Sunday, February 26, 2017

Poem 3223. On every start I have

                                                    On every start I have
On every start I have some knowledge it will show new light I start to sense it on every step of mind with different books that will create new touch on every point
On every start I have some knowledge it will show new mind I start to give it on every move that thought which will give new ambitions to our soul on every point
On every start I have some knowledge it will show new thought I start to bring it on every start of understanding which will give new steps to our thinking on every point
On every start I have some understanding it will show new feelings I start to sense them with those concepts which will give new light to our understanding on every point
On every start I have some appeals it will show new start which will show new light with those steps which will give new concepts to our thinking on every point
On every start I have some moves it will show new touch which will show new appeals with those meanings which will give new start to our lines on every point
On every start I have some meanings it will show new thinking which will show new start with those understanding which will give new concepts on every point
On every start I have some lines it will show new lines which will show new meanings with those words that will show which will give new lines on every point
On every start I have some appeals it will show new light which will create new concepts with those touches that will show new world which will give new steps on every point
On every start I have some words it will show new meanings which will show new start with every steps of mind that will show new meanings which will give new appeals on every point
On every start I have some thoughts it will show new thinking which will show new moves with every showing that will show new start which will give new concepts on every point
On every start I have some words it will show new start which will show new world to mind with every step that will give new effects which will give new ratio on every point
On every start I have some directions it will show new move which will show new search with every move that will give new appeals which will give new words on every point
On every start I have some meanings it will show new words which will show new thinking with every step that will give new spirit which will give new moves on every point
On every start I have some understanding it will show new thoughts which will show new meanings with every move that will give new touch which will give new spirit on every point
On every start I have some touches it will show new learning which will give new thoughts with every step that will give new thinking which will give new appeals on every point
On every start I have some concepts it will show new impact which will give new effects which will show new touch that will give new directions which will give new thought on every point
On every start I have some meaning it will show new thought which will give new concepts which will show new feelings that will show new light which will give new knowledge on every point
On every start I have some knowledge it will show new concepts which will give new words which will show new world that will show new thought which will give new impact on every point
On every start I have some understanding it will give new thought which will show new understanding which will show new world with those colors which will give new life on every point
On every start I have some meanings it will give new words which will show new concepts that will show effect which will give those touches which will give new thoughts on every point
On every start I have some lines it will give new spirit which will show new feelings that will show new thoughts which will give new concepts which will give new directions on every point
On every start I have some words it will give new touches which will show new directions that will show new route which will give new thoughts which will give words on every point
On every start I have some thinking it will give new start which will show new touches that will show new impact which will give new appeals which will give new thoughts on every point
On every start I have some understanding it will give new thoughts which will show new meanings that will show new world which will give new spirit which will give new directions on every point
On every start I have some appeals it will give new directions which will create lines that will show new appeals which will give new thinking which will give new appeals on every point
On every start I have some meanings it will give new concepts which will give new words that will show new mind which will give new power which will give new spirit on every point
On every start I have some concepts it will give new thoughts which will give new appeals that will show new touch which will give new words which will give new words on every point
On every start I have some directions it will give new words which will chapters that will show new meanings which will give new thoughts which will give new thinking on every point
On every start I have some appeals it will give new touches which will give new meanings that will show new heart which will give new wonderful thoughts which will give new opening on every point
On every start I have some moves it will give new start which will manage to give new steps that will show new moves which will give new start which will give new steps on every point
On every start I have some appeals it will give new ratio which will show new start that will give light which will give true color of happiness of mind which will give new touch on every point
On every start I have some directions it will give new appeals which will show new moves that will give new thought which will give new light which will show new world on every point
On every start I have some thinking it will give new touches which will show new appeals that will give new creation which will give new moves which will show new light on every point
On every start I have some feelings it will give new lines which will show new chapters that will give new meanings which will give new concepts which will show new thought on every point
On every start I have some appeals it will show new world which will show new words that will give new thinking which will give new words which will show new meanings on every point
On every start I have some meanings it will show new touches which will show new steps that will give new meanings which will give new touch which will show new start on every point
On every start I have some feelings it will show new thoughts which will show new words that will give new knowledge which will give new thoughts which will show new light on every point
On every start I have some meanings it will show new steps which will give new spirits that will give new concepts which will give new steps which will show new thinking on every point
On every start I have some feelings it will show new light which will give new concepts that will give new understanding which will give new thoughts which will show new world on every point
On every start I have some words it will show new meanings which will give new thinking that will give new words which will give new knowledge which will show new thought on every point
On every start I have some appeals it will show new chapters which will give new words that will create sentences which will give new spirits which will show new spirit on every point
On every start I have some meanings it will show new thinking which will give new thoughts that will show new touch which will give new concepts which will show new touch on every point
On every start I have some concepts it will show new meanings which will give new thinking that will show new thoughts which will give new steps which will show new thinking on every point
On every start I have some understanding it will show new touches which will give new words that will show new meanings which will give new touches which will show new thought on every point
On every start I have some appeals it will show new meanings which will give new concepts that will show new thinking which will give new light which will show new appeals on every point
On every start I have some appeals it will show new thoughts which will give new spirit that will show new understanding which will give new thoughts which will show new steps on every point
On every start I have some thinking it will show new chapters of life which will give new moves that will show new world which will give new understanding which will show new steps on every point
On every start I have some thinking it will show new thinking of life which will give new thinking that will show new spirit which will help to find new hopes which will show new world on every point
On every start I have some meanings it will show new thoughts of life which will give new meanings that will show new touches which will give new chapters which will show new lines on every point
On every start I have some appeals it will show new lines of life which will give new directions to our soul that will show new world which will give new points which will show new happiness on every point.

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Poem. 7179. Soul open new

                            Soul open new  Soul open new word to thought of mind which start new direction that form new hope of mind Soul o...