Monday, July 31, 2017

Poem 3490. Those shapes which will

                                           Those shapes which will
Those shapes which will show new direction in life we need to sense those shapes with different concept of life on each point
Those shapes which will show new thought in life we need to sense those different concept with different meaning of life on each point
Those shapes which will show new world in life we need to sense those different appeals with different thought of life on each point
Those shapes which will show new route in life we need to sense those different words with different emotions of life on each point
Those shapes which will show new direction in life we need to sense those different ways with different touches of life on each point
Those shapes which will show new thought in life we need to sense those different situation with different appeals of life on each point
Those shapes which will show new feeling in life we need to sense those different knowledge with different feeling of life on each point
Those shapes which will show new appeal in life we need to sense those different thought with different routes of understanding of life on each point
Those shapes which will show new direction in life we need to sense those different feeling with different appeals of meaning of life on each point
Those shapes which will show new world in life we need to sense those different looks with different meaning which will show new light of life on each point
Those shapes which will show new feeling in life we need to sense those different knowledge with different information which will show new meaning of life on each point
Those shapes which will show new touch in life we need to sense those different strength with meaning of direction which will show new resources of life on each point
Those shapes which will show new feeling in life we need to sense those different routes with information of thinking which will show new way of life on each point
Those shapes which will show new appeals in life we need to sense those different concept with pages of those meaning which will show new start of life on each point
Those shapes which will show new words in life we need to sense those different meaning with knowledge of those information which will show new move of life on each point
Those shapes which will show new direction in life we need to sense those things with different concept of those words which will show new feeling of life on each point
Those shapes which will show new words in life we need to sense those meaning with different words of those appeals which will show new words of life on each point
Those shapes which will show new lines in life we need to sense those chapter with different knowledge of those words which will show new pages of life on each point
Those shapes which will show new words in life we need to sense those lines with different information of those knowledge which will show new chapter of life on each point
Those shapes which will show new lines in life we need to sense those words with different chapter of those touches which will show new start of life on each point
Those shapes which will show new move in life we need to sense those meaning with different lines of those steps which will show new route in life on each point
Those shapes which will show new step in life we need to sense those routes with different ways of those feeling which will show new emotion in life on each point
Those shapes which will show new way in life we need to sense those words with different chapter of those lines which will show new appeals in life on each point
Those shapes which will show new chapter in life we need to sense those direction with different word of those chapter which will show new feeling in life on each point
Those shapes which will show new feeling in life we need to sense those appeals with different concept of those touches which will show new thought in life on each point
Those shapes which will show new lines in life we need to sense those concept with different meaning of those direction which will show new word in life on each point
Those shapes which will show new step in life we need to sense those chapter with different routes of those ways which will show new feeling in life on each point
Those shapes which will show new world in life we need to sense those direction with different direction of those appeals which will show new light in life on each point
Those shapes which will show new thinking in life we need to sense those moves with different touches of those thoughts which will show new world in life on each point
Those shapes which will show new concept in life we need to sense those touches with different steps of those knowledge which will show new thought in life on each point
Those shapes which will show new appeal in life we need to sense those ways with different direction of those moves which will show new world in life on each point
Those shapes which will show new light in life we need to sense those directions with different thought of mind which will show new ways in life on each point
Those shapes which will show new route in life we need to sense those chapter with different concept of world which will show new light in life on each point
Those shapes which will show new feeling in life we need to sense those thinking with different thinking of world which will show new moves in life on each point
Those shapes which will show new direction in life we need to sense those touches with different touches of world which will show new world in life on each point
Those shapes which will show new moves in life we need to sense those feeling with different routes of those touches which will show new light in life on each point
Those shapes which will show new steps in life we need to sense those world with different meaning of thinking which will show new routes to soul in life on each point
Those shapes which will show new lines in life we need to sense those touches with different thoughts of feeling which will show new light to pages in life on each point
Those shapes which will show new appeals in life we need to sense those lines with different chapters of pages which will show new direction to thinking in life on each point
Those shapes which will show new objects in life we need to sense those feeling with different routes of understanding which will show new ways to appeals in life on each point
Those shapes which will show new direction in life we need to sense those touch with different feeling of thinking which will show new light to thinking in life on each point
Those shapes which will show new world in life we need to sense those emotions with different direction of understanding which will show new world to appeal in life on each point
Those shapes which will show new start in life we need to sense those routes with different thoughts of meaning which will show new direction to soul in life on each point
Those shapes which will show new word in life we need to sense those appeal with different ways of understanding which will show new light to feeling in life on each point
Those shapes which will show new concept in life we need to sense those appeals with different resources that give opening which will show new way in life on each point
Those shapes which will show new thinking in life we need to sense those moves with different direction that give new start which will show new faith to thinking in life on each point
Those shapes which will show new start in life we need to sense those resources with different moves that give new touches which will show new stages to moves in life on each point
Those shapes which will show new direction in life we need to sense those look with different stages of thinking that give new color which will show new light to steps in life on each point
Those shapes which will show new world in life we need to sense those chapter with different moves of world that give new resource which will show new start in life on each point
Those shapes which will show new point in life we need to sense those thought with different steps of world that give new meaning which will show new light in life on each point
Those shapes which will show new direction in life we need to sense those concept with different touches of appeals that give new direction which will show new chapter on each point.

Poem 3489. Every light start with our heart

                                    Every light start with our heart
Every light start with our heart and move ahead with soul on every point we need to catch that light with different appeals on each point
Every light start with our heart and move ahead with soul on every chapter we need to sense that step with different feeling on each point
Every light start with our heart and move ahead with soul on every direction we need to learn that move with different ways on each point
Every light start with our heart and move ahead with soul on every step we need to learn that direction with different routes on each point
Every light start with our heart and move ahead with soul on every meaning we need to learn that moves with different thoughts on each point
Every light start with our heart and move ahead with soul on every feeling we need to learn that concept with different meaning on each point
Every light start with our heart and move ahead with soul on every beginning we need to sense that thought with different ways on each point
Every light start with our heart and move ahead with soul on every hope we need to learn that direction with different concept on each point
Every light start with our heart and move ahead with soul on every meaning we need to learn that knowledge with different moves on each point
Every light start with our heart and move ahead with soul on every day we need to learn that it can be part even of darkness on each point
Every light start with our heart and move ahead with soul on every line we need to learn that it can give new spirit of appeals on each point
Every light start with our heart and move ahead with soul on every step we need to learn that it can give our world new life on each point
Every light start with our heart and move ahead with soul on every thought we need to learn that it can give different steps on each point
Every light start with our heart and move ahead with soul on every hope we need to learn that it can give new route to soul on every point
Every light start with our heart and move ahead with soul on every word we need to learn that it can give new meaning to thinking on every point
Every light start with our heart and move ahead with soul on every line we need to sense that it can give new knowledge to thinking on every point
Every light start with our heart and move ahead with soul on every meaning we need to sense that it can give new spirit to thinking on every point
Every light start with our heart and move ahead with soul on every day we need to sense that it can give new concept to thinking on every point
Every light start with our heart and move ahead with soul on every move we need to sense that it can give new light to meaning on every point
Every light start with our heart and move ahead with soul on every line we need to sense that it can give new hopes to words on every point
Every light start with our heart and move ahead with soul on every way we need to sense that it can give new start to thinking on every point
Every light start with our heart and move ahead with soul on every chapter we need to sense that it can give hopes to understanding on every point
Every light start with our heart and move ahead with soul on every direction we need to sense that it can give new lights to learning on every point
Every light start with our heart and move ahead with soul on every line we need to sense that it can give new feeling to concept on every point
Every light start with our heart and move ahead with soul on every feeling we need to sense that it can give new resources to learning on every point
Every light start with our heart and move ahead with soul on every line we need to sense that it can give new words to appeals on every point
Every light start with our heart and move ahead with soul on every day we need to sense that it can give new direction to moves on every point
Every light start with our heart and move ahead with soul on every touch we need to sense that it can give new feeling to touches on every point
Every light start with our heart and move ahead with soul on every feeling we need to sense that it can give new words to lines on every point
Every light start with our heart and move ahead with soul on every chapter we need to sense that it can give new thinking to concept on every point
Every light start with our heart and move ahead with soul on every word we need to sense that it can give new hopes to touches on every point
Every light start with our heart and move ahead with soul on every step we need to sense that it can give new spirit to learning on every point
Every light start with our heart and move ahead with soul on every meaning we need to sense that it can give new lines to thinking on every point
Every light start with our heart and move ahead with soul on every direction we need to sense that it can give new thoughts on every point
Every light start with our heart and move ahead with soul on every scene we need to sense that it can give new appeals on every point
Every light start with our heart and move ahead with soul on every move we need to sense that it can give new words to thinking on every point
Every light start with our heart and move ahead with soul on every move we need to sense that it can show new world to appeals on every point
Every light start with our heart and move ahead with soul on every thought we need to sense that it can show new direction to moves on every point
Every light start with our heart and move ahead with soul on every feeling we need to sense that it can show new light to concept on every point
Every light start with our heart and move ahead with soul on every direction we need to sense that it can show new world to routes on every point
Every light start with our heart and move ahead with soul on every way we need to sense that it can show new meaning to concept on every point
Every light start with our heart and move ahead with soul on every word of mind we need to sense that it can show new touches to thinking on every point
Every light start with our heart and move ahead with soul on every thought of mind we need to sense that it can show new direction to appeals on every point
Every light start with our heart and move ahead with soul on every step of understanding we need to sense that it can show new mind to thinking on every point
Every light start with our heart and move ahead with soul on every move of appeals we need to sense that it can show new move to understanding on every point
Every light start with our heart and move ahead with soul on every corner of situation we need to sense that it can show new direction to appeals on every point
Every light start with our heart and move ahead with soul on every way of meaning we need to sense that it can give new strength to direction of road on every point
Every light start with our heart and move ahead with soul on every feeling of chapter we need to sense that it can give new touches to thinking of moves on every point
Every light start with our heart and move ahead with soul on every section of mind we need to learn different effects with soul to meaning of thoughts on every point
Every light start with our heart and move ahead with soul on every emotion of mind we need to learn different direction with different concept of thinking on every point
Every light start with our heart and move ahead with soul on every way of mind we need to learn different issues with different direction of understanding on every point.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Poem 3488. Waves will come and go away

                                 Waves will come and go away
Waves will come and go away on each point water will show new shapes which will show new meaning on every point
Waves will come and go away on each point water will show new direction which will show new lights on every point
Waves will come and go away on each point water will show new appeals which will show new lines to thinking on every point
Waves will come and go away on each point water will show new feeling which will show new emotion to appeals on every point
Waves will come and go away on each point water will show new touches which will show new ways to routes on every point
Waves will come and go away on each point water will show new uses which will show new appeals to concept on every point
Waves will come and go away on each point water will show new feeling which will show new touches to moves on every point
Waves will come and go away on each point water will show new looks which will show new direction to appeals on every point
Waves will come and go away on each point water will show new direction which will show new thoughts to moves on every point
Waves will come and go away on each point water will show new lines which will show new chapter to appeals to direction on every point
Waves will come and go away on each point water will show new method which will show new feeling to appeals to ways on every point
Waves will come and go away on each point water will show new part which will show new world to thinking to thoughts on every point
Waves will come and go away on each point water will show new uses which will show new direction to appeals to steps on every point
Waves will come and go away on each point water will show new touches which will show new side to thinking to understanding on every point
Waves will come and go away on each point water will show new looks which will show new direction to thinking to touches on every point
Waves will come and go away on each point water will show new part which will show new routes to thinking to meaning on every point
Waves will come and go away on each point water will show new color which will show new reflection to every side of thinking on every point
Waves will come and go away on each point water will show new direction which will show new thought to every appeal of understanding on every point
Waves will come and go away on each point water will show new touch which will show new stones to every shape of moves on every point
Waves will come and go away on each point water will show new tides which will show new direction to every direction of thinking on every point
Waves will come and go away on each point water will show new touch which will show new path to every strength of understanding on every point
Waves will come and go away on each point water will show new direction which will show new appeals to every way of thinking on every point
Waves will come and go away on each point water will show new lines which will show new moves to every thought which will show new light on every point
Waves will come and go away on each point water will show new steps which will show new world to every knowledge which will show new path on every point
Waves will come and go away on each point water will show new voice which will show new world to every meaning which will show new words on every point
Waves will come and go away on each point water will show new meaning which will show new path to every thought which will show new direction on every point
Waves will come and go away on each point water will show new looks which will show new touches to every feeling which will show new strength on every point
Waves will come and go away on each point water will show new uses which will show new meaning to every step which will show new feeling on every point
Waves will come and go away on each point water will show new knowledge which will show new direction to appeals which will show new step on every point
Waves will come and go away on each point water will show new direction which will show new ways to thinking which will show new light on every point
Waves will come and go away  on each point water will show new thought which will show new appeals to understanding which will show new touch on each point
Waves will come and go away on each point water will show new looks which will show new colors to world which will show new types of beauty on each point
Waves will come and go away on each point water will show new tides which will show new direction to thinking which will show new world of understanding on each point
Waves will come and go away on each point water will show new ways which will show new uses to understanding which will show new light of soul on each point
Waves will come and go away on each point water will show new colors which will show new meaning to appeals which will show new world of touches on each point
Waves will come and go away on each point water will show new looks which will show touch of that cool feeling which will show new look of direction on each point
Waves will come and go away on each point water will show new feeling which will show knowledge of that start which will show new appeal of thinking on each point
Waves will come and go away on each point water will show new scene which will show new light touches which will show new strength of understanding on each point
Waves will come and go away on each point water will show new world which will show new spirit to soul which will show new light of thinking on each point
Waves will come and go away on each point water will show new look which will show new world to understanding which will show new concept on each point
Waves will come and go away on each point water will show new chapter which will show new lines to meaning which will show new chapter on each point
Waves will come and go away on each point water will show new meaning which will show new thought to appeals which will show new method on each point
Waves will come and go away on each point water will show new appeals which will show new spirit to thinking which will show new world on each point
Waves will come and go away on each point water will show new voices which will show new types to feeling which will show new strength on each point
Waves will come and go away on each point water will show new touches which will show new meaning to thinking which will show new feeling on each point
Waves will come and go away on each point water will show new ways which will show new appeals to feeling which will show new meaning on each point
Waves will come and go away on each point water will show new speed which will show new weather to scene which will show new looks on each point
Waves will come and go away on each point water will show new looks which will show new picture to appeals which will show new scene on each point
Waves will come and go away on each point water will show new routes which will show new looks to thinking which will show new feeling on each point
Waves will come and go away on each point water will show new voice which will show new direction to thinking which will show new looks on each point
Waves will come and go away on each point water will show new meaning which will show new concept to thinking which will show new touch on every point.

Poem 3487. Every location will create new world

                              Every location will create new world
Every location will create new world to our mind which will show new look which will show new direction on every point
Every location will create new world to our mind which will show new direction which will show new start to appeal on every point
Every location will create new world to our mind which will show new weather which will show new touches to thinking on every point
Every location will create new world to our mind which will show new nature which will show new meaning on every point
Every location will create new world to our mind which will show new concept which will show new ways to thinking on every point
Every location will create new world to our mind which will show new creation which will show new thought to meaning on every point
Every location will create new world to our mind which will show new thought which will show new direction to appeal on every point
Every location will create new world to our mind which will show new plan which will show new direction to move on every point
Every location will create new world to our mind which will show new chapter which will show new appeals to feeling on every point
Every location will create new world to our mind which will show new step which will show new meaning to appeals on every point
Every location will create new world to our mind which will show new impact which will show new direction to moves on every point
Every location will create new world to our mind which will show new ways which will show new word to meaning those touches on every point
Every location will create new world to our mind which will show new feeling which will show new knowledge to thinking those words on every point
Every location will create new world to our mind which will show new path which will show new routes to learning to moves those concept on every point
Every location will create new world to our mind which will show new concept which will show new knowledge to lines those words on every point
Every location will create new world to our mind which will show new path which will show new meaning to thinking on those touches on every point
Every location will create new world to our mind which will show new direction which will show new routes to direction on those appeals on every point
Every location will create new knowledge to our mind which will show new concept which will show new lines to pages on those knowledge on every point
Every location will create new world to our mind which will show new meaning which will show new paths to meaning on those words on every point
Every location will create new world to our mind which will show new direction which will show new future to thinking on those direction on every point
Every location will create new world to our mind which will show new path which will show new meaning to appeals on those words on every point
Every location will create new world to our mind which will show new meaning which will show new concept to thoughts on those lines on every point
Every location will create new world to our mind which will show new feeling which will show new thought to thinking on those concept on every point
Every location will create new world to our mind which will show new strength which will show new meaning to thinking on those thinking on every point
Every location will create new world to our mind which will show new meaning which will show new appeals to thinking on those knowledge on every point
Every location will create new world to our mind which will show new chapter which will show new meaning to direction on those routes on every point
Every location will create new world to our mind which will show new words which will show new lines to appeals to thinking on those words on every point
Every location will create new world to our mind which will show new method which will show new words to understanding on those chapter on every point
Every location will create new world to our mind which will show new appeals which will show new power to thinking those touches on those words on every point
Every location will create new world to our mind which will show new lines which will show new meaning to learning those chapter on those section on every point
Every location will create new world to our mind which will show new appeals which will show new thinking to concept those direction on those steps show meaning on every point
Every location will create new world to our mind which will show new strength which will show new appeals to thinking those words on those ways will show new thought on every point
Every location will create new world to our mind which will show new appeals which will show new thought to moves which will show new concept will show new lines on every point
Every location will create new world to our mind which will show new ways which will show new concept to direction which will show new feeling it will show new thought on every point
Every location will create new world to our mind which will show new pages which will show new thinking to appeals which will show new moves that show new light on every point
Every location will create new world to our mind which will show new words which will show new feeling to thinking which will show new thought that show new move on every point
Every location will create new world to our mind which will show new thought which will show new pages to concept which will show new appeals that show new direction on every point
Every location will create new world to our mind which will show new knowledge which will show new information which will show new feeling that show new light on every point
Every location will create new world to our mind which will show new lines which will show new knowledge which will show new chapter that show new meaning on every point
Every location will create new world to our mind which will show new thought which will show new appeals which will show new thought that show new beginning on every point
Every location will create new world to our mind which will show new chapter which will show new meaning which will show new lines that show new resources on every point
Every location will create new world to our mind which will show new feeling which will show new resources which will show new world that show new facts on every point
Every location will create new world to our mind which will show new concept which will show new lines which will show new concept that show new resources on every point
Every location will create new world to our mind which will show new path which will show new words which will show new lines that show new chapter from pages on every point
Every location will create new world to our mind which will show new lines which will show new world which will show new start that show new thinking from thought on every point
Every location will create new world to our mind which will show new world which will show new direction which will show new direction from thinking on many concept on every point
Every location will create new world to our mind which will show new world which will show new facts that will show new thought which will show new lines on many thought on every point
Every location will create new world to our mind which will show new direction which will show new direction that will show new chapter which will show new words on every point
Every location will create new world to our mind which will show new thought which will show new meaning that will show new light which will show new appeals on every point
Every location will create new world to our mind which will show new world which will show new chapter that will show new path which will show new moves on every point
Every location will create new world to our mind which will show new lines which will show new thinking that will show new words which will show new appeals on every point.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Adventure story 303. Broken bond

                                                                           Broken bond
Satish was so angry when that mobile rang. Seema could clearly see anger in his eyes and he was right. It was his time with Seema. It was that time of night when he wanted her just for him or their kids. Many times even kids seemed irritating to him but he adjusted it with smile. He was not irresponsible father. He always helped her with kids. But he disliked calls from outsider at this time. Seema " Sorry I will disconnect mobile." Satish smiled " I am fine take the call but if it is not necessary then tell that fellow not to call on this time." " Sure." Then Seema slowly saw number. She saw name of Pallavi there. It was shocking. Pallavi was her friend but Seema never let her to get so close that she should start to call that time. It was irritating. She always wanted to keep Pallavi away from her. She never showed any interest in her that much but Pallavi just kept following her. She was acting so strange. It seemed as she was obsessed with her. She didn't understood cause but she felt that it must be since her Mom was little strict. She always saw that Pallavi's Mom kept moving around Pallavi. She never let Pallavi go out of her sight. It was so strange that she never saw Pallavi alone. One day in college they all decided to go out side on that time. Pallavi's Mom kept insisting regarding coming along. But every one objected it. Seema " It was Pallavi." " Pallavi?!! What is wrong with that woman?" " I personally like to know." " Did she ever told you anything?" " Sure she kept complaining about her Mom." " Why?" " Her Mom is really pain in neck. She kept following her like shadow." " My god? Why?" " I don't know. I never saw her alone. Even in college her Mom used to wait outside for her." " Entire time?" " Yes." " Her Mom looked like total freak.I mean no one wait out side for a college girl. In fact even in my nursery on first day my school sent my mother away." " Wow you still remember it." " No I don't. But my Mom keep repeating that story whenever I missed to visit her on Sunday." Seema started laughing. Seema " You are too much. She is your Mom still I went every time to meet her and you forgetting." " I have work even on Sunday. I am not salary earner. I have my own business." " Ohh really? Did you hear yourself? You are acting like some proud person. I have my business and I am hero. You need to change your attitude." " Come on" Then mobile started ringing again. " Seema just talk with her and get over it." " It is not as easy as you feel. I need to keep talking with her for long time. She just kept telling strange things. It was so shocking." " Like she said many worst things about her father." " Her father?" " Yes." " What about him?" " Seema didn't want to discuss it. But then she took deep breathe and told her. " She said her father was more interested in her than Mom and that was reason behind her Mom's attitude towards her." " My god. Do you feel she is victim of child abuse?" " I don't know." Her mobile kept ringing. Satish " She is not going to stop. Just pick call and get over it." Seema " It is not going to be that easy. She kept talking for few hours." Satish " Then just switch it off." Seema started to feel confused. She didn't like idea of completely closing connection. " I might talk with her for few minutes." " I know my wife with kind heart is going to help every one of world except me." Seema was so upset now. She didn't want to her personal life for a friend. She took the decision and ended that call. Satish looked happy. But then her phone started ringing again. She didn't pick up that call. She was about to switched off phone. When Satish screamed on her " Just take that call today. My mood is already destroyed but keep phone on silent from tomorrow." Seema nodded and she went out with mobile. As soon as she took call, Pallavi started screaming on her " My Mom wanted to poison me." " But why?" " She felt that I have created disaster in her life. She felt I am her curse. Today I ate food then I start to vomit. I can sense that I was poisoned." " Did you go to Doctor?" " No I can't go to her Doctor." Seema was so frustrated. She didn't want to babysit Pallavi. Seema " Just go to Doctor by yourself then." " But I can't trust my Doctor. Will you give me number of your Doctor?" Now this was scary idea for Seema. If she sent such patient to her family Doctor, she knew that she would in mess. Her family Doctor was wonderful Doctor but he hated when such patients enter in his clinic. He didn't like to handle such patient. Then his anger went out of control. Seema " Actually my Doctor is out of town. But don't worry. On tomorrow I will give you number of another Doctor." " You are my true friend." " Bye Good night." Seema knew that she would not disconnect call but still Seema tried. As in normal way Pallavi chatted for two hours before finally saying good night. When Seema went in room, Satish was already asleep. She knew that she managed to spoil everything for him. She started to blame that day when she met Pallavi.
      In morning Seema was clearly upset. Since Satish was angry with last day incidence and Kids kept insisting to do their work fast since they were getting late to school. Seema finally told Satish " Now Pallavi want me to take her to hospital." " Now this is too much. You can't take her whole responsibility. She must contact her some other relative." " This is becoming too much, I will tell her to find someone to help her. I will call her today." Then suddenly their door bell rang. Seema opened door. Pallavi was standing outside. Pallavi " I just can't stay with my Mom. She is going to kill me. She hate me." Satish started to look towards anger with Seema. Satish " I can't permit you to stay with us. We don't have that much room. We just have two bedroom." Pallavi started to bow before Satish and began to request him " Please let me stay. My Mom is going to kill me." Satish " Stop it. This is nonsense. I don't believe it. I can't believe a mother could want to kill her child." " Actually she is not my mother." Now Satish and Seema both started to feel concerned. Suddenly every thing started to make sense. If she was not their daughter then she might be at risk in that house. Seema " But who told you that?" " I saw those papers which were declaring that I am adopted." Seema was shocked " I never heard any one asking anything about it." " They never let anyone guess truth." " But you have one more sister, right?" " Yes she is their real daughter."  Satish now suggested Pallavi to take seat. Suddenly Pallavi became genuine victim in Satish's eyes. But Seema still had doubts about her. Seema knew that Pallavi could pretend any thing. She kept indicating Satish that Pallavi was lying but he was so busy in hearing her sorrowful stories that he started to ignore her. Seema knew that it couldn't be true. Since she knew that Pallavi always kept telling different stories. Last time she told her that her father was abusive but her mother was angel. Then she told her that she was step mother. Now she was telling that she was adopted. Seema " But last time you told me that your mother is step mother." Pallavi gave sad smile and said " Let me explain. When it happened like this, one day I was playing in my room while playing suddenly by my mistake my feet fall on Mom's dress. My Mom was chatting with my Auntie in hall. She started screaming on me. Telling me that I have destroyed her entire dress. I kept crying. Then my Auntie came towards me and took me in her arms. She said in anger " Did you act with her same way if she was your own daughter?" So I just assumed I am step daughter. But it was my mistake. I mean my father was abusive too." Now even Seema was confused. She began to think that she might be assuming things in wrong way. She thought that she was lying. But it was possible that she might be just telling truth. Sameer " We need to give Pallavi sometime to relax then she would tell us every thing. Seema nodded. It was clear that Pallavi was awake entire night. Her eyes were telling that truth. Seema " Why don't you go and sleep?" Pallavi stood up and took hold of her head. Pallavi " So you believe me. " " Yes." " Promise me. You will not call my parents." Seema " I will not." Even Sameer promised her. Then Pallavi went in room. Sameer " She is clearly case of child abuse. I feel we have to do something." Seema " We can file Police complaint. " " That is not right decision. She didn't have any proof. Her father could claim that it was not him. She could be proved characterless." " We need to find proof." " Or we can just keep her with us. This way she would be safe." " This is not easy. Soon her Mom would come hear to take her. Her Mom have every legal right on her." " What legal right? For god sake she is elder now. Her Mom can't just push her around as per her wish." " I know but still her Mom is her relative and we are no one." " Yes you are right. We are nothing. But we can scare her Mom by telling her we will call Police." Seema nodded. Then Satish looked at clock. " I am getting late bye." Then Satish went away. Seema returned to her work. Seema was so tense. She just didn't understand what was right and what was wrong. Then her Mobile rang. It was call from Pallavi's house. She started shivering. She didn't want to answer it. She was so scared. She didn't know what she was going to say. She decided that she just needed to put that phone away from her. She went in hall and kept it there. Soon she entered in her kitchen and started cooking. She totally forgot about that phone. She just got busy in thinking about items which she could cook. She was so happy when she found new recipe in book. She wanted to try something new. She wanted to make this day a great one for all. Specially for Pallavi since she was feeling sorry for her and somewhere in her soul she felt guilty too. She was moving in totally wrong way. She was glad Satish talked with Pallavi and cleared everything. She just didn't understand how could she didn't trust her friend. She did such big mistake. She managed to trust totally wrong person. It was shocking. That she didn't sense something was wrong with Pallavi's Mom. She was looking totally strange. Seema was so confused. She began to think that it might her one sided thinking from childhood which told her Pallavi's mother couldn't be wrong. It was so horrible. She even began to doubt Pallavi's father too. When she suddenly heard screams from hall. She ran out.
    Seema was so shocked when she saw Pallavi was screaming on phone. Pallavi was telling person one phone just one thing " Please don't kill them. I will come." Seema came out running. Seema " What happened?" " I need to go back." " Why?" Pallavi gave nice smile. " Mom said she is sorry and she could not repeat it." " And you are going back there." " Yes." " It is not simple like that. I have heard you. You were screaming on some one don't kill them I will come." " Of course Mom was talking about my plants and pet." " What? She was going to kill them?" " told me that she would not feed pets and would not water plants." Pallavi started laughing. Pallavi " You thought my Mom is so mad that she could kill my pets." Pallavi started laughing loudly again. Seema didn't understand what she supposed to do. Soon she joined in laughing too. Then suddenly Pallavi stopped and said " Actually I am the one who kill pet. I kill them and then eat them. Don't you know it?" " What?" " Well their meat is nice and tasty." Seema was so confused. She didn't understand what kind of joke was this. Then she began to think that Pallavi might be telling truth. But then Pallavi must be mad. No one ate their pets. But Seema decided that if she wanted to go back to her home she couldn't stop her. But she knew that Satish would not be happy  when he learned that Pallavi was gone. She didn't want to hear his screams. Satish was too sensitive about such things. Seema " Let me call Satish first." Pallavi " Sure. I will talk with him and convince him." Seema sensed one thing that Pallavi looked so confident about talking with Satish. It was strange. Then she remembered college days. Pallavi was always admired by boys. But then when her Mom appeared every thing started to change, boys started avoiding her. Then Seema saw that Pallavi started dialing Satish's number. She was so shocked. She didn't knew when Satish gave number to him. Then Pallavi started chatting with him. She was chatting in way as if she was his old friend not Seema's friend. It was totally strange. Seema didn't like it but then she thought that Pallavi was going back to her home any way. She went back to kitchen. She started cooking but her heart was no longer in her work. She started to feel so upset about it. She didn't like that way Pallavi was talking. Until now Satish never showed any interest in Pallavi but this time suddenly he seemed so interested in her. Seema didn't like it. But she knew that she was taking doubts unnecessarily. Satish was gentleman. She turned her attention to cooking. Then kids came. She got busy. She totally forgot about Pallavi. Until Satish didn't come back from office. Seema asked " So what did Pallavi told to you?" Satish gave her angry look and said nothing. Seema " Why are you looking at me like that?" " Nothing." Seema suddenly felt strange anger. He was acting in strange way with her. Seema " Today you don't seem to have any thing to say except nothing." " Come on. Just say it. What you want to say?" " Nothing. I am just too tired and want to  sleep." " Great. I will eat dinner myself. You can sleep." " Good." Then Seema went in room. She didn't want to argue more. Seema went in her room. She was glad  with her kids. She had manage to eat dinner with kids. Actually she was not interested in eating but kids forced her. She went in kid's room. She looked at her kids. They were sleeping peacefully. She smiled happily. Suddenly she began to feel everything was alright. She went in room and started to read novel. Slowly she began to feel sleepy. She decided that she must sleep. She went to sleep. Then she woke up in middle of night. She wanted to go in washroom. She sensed that Satish was not sleeping on bed. She was confused. She went out. She saw that Satish was not there too. She began to search around but she didn't found him any where. Then she decided that she must call him. She went in washroom. Then she was shocked. Since Satish was sitting on stool and he was talking in phone. Seema slowly went near him. When she heard him talking, he was telling someone not to feel scared. She was so confused. Satish was talking with some one at time of midnight. It was so strange. She never expected it. Seema " Who is it?" Satish's mobile fell from his hand. Satish " You scared me." Seema started laughing. " My brave husband felt scared just by voice of his wife." Satish started laughing too. Satish " You are too much." " Any way why are you talking on phone in bathroom?" " Well I don't want to  disturb your sleep." " And with whom you are talking?" " Stop interrogating me. I am talking with Mom. Don't you know how did she kept complaining about me." Seema nodded. She knew that her mother-in-law was always upset regarding lack of attention to him. Seema " Okay. Let's go to sleep." Satish nodded. They went back to room. Then Seema slept peacefully. In morning when she woke up, she noticed dark circles under Satish's eyes. Seema " Satish why don't you sleep yesterday?" " I was talking to Mom." " Your Mom was awake for entire night." Seema was so confused. Satish " I am getting late to office." Satish literally ran away for office.
    After that day Satish kept chatting on mobile every day. Seema sensed that it was strange. But then she knew it that Satish was not going anywhere. Then slowly he started running away somewhere after that phone call too. Seema started to feel strange anger. One day she finally asked him " What is happening? Why are you running away like that?" Satish " Nothing." " Tell me the truth Satish." " I am helping Pallavi. I can't give up on her like that." " By running to her every day. Are you out of your mind?" " She need me." " And what about your family? Don't we need you." " You can manage." Seema felt hurt but then she suddenly began to feel that she had accepted it already. Slowly Satish managed to stay away from them so much that she had somewhere in heart accepted it. She just felt it was okay. Seema " So do as you wish? But I don't want my kids to get hurt." "Fine so I am going to her." He was so happy. Seema started to feel hurt. Seema " Go away." She went inside room. She thought that she was going to cry. But she didn't feel any sorrow. She just went in room. Then she started to feel tense that how did she explain it to kids. She slowly went inside their room. It was night they were sleeping peacefully. She went near them and started to patting on their head. Then Satish came inside. Satish " So I feel that I might just go now. Tomorrow I will come and meet kids." Seema screamed with anger " No need to do that. I will handle it." Then she sensed that kids had woke up due to her voice. She was so upset. It was clear that kids didn't like idea of having divorced parents. Their daughter " Mom why did you bring this Pallavi in our home?" " I never guessed that she would create so much mess." Then suddenly Satish's phone rang. Satish " I am coming." " What you don't want me to come? Why?" " We have decided that I will protect you from your Mom." " You don't want to cheat Seema." Seema was so angry. She took phone forcefully from Satish. Seema " You have already managed to destroy our married life. Now why are you creating this drama?" Pallavi " I never  have intention to do that. I was so scared when Satish came and then he did it. It was not my mistake. I just kept obeying him since I want his protection." Seema was shocked. She was suggesting that Satish started this affair and she wanted to end it. Seema " Any way I don't want such kind of husband now. So you can have him." Pallavi " I can't love him. He belonged to you." Seema was so shocked. Seema " Are you mad? You are calling him every day. He just kept talking with you. He managed to forgot his entire family and now you are saying you don't want him?" Satish took phone back. Satish " What are you saying? You always said that you love me." Seema pressed button with which she could hear call. Pallavi " I like you but not that way." " Then why did you kept calling me? Why did you destroy my married life?" " I don't do that you did it yourself. When I told you that I came away from your home since I don't want to put Pallavi in risk. You started coming to me." " Because I want to protect you." " From whom?" " From your Mom." " My Mom!! She might hate me but she will never kill me since this home is on my name." Seema " But you never told it before?" " I just forgot. Any way bye." Then she disconnected phone. Sameer started crying. Then he just ran in bedroom to hide tears. Kids were hearing every thing. Seema never wanted them to hear it but at that moment she got so confused. Seema " Sorry kids you must not think about this too much." " Mom so Dad is going to stay with us." Seema " I think so." Then Seema returned to room. Satish said nothing and Seema didn't talk about it. But one thing was clear that bond of love was broken between them. But still Seema knew that she couldn't just throw him out of house. From that day their life started in strange way. Satish kept staying with them like outsider. Even kids didn't seem much interested in him. Satish just kept working on something. But mostly he kept sitting on corner and kept crying. Satish even tried to call Pallavi sometimes but nothing seemed to work. So Pallavi took magic out of their life but she was not interested in Satish. Seema decided that she could just ignore it. She started moving ahead step by step. She started building her life. She took hobby of gardening. She began to spend her time in gardening class. Her teacher showed her many things. Soon she even took one job. It was not for money. It was just her hobby but her life became pleasant with it. Soon she managed to accept betrayal of Sameer and started moving over it.
   But one day her phone rang in her gardening class. It was call from Pallavi. She was so angry. She just disconnected it. But she kept calling her. Finally she just kept her mobile on silent. Then she was shocked when she saw Pallavi standing before her. " Pallavi how could you come before me like that? Don't you feel any shame?" " Shame? About what? I am not harming you. I am protecting you from Satish." " What?" " Yes. I was checking if Satish was truly nice person as he pretend to be." " And for judging him you had an affair with him?" " never let him touch me. Ask him." " Stop lying. I know all." " So he is lying again. He is liar like my Dad." " I don't know who is liar. I just know one thing that I don't want to come between you two." Seema started moving ahead but Pallavi kept following her. Pallavi " Listen to me. There was nothing between us. He is after me just for money.""What money? We are not so poor!!" " I know but he wanted to become more rich." " I don't believe it." " Come on trust me. He is going to kill you." " And how did you know it?" " From few days I am following him. Yesterday I saw that it was buying one knife." " Well so you feel he is going to kill me with knife." Seema started laughing. " Come on. Pallavi. Sameer is not so skilled that he could kill me and I don't manage to stop him. I will scream and whole society would come for help. This is not TV show." Pallavi smiled " You are so innocent. He also purchased sleeping pills." Now Seema was so angry. She knew that she was ready to give divorce to Satish he had no motive to kill her. Seema " Will you get lost?" Then she started calling security. But Pallavi didn't move finally security came and forced her to go out. But she didn't seem willing at all. Finally she had to go out. Seema was so angry. Every one around her was looking at her with suspicion. She had explain it to all. But she didn't understand what she supposed to explain. Pallavi was her husband's affair and she was telling her that she was concerned about her. Seema was so upset. She decided that she must discuss this with Satish. She called him and told him everything on phone. Satish " I brought knife and sleeping pills. Is it crime?" " Ask this to your ex girlfriend." " Why did you bring her home? She manage to destroy my life." " Really you are the one who did it by yourself. Stop blaming Pallavi for your mistake. I am not that stupid wife who blame other woman for her husband's affair. You ran after her. Now go and manage her." " I have tried to talk with her many time before you but you saw that she never took my phone." " This is too much. Your girlfriend is claiming she is protecting me from you." " Just ignore her." " Ohh really!! If it was so easy then you were not in this mess now." " Any way now we will try to again. Please try hard this time to ignore her Seema." "Fine I will do it." So after that Seema blocked her number from phone. She told security to never let her come in. She even told them to call Police if she came near by. Seema thought that she did everything by doing this. It looked perfect but then one day suddenly in middle of night their door bell rang. Satish and Seema felt such a scared. They ordered both kids to stay inside room. Then they saw who was outside from inside of door. Satish " My God Pallavi brought Police with her." " But why?" They had to open door. Police " Are you Satish?" " Yes." " We have complaint against you that you are planning to kill your wife." Satish " No I don't." Seema came ahead " No officer he didn't. I am his wife." Pallavi " She is lying for sake of her husband." Seema " Stop it Pallavi why are you harassing us like that?" " I am not harassing you. I am protecting you from him." Satish was so angry. Satish " I accept I fall in love with you Pallavi. I have cheated my wife but I never plan to kill her." " You have already promised once to Seema that you will never cheat on her but you have broken it. How can I trust you?" " It all happened because of you." " Stop blaming me. You did it." Officer " Stop this. I don't understand matter." Then suddenly Pallavi's mother came there with Doctor. Pallavi's Mother " Sorry Officer but my daughter is suffering from Paranoid Schizophrenia. She kept doing such things. Actually one of your colleague recognized her and called me." " My god. So I need to attend your mad daughter too. Why don't you just lock her up?" Doctor " We can't lock her up always. Don't worry I will take her with me for few days now. Specially after hearing what she did to this couple." Seema and Satish was so shocked. Seema suddenly asked Psychiatrist " Is Pallavi victim of child abuse? Is she adopted child?" Pallavi started laughing. " I told it all so that I can win sympathy of Satish. I want to show you his true face. Don't you understand I am your true well wisher. I did every thing to prove it. And I am not going any where now. I will stay with you forever." Seema started shivering with fear. Then Psychiatrist said " No you are coming with me." Then suddenly two nurses appeared from nowhere and they took hold of Pallavi and they took her away. Psychiatrist " Don't worry she would not tease you again." Seema nodded. But on that moment she decided that she liked to shift. When they went inside, she told it to Satish. Satish also agreed to it. They decided that they might just live their life separately. Since Pallavi managed to broke their bond in such a way that it couldn't repair. Kids were standing there too. This time even they didn't object since they also wanted to go away from Pallavi. So next day Seema shifted to their another flat. But Satish stayed there. Seema felt that he might want to meet Pallavi again. It was strange obsession and Seema didn't want to become part of his that life at all. She took their kids and went away to start her life with new hopes on every day.
                                                                       The End

Friday, July 28, 2017

Poem 3486. Lines will show words

                                               Lines will show words
Lines will show words which will show new chapter on every point we need to understand every chapter with our soul for strength of mind
Lines will show words which will show new direction on every step we need to understand every strength with our appeal for situation of mind
Lines will show words which will show new meaning on every word we need to understand every way with our thoughts for thinking of mind
Lines will show words which will show new feeling on every way we need to understand every step with different situation for appeals of mind
Lines will show words which will show new steps on every direction we need to understand every thought with different touches for situation of mind
Lines will show words which will show new steps on every touch we need to learning every word with different lines for meaning of mind
Lines will show words which will show new light on every resource we need to study those knowledge with different information for meaning of mind
Lines will show words which will show new appeals on every touch we need to learn those different directions with different spirit for section of mind
Lines will show words which will show new situation on every step we need to learn those touches with appeals which show different sides for ways of mind
Lines will show words which will show new direction on every move we need to sense those feeling with moves which show different shades for steps of mind
Lines will show words which will show new ways on every way we need to sense those touches with appeals which show different words for lines of mind
Lines will show words which will show new creation on every step we need to sense those touches with meaning which show different light for words of mind
Lines will show words which will show new feeling on every word we need to sense those concept with direction which show new words for steps of mind
Lines will show words which will show new routes on every step we need to sense those appeals with new section which show new thought for knowledge of mind
Lines will show words which will show new ways on every thought we need to sense those situation with new appeals which show new world for appeals of mind
Lines will show words which will show new steps on every stage we need to sense those moves with new ways which will show new understanding of mind
Lines will show words which will show new meaning on every chapter we need to learn those steps with different knowledge which will show new words of mind
Lines will show words which will show new situation on every way we need to learn those appeals with different concept which will show new steps of mind
Lines will show words which will show new direction on every step we need to learn those meaning with different touches which will show new start of mind
Lines will show words which will show new knowledge on every scene we need to learn those concept with different direction which will show new strength of mind
Lines will show words which will show new steps on every thought we need to sense those touches with different moves which will show new direction of mind
Lines will show words which will show new appeals on every move we need to sense those ways with different side which will show new knowledge of mind
Lines will show words which will show new situation on every way we need to sense those situation with different ways which will show new light of situation to thinking of mind
Lines will show words which will show new moves on every thought we need to sense those ways with different words which will show new direction to understanding of mind
Lines will show words which will show new lines on every stage we need to sense those meaning with different touches which will show new knowledge to appeal of mind
Lines will show words which will show new meaning on every step we need to sense those feeling with different direction which will show new words to concept of mind
Lines will show words which will show new stages on every direction we need to sense those routes with different steps which will show new start to thinking of mind
Lines will show words which will show new meaning on every step we need to sense those meaning with different touches which will show new style to feeling of mind
Lines will show words which will show new direction on every point we need to sense those concept with different meaning which will show new world to appeals of mind
Lines will show words which will show new spirit on every step we need to sense those directions with different words which will show new meaning to thinking of mind
Lines will show words which will show new meaning on every route we need to sense those start with different meaning which will show new touch to concept of mind
Lines will show words which will show new knowledge on every way we need to sense those pages with different words which will show new spirit to thinking of mind
Lines will show words which will show new meaning on every emotion we need to sense those touches with different feeling which will show new feeling to thinking of mind
Lines will show words which will show new start on every chapter we need to sense those pages which will show words which will show new meaning to thinking of mind
Lines will show words which will show new start on every step we need to sense those concept which will show new light which will show new stages to thinking of mind
Lines will show words which will show new day on every step we need to sense those days which will show new direction which will show new touch to appeals of mind
Lines will show words which will show new life on every way we need to sense those direction which will show new light which will show new knowledge to thinking of mind
Lines will show words which will show new step on every move we need to sense those words which will show new start which will show new appeals to thinking of mind
Lines will show words which will show new touches on every direction we need to sense those situations will show new way which will show new meaning to thinking of mind
Lines will show words which will show new meaning on every knowledge we need to sense those words will show new meaning which will show new words to thinking of mind
Lines will show words which will show new start on every direction we need to sense those chapter one by one on every step which will show new direction to thinking of mind
Lines will show words which will show new appeals on every step we need to sense those appeals one word on every knowledge which will show new concept to thinking of mind
Lines will show words which will show new start on every word we need to sense those words which will show new appeals which will show new meaning to thinking of mind
Lines will show words which will show new knowledge on every direction we need to sense those routes which will show new meaning which will show new world to thinking of mind
Lines will show words which will show new light on every understanding we need to sense those touches which will show new concept which will show new need to thinking of mind
Lines will show words which will show new routes on every meaning we need to sense those meaning which will show new lines which will show new concept to thinking of mind
Lines will show words which will show new pages on every book we need to sense those lines and chapter which will show new spirit which will show new chapter to thinking of mind
Lines will show words which will show new strength on every route we need to sense those direction and meaning which will show new direction which will show new light to thinking of mind
Lines will show words which will show new world on every step we need to sense those meaning and steps which will show new ways which will show new stages to thinking of mind
Lines will show words which will show new start on every chapter we need to sense those direction and ways which will show new thinking which will show new direction of mind
Lines will show words which will show new appeals on every page we need to sense those moves and thought which will show new meaning which will show new knowledge of mind.

Poem 3485. New meaning will show new

                                 New meaning will show new
New meanings will show new light which will show new direction to thinking of mind which show world in different style on every point
New meanings will show new world which will show new light to thinking of situation which show world in different lines on every point
New meanings will show new direction which will show new routes to thinking of appeals which show world in different way on every point
New meanings will show new strength which will show new situation to understanding which show world in different style on every point
New meaning will show new touch which will show new touches to appeals which show new direction to strength of thinking on every point
New meaning will show new way which will show new appeals to knowledge which show new situation to thinking of touches on every point
New meaning will show new pages which will show new lines to mind which will show new meaning to direction of our thinking on every point
New meaning will show new start which will show new routes to mind which will show new touches to thinking of our ways on every point
New meaning will show new world which will show new light to mind which will show new direction to thinking of our situation on every point
New meaning will show new strength which will show new knowledge which will show new touches to appeals of our lines on every point
New meaning will show new shades which will show new appeals which will show new spirit to understanding of knowledge on every point
New meaning will show new sides which will show new feeling which will show new emotions to touches of our thinking on every point
New meaning will show new pages which will show new knowledge which will show new chapter to pages of our understanding on every point
New meaning will show new direction which will show new steps which will show new start to our thinking of our situation on every point
New meaning will show new world which will show new words which will show new light to our moves of thinking which will show new style on every point
New meaning will show new words which will show new spirit which will show new knowledge to our thinking which will show new strength on every point
New meaning will show new world which will show new light which will show new direction to our soul which will show new spirit to soul on every point
New meaning will show new concept which will show new direction which will show new strength to our thinking which will show new light on every point
New meaning will show new start which will show new stages which will show new light to our understanding which will show new knowledge on every point
New meaning will show new world which will show new direction which will show new spirit to our life which will show new direction to our soul on every point
New meaning will show new spirit which will show new light which will show new strength to our soul which will enter only when we sense it on every point
New meaning will show new appeals which will show new start which will show new route to our thinking which will come in world when we feel it on every point
New meaning will show new world which will show new light which will show new spirit to our soul which will enter in world when we feel those touches on every point
New meaning will show new world which will show new meaning which will show new knowledge to our soul which will enter in world when we feel those concept on every point
New meaning will show new world which will show new words which will show new lines to our meaning which will show new world when we feel those step on every point
New meaning will show new world which will show new start which will show new moves to our mind which will show new moves when we feel those lines on every point
New meaning will show new world which will show new path which will show new meaning to our mind which will show new touches when we feel those words on every point
New meaning will show new world which will show new steps which will show new start to our mind which will show new world when we feel those concept on every point
New meaning will show new world which will show new feeling which will show new feeling to our mind which will show new chapter when we feel those words on every point
New meaning will show new world which will show new direction which will show new light to our thinking which will show new feeling when we feel those direction on every point
New meaning will show new world which will show new concept which will show new shine to our understanding which will show new appeals when we feel those situation on every point
New meaning will show new world which will show new direction which will show new light to our thinking which will show new spirit to understanding on every point
New meaning will show new world which will show new route which will show new start to our concept which will show new knowledge to our thinking on each word on every point
New meaning will show new world which will show new feeling which will show new knowledge to our ways which will show new world to our thinking on each line on every point
New meaning will show new world which will show new meaning which will show new words to our understanding which will show new chapter to our pages on every point
New meaning will show new world which will show new moves which will show new start to our thinking which will show new direction to our steps on every point
New meaning will show new world which will show new situation which will show new knowledge to our lines which will show new strength to our feeling on every point
New meaning will show new appeals which will show new direction which will show new learning to our thinking which will show new knowledge to our understanding on every point
New meaning will show new feeling which will show new world which will show new concept to our understanding which will show new light to our information on every point
New meaning will show new appeals which will show new thinking which will show new light to our appeals which will show new steps to thinking on every point
New meaning will show new start which will show new concept which will show new meaning to our concept which will show new start to understanding on every point
New meaning will show new touches which will show new understanding which will show new appeals to our mind which will show new chapter to meaning on every point
New meaning will show new chapter which will show new wonderful concept which will show new enchanting look to our mind which will show new facts to start on every point
New meaning will show new direction which will show new appeals which will show new ways which will show new spirit which will show new direction on every point
New meaning will show new steps which will show new strength which will show new world which will show new direction which will show new meaning on every point
New meaning will show new world which will show new start which will show new concept which will show new light which will show new direction on every point
New meaning will show new start which will show new chapter which will show new light which will show new change which will show new concept on every point
New meaning will show new part which will show new touches which will show new feeling which will show new appeals which will show new feeling on every point
New meaning will show new direction which will show new world which will show new appeals which will show new strength which will show new chapter on every point
New meaning will show new chapter which will show new words which will show new parts which will show new knowledge which will show new lines on every point
New meaning will show new meaning which will show new pages which will show new moves which will show new route which will show new concept on every point.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Poem 3484. Every change of

                                              Every change of
Every change of weather shows new light it will show different colors on every point with different appeals on nature in life
Every change of mind shows new mood it will show different effects on every point with different meaning on way in life
Every change of thinking shows new concept it will show different routes on every point with different touches on step in life
Every change of understanding shows new feeling it will show different ways on every point with different section on concept in life
Every change of moment show new world it will show different parts on every point with different thought on step in life
Every change of direction show new start it will show different appeals on every point with different ways on feeling in life
Every change of thought show new appeals it will show new feeling on every point with different step on appeals in life
Every change of word show new lines it will show new direction on every way with different touches on direction in life
Every change of moves show new appeals it will show new pages on every touch with different feeling on move in life
Every change of concept show new ways it will show new moves on every thought with different direction on route in life
Every change of feeling show new pages it will show new pages on every start with different touches of appeals on concept in life
Every change of thinking show new world it will show new appeals on every route with different meaning on way in life
Every change of appeal show new moves it will show new words on every line with different start to thinking on move in life
Every change of route show new steps it will show new meaning on every feeling with different emotion to appeals on thinking in life
Every change of thinking show new world it will show new light on every step with different thoughts to steps to concept on move in life
Every change of world show new way it will show new lines on every step with different meaning to thinking to touches on step in life
Every change of words show new thought it will show new steps on every meaning with different feeling to start on move in life
Every changes of feeling show new appeals it will show new meaning on every knowledge with different pages on appeals in life
Every changes of section show new words it will show new ways on every concept with different feeling that show light on step in life
Every changes of meaning show new chapter it will show new words on every meaning with different section that show feeling in life
Every changes of lines show new knowledge it will show new steps on every chapter with different thinking that show new world in life
Every changes of thinking show new world it will show new direction on every step with different ways that show new strength in life
Every change of thinking show new appeals it will show new lines on every word with different start that show new feeling in life
Every change of thinking show new steps it will show new world on every touch with different meaning that show new world in life
Every change of thinking show new start it will show new steps on every strength with different touches that show new start in life
Every change of start show new moves it will show new routes on every direction with different effects on soul that show new world in life
Every change of start show new steps it will show new appeals on every concept with different direction on thinking that show new light in life
Every change of route show new lines it will show new meaning on every resources with different moves on emotions that show new way in life
Every change of feeling show new start it will show new feeling on every start with different touches on each feeling that show new thought in life
Every change of feeling show new lines it will show new chapter on every word with different start on each way that show new ways in life
Every change of emotion show new feeling it will show new world on every feeling with different direction on each rout that show new world in life
Every change of feeling show new step it will show new knowledge on every page with different lines on each appeal on each feeling that show new start in life
Every change of feeling show new meaning it will show new start on every touch with different knowledge on each move that show new route in life
Every change of understanding show new world it will show new direction on every thought with different appeals on each words that show new meaning in life
Every change of concept show new thinking it will show new route on every direction with those touches on each way that show new feeling in life
Every change of concept show new touches it will show new appeals on every day with those different ways on each step that show new world in life
Every change of direction show new world it will show new steps on every move with those different thinking on each direction that show new start in life
Every change of direction show new meaning it will show new spirit on every knowledge with those resources on each move that show new route in life
Every change of touches show new feeling it will show new emotions on every touch with those meaning on each direction that show new light in life
Every change of ways show new concept it will show new feeling on every direction with those touches on each feeling that show new ways in life
Every change of touch show new world it will show new lines on every step with those routes that concept will show new world in life
Every change of knowledge show new feeling it will show new appeals on every word with those lines that will show new feeling in life
Every change of thought show new direction it will show new light on every way with those concept that will show new angles of thinking in life
Every change of appeals show new feeling it will show new world on every appeals with those words that will show new touches of steps in life
Every change of feeling show new resources it will show new knowledge on every line with those concept that will show new feeling of thinking in life
Every change of ways show new direction it will show new world on every touch with those direction that will show new lines of understanding in life
Every change of appeals show new world it will show new direction on every point with those concept that will show new knowledge of thinking in life
Every change of emotion show new feeling it will show new touches on every step with those knowledge that will show new pages of understanding in life
Every change of feeling show new concept it will show new start on every route with those direction that will show new appeals of moves in life
Every change of emotion show new feeling it will show new lines on every chapter with those feeling that will show new words of knowledge in life
Every change of feeling show new world it will show new direction on every step with those appeals that will show new world of concept in life.

Poem 3483. Sky will show different colors

                                           Sky will show different colors
Sky will show different colors which will show new looks which will show new chapter that will show new resources on life
Sky will show different colors which will show new chapter which will show new pages that will show new touches in life
Sky will show different colors which will show new words which will show new meaning that will show new meaning in life
Sky will show different colors which will show new meaning which will show new resources that will show new world in life
Sky will show different colors which will show new thought which will show new knowledge that will show new resource in life
Sky will show different colors which will show new concept which will show new touches that will show new appeals in life
Sky will show different colors which will show new feeling which will show new appeals that will show new feeling in life
Sky will show different colors which will show new lines which will show new words that will show new direction to appeals in life
Sky will show different colors which will show new meaning which will show new knowledge that will show new chapters to appeals in life
Sky will show different colors which will show new feeling which will show new facts that will show new thought to thinking to appeals in life
Sky will show different colors which will show new appeals which will show new knowledge that will show new feeling to moves in life
Sky will show different colors which will show new looks which will show new chapter that will show new concept to thinking to ways in life
Sky will show different colors which will show new feeling which will show new steps that will show new appeals to meaning to ways in life
Sky will show different colors which will show new resources which will show new words that will show new chapter to thinking to ways in life
Sky will show different colors which will show new appeals which will show new touch that will show new feeling to understanding to ways in life
Sky will show different colors which will show new knowledge which will show new resources that will show new appeals feeling to thinking in life
Sky will show different colors which will show new meaning which will show new words that will show new chapter to concept to thinking in life
Sky will show different colors which will show new ways which will show new knowledge that will show new lines to appeals to thinking in life
Sky will show different colors which will show new steps which will show new appeals that will show new concept to touches to thinking in life
Sky will show different colors which will show new looks which will show new meaning that will show new thought to those touches in life
Sky will show different colors which will show new feeling which will show new words that will show new start to those concept in life
Sky will show different colors which will show new appeals which will show new chapter that will show new direction to those thinking in life
Sky will show different colors which will show new meaning which will show new ways that will show new steps to those thinking in life
Sky will show different colors which will show new concept which will show new thought that will show new concept to those thinking in life
Sky will show different colors which will show new touches which will show new feeling that will show new section to those thinking in life
Sky will show different colors which will show new direction which will show new chapter that will show new feeling to those thinking in life
Sky will show different colors which will show new meaning which will show new knowledge that will show new words to those thinking in life
Sky will show different colors which will show new direction which will show new words that will show new lines to understanding to those thinking in life
Sky will show different colors which will show new knowledge which will show new feeling that will show new spirit to those thinking in life
Sky will show different colors which will show new feeling which will show new direction that will show new meaning to those thinking in life
Sky will show different colors which will show new meaning which will show new chapter that will show new feeling to those thinking in life
Sky will show different colors which will show new words which will show new feeling that will show new chapter to those thinking in life
Sky will show different colors which will show new chapter which will show new appeals that will show new part to those thinking in life
Sky will show different colors which will show new learning which will show new resources that will show new start to those thinking in life
Sky will show different colors which will show new direction which will show new words that will show new direction to those thinking in life
Sky will show different colors which will show new touches which will show new lines that will show new meaning to those thinking in life
Sky will show different colors which will show new meaning which will show new direction that will show new lines to those thinking in life
Sky will show different colors which will show new knowledge which will show new touches that will show new touches to those thinking in life
Sky will show different colors which will show new looks which will show new scene that will show birds that will show new scene to those thinking in life
Sky will show different colors which will show new meaning which will show new feeling that will show new touches that will show new route to those thinking in life
Sky will show different colors which will show new feeling which will show new touches that will show new thought that will show new world to those thinking in life
Sky will show different colors which will show new chapter which will show new meaning that will show new touches that will show new feeling to those thinking in life
Sky will show different colors which will show new words which will show new learning that will show new appeals that will show new touches to those thinking in life
Sky will show different colors which will show new lines which will show new feeling that will show new direction that will show new ways to those thinking in life
Sky will show different colors which will show new light which will show new world that will show new concept that will show new starting to those thinking in life
Sky will show different colors which will show new spirit which will show new thought that will show new route that will show new thought to those thinking in life
Sky will show different colors which will show new meaning which will show new words that will show new world that will show new light to those thinking in life
Sky will show different colors which will show new feeling which will show new chapter that will show new feeling that will show new chapter to those thinking in life
Sky will show different colors which will show new knowledge which will show new resources that will show new appeals that will show new thought to those thinking in life
Sky will show different colors which will show new meaning which will show new words that will show new meaning that will show new direction to those thinking in life
Sky will show different colors which will show new world which will show new meaning that will show new thought that will show new day to moves of appeals to those thinking in life.

Poem. 7208. Dream create new hope

                       Dream create new hope Dream create new hope to thought towards step which form new feeling to concept of soul that br...