Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Poem 3241. I start to judge things

                                                             I start to judge things
When I start to judge things I sense one thought from mind my prejudice keep digging holes which I never guess before in my life
When I start to judge things I sense many times first judgment are not perfect I need to judge again and again before coming to final answer in my life
When I start to judge things I sense many facts are not complete until I don’t see things clearly with knowledge on every step of mind in my life
When I start to judge things I sense many lines are having different words which will show new light to our soul that will show new meanings in my life
When I start to judge things I sense many thinking will change my world which will show new appeals to our understanding that will show new light in my life
When I start to judge things I sense many things will be wrong on first judgment since judging evil is so hard in life I see it in many shades in my life
When I start to judge things I sense many concepts will be showing new world since those words will show new touches in many concepts in my life
When I start to judge things I sense first step is not last step every step will show different reflections on mind which will show new world in my life
When I start to judge things I sense new meanings will start with words that will show new thinking which will show new concepts in my life
When I start to judge things I sense new appeals which will show new thinking that will show new thoughts which will show new start in my life
When I start to judge things I sense new thoughts which will show ways that will show new directions on every point which will show new concepts in my life
When I start to judge things I sense new appeals which will show new thoughts that will show new moves on each step which will show new appeals in my life
When I start to judge things I sense new movements which will show new lines that will show chapters on each move which will show new thinking in my life
When I start to judge things I sense new words which will show new thoughts that will show new moves on each step which will show new effects in my life
When I start to judge things I sense new starts which will show new chapters that will show new meanings on each knowledge which will show new light in my life
When I start to judge things I sense new appeal which will show new meanings that will show new light on each step which will show new understanding in my life
When I start to judge things I sense new beginning which will show new world that will show new moves which will show new light which will give different effects in my life
When I start to judge things I sense new understanding which will show I need to learn things again and again which will show new meanings which will give new power in my life
When I start to judge things I sense new touches which will give new meanings to our soul that will give new power which will give new knowledge which will show light in my life
When I start to judge things I sense new lines which will give new words to our meanings that will give new thoughts which will give new concepts which will show new thought in my life
When I start to judge things I sense new chapters which will give new appeals  to our soul that will give new meanings which will give new meanings which will show new light in my life
When I start to judge things I sense new words which will give new meanings to our appeals that will give new thoughts which will give new steps which will show new concepts in my life
When I start to judge things I sense new lines which will give chapters to our understanding that will give new world which will give new thoughts which will show new steps in my life
When I start to judge things I sense new feelings which will give new thoughts that will give new thoughts which will give new emotions which will create new meanings in my life
When I start to judge things I sense new steps which will give new colors that will show new changes which will give new impact which show new soul in my life
When I start to judge things I sense new start which will give new directions that will show new thoughts which will give new appeals which start with knowledge in my life
When I start to judge things I sense new steps which will give new words that will show new start which will create different effects which start to form impact in my life
When I start to judge things I sense new meanings which will give new thinking that will give knowledge which will show new chapters which will show new appeals in my life
When I start to judge things I sense new moves which will give new appeals that will give new concepts which will show new world which will show new thoughts in my life
When I start to judge things I sense new routes which will give new ways that will give new appeals which will show new understanding which will give new meanings in my life
When I start to judge things I sense sometimes things will show new changes which will form those effects which will show new meanings which will show new touch in my life
When I start to judge things I sense some lines things will show new moves which will give new ratio to our thinking which will show new reasons which will give knowledge in my life
When I start to judge things I sense some moves will show changes which will give new appeals to our thinking which will show new meanings which will give new appeals in my life
When I start to judge things I sense some turns will show new knowledge which will give new light to our appeals which will give new thinking which will show new world in my life
When I start to judge things I sense some concepts which will give confusion in every step which will give new appeals which will give new thought which will show new thought in my life
When I start to judge things I sense some directions which will show new appeals which will give new knowledge which will give new meanings which will show new feelings in my life
When I start to judge things I sense some routes which will show new meanings which will give new progress which will give new effects which will show new effects in my life
When I start to judge things I sense some moves which will give new routes which will give new knowledge which will give new power which will show new directions in my life
When I start to judge things I sense some feelings which will give new hopes which will show new ways of hopes which will give new start which will show new appeals in my life
When I start to judge things I sense some points will show change of judgment which will show new world that will show new effect which will show new feelings in my life
When I start to judge things I sense some appeals will show new concepts which will show new meanings that will show new touches which will show effects in my life
When I start to judge things I sense some directions will show new thoughts which will show new words that will show which concepts will show new directions in my life
When I start to judge things I sense some routes which will show new ways which will show different directions that will show new light which will show hopes in my life
When I start to judge things I sense some ways which will give knowledge which start with thoughts which will give new directions which will give new spirits in my life
When I start to judge things I sense some words which will give new meanings which will show new appeals which will give new steps which will give chapters in my life
When I start to judge things I sense some appeals which will give new concepts which will show new moves which will give new moves which will show new world in my life
When I start to judge things I sense some rules which will give new words which will show new touches which will give new thoughts which will show new effects in my life
When I start to judge things I sense some appeals which will give new meanings which will show new thoughts which will show new meanings which will show new light in my life
When I start to judge things I sense some moves which will give new thoughts which will give new resources which will give new ways which will show new hopes in my life
When I start to judge things I sense some lines which will give new meanings which will give new effects which will give new steps which will show different concepts in my life
When I start to judge things I sense some turns which will give new appeals which will give new meanings which will show new words which will show new light in my life.

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Poem. 7209. Move from soul bring

                           Move from soul bring  Move from soul bring new path to strength that form new word to hope of chapter which give ...