Friday, March 24, 2017

Poem 3269. When we start to settle

                                                       When we start to settle
When we start to settle something first we need to understand we all have our prejudice which will keep providing changes in our world that give different concept in mind
When we start to settle with thoughts which will give new spirit we all need to sense those steps which will create different hopes for soul at each step in mind
When we start to settle with thinking which will give new touches we all need to sense those first steps which will give new spirit to our soul at each move in mind
When we start to settle with meanings which will give new meanings we all need to learn those concepts which will give new lines at each step in mind
When we start to settle with peace which will give new world to us we all need to sense others thinking before which we need to find ways of thinking in mind
When we start to settle with different directions which will give new lines to our thinking we all need to sense those thoughts which we need under concepts in mind
When we start to settle with different start which will give new opening to our thinking we all need to understand those touches which we need to sense from thinking in mind
When we start to settle with different concepts which will give new world to our soul we all need to sense those subjects which we need to learn with efforts in mind
When we start to settle with different steps which will give new words to our thinking we all need to sense new words which will give new spirit with thoughts in mind
When we start to settle with different lines which will give new words to create new lines we all need to sense those meanings which will give new start to appeals in mind
When we start to settle with different words which will give new dawn to our thinking we all need to sense those concepts which will give new light to thinking in mind
When we start to settle with new concepts which will give new start to our understanding we all need to sense those logics which will give new chapters to thinking in mind
When we start to settle with new steps which will give new thinking to our old thinking we all need to sense those appeals which will give new spirit to understanding in mind
When we start to settle with new start which will give new route to our moves we all need to learn new ways again and again with different points which will give directions in mind
When we start to settle with new words which will give new steps to our thinking we all need to learn new steps again with our thoughts which will give new light in mind
When we start to settle with new meanings which will give new thinking to our mind we all need to learn new meanings with our thinking which will give new start in mind
When we start to settle with new start which will give new meanings to our life we all need to sense knowledge with our appeals which will give new thoughts in mind
When we start to settle with new meanings which will give new thinking to our life we all need to sense those thoughts which will give new directions which will give new spirit in mind
When we start to settle with different touches which will give new lines to our life we all need to learn those steps which will give new power which will show new world in mind
When we start to settle with different steps which will give new route to our understanding we all need to sense those thoughts which will give new appeals which will show new knowledge in mind
When we start to settle with different moves which will give new start to our soul we all need to forget those prejudice which will give new feelings which will show new start in mind
When we start to settle with different stages which will give new knowledge to our thinking we all need to sense those knowledge which will show new spirits with stages in mind
When we start to settle with different concepts which will give new directions to our soul we all need to sense those steps which will show new power with different directions in mind
When we start to settle with different words which will give new lines to our understanding we need to see different types of knowledge which will show us way which is show new light in mind
When we start to settle with different thoughts which will give new meanings to our thinking we need to see those steps which will show new light which is giving new spirit in mind
When we start to settle with different knowledge which will give new spirit to our appeals we need to sense them as basic thought which will show new world with power of soul in mind
When we start to settle with different hopes which will show new start that will give new start to steps which will show new knowledge which will give new power to soul in mind
When we start to settle with different directions which will show new world that will give different types of start which will show new thought which will give new effects in mind
When we start to settle with different steps which will looks so pleasant to our heart that will show prejudice are never right for our thinking which will give new appeals in mind
When we start to settle with different moves which will show happiness on both sides that will show new concepts for our appeals which will give new meanings in mind
When we start to settle with peace thoughts which will give new steps on every point that thought will give new meanings to our appeals which will enter with new thought of peace in mind
When we start to settle with different thought which will give new start on each step that thought will give new directions to our thinking which will enter with new thinking in mind
When we start to settle with different concepts which will give new meanings on each point that meaning will show new thought which will give new beginning in mind
When we start to settle different steps which will give new start to our soul on each step that thinking will enter in life which will tell us we must remove our prejudice in mind
When we start to settle different thoughts which will give new entry to hopes start to show new world that will show new words which will tell us we need to learn meanings in mind
When we start to settle our thinking which will give new concepts to our soul which will show new life that will show new thoughts which will tell our thinking that will give new spirit in mind.
When we start to settle our understanding which will give new spirit we start to learn concepts which will show new world which will tell our understanding with different hopes in mind
When we start to settle our appeals which will give new appeals we start to learn those appeals which will show new sense which will tell us we need to learn those thoughts in mind
When we start to settle our thinking which will give new spirit we start to learn those thoughts which will show new light which will tell us we need to learn those spirit in mind
When we start to settle our thinking which will give new steps to our world we start to sense those thoughts which will tell us new opening which will give new dawn in mind
When we start to settle our understanding which will give new effects to our soul we start to sense those concepts which will tell us new world in new appeals moves in mind
When we start to settle our thinking which will give new spirit to our understanding we start to sense those steps which will tell us we need to learn thoughts which will give new move in mind
When we start to settle our thinking which will give new start to our thinking we start to learn those concepts which will tell us we understanding which will give new desire to our world in mind
When we start to settle our lines which will give new spirit that will show new start which will give new world which will tell us we need to understand those concepts which will give new power in mind
When we start to settle our life which will give new hopes that will show new world which will give new directions which will give knowledge to our mind which will give new appeals in mind
When we start to settle our life which will give new knowledge that will show new world which will give new spirit which will give new soul to our mind which will give new start in mind
When we start to settle our life which will give new power that will show new meanings which will give new appeals which will give new steps to our thinking which will give power in mind
When we start to settle our openings which will give new spirit that will show new concepts which will give new spirit which will show new sky for peace effect will give hopes in mind
When we start to settle our understanding which will give new appeals that will show new start which will give new feelings which will show new start which will give start in mind
When we start to settle our thinking which will give new spirit that move which will give new shine which will give new appeals which will show new lines which will give new chapter in mind
When we start to settle our life which will give new power that will give new spirit which will give new appeals which will give new pleasant touch which will give new power in mind.

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