Friday, March 3, 2017

Poem 3234. Water will show

                                                        Water will show
Water will show different principles in life which will show new looks of world which will give new thoughts that will show force at each point
Water will show new rules which will give our world new life which will give new thoughts that will show new thinking which will show new world at each point
Water will show new chapters which will give new beginning which will show new world that will show new concepts which will show new touch at each point
Water will show new start which will give new uses which will show new thinking that will show new appeals which will show new thoughts at each point
Water will show new thoughts which will give new understanding which will give new movements that will show new touches which will show power at each point
Water will show new concepts which will give new appeals which will give new thoughts that will show new understanding which will give new look to nature at each point
Water will show new appeals which will give different thoughts of nature which will give new start that will show new concepts which will give new moves at each point
Water will show new uses which will give new start in life which will keep our life alive that will show different concepts which will give new thoughts at each point
Water will show new meanings which will give new thoughts which will give new thoughts that will show new world which will give new appeals at each point
Water will show new uses which will give new thoughts which will give new start that will give new looks which will show new appeals which will become part of nature at each point
Water will show new meanings which will give new start which will give new steps that will show new start which will show new appeals which will show new thought at each point
Water will show new appeals which will give new understanding which will show changes of temperature and changes in water which will show new changes at each point
Water will show new changes which will give new start to moves which will show new thoughts to our thinking which will give new thoughts to appeals at each point
Water will show new start which will give new steps which will create new routes which will give new spirit to nature which will give new looks that will show nature at each point
Water will show new start to appeals which will give new uses which will show new appeals which will give new concepts which will show new touches that will form impact at each point
Water will show different uses which will give new life which will show new world with it’s movement at each step which will show new world that will give new effect at each point
Water will show different concepts which will give new meanings which will show new looks with different appeals which will show new start that will give new start at each point
Water will show different start which will give new spirit which will show new touches which will give new meanings which will show new world that will give new creation at each point
Water will show different use which will give new ways to mind which will show new thoughts which will give new appeals which will show new looks that will change our thinking at each point
Water will show need of stay alive which will give new moves which will show new appeals which will show new directions which will show new touch that will give new step at each point
Water will show new touch which will give new point which will give new steps which will show different nature which will give new looks that will start with nature at each point
Water will show new concepts which will give new uses which will show new thinking which will show new start which will give new thought that will show new world at each point
Water will show new uses which will show different uses which will give new words which will show uses which will show new chapters that will give new looks at each point
Water will show new looks which will show new concepts which will give meanings which will show new world which will show new start that will keep us alive at each point
Water will show new uses which will show new meanings that will show new thoughts which will give new lines which will show new chapters that will give meanings at each point
Water will show new start which will show start that will show new routes which will give meanings which will show new steps that will show new touches at each point
Water will show new moves which will show new words that will show new world which will give new thought which will show new lines that will show new thoughts at each point
Water will show new views which will show new appeals that will show new chapters which will give new understanding which will show new start that will show new thinking at each point
Water will show new concepts which will show new start that will show new moves which will give new thoughts which will show world with those concepts that will show new chapters at each point
Water will show new lines which will show new lines that will show new thoughts which will give new appeals which will show thinking with those lines that will show new words at each point
Water will show new uses which will show new thought that will show new touches which will give new appeals which will show new side with those thinking at each point
Water will show new steps which will show new understanding that will show new world which will give new spirit which will form with those concepts at each point
Water will show new steps which will show new concepts that will show new appeals which will give new touches which will give new world at each point
Water will show new life which will give new start that will create new lines which will give new concepts which will give new spirit at each point
Water will show new start which will give new thought that will give new route which will give new thought which will give new appeals at each point
Water will show new concepts which will give new directions that will give new spirits which will give new thinking which will give new spirit at each point
Water will show new thought which will give new concepts that will give new appeals which will give new appeals which will give new routes at each point
Water will show floating of movement which will never stop even if we build wall it moves inside those limits which will create different effects on it at each point
Water will show new start which will give new spirit which will show happiness to our soul those thoughts which will give new effects on it at each point
Water will show new looks which will take ahead our life that will show how did world become alive after some point which will give new breathe at each point
Water will show new start which will create different routes that will show how did we need to understand those thoughts which will give new appeals at each point
Water will show new moves which will create tides that will show moves in water at each step which will give new meanings on each step which will give new spirit at each point
Water will show new world which will have those thoughts which will give new directions to world which will create new thinking which will show power to soul at each point
Water will show new thoughts which will have new concepts which will form different meanings to our mind which will show different shades of light that give power at each point
Water will show new words which will create sentence which will give new meanings to our thinking that will show new world which will create impact on our thoughts at each point
Water will show new points which will give new thoughts which will give new thoughts to our moves that will show new thoughts which will give new moves at each point
Water will show new concepts which will give new spirit which will give new touches to our thinking that will show new meanings which will give new start on each step at each point
Water will show new meanings which will give new power which will give new strength to our mind set which will give new moves which will show new world at each point
Water will show new world which will give new lines which will show new thought to our lines that will show new world which will give new thoughts which will form power at each point
Water will show new thinking which will give new start which will show new light to our thinking that will give new thinking which will give new words which will give new chapters at each point
Water will show new different moves which will show new world which will give new waves that will keep moving on every move which will give new concepts of life at each point.

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Poem. 7209. Move from soul bring

                           Move from soul bring  Move from soul bring new path to strength that form new word to hope of chapter which give ...