Thursday, March 23, 2017

Poem 3267. Some pages will give

                                                     Some pages will give
Some pages will give words which will form different effects on mind we need to learn those pages again and again on every step in life
Some pages will give new start which will show new world which will create new world on every point which will show new world to our mind in life
Some pages will give new words which will show need to write pages on each point which will show new steps of words which will show new light in life
Some pages will give new hopes which will show new appeals with feelings which will show new knowledge which will show new start in life
Some pages will give new steps which will show new world with different appeals which will show new light which will show new steps in life
Some pages will give new spirit which will show new chapters with different concept which will show new meanings which will show new thinking in life
Some pages will give new thoughts which will show new lines with those concepts which will show new feelings which will show new steps in life
Some pages will give new start which will show new world with those books which will give spirit we want to write pages on every point in life
Some pages will give new routes which will show new light with those chapters which will give new hope we want to sense concepts in mind in life
Some pages will give new thoughts which will show new start with different thoughts which will give thought to our soul at every step in mind in life
Some pages will give new lines which will show new meanings with different knowledge which will give those understanding at every move in life
Some pages will give new steps which will show new understanding with their strength since some pages just want to write more and more in life
Some pages will give that spirit which will manage to rule write with their thoughts which will give spirit to write again and again on every day in life
Some pages will give that start new direction which will give new spirit which will show new knowledge which start to give new style on every page in life
Some pages will give that spirit to write tell what heart want on every point which will show new spirit to our soul which start new path on every page in life
Some pages will give that appeals to our soul which will say we can do more than what we have done before in life what we desire on every move in life
Some pages will give that start to our soul which will show new world that will show new directions to our mind which will give new shine on every step in life
Some pages will give that meaning to our thinking which will show new light that will show new world to our steps which will give new spirit on every line in life
Some pages will give that learning to our meanings which will show new world that will show new words to our thinking which will give new start on every move in life
Some pages will give that words to our thinking which will show new touches that will show new steps to our appeals which will give new touches on every step in life
Some pages will give that steps to our understanding which will show new steps that will show new meanings which will give new start on every move in life
Some pages will give that directions which will show new appeals that will show new shine that will began to form different effects on every spirit in life
Some pages will give that move which will show we can write as many pages as we like in our life that will began to form different directions on every step in life
Some pages will give that appeals which will show we need to sense different thoughts in our life that will began to repeat things on every step in life
Some pages will give that lines which will show we start to learning things in our thinking that will began to form different steps on every directions in life
Some pages will give those words which will show new meanings to our mind that will show new world at every step on each understanding on each step in life
Some pages will give those spirits which will show new shine to our thinking that will show new appeals at every word on each move on each directions in life
Some pages will give those steps which will show new words to our understanding that will show new steps that give us spirit to do more in every step in life
Some pages will give those thinking which will show new start to our appeals that will show new life which will give new spirit that will show new start in life
Some pages will give those steps which will show new words to our thinking that will show new meanings which will give new direction that will show new soul in life
Some pages will give those spirits which will tell us new worlds are there to explore on every moment that will give new spirit to understanding that will show new shine in life
Some pages will give those repetition which will tell us new concepts are those thoughts that will form those meanings to create world again and again in world in life
Some pages will give those spirits which will show new touches are showing new concepts that will give repetition on every point which will give new directions in life
Some pages will give those directions which will show new lines that showing appeals to new spirit that will give new spirit which will give new moves in life
Some pages will give those meanings which will show new spirit that start to show new world to understanding that will give new moves which will give new lines in life
Some pages will give those spirit which will tell our thinking that we need to repeat things on every point that will give different concepts which will give new appeals in life
Some pages will give those different effects which will give new meanings that will show new directions which will show new world which will give new repetition in life
Some pages will give those  words of thinking which will give new touch that will show new concepts which will show new meanings which will give new thoughts in life
Some pages will give those effects of meanings which will give new spirit that will show new shines which will show new directions which will give new touch in life
Some pages will give those touches which will give new different concepts that will show new life which will show different concepts which will give new pages in life
Some pages will give those steps which will give different lines that will show new feelings which will show different words which will give new start in life
Some pages will give those words which will show different moves that will show new light which will give different meanings which will give new thought in life
Some pages will give those meanings which will show new power that will show appeals which will show new light which will give new steps to thinking in life
Some pages will give those moves which will keep telling us that we need to different moves which will show new understanding which will give new spirit in life
Some pages will give those touches which will keep showing that world which will become needful on every step which will give new power to our soul in life
Some pages will give those repetition which will keep us alive which will show new spirit to our soul on every line which will give new words to our thinking in life
Some pages will give those touches which will keep telling us we need to repeat things again and again on every point which will give new spirit to our soul in life
Some pages will give those different start which will give new spirit to our soul that will show new world which will show new steps to our thinking in life
Some pages will give those directions which will show new appeals to our mind that will show different pages which will show new different meanings in life
Some pages will give those spirit which will show new world to our thinking that will tell us we need to move ahead which will give new spirit in life
Some pages will give those words which will show new spirit to our soul that will give different effects which will show new world with different points in life.

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Poem. 7209. Move from soul bring

                           Move from soul bring  Move from soul bring new path to strength that form new word to hope of chapter which give ...