Saturday, February 18, 2017

Adventure story 281. Unknown sorrows

                                                    Unknown sorrows
Prakash started to sense those concepts which would show new world at every step. He needed to study those chapters which should show new light in life. Prakash was started thinking just about his future in positive way. He knew that his negative thinking always manage to hurt him. He decided that this time he would act in total positive way. He started looking around his house. It was small flat. In corner he saw a picture of God. His parents kept it. It just kept coming ahead to him. He felt that it had old frame. He needed to change it. He decided to do it tomorrow. He decided that his tomorrow would become new day. He knew that he was not earning much by this work. But still it was precious to him. He decided to introduce new ways in his work. He  was  so happy that finally he was going to get that fame he deserved. He always wanted to prove himself before his wife. Lila just never valued his work. That whole work was just time pass in her eyes. She just wanted earning for their home. She was earning a good salary. He normally worked on computer and took proper care of their son. Actually he was doing every work in house. He used to do cooking and shopping for house. He taught their son every subject. He had to help Raju to complete his home work and it was not easy. But Lila never cared. She felt just one thing. Person who didn't earn money was useless. She used every thing from his contact. But she never valued it. Last time she got seventy percent discount on dresses because of him. But she didn't care. She just felt one thing. That due to her salary they managed to buy clothes. She hardly cared for discount. She never cared for things which he managed to do for family. She just never valued him. But his son Raju was totally different story. He was hero in Raju's eyes. But he was so scared that one day his son would hate him like his wife. He was working so hard to make things right but they were not changing. His wife was not giving any attention to his honest efforts. She just wanted to see results. He decided that this time he would do something big to earn money. When suddenly that offer came, his client wanted something different in his project. He wanted to see a photo which was totally different with help of computer. That person wanted jewelry from other picture to be pasted in simple picture in which a lady was standing on road. It was clear that this woman in picture was going for some small house hold shopping. But he changed it in such way that it seemed as if she was going to party and she was wearing that jewelry for it. It was tricky work but he decided to do it for money. He wanted to throw money before Lila. He didn't want his son to consider less so he started doing it. He was doing it in best way. But he questioned his client why did he had to do it. He just never thought about it. He just wanted money. He didn't mind if some lady pretend to be rich before some one. He just started laughing at thought when he think some one was fooled by it. He just thought of money and ignored other things. He just created that photo in best way to please his client and earn more money. He kept creating it in such way that no one could reject it. He decided to that he could sense it now. He decided that he could wait for sometime. He needed to know his client more. He wanted to earn more money and work. But then he suddenly thought. He was moving in wrong way. Then he started thinking. Now a days every one did that. It was not big crime. He could earn some money and impress Lila. It was so promising. He wanted to impress his family. Nothing was bigger than his pride. He started to convince himself that honesty was not big issue. After all he was not doing any big crime. He was doing just small thing. He wanted that money and every one would do that for it. He had tried so hard honestly but he never got anything so he needed to do it with dishonest way. But then he started thinking that this is not dishonesty. He just acted little mischievous. Then once more his client's email appeared. He smiled. His client was excited about this picture. He started laughing with joy.
   Prakash was so happy when he did it. On that moment door bell rang. He looked at time. It was time when Raju would come from school. He was lucky that one nice lady from neighborhood agreed to drop him at door while taking her daughter home. Her daughter was just one year elder than Raju. Prakash didn't want to keep Raju waiting so he ran to door without closing computer. Raju came inside as soon as he opened door. Raju ran towards computer room.  Prakash screamed " Don't touch computer. I am working on it." Raju stopped near computer. But he started screaming " Dad I want to play on it." " Fine. I will save my work then you can play but you must finish your lunch first." Raju nodded. Prakash told Raju to vacant seat before computer. He sat there and saved those photos. He had made them in such way that no one could guess those photos were fake. Raju " Dad who is this lady?" " She is my client." " You know this rich lady?" He could clearly hear doubt in voice of his son. He felt so upset so Lila managed to convince Raju that he was not smart enough to know such a rich lady. He was so upset. Prakash " I know her. She is my client." " Wow. You knew that rich lady. You must show this to Mom. She always kept screaming against you. When you introduce this lady to her then she would be happy." Prakash was so shocked. Raju was so smart. Raju started to give those idea which would give him happiness. He knew that Raju was small boy. But Raju gave wonderful idea. He just loved it. He decided that he might just try to contact his client. She could come and meet him one day. He could tell her to pay him personally. Prakash " Great I will phone her." Prakash was supposed to feed his son but instead of doing it. He started searching for number. Raju " Dad I am hungry" When Raju said it, he came to senses. " You are right. Let's go." Then he gave his lunch. It was not simple thing. He needed to sit and observe carefully that Raju ate every thing from his plate. Raju had bad habit of throwing away vegetables that he disliked. But in mind Prakash was already planning for this visit. Raju " Do you know number of that lady?" " Of course." " Then why are you waiting? Call her." " Sure but I want to you to first finish your lunch." " Ohh Dad I am not small boy now. I will eat it." "Really?" Raju nodded. " Then I will call her." Prakash started to find number. It took some time but he found it. Prakash smiled. Raju " Call her." Prakash was confused. He didn't want to call her before Raju. Raju " You can go in other room if you want to talk." " How did you guessed?" " Mom always do that." Prakash started laughing and said " And you follow her." Raju smiled " But I will not do it now. Dad we are friends. I don't need to hear your calls." " So Mom is your enemy." " Sort of. I hate it when she started to show off. She didn't act friendly with us. Forget it Dad. Just call her. I like to see Mom's face when she saw that rich lady in home as your client. She will going to faint. They both started laughing then Prakash started dialing that woman's number in that room only. He could trust Raju. He was his son. Raju always stood on his side. He was so happy and confident. He felt so sure that he could handle her. He called her with full confidence to invite her in his home to meet his family. But he got tense when he heard her voice. He never thought she would pick up his call. But she took it. He didn't able to say anything. He just disconnected all. Raju started screaming on him for his stupidity. When his mobile rang again, she was calling him. He was so excited and she took that call. Her voice was soft and gentle like rich woman. He knew that woman was pretending. But he decided that he would keep playing this game. It would be great if she was ready to perform for him too. " Hello I am Prakash your photographer." She sounded confused. " You contacted me on internet." He was so upset. Raju seemed confused too. " Do you want me to delete your picture?" " No..No..I remember." Now she looked nervous. " Great so I want you to deliver my payment personally." " Okay." Prakash smiled. Raju gave his thumps up. " So when will you come?" " Give me five days. I will give you appointment." Prakash didn't want to stretch matter too much so he decided to say okay. Prakash " Fine. Call me then I will give you that photograph." He disconnected call. "Dad she agreed." " Yes." "Dad let's search about her on internet. We need to tell Mom how famous she is." " Yes. But it takes hour so first eat lunch. Raju nodded. He was clearly happy. Prakash sensed one thing. He could use this adventure to force Raju act as per his wishes. He started to tell list of things Raju must do and Raju agreed to do all of them. Prakash sensed one thing that this client was lucky for him. He smiled happily.
   After finishing lunch Prakash and Raju started searching for that client. They didn't find any thing. Finally they found her photo. She was model. She claimed lot of movies. Prakash and Raju noted them all on paper. They didn't remember any of them. Raju " Dad she is not celebrity just a C grade actress." " Raju!! Don't disrespect some one like that. Every person start from zero. We must not say things like that." " But Dad how did she managed to get such nice jewelry?" Now this was really interesting question which was still even unanswered in Prakash's mind. " Dad you must ignore her. She seemed wrong person to me." " Raju stop getting panic. We can't get money without risk." " But Dad!! She might be a criminal." " Or she might be just an actress who wanted to meet good producer. She was might be dressing up for that purpose only." Raju was confuse now. Raju " Dad don't call her in home." Prakash didn't want to miss this chance. Prakash " I will not call her at home." Raju looked relieved. Prakash decided that he didn't call her at home but he could meet her in some other place. He wanted to become famous at any cost. He wanted to earn a name. He didn't call her at that point. Then in few hours her email came. She said that she couldn't make payment so she wanted to cancel it. He could delete that photo. He was so shocked. He decided that he must talk to her. He started calling her. She didn't took his call. He was so upset. He knew that he had to meet her. He decided that he must gave it a try. He kept calling her. At beginning he thought that he might stop after one call. But then he started to feel he could make one more call. He could make another. Soon he lost count for his call. He had one chance to prove himself better and he didn't want to lose it. It was so horrible for him. He decided that he would not let it happen to him. He would not let any one destroy his future like that. After few attempt it was understood that his number was blocked. Then he went to computer. He kept emailing. Then Raju came in room. Raju " Dad what are you doing?" " I am emailing her." " Let's forget her Dad." He screamed on Raju " Shut up. I am your father. I know how to do things a lot better than you. I don't need advise from you." Raju looked scared. He just vanished from room. Prakash was no longer concern about it. He just kept emailing her. He wanted her to answer him. But she was not giving any reply to him. It was so wrong. He just kept doing it until finally Lila entered in his room. Lila " What are you doing?" " I am working." " But you don't even cook dinner today. You just kept Raju totally hungry after lunch this is not healthy for him.." " Stop irritating me. I did so much work for one client. A rich lady and now she is not answering me." Lila sat near him. Lila " Come on. Don't be so harsh on yourself. Some people are moody like that. It is not your fault." " What do you mean by this? Are you suggesting that this is my fault?" " My god!! I said this is not your fault. Are you deaf? " " Ohh really? At beginning I was stupid in your eyes and now I am deaf too. May be you should just leave me and marry some wealthy man?" Lila stood up. She was so angry. " I am going in kitchen to cook dinner. I can't let my kid sleep on empty stomach because your some rich moody client got upset." Prakash " Do as you wish just live me alone." Lila went out of room. Lila did every thing when Raju came in room. Lila looked at him. Raju was always Prakash's shadow so he just must knew every thing. But Lila didn't want to discuss it. She decided that she would not ask. Then she gave food to Raju who didn't create any noise regarding taste. He just ate it and ran in his room. It was so strange. Raju never acted like that. Raju was chatter box. But today something was wrong. Then she started waiting for Prakash. She hoped that he would come out for dinner. Then she decided that she might just give him dinner in plate. She went inside. She saw Prakash was calling some one. He was cursing that lady. So she knew one fact now. This client was lady. Lila " Did you give her some money?" " No..she supposed to give me. I never supposed to give her. Don't you know how did business deal works?" She knew everything very well. That was reason of her confusion. She knew that Prakash didn't invested any money so she didn't understand his desperation. Lila " Then why are you so upset? You can get another client." " But she can't cheat me like that. I have wasted my so much time on her." " But this way you are going to waste more time on her." " Stop this. Go away." " But this is my bedroom too." Prakash looked at her with anger. Prakash " Fine. Just stay here." He took his mobile and went out of house. He never acted this way. She felt strange. But he was out of her sight before she could question him further. So she just took plate and started eating. She knew one thing for sure that Prakash would not eat dinner made by her today.
    Lila was so upset by this. Prakash just kept working on computer. She could clearly see that he was getting so obsessed with her. He started to search for some client. But she didn't understand why. He managed to create some photos. He started to show those photos to her. Lila didn't want to see it but then she decided to come near computer and watch it. She saw that it was a lady with jewel. But she didn't understand what was so special in it. Lila " Why are you so concern about it? This is just normal photo." " No. She was not wearing jewelry. I have pasted those jewel on this picture. She was just simple. But she needed to show those jewels." " So you are doing fraud. My god!! Why are you so obsessed with it?" " Because I want to prove myself. You will abuse me on every day since I can't able to earn money. Now I want it." " But I never want you to move this way. If you feel sad about it, I will say sorry to you. Please stop it." She went near computer and convinced him to sleep. He looked convinced. He stood up. Prakash " I want to eat." Lila was so happy. She just ran to bring food. Prakash was so happy. His plan worked. He knew that she wanted to stop it. But it was not just about her. Every one in family just taunted him regarding lack of wealth and now he wanted it. He just understood her address by using his skills on computer. He decided that he should go there in night. He wanted to punish her. He wanted to scare her and force her to do work as per his wishes. But he felt some where it was hard. But then he started to think about this. He needed to plan. He decided that he might harass her. Then he started searching for her address, It was not hard since she kept in for agent. He immediately went to that place. When Lila came out, he was already gone. He started walking out. He began to form different sort of plans. He began to form different plans. He started to sense he needed some strong plan. Then he began to remember some plan. One was greatest. He needed to take out her breathe. She shattered her hopes of becoming rich. He wanted to punish her. He started to look around. He saw on street dog. He just decided that he wanted to punish her. In that thought he just went to that dog. He took hold of that dog. Dog was biting him. He wanted to survive but Prakash didn't let him go. He started to feel pains. He start to see blood on his hand. He decided that he might took injection to avoid getting sick due to dog's bite. He started to sense different feelings from mind. He started to feel so happy. He started to sense different feelings which was going to give hopes in life. He started to sense different understanding in life. He was so happy when he started to sense that now he could scare animal. He needed to cut dog for showing her real fear. He started to take out his kitchen knife. He started to cut it in different style. He began to see blood. At beginning he felt scared but then he started to like it. He managed to cut that dog's in pieces. He started to cut dogs in different ways. Then he looked around. It was time of night so no one was watching it. It all seemed like mystery. He started laughing. Then he slowly went to her house. He looked at gate watchman was sitting there. But he didn't want to feel scared since watchman didn't look that attentive. He went inside building. Slowly he started to keep those parts of dog around her flat. He was doing every thing with methods. He wanted it to be perfect. He started to keep every piece of dog's body in proper place. Then he smiled. After that he went out. He looked at his hand they were dirty. He look around. After some efforts he found water fountain. He washed his hands in it. Then he went home. Lila was already asleep. He knew that she would be angry on morning but he felt sure that he would handle it. He smiled happily. He just loved his revenge. He was so glad that he finally did it. He cleaned everything. He needed to clean his footsteps Since they were wet, then he went in bedroom to sleep. As soon as he entered in bedroom, Lila woke up. Lila " where were you?" " I just went for walk." He said it with such sweetness that Lila immediately melted. Lila " Now go to sleep. We will talk tomorrow." She gave wonderful smile to him. He knew that Lila was not going to guess what he did. He was so happy.
  Lila woke up next day. She was happy since finally Prakash talked nicely with her. She worked so hard to earn but Prakash didn't ever tried. But he was taking proper care of Raju. She didn't understand why did Prakash never remained stuck to one job. He just kept getting bored on every point. She decided that he must give new try to it again. She needed to search for some job so she started to search in paper. Then she heard door bell. She went to open door. She was shocked when she saw Police officer. Lila " Yes Inspector." " Can I see your husband?" " Sure. But what happened?" " Just call him." Lila went in room. Prakash was sleeping peacefully. She went near him to tell him about cops. She started to wake him up when he suddenly took out kitchen knife and pressed it on her throat. " You have harassed me so much. Now I have decided that instead of that dog I will cut you in pieces and threw you around our house. Then I will take Raju and move away. Then I can relax." She was so scared. She tried to scream but he took hold of her mouth. She felt that he was going to cut her throat. But then she heard loud voice of screams. Raju was calling for help. Soon Police came running inside house. Now Prakash suddenly got confused. She decided to take advantages of situation and punched in his stomach. She just ran away from him. Police took hold of him. Prakash was screaming against her. She was so confused. This was same man who was taking oaths of her love yesterday. Today he was screaming on her. Suddenly he began to scream on Raju " You also manage to catch evilness from your Mom. It is in your blood when you will grow up. Then you will become just evil like you Mom. You have blood of evil in your brain.." Lila ran  to Raju and took him inside. She just locked herself in room. She felt as if Prakash was haunted like some evil soul of horror show. It didn't feel as if he was not that man. He was looking totally different on every point. He started to act it totally different effects which would show totally evil thought which would show different effects which would start to create those totally wrong scene which would show different effects on life. He started to show worst effects which was not something she had ever thought which would create totally different looks in world. He was not acting that much different. He just didn't manage to find any proper job. Then she began to doubt. She asked Raju " Did Dad do something wrong?" Raju looked scared. Raju slowly started talking " He used to talk to himself. He said that there was something wrong about many aunties." " When?" " He was watching them." "From where?" He took out frame. There was small hole in wall. She saw from that hole. It was hole from which a person could see in bedroom of other flat. She was so shocked. Her husband was watching in their neighbor's bedroom. She didn't want to mention it. Then Police started banging on door. She opened it. Police came inside. They slowly told her about Prakash's activities. Police " We are taking him to hospital." " I don't want to see him again." " But you can't do that Madam. He is your husband. Go to Doctor. He would tell about it." Lila was so upset and scared now. But she had to go there. She decided that she had to take Raju with her. She didn't want to face neighbor now. She started to feel even pain on throat. Prakash managed to cut her little bit. She was so scared when she entered in hospital. When she went inside Doctor's clinic. She was shivering. Then Psychiatrist came. He slowly told her that Prakash was suffering from Antisocial Disorder. " We will start treatment. We are going to give long treatment to him. He had to stay in hospital." Lila smiled. She was not upset about his staying in hospital. She was so scared that what would happen when he came back. But Psychiatrist gave her confidence that he would not repeat. She felt relieved. She took Raju and went away. She entered in building and she sensed that she was in trouble. They told her that she must went out of society in one month. She started to argue but it was useless. On that point she sensed that her troubles were just beginning. She went in her flat. Then she started crying. Even Raju started to cry. Raju kept telling " Mom Dad was not bad. Psychiatrist said he would be fine." But she couldn't able to control her tears. She had entered in world of unknown sorrows. She never knew anything about mental sickness.
                                                                                      The End                                                                      

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