Monday, February 27, 2017

Poem 3228. Every thinking will give new

                                                  Every thinking will give new 
Every thinking will give new feelings in life we need to study those thinking which will give new spirit to our soul on each point
Every thinking will give new chapters in life we need to sense those appeals which will give new thoughts to our soul on each point
Every thinking will give new appeals in life we need to understand those concepts which will give new touch to our soul on each point
Every thinking will give new lines in life we need to learn thinking which will give new rules that will give new spirit to our soul on each point
Every thinking will give new moves in life we need to sense which will give new concepts that will give new meanings on our soul on each point
Every thinking will give new steps in life we need to create which will give new thought that will give new words on our thinking on each point
Every thinking will give new moments in life we need to start which will give new spirit that will give new start which will show spirit on our soul on each point
Every thinking will give new moves in life we need to touch which will give new start that will give new thinking which will show lines on each point
Every thinking will give new touches in life we need to give which will start to show that will give new appeals which will show words on each point
Every thinking will give new meanings in life we need to sense which will show new world that will give new thinking which will give new spirit on each point
Every thinking will give new start in life we need to understand which soul those touches that will give new meanings which will give new concepts on each point
Every thinking will give new moves in life we need to sense those thinking which give new spirit that will show new world which will give new thoughts on each point
Every thinking will give new directions in life we need to sense those appeals which will give new thoughts that will show new world on each point
Every thinking will give new thoughts in life we need to learn those thinking which will give new concepts that will show new thoughts on each point
Every thinking will give new power in life we need to sense those lines which will give new moves that will show new world on every step on each point
Every thinking will give new directions in life we need to sense those thinking which will give new power that will show new light on every move on each point
Every thinking will give new touch in life we need to learn those appeals which will give new concepts that will show new start on every start on each point
Every thinking will give new world in life we need to understand those steps which will give new thoughts that will show new meanings on each point
Every thinking will give new thought in life we need to sense those moves which will give new thoughts that will show new light at each step on each point
Every thinking will give new start in life we need to sense those words which will give new directions that will show new appeals to mind on each point
Every thinking will give new words in life we need to learn those meanings which will give new knowledge that will show new touches on each point
Every thinking will give new thought in life we need to learn those thinking which will give new words that will give new lines which will give new chapters on each point
Every thinking will give new steps in life we need to sense those touches which will give new meanings that will give new world which will give new steps on each point
Every thinking will give new start in life we need to learn those words which will give new start which will give new beginning which will give new start on each point
Every thinking will give new basic step in life we need to start to create those directions which will give new lines which will give new words on each point
Every thinking will give new knowledge in life we need to sense those thoughts which will give new start on every step of mind which will give new start on each point
Every thinking will give new moves in life we need to show those touches which will show new world that will show new light which will give new effect on each point
Every thinking will  give new lines in life we need to start to show those thinking which will show new appeals that will show new meanings on each point
Every thinking will give new words in life we need to understand those meanings which will give new concepts that will show new words on each point
Every thinking will give new thinking in life we need to understand and learn our mind which will give new power that will show new thoughts on each point
Every thinking will give new steps in life we need to start to show new lines which will give new concepts that will show new world with different thoughts on each point
Every thinking will give new lines in life we need to sense those meanings which will give new thoughts that will show new meanings with different steps on each point
Every thinking will give new words in life we need to understand those touches which will give new words that will show new world with those start which will effect world on each point
Every thinking will give new appeals in life we need to sense those concepts which will give new thoughts that will show new light with those appeals which will change mind on each point
Every thinking will give new thought in life we need to learn those steps which will give new directions that will show new world with those touches which will give spirit on each point
Every thinking will give new moves in life which will give those lines which will give new ways on every point that will show new world with those thinking which will give way on each point
Every thinking will give new start with those understanding which will give those touches which will give new steps that will show new thoughts with those appeals which will give new start on each point
Every thinking will give new words with those concepts which will give those thoughts which will show new light that will give new appeals with those concepts which will give new move on each point
Every thinking will give new start with those meanings which will give those touches which will show new hopes that will give new words with those appeals which will give new start on each point
Every thinking will give new appeals with those touches which will give those meanings which will show new lines that will give new chapters with those thoughts which will give power on each point
Every thinking will give new start with those concepts which will give those directions which will show new words that will give meanings with those appeals which will give start on each point
Every thinking will give new chapters with those pages which will give those meanings which will give new start to words that will give new meanings which will show light on each point
Every thinking will give new meanings with those touches which will give those steps which will give new basic step that will give new start which will give new thinking on each point
Every thinking will give new steps which will give new start which will give new power which will give new thinking that will give new route which will give new light on each point
Every thinking will give new moves which will give new moves which will give new lines which will give new feelings that will give new thought which will give new power on each point
Every thinking will give new start which will give new steps which will give new appeals which will show new light that will give new basic steps which will give new start on each point
Every thinking will give new moves which will give new concepts which will give new understanding which will give new power which will give new meaning on each point
Every thinking will give new day which will start to show new touch which will give new concepts that will show new light which will give new start to our mind on each point
Every thinking will give new start which will give new lines which will give new days that will show new light that will show new start which will give basic step on each point
Every thinking will give new stage which will show new light which will give new lines that will show new appeals that will show new moves which will give new power on each point
Every thinking will give new move which will show new start which will give new thought that will show new hopes that will give new spirit which will give strength on each point.

Poem 3227. I just want to learn

                                                         I just want to learn
I just want to learn that words which will show new light but it is not easy to search that word since life is not easy game but we can enjoy it on any time
I just want to learn that way which will show new peace but it is not easy to earn that in life since life is not serve it easily on silver platter on any time
I just want to learn that thinking which will show new thought but it is not easy to understand in life since life is not wonderful thought on any time
I just want to learn that concepts which will show new thinking but it is not so wonderful in life since life is not so easy to learn on every step on any time
I just want to learn that thinking which will show new world but it is not so appealing on any point since life is not so easy to learn on every move on any time
I just want to learn that feelings which will show new thinking but it is not so touchy on any point since life is not so easy to understanding on any time
I just want to learn that appeals which will show new concepts but it is not so wonderful on any point since life is not giving so many promise on any time
I just want to learn that thinking which will show new world but it is not so enchanting on any point since life is not give new spirit on any time
I just want to learn that thought which will show new thinking but it is not so appealing on any point since life is not that hope on any time
I just want to learn that understanding which will show new meanings but it is not so wonderful on any point since life is not that great on any time
I just want to learn that meanings which will show new knowledge but it is not so appeals on any point since life is not that wonderful on any time
I just want to learn that touch which will show new learning but it is not concepts on any meanings since life is not that enchanting on any time
I just want to learn that thinking which will show new lines but it is not appeals on any move since life is not that thinking which will give new power on any time
I just want to learn that moves which will show new words but it is not learning on any step since life is not that meanings which will give new steps on any time
I just want to learn that appeals which will show new starts but it is not easy on any move since life is not that appeals which will give new thinking on any time
I just want to learn that concepts which will show new thinking but it is not easy on any learning since life is not simple which will give new spirit on any time
I just want to learn that thinking which will show new moves but it is not easy on any move on any point since life is not simple which will give new understanding on any time
I just want to learn that thinking which will show new start of happiness but it is not easy on any step which will show new world since life is not simple on any time
I just want to learn that concepts which will show new rules of understanding but it is not appeals on any move which will show new thought since it is not refreshing on any time
I just want to learn that thinking which will show new words of chapters but it is not meanings on any step which will show new thinking since it is not wonderful on any time
I just want to learn that path which will show new wonderful touches but it is not appeals on any move which will show new world since it is not understanding on any time
I just want to learn that word which will show new meanings that will show new touch but it is not enchanting which will show new directions that will give meanings on any time
I just want to learn that feelings which will show new thinking that will show new feelings but it is not appeals which will show new chapter that will new start on any time
I just want to learn that start which will show new start that will show new touches but it is not giving new start which will show new touch that will show new thought on any time
I just want to learn that beginning which will show new words that will show new steps but it is not showing which will show new concepts that will show new start on any time
I just want to learn that touch which will show new meanings that will show new touches but it is not giving which will show new thinking that will give new power on any time
I just want to learn that directions which will show new feelings that will show new meanings but it is not creating which will show new thought that will give new world on any time
I just want to learn that thinking which will show new meanings that will show new concepts but it is not giving those appeals which will show new thought that will give new thought on any time
I just want to learn that thought which will show new appeals that will show new thinking but it is not creating those thinking which will give new moves that will give new lines on any time
I just want to learn that feelings which will show new world that will show new start but it is not appealing on any thought which will give new step that will give new thought on any time
I just want to learn that concept which will show new thinking that will show new chapter but it is not understanding on any feeling which will give new thinking that will new start on any time
I just want to understand that start which will give new moves that will show new light but it is not pleasant on any move which will give new knowledge that will show new chapter on any time
I just want to learn that will show new touches that will give new power but it is not giving new appeals on any part of mind which will give new touches that will show new touch on any time
I just want to learn that will show new meanings that will give new start but it is not showing those touches which will give new knowledge that will show new lines on any time
I just want to learn that will show new words that will give new lines but it is not chapters those meanings which will give new thinking that will show new meanings on any time
I just want to learn that will show new meanings that will give new thinking but it is not hopeful on any point which will give new chapters that will show new lines on any time
I just want to learn that will show new words that will give different lines but it is not easy which will give new knowledge that will show pure sort of meanings on any time
I just want to learn that will show new thinking that will give new different words but it is not simple which will show new feelings that will show new touch on any time
I just want to learn that start will show new concepts that will show new lines but it is not easy to understanding mind which will show new words that will show new start on any time
I just want to learn that start will show new meanings that will show new feelings but it is not easy to learn lines in mind which will show new touches that will show new part on any time
I just want to learn that start will show new words that will show new understanding but it is not easy to understand pages which will show new concepts that will show new start on any time
I just want to learn that start will show new knowledge that will show new appeals but it is not easy to learn those new meanings which will show new thinking that will show new step on any time
I just want to learn that start will give new concepts that will show new touches but it is not easy to learn them on any point which will give new concepts that will show new start on any time
I just want to learn that  start will give new thinking that will show new lines but it is not easy to understand them on any point which will give new power that will show new lines on any time.
I just want to learn that start will give new meanings that will show new knowledge but it will start to give new concepts which will give new words that will show power on any time
I just want to learn that start will give new understanding that will show new meanings but it will start to show new feelings which will give new thoughts that will show new part on any time
I just want to learn that thinking will give new chapters that will show new touches but it will give new spirit which will give new concepts that will give new start on any time
I just want to learn that rules which will give new power that will show new touch to heart but it will give new steps that will give new spirit on any time
I just want to learn that meanings which will give new concepts that will show new start but it will give new meaning that will give new concepts on any time
I just want to learn that thought which will give new touches that will show new pleasant touch but it will give new thought that will give new touch on any time
I just want to learn that thought which will give new pleasant thought that will show new world but it will give new concept that will give new steps on any time.

Poem 3226. When road will start

                                                          When road will start
When road will start to show those meanings which will show new world that will give impact which will show new moves that give meanings in life
When road will start to show those touches which will show new thinking that will give new breathe which will show new feelings of air in life
When road will start to show those concepts which will show new thoughts that will give new meanings which will show new words with lines in life
When road will start to show and give those touches which will show new feelings that will give new thinking which will show new start with thinking in life
When road will start to show new touches which will give new effects that will give new understanding which will show new touch with appeals in life
When road will start to show new meanings which will give new thoughts that will give new feelings which will show new light with power in life
When road will start to show new lines which will give new meanings that will show new power which will give new shine with new soul in life
When road will start to show new world which will give new concept that will show new touch which will give new meanings with new start in life
When road will start to show new thinking which will give new appeals that will show new world which will give new feelings with different touches in life
When road will start to show new world which will give new directions that will show new thoughts which will give new appeals with power of soul in life
When road will start to show new concepts which will give new appeals that will show new light which will give new meanings with new touch of soul in life
When road will start to show new meanings which will give new start that will show new world which will give new thoughts with new start of thinking in life
When road will start to show new start which will give new meanings that will show new words which will give new start with new touches of appeals in life
When road will start to show new appeals which will give new thinking that will show new start which will give new moves with new concepts in life
When road will start to show  new thinking which will give new appeals that will show new steps which will give new directions with new start in life
When road will start to show new world which will give new steps that will show new touches which will give new thoughts with new understanding in life
When road will start to show emotions which will give new spirit that will show new soul which will give new touch with different concepts on every step in life
When road will start to show new world which will give new meanings that will show new rules which will give new thoughts with different moves in life
When road will start to show new meanings which will give new feelings that will show new thought which will give new steps with different meanings in life
When road will start to show new thinking which will give new touches that will show new world which will give new thinking with different moves in life
When road will start to show new thoughts which will give new thinking that will show new concepts which will give new thoughts with different steps in life
When road will start to show new sections which will give new thoughts that will show new meanings which will give new appeals with different moves in life
When road will start to show new concepts which will give new appeals that will show new concepts which will give new meanings with different words in life
When road will start to show new meanings which will give new thoughts that will show new light which will give new thinking with different steps in life
When road will start to show new appeals which will give new understanding that will show new mind which will give new meanings with different moves in life
When road will start to show new meanings which will give new thoughts that will show new lines which will give new concepts with different words in life
When road will start to show new lines which will give new concepts that will show new world which will give new shine with different understanding in life
When road will start to show new thinking which will give new steps that will show new touches which will give new lines with different words in life
When road will start to show new meanings which will give new concepts that will show new life which will give new meanings with different thoughts in life
When road will start to show new learning which will give new understanding that will show new thought which will give new meanings in life
When road will start to show new meanings which will give new words that will show new meanings which will give new touch with different directions in life
When road will start to show new lines which will give new concepts that will show new thoughts which will give new appeals with different meanings in life
When road will start to show new thinking which will give new touches that will show new light which will give new thinking with new soul in life
When road will start to show new words which will give new meanings that will show new start which will give new power with thinking of soul in life
When road will start to show new start which will give new steps that will show new world which will give new concepts with thoughts of thinking in life
When road will start to show new lines which will give words that will show new concepts which will show new meanings with new world in life
When road will start to show new meanings which will give new thinking that will show new appeals which will show new understanding with different point in life
When road will start to show new touches which will give new concepts that will show new meanings which will show new appeals with different thinking in life
When road will start to show new thinking which will give new power that will show new moves which will show new concepts with different moves in life
When road will start to show new thoughts which will give new steps that will show new touches which will show new thinking with different steps in life
When road will start to show new moves which will give new appeals that will show new start which will show new power with different understanding in life
When road will start to show new thinking which will give new moves that will show new understanding which will show new moves with different touch in life
When road will start to show sorrows which will hurt our soul we want to turn behind that thought will stop us from moving ahead in world on every step in life
When road will start to show new meanings which will give new power to our world that will show new shine on every move of mind which will show hope in life
When road will start to show new understanding which will give new touch to our soul that will show new light on every step we sense it from our thinking in life
When road will start to show new appeals which will give new power to our life that will show new thoughts on every move we sense it from our moves in life
When road will start to show new world which will give new concept to our mind that will show new thoughts on every step we sense it from thinking in life
When road will start to show new thinking which will give new start to our life that will show new sort of shine on every step we sense it from feelings in life
When road will start to show new thought which will give new concept to our thinking that will show new touch of mind we sense it from soul in life
When road will start to show new appeals which will give new meanings to our soul that will show new start to understanding we sense it with appeals of soul in life
When road will start to show new touches which will give new moves to our world that will show new thinking to our soul which will give new thought in life.

Poem 3225. That way which will make

                                                     That way which will make
That way which will make our world alive will start to show new concepts that will give new life to our soul which will give happiness on every step of life
That way which will make our world alive will show different colors that will show new world to our thinking which will give new moves on every step of life
That way which will make our world alive will show new concepts that will show new thinking to our soul which will give new thoughts on every step of life
That way which will make our world alive will show new moves that will give new thought to our understanding which will give new light on every step of life
That way which will make our world alive will show new concepts that will give new understanding to our soul which will give new start on every step of life
That way which will make our world alive will show new thoughts that will give new feelings to our world which will give new moves on every step of life
That way which will make our world alive will show new steps that will give new mind to our understanding which will give new concepts on every step of life
That way which will make our world alive will show new start that will give new move to our thinking which will give new start to our world on every step of life
That way which will make our world alive will show new moves that will give new thoughts to our thinking which will give new power to our world on every step of life
That way which will make our world alive will show new start that will show new colors to our soul which will give new steps to our thinking on every step of life
That way which will make our world alive will show new emotions that will show new feelings which will give new appeals to our understanding on every step of life
That way which will make our world alive will show new feelings that will show new knowledge which will give new words to our thinking on every step of life
That way which will make our world alive will show new steps that will show new world which will give new concepts to our understanding on every step of life
That way which will make our world alive will show new meanings that will show new start which will give new power to our feelings on every step of life
That way which will make our world alive will show new start that will show new steps which will give new moves to our thinking on every step of life
That way which will make our world alive will show new steps that will show new world which will give new thought to our understanding on every step of life
That way which will make our world alive will show new meanings that will show new lines which will give new words to our appeals on every step of life
That way which will make our world alive will show new feelings that will show new chapters which will show new steps to our mind on every step of life
That way which will make our world alive will show new moves that will show new understanding which will show new concepts to our thinking on every step of life
That way which will make our world alive will show new start that will show new meanings which will show new appeals to our understanding on every step of life
That way which will make our world alive will show new meanings that will show new steps which will show new understanding to our meanings on every step of life
That way which will make our world alive will show new thoughts that will show new thinking which will show new meanings to our touches on every step of life
That way which will make our world alive will show new lines that will show new lines which will give emotions to our understanding on every step of life
That way which will make our world alive will show new steps that will show new concepts which will give new appeals to our thinking on every step of life
That way which will make our world alive will show new concepts that will show new thought which will give new light to our feelings on every step of life
That way which will make our world alive will show new meanings that will show new steps which will give new light to our understanding on every step of life
That way which will make our world alive will show new moves that will show new world which will give new ratio to our meanings on every step of life
That way which will make our world alive will show new meanings that will show new start which will give new appeals to our meanings on every step of life
That way which will make our world alive will show new touches that will show new lines which will show new meaning to our thinking on every step of life
That way which will make our world alive will show new thoughts that will show new meanings which will show new start to our thinking on every step of life
That way which will make our world alive will show new lines that will show new thoughts which will show new words to our understanding on every step of life
That way which will make our world alive will show new steps that will show new steps which will create new meanings to our thinking on every step of life
That way which will make our world alive will show new power that will show new thinking which will give new moves to our soul on every step of life
That way which will make our world alive will show new meanings that will show new words which will give new concepts to our thinking on every step of life
That way which will make our world alive will show new thinking that will show new power which will give new meanings to our routes on every step of life
That way which will make our world alive will show new resources that will give new hopes which will show new start to our understanding on every step of life
That way which will make our world alive will show new thought that will give new meanings which will show new moves to our learning on every step of life
That way which will make our world alive will show new thinking that will give new knowledge which will show new meanings to our understanding on every step of life
That way which will make our world alive will show new moves that will give new appeals which will show new world to our thinking on every step of life
That way which will make our world alive will show new understanding that will show new thinking which will show new start to our understanding on every step of life
That way which will make our world alive will start to give new rules that will show new meanings which will show new meanings which will show new world on every step of life
That way which will make our world alive will start to create those moves that will show new words which will show new thoughts which will show new thoughts on every step of life
That way which will make our world alive will start to give those appeals that will show new light which will show new concepts which will show new meanings on every step of life
That way which will make our world alive will start to show those meanings that will show new thinking which will show new thoughts which will show new concepts on every step of life
That way which will make our world alive will start to show new world that will show new touches which will show new thinking which will show new directions on every step of life
That way which will make our world alive will start to give new touches that will show new meanings which will show new moves which will show new lines on every step of life
That way which will make our world alive will start to give new knowledge that will show new appeals which will show new lines which will show new thinking on every step of life
That way which will make our world alive will start to create new ways that will show new world which will give new meanings to our soul which will show new ratio on every step of life
That way which will make our world alive will start to give new hopes that will show new meanings which will give new thinking to our words which will show new start on every step of life
That way which will make our world alive will start to give those understanding that will show new start which will give new appeals to our words which will show new moves on every step of life
That way which will make our world alive will start to create those words that will show new meanings which will give new touches to our words which will show new lines on every step of life.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Poem 3224. Those different emotions will

                                                    Those different emotions will
Those different emotions will give knowledge that will show new world which will give new meanings that will show new scene on each step of mind
Those different emotions will give knowledge that will show new start which will give new thoughts that will show new moves on each step of mind
Those different emotions will give those feelings that will show new moves which will give new words that will show new feelings on each step of mind
Those different emotions will give those meanings that will show new thoughts which will give new meanings that will show new words on each step of mind
Those different emotions will give different scene that will show new world which will give new start that will show new appeals on each step of mind
Those different emotions will give different moves that will show new touches which will give new moves that will show new world on each step of mind
Those different emotions will give different thoughts that will show new lines which will give new thinking that will show new words on each step of mind
Those different emotions will give different ways that will show new ways which will give new words that will show new start on each step of mind
Those different emotions will give different steps that will show new understanding which will give new scene that will show new appeals on each step of mind
Those different emotions will give different thinking that will show new start which will give new power to our soul that will show new light on each step of mind
Those different emotions will give different meanings that will show new scenes which will give new chapters that will show new spirit on each step of mind
Those different emotions will give different spirits that will show new thoughts which will give new thinking that will show new world on each step of mind
Those different emotions will give different thoughts that will show new lines which will give new spirits that will show new moves on each step of mind
Those different emotions will give different steps that will show different scene which will give new effects that will show new light on each step of mind
Those different emotions will give different thoughts that will show different concepts which will give new appeals that will show new thoughts on each step of mind
Those different emotions will give different meanings that will show different understanding which will give new moves that will show new light on each step of mind
Those different emotions will give  new scene on each step of mind which will show new world that will show new thoughts that give power on each step of mind
Those different emotions will give new concepts which will give new knowledge which will show new world that will create new thinking that give new thought on each step of mind
Those different emotions will give new meanings which will show new thoughts which will show new world that will give new appeals that give new words on each step of mind
Those different emotions will give new knowledge which will show new words which will show new world that will give new meanings that give new chapters on each step of mind
Those different emotions will give new meanings which will show new appeals which will show new thoughts that will give new spirit that give new touches on each step of mind
Those different emotions will give new concepts which will show new meanings which will show new concepts that will give new meanings that give new concepts on each step of mind
Those different emotions will give new steps which will show new thinking which will show new light that will give new steps which will give new thoughts on each step of mind
Those different emotions will give new start which will give new thought which will show new concepts that will give new thinking which will give new directions on each step of mind
Those different emotions will give new feelings which will give new directions which will show new thoughts that will give new start which will give new moves on each step of mind
Those different emotions will give new appeals which will give new thinking which will show new touches that will give new thoughts which will give new appeals on each step of mind
Those different emotions will give new start which will give new lines which will show new world that will give new steps which will show new moves which will give light on each step of mind
Those different emotions will give new moves which will give new understanding which will show new start that will give new meanings which will show new touch on each step of mind
Those different emotions will give new touches which will give new words which will show new pages that will give new thoughts which will show new thoughts on each step of mind
Those different emotions will give new start which will give new spirit which will show new set of mind that will give new light which will show new world on each step of mind
Those different emotions will give new thought which will show new scene that will give new emotions which will show new shine on each step of mind
Those different emotions will give new appeals which will give new lines which will show new words that will give new spirit which will show new opening on each step of mind
Those different emotions will give new directions which will give new chapters which will show new world that will give new thinking which will give new steps on each step of mind
Those different emotions will give new things which will give new meanings which will show new directions that will create new lines which will give new world on each step of mind
Those different emotions will give new spirit which will give new light which will show new world that will create new spirit which will give new soul to thinking on each step of mind
Those different emotions will give new light which will give new meanings which will show new concepts that will create new understanding which will give new spirit on each step of mind
Those different emotions will give new appeals which will give new start which will show new ways that will show new chapters which will give new meanings on each step of mind
Those different emotions will give new light which will give new steps which will show new world that will show new start which will give new spirit on each step of mind
Those different emotions will give new spirit which will give new light which will show many part of nature that will show new world which will give new directions on each step of mind
Those different emotions will give new feelings which will give new steps which will show many concepts of mind that will show new start which will give new routes of mind
Those different emotions will give new steps which will give new thoughts which will show new meanings of mind that will show new steps which will give new ways of mind
Those different emotions will give new feelings which will give new directions which will show new light to our thinking that will show new spirit which will give new step of mind
Those different emotions will give new sections which will give new start which will show new effects to our understanding that will show new steps which will give new thought of mind
Those different emotions will give new steps which will give new appeals which will show new moves to our thinking that will show new thinking which will give new spirit of mind
Those different emotions will give new start which will give new meanings which will show new sections to our thinking that will show new understanding which will give new spirit of mind
Those different emotions will give new start which will give new moves which will show new world to our understanding that will show new touch which will give new directions of mind
Those different emotions will give new path which will give new concepts which will show new light to our moves that will show new understanding which will give new ratio of mind
Those different emotions will give new steps which will give new understanding which will show new touch to our thinking that will show new light which will give new hopes of mind
Those different emotions will give new start which will give new thinking which will show new start to our understanding that will show new world which will give new spirit of mind
Those different emotions will give new appeals which will give new touches which will show new meanings to our words that will show new touch which will give new start of mind
Those different emotions will give new concepts which will give new steps which will show new start to our thinking that will show new start which will give new thought of mind.

Poem 3223. On every start I have

                                                    On every start I have
On every start I have some knowledge it will show new light I start to sense it on every step of mind with different books that will create new touch on every point
On every start I have some knowledge it will show new mind I start to give it on every move that thought which will give new ambitions to our soul on every point
On every start I have some knowledge it will show new thought I start to bring it on every start of understanding which will give new steps to our thinking on every point
On every start I have some understanding it will show new feelings I start to sense them with those concepts which will give new light to our understanding on every point
On every start I have some appeals it will show new start which will show new light with those steps which will give new concepts to our thinking on every point
On every start I have some moves it will show new touch which will show new appeals with those meanings which will give new start to our lines on every point
On every start I have some meanings it will show new thinking which will show new start with those understanding which will give new concepts on every point
On every start I have some lines it will show new lines which will show new meanings with those words that will show which will give new lines on every point
On every start I have some appeals it will show new light which will create new concepts with those touches that will show new world which will give new steps on every point
On every start I have some words it will show new meanings which will show new start with every steps of mind that will show new meanings which will give new appeals on every point
On every start I have some thoughts it will show new thinking which will show new moves with every showing that will show new start which will give new concepts on every point
On every start I have some words it will show new start which will show new world to mind with every step that will give new effects which will give new ratio on every point
On every start I have some directions it will show new move which will show new search with every move that will give new appeals which will give new words on every point
On every start I have some meanings it will show new words which will show new thinking with every step that will give new spirit which will give new moves on every point
On every start I have some understanding it will show new thoughts which will show new meanings with every move that will give new touch which will give new spirit on every point
On every start I have some touches it will show new learning which will give new thoughts with every step that will give new thinking which will give new appeals on every point
On every start I have some concepts it will show new impact which will give new effects which will show new touch that will give new directions which will give new thought on every point
On every start I have some meaning it will show new thought which will give new concepts which will show new feelings that will show new light which will give new knowledge on every point
On every start I have some knowledge it will show new concepts which will give new words which will show new world that will show new thought which will give new impact on every point
On every start I have some understanding it will give new thought which will show new understanding which will show new world with those colors which will give new life on every point
On every start I have some meanings it will give new words which will show new concepts that will show effect which will give those touches which will give new thoughts on every point
On every start I have some lines it will give new spirit which will show new feelings that will show new thoughts which will give new concepts which will give new directions on every point
On every start I have some words it will give new touches which will show new directions that will show new route which will give new thoughts which will give words on every point
On every start I have some thinking it will give new start which will show new touches that will show new impact which will give new appeals which will give new thoughts on every point
On every start I have some understanding it will give new thoughts which will show new meanings that will show new world which will give new spirit which will give new directions on every point
On every start I have some appeals it will give new directions which will create lines that will show new appeals which will give new thinking which will give new appeals on every point
On every start I have some meanings it will give new concepts which will give new words that will show new mind which will give new power which will give new spirit on every point
On every start I have some concepts it will give new thoughts which will give new appeals that will show new touch which will give new words which will give new words on every point
On every start I have some directions it will give new words which will chapters that will show new meanings which will give new thoughts which will give new thinking on every point
On every start I have some appeals it will give new touches which will give new meanings that will show new heart which will give new wonderful thoughts which will give new opening on every point
On every start I have some moves it will give new start which will manage to give new steps that will show new moves which will give new start which will give new steps on every point
On every start I have some appeals it will give new ratio which will show new start that will give light which will give true color of happiness of mind which will give new touch on every point
On every start I have some directions it will give new appeals which will show new moves that will give new thought which will give new light which will show new world on every point
On every start I have some thinking it will give new touches which will show new appeals that will give new creation which will give new moves which will show new light on every point
On every start I have some feelings it will give new lines which will show new chapters that will give new meanings which will give new concepts which will show new thought on every point
On every start I have some appeals it will show new world which will show new words that will give new thinking which will give new words which will show new meanings on every point
On every start I have some meanings it will show new touches which will show new steps that will give new meanings which will give new touch which will show new start on every point
On every start I have some feelings it will show new thoughts which will show new words that will give new knowledge which will give new thoughts which will show new light on every point
On every start I have some meanings it will show new steps which will give new spirits that will give new concepts which will give new steps which will show new thinking on every point
On every start I have some feelings it will show new light which will give new concepts that will give new understanding which will give new thoughts which will show new world on every point
On every start I have some words it will show new meanings which will give new thinking that will give new words which will give new knowledge which will show new thought on every point
On every start I have some appeals it will show new chapters which will give new words that will create sentences which will give new spirits which will show new spirit on every point
On every start I have some meanings it will show new thinking which will give new thoughts that will show new touch which will give new concepts which will show new touch on every point
On every start I have some concepts it will show new meanings which will give new thinking that will show new thoughts which will give new steps which will show new thinking on every point
On every start I have some understanding it will show new touches which will give new words that will show new meanings which will give new touches which will show new thought on every point
On every start I have some appeals it will show new meanings which will give new concepts that will show new thinking which will give new light which will show new appeals on every point
On every start I have some appeals it will show new thoughts which will give new spirit that will show new understanding which will give new thoughts which will show new steps on every point
On every start I have some thinking it will show new chapters of life which will give new moves that will show new world which will give new understanding which will show new steps on every point
On every start I have some thinking it will show new thinking of life which will give new thinking that will show new spirit which will help to find new hopes which will show new world on every point
On every start I have some meanings it will show new thoughts of life which will give new meanings that will show new touches which will give new chapters which will show new lines on every point
On every start I have some appeals it will show new lines of life which will give new directions to our soul that will show new world which will give new points which will show new happiness on every point.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Adventure story 282. Cupboard full of clothes

                                                  Cupboard full of clothes
Reema started to counting her clothes in cupboard. She never sensed that she took too much clothes. She began to see different clothes. She just seemed to lost in thoughts in life. She began to see different sort of colors in them. She began to select clothes. She began to see different styles of clothes which would show different looks on each step. She started to show different sort of clothes. She started to search and watch different styles of her clothes. She began to touch them. She didn't sense when she managed to buy all those clothes. Those clothes were showing different designs. She never thought properly while buying them. She just picked new style every day. She didn't feel concern about it. She start to feel happy from her soul when she bought it. She started to sense different appeals. But at this moment she didn't even remember which dress she bought on which day. She just didn't understand why did she kept purchasing dresses in such way every day. When she hardly had time to use them, she was always busy in her household work. She wanted to go out but her husband Jay hardly had time to take her out. She just had to keep working at home. Then she slowly start looking at her dresses. She felt that she never had chance to wear them. But she didn't even remember about buying few of them. It was totally strange. She just never remembered buy few dresses. It was so strange. She was so confused. She took out one of that dress. It was a stylish dress. She just loved it when she touched it. It was so soft. She just wanted to wear it. She decided that she might go for walk with that dress. This way she could wear that dress and use it. She began to feel so happy about it. When she wore that dress, she suddenly began to feel so nice. She never wore something so expensive in her life. She never had chance or money to wear such thing. But strange thing was that she didn't remember purchasing it. She started to feel different from mind. She began to think hard about her last shopping. Who was with her? She went with her Mom. She smiled. She decided to call her Mom. Her Mom took her phone. " Reema how are you?" " Mom I am fine but can you come today to meet me." " Meet you?" " Yes Mom. It's emergency." " What happened?" " Don't ask me Mom?" " Is it about .." Then her Mom stopped it. But Reema needed to know now. " Just tell me what you thought. Come on. Get over it." Then her Mom slowly asked " Is it about baby?" " No Mom. It is not about baby. I know very well. It was over. I don't think about it that much now. Mom why did you have to mention it? Mom don't you understand it hurt?" " But I was just asking one question. In fact I was even trying to stop but you pushed me." "That is enough Mom. You are so cruel. I hate you." She started cursing her Mom and then she just disconnected call. She was so angry. She started to throw things around. She just didn't understand why did chapter of baby keep coming. She wanted to ignore it and she felt wrong she was also do same thing. She was no longer interested in talking to her Mom. Her Mom was not acting in kind way. She needed someone who could really help her. But she was having so much problem in controlling her anger. She just started throwing stuff around. She just wanted to stop her anger She didn't want to hurt herself. She just started to remember last time when she hurt herself. She could clearly remembered how hard it was to hide it from all. She wanted to hide it from Jay. But she could clearly see pain in his eyes. Then he asked her that worst question. " Don't you feel I am enough for you? Why you need child to make full family?" She felt so much pain. Jay felt rejected by her. She didn't want him. He was always there for her. So from that day she started searching ways to hide her pains. It was working very well. But today she began to doubt. She had cupboard full of clothes and she didn't know when she purchased many of them. She kept crying.
  Reema's Mom Shital was so nervous. Shital already started blaming herself. She could have asked that question when she was sitting before Reema. It would have been lot better. Those telephone conversation never helped any one when they were depressed. She needed to create personal touch. She needed to handle whole situation with care. She still remembered how did Reema acted last time. She just kept praying to god. She didn't over react this time. She didn't want in that worst way. Shital was so upset. Shital was feeling so tense every day due to Reema. She didn't know if she did right or wrong by not telling Jay. She was so confused. She just felt one thought from soul. She might had took wrong decision. But she started to think that she might had just told it to Jay. She was so tense. She just kept screaming on her driver to move fast. Taxi Driver " Madam I am trying. Why are you screaming like that? " " My daughter is sick." Then he seemed to understood seriousness. He started to drive fast. When she reached to Reema's building, she started to run. She was so happy when she saw that lift was there. Finally she reached to Reema's house. She started to ring door bell. She was so happy when Reema opened door. She hugged her. Reema " I wanted to show you something Mom just come inside." Shital could see that she was crying but she looked normal. But Reema was pulling her towards some place. Shital started to sense something must be wrong. Then Reema took her to cupboard. " See inside my cupboard." Shital started to look inside cupboard. She began to see many clothes which were so expensive. She started to look at those dresses. They were so costly. She loved just touching them. Shital felt that Reema went alone on shopping. She was so happy that Reema started to go for shopping alone. It was so great. Shital wanted her to go out of house. She wanted Reema to enjoy life. But those clothes looked too expensive. She started to think that Reema could relax for few time. Reema could enjoy her life. Shital " Nice clothes." " Yes Mom but they are too expensive and I don't remember purchasing them." Now Shital started laughing. She felt that Reema was joking. But Reema didn't join that laugh and Shital started feeling scared.  Shital " Reema how could you forget you have purchased those dresses? You have to remember them. You don't remember any?"  " No Mom I remember many dresses like this pink Punjabi suit. This black palazzo. But I don't remember this mini skirt. Or this red deep neck gown. I never wore something like that." Then Shital pulled out one pink bikini. My God! When you got this. Are you planning to wear it?" " No Mom. I never wear that kind of dresses." " Then why did you purchase them?" " Mom I did not purchase them. Or at least I don't remember purchasing them."  Shital was shocked now. Her daughter purchased so many expensive dresses and didn't remember purchasing them. It was shocking. Shital " May be you went out with Jay had bought it?" " Then why I don't remember. And Mom you know me very well I never wore that kind of dresses. Her Mom looked confused. Her Mom knew very well that Reema never waste money like that. Shital " Are you saying that you buy them and don't remember? Something strange happening to you." "What else can I say? Is it possible Mom that like some of those movies. I have started to get other personality inside me." " What?" " I mean how could I purchase and then forget." Shital was totally confused now. Reema was telling truth. It was not possible. Then Shital decided that they both needed to sit quietly before chatting so Reema. Shital went in kitchen and made one dark coffee for Reema. Now a days Reema began to drink it. Since she wanted to stay alert. Shital decided that she must ask Reema did she sleeping well. Shital began to think this was real problem due to lack of sleep. Reema started to forget things. Shital came out with smile. Shital " I feel that you are forgetting due to lack of sleep. You need to reduce this coffee." " Mom this is far fetched. I mean person can't forget like that due to lack of sleep." " Oh really? Then how did you got so much money to purchase them without permission of Jay." Reema started to look relieved. She started laughing " You are right Mom. I am getting too tense. I need to relax. " "Yes so go and sleep. I will make dinner today." " But Mom.." "Go to sleep and that's my order." Reema smiled and went in her room. She slept on bed. Slowly her attention went to ceiling. She kept looking at it. She began to feel cold touch of air conditioner's air. It was wonderful. Her Mom must had switched on AC. She started to get sleepy. Slowly she forgot everything and surrendered herself to sleep.
  Shital started searching in kitchen for things and she was shocked when she noticed that even kitchen was not normal. She saw that refrigerator was full of expensive meat. She was so shocked when Reema bought it. She just didn't understand why did Reema brought this. Reema never liked such type of expensive meat. It was not her choice. But her refrigerator was loaded with it. She started to search for vegetables. She decided that she might just use one of the meat and cook something tasty. It might help to cheer up spirit of Reema who was so depressed. But then she began to feel tense. She had to tell Reema about this too. But Reema must had checked her kitchen. After all she had cooked in morning. Shital started to feel convinced that it was possible that she might had bought it. Then she suddenly remembered Jay. She started to think about him. How could he permitted so much wastage of money. Reema might have decided to make those purchases in her madness but Jay had to object her. Shital suddenly began to feel tense. She started to think that it might be possible that this was hidden from Jay. She was so scared. But then she convinced herself that it was not possible. She started to cut vegetables to look nice rice out of chicken. She was doing every thing with care since she wanted to do her best. She didn't want Jay to sense any thing wrong. When she started to cook Reema started to smell. She was so happy by that smell. She started to feel hungry. She was no longer interested in sleeping again. She was so confused at beginning. She felt as if she was sitting in hotel since she had wonderful dream of eating food in hotel at night. It was wonderful thought. She began to feel so relief by this. She began to feel so nice. When she opened her eyes, she sensed her Mom was cooking. She smiled and went in kitchen. Reema " Mom when did you buy this chicken?" Shital " Your refrigerator is full of meat." " What?" Reema ran to refrigerator. She was so shocked. Reema remembered very well. That it was not full in morning. " Mom something is wrong with me. In morning I don't see any of this." Shital " But how could this happen?" " I don't know Mom. I feel that I might start to have some problem." Shital was so scared now. " I feel you must visit Doctor." " But I don't want Jay to know about it." " Come on. Jay will understand it." Reema started to look scared. She suddenly began to remember. Jay's new friend Isha. Isha came in her home twice. She was talking very nicely with Reema. Isha showed so much concern about her when it was told that Reema couldn't have baby. But one thing Reema sensed on that time. Jay trusted her too much. Jay told Isha about her fertility problem. It was strange. Normally people didn't discuss such things. But then Reema felt that he might have expressed his sorrows. After all he was not going to be father. He must had felt those pains. On that time she never tried to kill herself so she needed help. But then Reema started to sense that Jay was mentioning Isha again and again. But she knew that Isha was not threat to her. Since Jay told her few days ago, that Isha was getting married to some businessman. He looked happy about it. So Reema was convinced that he was not interested in her at least on that point. But then she didn't feel so sure. They were never invited to her marriage. It was possible that Isha kept it small. But so small that she didn't even invited Jay in it. Reema didn't want to take any risk. She didn't want to tell her Mom. But then she thought that she might just say it. After all she was telling it just to her Mom. She told her every thing step by step. Shital " I don't believe that Jay will cheat you like that but still I can't deny risk regarding him getting involved with other girl. I feel we can easily avoid him." Reema smiled happily. Then Shital called her friend who was receptionist to Doctor. She told every thing to her. Soon they managed to receive appointment on next week. When Shital disconnected call, she spoke first question from mind. " Why Jay didn't sense that you are spending too much?" " Mom stop searching logic. I am so scared. What if I did something wrong before it?" " Don't worry. Just keep faith and move ahead." Reema nodded. Then Shital suggested that they would watch some nice comedy film. Reema nodded. But she just couldn't concentrate on that movie. Her mind just kept coming back to that issue. She was so tense that she could do something wrong. Shital was laughing on every joke but Reema couldn't. Shital was trying hard to force her to join them. But Reema just couldn't get involved. She was so scared. She just kept thinking on every point that Jay might get bored of her if he knew that she had mental problem. She couldn't give him child. It was already her fault in her eyes. She didn't want to show another fault. She just kept praying that she just managed to hide it with some way. 
  Shital sat with her for long time. But soon Shital started to sense that Reema was not relaxing. Shital " Come on. You were acting fine until today. It will go in right way for you." Reema nodded.  Then Shital went home. Reema knew that she had to act normal before Jay. So she prepared best way. She opened door for him with smile. But he looked at her and started to give strange look to her. Jay asked her " What happened?" She smiled." Nothing." Then he started going in kitchen. She started trying to stop him. " What do you want?" " I want to drink some water. Why are you stopping? I want to take look in kitchen." " Nothing is important." " Then why are you trying to stop me?" He started pushing his way. He pushed her in such a strength that she fall far away. She was so scared. She started to run back. Jay opened kitchen. Jay " My god you have spend so much money on this. Do you know? You managed to spend every rupee from that bank account. You used credit card like some mad person." Reema started crying. Reema " I don't know why I purchased it." Jay started screaming on her. " You have managed to throw away entire money. And I am sure that it is not all. Where are other things?" Reema was shivering by now. She didn't understand what she supposed to do. She started crying. Jay was moving around house like mad person. Then he went to cupboard. He was so angry when he saw those dresses. He began to scream on her in loud voice. She just started to feel so helpless. She began to sense that she was no longer needed in that house. She just ran to kitchen. She pulled out on knife and cut once again on hand without second thought. She could see that first mark on hand. She needed to control her soul. But she decided against it. She thought that she needed to die. That pain started increasing. She could see blood from her hand falling on kitchen floor. But she was no longer unhappy by that pain. She was so happy that she managed to get over this life. She didn't want to become burden on Jay. She didn't want Jay to suffer due to her. She started to take deep breathe from her mouth when she started to faint on floor. She saw that Jay was turning towards phone. He was calling ambulance. But she wanted him to come near her. She wanted him to stay with her on her last moments. She didn't want to survive. But he was not interested in sitting near her. He seemed more interested in telling world. He was not even looking at her face . He was telling someone that she finally cut her wrist. Jay " I knew from beginning something was wrong with brain. But no one believed me. Now I  have to handle this suicide case. You are lawyer will you come?" This was last line she heard before she fully fainted on kitchen floor. But before falling she sensed one thing that Jay was not coming near her. Then she once again woke up little bit when she felt touch of people. There were ward boys. She was taken in ambulance. She was searching for Jay on that point. She was feeling so much pain and so much weakness. She wanted to see him before her death. But he was not around there. She just couldn't turn her head. She could hear his voice. But it was not making any meaning to her brain. She was feeling one thing that was pain. She was feeling as if her life was draining away with that horrible pain. She was so scared on that point. She wanted to turn back but then once again she started to feel so useless. She was nothing but burden on this world. She just started to feel that she deserved this pain. She started to surrendering to that pain. But then on that last moment once again Shital's face came before her. Her Mom did so many things for her. She didn't deserve so much pain. She remembered that she promised her Mom that she would not do it again. She cheated to her. She suddenly felt guilt and on that point. She asked to Doctor who was trying to stop that blood. " Doctor I did mistake. Can you save me?" Doctor gave a angry look. Doctor " Why don't you understand this before? Don't you sense value of your life?" She started to cry. She knew that she didn't value her life. She needed to think twice before this. Then suddenly other Doctor spoke sweetly " Don't worry. You will be fine." After that she closed her eyes. She didn't want to face any one now. She was feeling so ashamed. She did that mistake again. She didn't want to woke up.
  Shital was so confused. She kept calling to Reema but no one was picking up her phone. She didn't want any one to guess it. Shital knew that if this news went out then people would start talking against Reema. Reema was considered culprit since news spread which told every one that she could not become mother. Shital just didn't understand how could people act in such cruel way to other person. She just had to talk to Reema. Finally she decided that she should just go and visit her. When Shital reached to her home, she was shocked. Since many neighbors were standing near their door, she sensed something was wrong. One of the neighbor came running towards her. Neighbor " Reema's Mom do you know?" "What?" Another person " How could person act like that? Jay didn't even inform her Mom." Shital " What happened?" " There was big argument between Jay and Reema. Reema finally cut her wrist." " I don't understand why did they argue?" Shital was about to call Jay, when she heard another neighbor talking. " It was really strange. Yesterday I saw Jay bring so much meat while hiding from Reema. I thought he was throwing some surprise party for her. I mean it was great in her situation. She is feeling so depressed.  But then why did it turn in such a wrong way?" Shital was so shocked. She ran towards that neighbor. " Jay bought them?" " Yes. Why?" " Reema thought she was buying it without understanding." Neighbor started laughing. " Come on Reema was not mad. Jay was buying things for her." " Yes he used to buy gift for her on every day." Shital was so happy. She just needed to tell this to Reema then every thing would become fine. Shital " Will you come with me? I want to convince Reema that she was not doing this. If Jay say it, then she felt that he was doing it out of love." Many neighbors agreed to come with her. After all Shital needed help. They said that Reema was always helpful. When they reached, Police was talking to Jay. Shital came running towards them. Shital smiled. Shital " Reema was confused since she thought that she bought it all. Just we have to tell her you bought it." Jay " No. She is mad. She never understand it. She kept buying things." Neighbor screamed in anger " You are lying. We all saw you bought it." Police started looking at Jay with anger. Now Jay started looking scared. Police " I got it all. Are you involved in some one else?" Jay started looking in some other place. Shital understood every thing. Jay wanted to get rid of Reema. " Why did you want to hurt her like that? You are trying to disturb her mentally." " Since I need baby. She didn't give to me." Shital felt so sad. Shital " Get lost." Police " You can file complaint against him. This way at least he had to give alimony to your daughter. This man was so selfish." Jay started to feel scared. Finally Shital filed complaint and neighbor supported it. Jay finally told to stay away from Reema. Shital started observing Reema in nervously. Shital " She will never understand this. " Then Doctor came from behind. " Don't worry she would fine." She turned towards him. " Hell Madam I am Doctor Sharma. I am psychiatrist. I think you have taken my appointment." " Yes..yes. How did you understood?" " Actually Reema had my address written on her table. Police found it. They were suspicion about Jay so they searched his house. I am here to help her. Don't worry." " But how did she survive in life? She can't survive without family." Shital started crying. Psychiatrist " Stop this thinking. I will change it all. She will get those ways which will show new corner in life." Shital felt so sad. But then she sensed that she needed to show spirit. If she wanted to take Reema out of depression, she needed to move over it on every step. She needed to understand those problem would vanish after sometime. First time she needed to sense that baby was not so important. She needed to convince herself that Reema could live normal life. Shital " Doctor you are right. She can be happy without husband and child, if we start to show her other ways." " Now you are talking in right way. We will show her new ways in life." "Actually she wanted to become singer but I never gave her chance. I thought Jay was best for her." " But now she would become singer." Then Shital smiled. Psychiatrist " I promise you that I will make every thing right."
                                                       The End

Friday, February 24, 2017

Poem 3222. Every cloud will

                                                            Every cloud will
Every cloud will have new dream if we decide that we will give them dreams on every point with our thinking in every step of life
Every cloud will have new start if we start to plan with them new touches of life which will create new beginning in every step of life
Every cloud will have new appeals if we start to learn with them new tasks of life which will give new understanding in every step of life
Every cloud will have new concept if we start to sense with them new moves of life which will give new thinking to world in every step of life
Every cloud will have new thought if we start to feel with those touches of mind which will give new moments to world in every step of life
Every cloud will have new understanding if we start to sense with them new thinking which will give new touch to world in every step of life
Every cloud will have new start if we began to tell different thoughts in mind which will give new steps to world in every step of life
Every cloud will have new concepts if we began to show new thinking which will give new moves that start to show new move in every step of life
Every cloud will have new thoughts if we start to show new looks which will give new enchanting impact on mind that will give new meanings in every step of life
Every cloud will have new ways if we start to learn those concepts which will give new touches to our feelings that will give new look in every step of life
Every cloud will give new touch if we start to show new colors which will give new shades to our thinking that will give new concepts in every step of life
Every cloud will give new look if we start to give those touches which will give new steps to our mind that will give new thought in every step of life
Every cloud will give new desires if we start to give those concepts which will give new meanings to our mind that will give new feelings in every step of life
Every cloud  will give new looks if we start to see their movements which will give new touches to our thinking that will give new start in every step of life
Every cloud will give new start if we start to see ways which will give new meanings to our soul that will give new shine to our thinking in every step of life
Every cloud will give new move if we start to learn those moves which will give new thinking to that step that will give new looks in every step of life
Every cloud will give new colors if we start to look at them which will show new start to understanding that will give meanings in every step of life
Every cloud will give new look if we start to look at sky which will show hopes to our thinking that will give new spirit to our soul in every step of life
Every cloud will give new touch if we start to sense those meanings which will show those imaginations that will give new meanings in every step of life
Every cloud will give new meanings if we start to learn those moves which will show new world that will give new power to our soul in every step of life
Every cloud will give new words if we start to show new effects to atmosphere which will show new power that will give new spirit in every step of life
Every cloud will give new steps if we start to show new understanding which will show new meanings to our thinking that will give new touch in every step of life
Every cloud will give new start if we start to sense hopes which will began with different designs that will show new touch that will give new spirit in every step of life
Every cloud will give new images if we start to count them as hopes which will give new shine on every step of life that will give new concepts in every step of life
Every cloud will give new looks if we start to sense those meanings which will give new strength in our thinking that will give new spirit in every step of life
Every cloud will give new moves if we start to give those touches which will show new light in our understanding that will give new touch in every step of life
Every cloud will give new start if we start to sense those steps which will show new words in our thinking that will give new step in every step of life
Every cloud will give new spirit if we start to sense those understanding which will show new knowledge that will give new thought in every step of life
Every cloud will give new meanings if we start to sense those touches which will show new world that will give new lines in every step of life
Every cloud will give new words if we start to understand which thought will give new routes that will show new touch in every step of life
Every cloud will give new start to our soul if we start to learn hopes which will give new moves that will show new world for soul in every step of life
Every cloud will give new meanings to our thinking if we start to count them as hopes instead of sorrows that will show new touch in every step of life
Every cloud will give new steps to our understanding if we start to learn those concepts which will show new meanings that will show new light in every step of life
Every cloud will give new moves to our thinking if we start to sense those moves which will show new words that will show new chapters in every step of life
Every cloud will give new start to our meanings if we start to form those effects which will show new steps that will show new lines in every step of life
Every cloud will give new hopes to our understanding if we start to create new world which will give new spirits that will show new start in every step of life
Every cloud will give new start to our meanings if we start to sense them as truth which will give new concepts that will show new touches in every step of life
Every cloud will give new thinking to our moves if we start to sense them as appeals which will give new hopes that will show new light in every step of life
Every cloud will give new thought to our soul if we start to learn them as new understanding which will give new thinking that will show new world in every step of life
Every cloud will give new appeals to our soul if we start to understand every word of those appeals which will give new steps that will give new creation in every step of life
Every cloud will give new words to our thinking if we start to learn those words that will have hidden power which will give new thought that will give new opening in every step of life
Every cloud will give new hopes of rays if we start to sense those concepts that will give new thoughts which will give new thinking that will give new touches in every step of life
Every cloud will give new thinking of understanding if we start to learn those moves that will show new knowledge which will give new thoughts in every step of life
Every cloud will give new colors if we start to sense hopes which will give new power that will show new touch which will give new power that will give new start in every step of life
Every cloud will give new thinking we start to sense new looks which will give new start that will show new hopes which will give new thinking that will give new step in every step of life
Every cloud will give new hopes we start to see them as sunrise of our thoughts which will give new directions which will give new soul to thinking of mind in every step of life
Every cloud will give new directions for flying which will give new hopes only if we learn to create new hopes which will give new power to understand in every step of life
Every cloud will give new thoughts for understanding which will give new moves if we start to move with understanding which will give new concepts in every step of life
Every cloud will give new start to our thinking which will create new need on every step if we start to sense them as new hopes which will give new light in every step of life
Every cloud will give new spirit to our understanding which will give new thoughts on every move if we start to sense those steps which will give new understanding in every step of life
Every cloud will give new lines to our thinking which will give new start on every start if we will began to understand those thoughts which will give new spirit in every step of life.

Poem. 7208. Dream create new hope

                       Dream create new hope Dream create new hope to thought towards step which form new feeling to concept of soul that br...