Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Poem 3479. Those windows of past

                                             Those windows of past
Those windows of past which I open always show new life I want to keep them behind to get new world at every step of life
Those windows of past which I open always show temptation to stay in them I want to keep them behind to get present at every step of life
Those windows of past which I open always show new thought I want to keep them behind to get proper thought of present at every step of life
Those windows of past which I open always show new feeling I want to keep them behind to get new direction of thinking at every step of life
Those windows of past which I open always show new world I want to keep them behind to get new opinion of thinking at every step of life
Those windows of past which I open always show new direction I want to keep them behind to get new thinking of appeals at every step of life
Those windows of past which I open always show new routes I want to keep them behind to get new road of thinking at every step of life
Those windows of past which I open always show new concept I want to keep them behind to get new appeals of thinking at every step of life
Those windows of past which I open always show new feeling I want to keep them behind to get new sentence of moves at every step of life
Those windows of past which I open always show new direction I want to keep them behind to get new ways of action at every step of life
Those windows of past which I open always show new knowledge I want to keep them behind to get new appeals of thinking at every step of life
Those windows of past which I open always show new words I want to keep them behind to get new direction of understanding at every step of life
Those windows of past which I open always show new lines I want to keep them behind to get new lines from present I don’t want to  stop in past at every step of life
Those windows of past which I open always show new strength I want to keep them behind to get new touches from present at every step of life
Those windows of past which I open always show new direction I want to keep them behind to get new start from appeals at every step of life
Those windows of past which I open always show new feeling I want to keep them behind to get new routes from thinking at every step of life
Those windows of past which I open always show new world I want to keep them behind to get new direction from understanding at every step of life
Those windows of past which I open always show new ways I want to keep them behind to get new lines from meaning at every step of life
Those windows of past which I open always show new world I want to keep them behind to get truth of present away from fiction at every step of life
Those windows of past which I open always show new chapter I want to keep them behind to get those touches which tell me truth of world at every step of life
Those windows of past which I open always show new meaning I want to keep them behind to get those direction which tell me start at every step of life
Those windows of past which I open always show new ways I want to keep them behind to get those thinking which tell me meaning at every step of life
Those windows of past which I open always show new words I want to keep them behind to get those true words which I will say in present at every step of life
Those windows of past which I open always show new thoughts I want to keep them behind to get those direction which I will sense in present at every step of life
Those windows of past which I open always show new feeling I want to keep them behind to get those touches which I will show present at every step of life
Those windows of past which I open always show new chapter I want to keep them behind to get true new chapter which are far away from fiction at every step of life
Those windows of past which I open always show new thought I want to keep them behind to get new rules which are showing new hopes at every step of life
Those windows of past which I open always show new resources I want to keep them behind to get new steps which are showing new direction at every step of life
Those windows of past which I open always show new step I want to keep them behind to get new beginning which are giving new route at every step of life
Those windows of past which I open always show new lines I want to keep them behind to get new appeals which are giving new words at every step of life
Those windows of past which I open always show new concept I want to keep them behind to get new world which is giving new spirit at every step of life
Those windows of past which I open always show new meaning I want to keep them behind to get new strength which is giving new soul at every step of life
Those windows of past which I open always show new direction I want to keep them behind to get new challenge which is giving new spirit at every step of life
Those windows of past which I open always show new concept I want to keep them behind to get new appeals which is giving new appeals at every step of life
Those windows of past which I open always show new route I want to keep them behind to get new spirit which is giving new steps at every step of life
Those windows of past which I open always show new way I want to keep them behind to get new direction which is giving new world at every step of life
Those windows of past which I open always show new feeling I want to keep them behind to get new emotions which is giving new rules at every step of life
Those windows of past which I open always show new sections I want to keep them behind to get new chapter which is giving new meaning at every step of life
Those windows of past which I open always show new thought I want to keep them behind to get new reactions which is giving new moves at every step of life
Those windows of past which I open always show new start I want to keep them behind to get new challenges which is giving new rules at every step of life
Those windows of past which I open always show new chapter I want to keep them behind to get new meaning which is giving new point at every step of life
Those windows of past which I open always show new meaning I want to keep them behind to get new steps which is giving new world at every step of life
Those windows of past which I open always show new feeling I want to keep them behind to get new direction which is giving new lines at every step of life
Those windows of past which I open always show new knowledge I want to keep them behind to get new resources which is giving present tense at every step of life
Those windows of past which I open always show new thought I want to keep them behind to get new direction which is giving new appeal to present at every step of life
Those windows of past which I open always show new words I want to keep them behind to get new pages which is giving new meaning to present at every step of life
Those windows of past which I open always show new strength I want to keep them behind to get new world which is giving new spirit to present at every step of life
Those windows of past which I open always show new world I want to keep them behind to get new direction which is giving new step to present at every step of life
Those windows of past which I open always show new world I want to keep them behind to get new spirit which is giving new thought to present at every step of life
Those windows of past which I open always show new world I want to keep them behind to get new direction which is giving new spirit to present at every step of life
Those windows of past which I open always show new scene I want to keep them behind to get new future which is giving new hopes to present at every step of life.

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