she got this job. She had told everyone about it. She felt so nervous and scared. She slowly took her feet towards stomach and sat one sofa in strange way. When her Mom came out she immediately sensed something wrong. She kept looking at her and finally she asked " What happened?" When she sensed her Mom was watching she smiled. She pretended that everything was normal. She didn't want her Mom to know about her failure. " So did you start packing?!!" "Actually Mom I am thinking about it. " Her Mom looked confused then she smiled. " So you are thinking about Ravi?!!" She was so shocked. She never thought about Ravi but then she wanted to avoid her embarrassment regarding failure. She began to feel so tense. She smiled and decided that she could pretend for few days. She couldn't marry Ravi but she could pretend it. " I was thinking. This job is not wise decision. I just think about marriage." Her Mom was so happy. Mom " I think you must meet Ravi properly. Why don't you go on date with him?" She shivered with fear. She was not going to do anything like that. " Mom I need sometime for this." " I can understand you want to judge him but for it you must chat with him." Her Mom immediately called him. But luckily he said that he was too busy. Her Mom looked upset. Mom " He is busy. Why don't you go down?" Hina sensed what was going on. He was trying to keep her under his thumb. She felt so upset about entire thing. She decided that she must avoid it. " Mom I will meet him afterwards." Mom started to look angry " Why?.." Mom sat near her and put hand on her shoulder and said " Now you are planning to marry so you need to reduce this ego and you must adjust with him." She was shocked. She thought that he was dying to marry her but as soon as she showed little bit interest immediately things managed to change. " Mom I was just thinking. I need to do some more thinking on this issue." She kept saying in strange way that she didn't want to hurry up. Her Mom suddenly changed subject "And what about your job?" " What about it?!!" She was shocked. She agreed to marry just to avoid it but this was not working. Mom "Well!! You might need it." Mom took deep breath and said "Working on one man's salary is not easy." She was so upset and shocked. Now they wanted her to do job because she needed to marry Ravi. " Mom you said Ravi love me so I supposed to marry him and now you are talking about my salary?!!" " Well.!!" Her Mom said after stopping for few seconds. " Money is precious. It's need can't be ignored." Hina stood up angrily. " I am not getting that job so we can cancel that marriage too." She stood up and took her purse. She immediately went out. She could hear her Mom calling her. She started to get upset. But then soon she sensed that she managed to get caught in trap. She said yes to marriage and she also confessed that she didn't got job. Her entire life was coming to wrong point. Now her family expected her to do everything to please him. She was so confused. She didn't understand what she supposed to do. She sat alone on garden bench. She started counting tides of sea. It helped her. It was so nice. She felt that with every tide her sorrows were leaving her behind. She felt those feelings which used to hurt her started to go out with each tide in sea. She began to feel so relaxed. It really helped her. She looked around. She noticed many people sitting on benches. She kept watching tides just like them. She felt so happy. She kept sitting there until traffic didn't started when it started she forced to go back home. When she entered, she took breath of relief since her Mom was busy in watching her daily serial. She knew that she would totally forget her now. When her Mom watched those serial then she discuss just those characters. Once even Hina used to like them but then they started to show tragedy and she began to avoid them. Now she didn't even understand or recognise any person from it so she took breath of relief when Mom stopped telling her stories. She knew Mom watch them to avoid stress but it didn't help much. She sensed that it increased by watching. Even her Mom was getting tense by watching it. Hina was sure now she would totally forget her.
        Hina went in room when her mobile rang. It was unknown number. She looked at it with distrust. She couldn't trust unknown number. But then now a days she couldn't even trust known number every one seemed to be standing against her. She was so alone. They all just wanted her to compromise. Ravi didn't love her. He just wanted to settle with woman who stayed honest to him. But she never thought that he would even demand for money from her. He was wise. He didn't ask it from her parents since it was wrong thing in eyes of society. He asked her to do job. She was so upset. She didn't want to do job to please him. But she didn't have any option. If she wanted to escape her marriage, she had to do some job. She was so confused in this matter. She felt completely trapped. She needed to escape but job was not her option. She searched hard for it. But she didn't find it. She kept thinking about ways of escape and that mobile kept ringing. Finally she got irritated and she took call. " Hello.." " Actually I am Ravi and I called you to talk about this marriage. " " Which marriage?" She said intentionally to confuse him. She wanted to harass him. But he seemed pleased by this statement. " So your parents didn't tell you about their stupid plan of our marriage?!!" He started laughing. She was confused now. " I never heard bigger joke. I mean I like to dance and I am spirit of parties. And you are so different.." She was so shocked until now she thought that he was after her now suddenly entire scene was changed. It was so frustrating. " Actually my parents were forcing me and but I am not ready." She worked hard to hide tears. She didn't understand why did she felt so sad when she never wanted to marry that man. It was upsetting. She smiled. " Actually I was forced to marry you." Her voice began to get heavy as if she was about to cry. Ravi looked nervous. " I am sorry. I don't know this issue turned so big otherwise I should have said no on beginning only. I hope you are not attached to me or this plan." Now this was too much. She wanted to escape it. He was showing it off as she was the one who was in love and visiting his home every day. She was so shocked. Ravi smiled and continued " Actually I am fond of dancing and I met my special friend sweetheart there. She is nice girl perfect match for me." She kept nodding. She was relieved that finally this was over. After listening to his wonderful chat about his love to his precious girl she understood her Mom was right. He desired her salary and this girl had big one. She congratulated him and said bye. Then she came out and told it dryly to her parents. Her father didn't react just nodded. But her Mom looked angry. Mom " Hina was right. He is a fruad. " Her Dad " He desires money I told you from beginning. She is useless without money." This was too much to her. " But I never wanted to marry him!!" " You are talking as if he desired to marry you. He never desired and no one will desire to marry you until you don't earn. Come on!! don't you feel that you should start earning?!!" She was so upset. She wanted to do her career in her field. She didn't earn money but that didn't mean she should change field any way no one could offer guarantee regarding money if she changed field. It was so frustrating. She ran to her room. Her Mom followed her. Her Mom " It was my mistake. But I thought he truly love you. " She angrily screamed " But you have suggested job too?!!" " I was referring to working in his store. I don't said it straight but I want you to understand him and accept him." She gave hysterical laugh and said " But his family didn't force him so he said no to me. In fact I feel his family was least concerned about me. They feel I am just some product with bonus. If I gave them extra money then they will take me. It was never about love." She started crying. She never felt more insulted in life. She just wanted to turn to someone for help but no one was there. Then she remembered sea and it's tide. It was wonderful thought. She kept remembering them. She wanted to go there again. She needed to see those tides. They would take away her sorrows. " I want to go out and search some solution." "At this time?!! It is dinner time." She looked at watch. Her Mom was right. It was too late. She nodded. " I will go tomorrow." Her Mom smiled. " Now that is true spirit keep trying." She nodded. Then she told her Mom to bring dinner there. She didn't want to face her Dad. Her Mom nodded. On that night she watched YouTube on mobile of just tides. She kept watching it. She felt so relaxed. She felt so nice. She began to dream about them. In that dream she was nothing but a tide. She began to move like water. It was just wonderful. She was so happy.
     Next day when Hina woke up, she felt totally fresh. She was no longer feeling scared of anything. She was feeling perfectly happy about all. She looked around suddenly every thing became so nice. Her room became same heaven as she always felt from childhood. She was no longer in her room which was full of troubles. She sensed strange change in her attitude. She knew that something was different in her attitude. She knew that she could change her life today. She knew that she began to feel new hope inside her soul. She went to take paper. She decided that she should search for new job today and find it. She was sure about it. But she was even tense about it. Then she suddenly remembered jogging. She decided to go for jogging. She was sensing weight gain. She didn't want to become obese. She started looking at herself in mirror. She began to get panic. She began to feel that she managed to increase her few pounds. She looked at herself in mirror that she decided that she must go out. She began to feel grass was calling her for walk. She began to sense that she needed to go out. She began to feel hope. She started to go out. She managed to choose right way of life but she didn't understand why but she kept feeling jogging was necessary for it. She felt so sad and upset yesterday. She was feeling so fresh and promising today. She decided that she should go for jog. Her Mom came inside her room. Her Mom was clearly shocked by her positive change. She smiled happily. Her Mom " So what is your plan today?" " I am going for jog." Her Mom smiled happily. " Do you want to do breakfast first?" She felt so irritated. It was so upsetting. She couldn't have breakfast before jogging it was crystal clear. Her Mom was so irritating. " I can't do breakfast before jogging. Can I?" When she turned to Mom, she sensed her Mom was looking scared. She didn't understand what was wrong with her Mom. She was not so scary. She was so angry when her Mom gave that look. " Why you are looking like that towards me? Do you feel I am some monster or some criminal who cut you in pieces." Her Mom started to look confused. Mom " Don't get what happened?" " Nothing.. nothing just stop asking me stupid questions. No one eat breakfast before jogging." Her Mom nodded and started searching for her dresses. Then she gave her decent jogging dress. Hina wanted to argue but she decided against it. She dressed in decent dress. She started to go out. She began to look around. After walking for sometime she began to remember that water again. She kept walking and walking. She suddenly felt a pull towards some road. She didn't understand why she felt it. But she felt like magnet towards it. She kept moving as if she was enchanted and finally she reached to that spot. She sensed that she was near those tides again. She didn't understand why did she came there. But she took deep breath and she sat on bench. Every one around her was looking towards tides. She was so confused. She didn't wanted to come to this place. She looked around. She sensed that everyone around her was watching sea and tides. They all lost in thoughts. She shivered. She looked around. Then she sensed a man was playing flute and everyone was enchanted to him. She understood all. He was using his magic on them. She wanted to stop it. She stood up and started screaming on him. "Stop it. You are Devil." That man stopped with shock. He started to look so angry as if he could kill her with just eyes. His eyes had some special effects on her. She felt as if he was burning her with his eyes. She was shocked. But she started protesting. She went ahead and started hitting him. She was so upset with him that she decided that she must took out his weapon. She took away flute from him with force. He looked shocked. She broke it with full strength. Every one was looking at her. She started laughing when she did it and said loudly " Now you can't use your magic on people evil Piper and you can't send us to water." That man looked scared too. He started asking for help and soon crowd of enchanted people gathered around him. Hina shivered with fear. She needed help. She ran away from them. She didn't care if she dumped in any one in this process. She just kept running until she didn't finally reached to her house. She kept looking behind. She was so scared as if someone was following her. She kept ringing doorbell again and again. She knew that those people would follow us. Soon she noticed even her watchman was looking at her in strange way. She began to feel scared that they might had even planted him. She saw that he was coming towards her. Then she sensed even a maid from near by house was watching her. She didn't look behind. She just kept knocking door without any thought about her pain.
       Hina's Mom had noticed for few days. Hina was not normal. She always seemed to be lost in her dream world. Many times she noticed that she was talking to herself and when she asked Hina said she was practicing for interview. Her Mom wanted to argue and tell her that it seemed like madness. But her Mom didn't able to do anything. Her Dad was not cooperating. Her Mom wished only if he had cooperated little, things should have been different. She should have got help for Hina but his sole concern was his son. He just kept discussing about him. He was so angry that Hina couldn't get husband quickly. He started to feel frustrated. He looked around for suitable boys and he located just horrible men. One day her Mom suggested " Why we don't purchase a flat for our son?" He screamed on her " Who will take risk? Do you know how risky it is to purchase flat?" Her Mom kept quiet. After that he started harassing her Mom to manage to get Hina married as soon as possible. It was not easy. She didn't want to get rid of her daughter but her situation was not so supportive. She knew that in few days her son would come back from hostel. He would need room and everything. Truthfully Ravi seemed so promising. He was so sweet. She never thought that he would demand salary from Hina or he would cheat her like that. But he never made direct claim of love. It was all indirect so they couldn't argue or blame. She placed her daughter in worst situation. Now she wanted to change it all but she couldn't. She knew that she couldn't change anything. Hina who was completely normal. She had began to show strange signs of madness. Her Mom was so scared that now they would call her mad. She didn't want them to lock her in mental hospital. Her Mom quickly opened door. She pulled her inside. Her Mom "Stop this. Do you want to land in mental hospital?" Hina shivered. She looked behind. Every one was looking at her in strange way. She went in room. She didn't understand what was wrong but she began to feel a scared. After that she started just staying inside house. She locked every window. She wanted to be safe. She kept looking around suspicious. She didn't want anyone to come inside. Her Mom just kept coming. One day finally her Dad started screaming " When you are planning to marry your mad daughter?" Her Mom " I am trying.." " Shut up. Enough!! I found one boy who had two kids from first marriage.." " She can't marry such a man. She is not even attached to any man until now?!!" " But she is mad girl and no one wanted to marry mad girl. This one is psychiatrist so seem ready to take risk." Her Dad started laughing and said " I am saving her money. She doesn't need to spend her money on mental hospital. You know very well she is mad from her birth!!" Her Mom screamed " Stop this nonsense!! She was fine at beginning." " Really?!! So who made her mad? You or me?!! Let me guess. It's me. You always find every fault in me so it must be me. Right?!!" " Your ambition of boy managed to destroy our daughter!!" " Wow. Now it is our son. Do you remember it is our son? You are not step mother!!" She was so frustrated. " You can't force this marriage on her." " And you can't keep her in that room for entire life. You stupid woman. You don't understand we need to lock her in mental hospital!!" Hina heard it all. Her Dad started abusing her Mom. He was threatening her as best as he could. She came out. She took deep breath and said " I will visit psychiatrist tomorrow. I will go to mental hospital instead of marrying someone like that it will destroy two lives." Her Dad cursed her and went back in room after breaking Mom's favourite show piece intentionally. Hina felt so sad. She knew that it was happening due to her. " Mom let's go to psychiatrist tomorrow." Then they contacted family Doctor and took number. Next day they went to psychiatrist. Hina watched every thing of house carefully. She sensed that it was last day of that house. Her Dad didn't came. He didn't want to discuss anything. She went there shivering and looking scared. When they went there, there was big line of patients but all looked totally normal at first sight. She needed to wait at least for three hours. Finally she went inside. She looked at psychiatrist. He was nice young man. She sat before him. She told him everything. Then finally she asked " So you will keep me in mental hospital for how many days?!!" He started laughing. " You are not that serious patient. You were just tense then with purpose to adjust with situation you become obsessed with tides. You start to get obsessive compulsive disorder but you sensed that it was something wrong. But you assumed it a black magic. It is common misunderstanding so you locked yourself. Don't worry with my help you will be fine. I will reduce your fear and tension. Then you will not need tide." He started talking. She felt so nice. She suddenly began to wish only if he was that psychiatrist whom father was referring. She thought that it was not impossible. She asked him " Are you married?" Psychiatrist gave sweet smile and said " Yes. I have one alive wife with one baby daughter. Sorry for husband you need to search. But don't worry you will handle it after treatment. I am not that man which your Dad mentioned and don't jump on conclusion that he is nice since I am sure you need better and you can get it." She smiled happily. She found an intelligent Doctor who would help her. She was no longer scared regarding her mental state. She knew that she would be fine soon.
                                                                                The End 

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