Monday, February 18, 2019

Poem. 4462. Different smiles have different hopes

                       Different smiles have different hopes
Different smiles have different hopes of life precious one is that which comes from friend in life even friend's anger is better than other's smile good wishes show new light
Different smiles have different hopes of life precious one is that which comes from positive soul in life sorrows turn in hopes with it on each positive side show new light
Different smiles have different hopes of life precious one is that which comes from hopeful shine in life hard way turn different route with way good paths show new light
Different smiles have different hopes of life precious one is that which comes from positive step in life worst step turn easily appeal with positive turns show new light
Different smiles have different hopes of life precious one is that which comes from positive start in life negative side turn hopeful way with positive touch show new light
Different smiles have different hopes of life precious one is that which comes from positive path in life negative route turn hopeful start with positive feel show new light
Different smiles have different hopes of life precious one is that which comes from positive appeal in life negative word turn hopeful path with positive word show new light
Different smiles have different hopes of life precious one is that which comes from positive side in life sorrows of future turn hopeful way with positive way show new light
Different smiles have different hopes of life precious one is that which comes from positive step in life negative side of path turn positive start of hope start show new light
Different smiles have different hopes of life precious one is that which comes from positive start in life negative touch of turn positive way of thought show new light
Different smiles have different hopes of life precious one is that which comes from positive chapter in life negative side of thought turn positive start of way show new light
Different smiles have different hopes of life precious one is that which comes from positive step in life negative route of meaning turn positive word of soul show new light
Different smiles have different hopes of life precious one is that which comes from positive chapter in life negative start of feeling turn positive start of path show new light
Different smiles have different hopes of life precious one is that which comes from positive strength in life negative chapter of move turn positive thoughts show new light
Different smiles have different hopes of life precious one is that which comes from positive path in life negative side of thinking turn positive start of way show new light
Different smiles have different hopes of life precious one is that which comes from positive step in life negative chapter of understanding turn positive start show new light
Different smiles have different hopes of life precious one is that which comes from positive start in life negative route of thinking turn positive learning show new light
Different smiles have different hopes of life precious one is that which comes from positive way in life negative path of learning turn positive peace of path show new light
Different smiles have different hopes of life precious one is that which comes from positive concept in life negative side of thinking turn positive strength show new light
Different smiles have different hopes of life precious one is that which comes from positive word in life negative start of feeling turn positive start of touch show new light
Different smiles have different hopes of life precious one is that which comes from positive way in life negative way of meaning turn positive step of route show new light
Different smiles have different hopes of life precious one is that which comes from positive appeal in life negative start of thinking turn positive direction show new light
Different smiles have different hopes of life precious one is that which comes from positive way in life negative chapter of learning turn positive strength show new light
Different smiles have different hopes of life precious one is that which comes from positive thought in life negative start of thinking turn positive knowledge show new light
Different smiles have different hopes of life precious one is that which comes from positive start in life negative route of understanding turn positive start show new light
Different smiles have different hopes of life precious one is that which comes from positive appeal in life negative start of feeling turn positive direction show new light
Different smiles have different hopes of life precious one is that which comes from positive way in life negative chapter of meaning turn positive concept show new light
Different smiles have different hopes of life precious one is that which comes from positive direction in life negative start of thinking turn positive thinking show new light
Different smiles have different hopes of life precious one is that which comes from positive strength in life negative chapter of learning turn positive side show new light
Different smiles have different hopes of life precious one is that which comes from positive start in life negative concept of meaning turn positive direction show new light
Different smiles have different hopes of life precious one is that which comes from positive way in life negative direction of understanding turn positive way show new light
Different smiles have different hopes of life precious one is that which comes from positive chapter in life negative strength of thinking turn positive route show new light
Different smiles have different hopes of life precious one is that which comes from positive way in life negative chapter of meaning turn positive strength show new light
Different smiles have different hopes of life precious one is that which comes from positive path in life negative concept of feeling turn positive direction show new light
Different smiles have different hopes of life precious one is that which comes from positive start in life negative strength of meaning turn positive appeal show new light
Different smiles have different hopes of life precious one is that which comes from positive way in life negative chapter of thinking turn positive knowledge show new light
Different smiles have different hopes of life precious one is that which comes from positive start in life negative appeal of understanding turn positive start show new light
Different smiles have different hopes of life precious one is that which comes from positive way in life negative start of learning turn positive shine of route show new light
Different smiles have different hopes of life precious one is that which comes from positive start in life negative word of meaning turn positive start of way show new light
Different smiles have different hopes of life precious one is that which comes from positive word in life negative chapter of thinking turn positive thinking show new light
Different smiles have different hopes of life precious one is that which comes from positive way in life negative concept of meaning turn positive direction show new light
Different smiles have different hopes of life precious one is that which comes from positive chapter in life negative side of understanding turn positive start show new light
Different smiles have different hopes of life precious one is that which comes from positive touch in life negative chapter of learning turn positive touch show new light
Different smiles have different hopes of life precious one is that which comes from positive start in life negative direction of feeling turn positive way of soul show new light
Different smiles have different hopes of life precious one is that which comes from positive chapter in life negative start of understanding turn positive way show new light
Different smiles have different hopes of life precious one is that which comes from positive start in life negative thoughts of learning turn positive spirit show new light
Different smiles have different hopes of life precious one is that which comes from positive word in life negative appeals of thinking turn positive direction show new light
Different smiles have different hopes of life precious one is that which comes from positive strength in life negative starts of learning turn positive chapter show new light
Different smiles have different hopes of life precious one is that which comes from positive way in life negative appeals of meaning turn positive strength show new light
Different smiles have different hopes of life precious one is that which comes from positive start in life negative concepts of learning turn positive direction show new light.

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Poem. 7209. Move from soul bring

                           Move from soul bring  Move from soul bring new path to strength that form new word to hope of chapter which give ...