Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Poem 3455. Every word will have hidden meaning

                                        Every word will have hidden meaning
Every word will have hidden meaning inside but question is that how much we understand that on every point with thinking of mind
Every word will have hidden meaning inside but question is that how hard it is to accept that meaning on every step with appeals of mind
Every word will have hidden meaning inside but question is that how much our thinking will effect that meaning with strength of mind
Every word will have hidden meaning inside but question is that how much our words will effect that show new thought with moves of mind
Every word will have hidden meaning inside but question is that how much our appeals will words that show new touch with feeling of mind
Every word will have hidden meaning inside but question is that how much our direction will give that show new steps with understanding of mind
Every word will have hidden meaning inside but question is that how much our touches will give that show new ways with thinking of mind
Every word will have hidden meaning inside but question is that how much our moves will give that direction with thinking of mind
Every word will have hidden meaning inside but question is that how much our feeling will give that routes new start with thinking of mind
Every word will have hidden meaning inside but question is that how much our appeals will give that way we began to create new line with thinking of mind
Every word will have hidden meaning inside but question is that how much our sentences will give that thought we began to create new ways with thinking of mind
Every word will have hidden meaning inside but question is that how much our feeling will give that resources we began to learn new touch with thinking of mind
Every word will have hidden meaning inside but question is that how much our lines will give that touch we began to learn new direction with thinking of mind
Every word will have hidden meaning inside but question is that how much our moves will give that effects we began to learn new steps with thinking of mind
Every word will have hidden meaning inside but question is that how much our appeals will give that concepts we began to learn new direction with thinking of mind
Every word will have hidden meaning inside but question is that how much our steps will give that meaning we began to learn new words with thinking of mind
Every word will have hidden meaning inside but question is that how much our words will give that understanding we began to learn new feeling with thinking of mind
Every word will have hidden meaning inside but question is that how much our lines will give that touches we began to learn new direction with thinking of mind
Every word will have hidden meaning inside but question is that how much our thought will give that resources we began to learn new appeal with thinking of mind
Every word will have hidden meaning inside but question is that how much our feeling will give that direction we began to learn new ways with thinking of mind
Every word will have hidden meaning inside but question is that how much our understanding will give that way we began to learn new direction with thinking of mind
Every word will have hidden meaning inside but question is that how much our feeling will give that appeals we began to learn new routes with thinking of mind
Every word will have hidden meaning inside but question is that how much our emotion will give that feeling we began to learn new feeling with thinking of mind
Every word will have hidden meaning inside but question is that how much our routes will give that ways we began to learn new appeals with thinking of mind
Every word will have hidden meaning inside but question is that how much our feeling will give that emotion we began to learn new word with thinking of mind
Every word will have hidden meaning inside but question is that how much our understanding will give that route we began to learn new ways with thinking of mind
Every word will have hidden meaning inside but question is that how much our appeal will give that path we began to learn new direction with thinking of mind
Every word will have hidden meaning inside but question is that how much our lines will give that meaning we began to learn new concept with thinking of mind
Every word will have hidden meaning inside but question is that how much our thought will give that concept we began to learn new line with thinking of mind
Every word will have hidden meaning inside but question is that how much our understanding will give that direction we began to learn new steps with thinking of mind
Every word will have hidden meaning inside but question is that how much our meaning will give that line we began to learn new chapters with thinking of mind
Every word will have hidden meaning inside but question is that how much our thought will give that meaning we began to learn new facts with thinking of mind
Every word will have hidden meaning inside but question is that how much our appeals will give that new light we began to learn new direction with thinking of mind
Every word will have hidden meaning inside but question is that how much our feeling will give that new chapter we began to learn new paths with thinking of mind
Every word will have hidden meaning inside but question is that how much our moves will give that new direction we began to learn new direction with thinking of mind
Every word will have hidden meaning inside but question is that how much our lines will give that new steps we began to learn new concept with thinking of mind
Every word will have hidden meaning inside but question is that how much our appeals will give that new touch we began to learn new ways with thinking of mind
Every word will have hidden meaning inside but question is that how much our words will give that new direction we began to learn new feeling with thinking of mind
Every word will have hidden meaning inside but question is that how much our world will give that new meaning in proper style we began to learn new words with thinking of mind
Every word will have hidden meaning inside but question is that how much our world will give that new ways in new knowledge we began to learn new feeling with thinking of mind
Every word will have hidden meaning inside but question is that how much our world will give that new start in new thinking we began to learn new steps with thinking of mind
Every word will have hidden meaning inside but question is that how much our thinking will give that new step in new style we began to learn new lines with thinking of mind
Every word will have hidden meaning inside but question is that how much our appeals will give that new thinking in new way we began to learn new style with thinking of mind
Every word will have hidden meaning inside but question is that how much our ways will give that new direction in new step we began to learn new shades with thinking of mind
Every word will have hidden meaning inside but question is that how much our lines will give that new steps in new direction we began to learn new appeals with thinking of mind
Every word will have hidden meaning inside but question is that how much our feeling will give that new knowledge in new resources we began to learn new touches with thinking of mind
Every word will have hidden meaning inside but question is that how much our understanding will give that new direction in new thought we began to learn new factors with thinking of mind
Every word will have hidden meaning inside but question is that how much our touches will give that new meaning in new concept we began to learn new concept with thinking of mind
Every word will have hidden meaning inside but question is that how much our words will give that new section in new thought we began to learn new words with thinking of mind
Every word will have hidden meaning inside but question is that how much our feeling will give that new emotion in new appeal we began to learn new meaning with thinking of mind
Every word will have hidden meaning inside but question is that how much our emotion will give that new direction in new style we began to learn new thought with thinking of mind.

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Poem. 7209. Move from soul bring

                           Move from soul bring  Move from soul bring new path to strength that form new word to hope of chapter which give ...