Monday, January 28, 2013

Poem 663. Friendly advice

                                                          Friendly advice
Why I can't  find a friend who don't have any sorrow in other words we all need some
Person who share our sorrows on every moment and on every point we just feel one thing
From that we need some one who just tell us how to stop and solve our sorrows inside life
That person who will understand our sorrows in life will surely understand that we need to
Move over that sorrows on some point we feel just one thing from inside that those things
Which enter with our thoughts and mind are going ahead on every moment and on every
Point I feel just one thing from inside that our sorrows are so big for us that we want to
Discuss them on many fronts of life  we want our sorrows to turn into happiness on every
Moment and on every point I feel that sorrows are those things which are nice inside life
I feel one thing from inside that sorrows which touch our heart can be solved on every point
I feel that those sorrows are touching us on wrong point because we want to understand
That those sorrows can't be solved by any person in life after all those sorrows are something
Which will look so important inside life I feel that with our sorrows are something which
Will manage to hurt us in life we need to solve problem from heart and our mind but then
Those sorrows are something which are hurting me on every point are not going ahead with
Positive hope in life I just feel one thing that sorrows are something which will harm us on
Every point and in our friend we want solution or guidelines of our life those things which
Look so great to our life are taking us on wrong point I feel just one thought from inside
That those advice which will look nice on every point because those advice are taking us
Ahead on every moment and on every point so then I feel just one thing from my mind those
Things which are advice to us on every point but then I feel that those friends who are
Our friends inside life after all friends are some one who is nice on every moment inside life
But when I search for friend mostly I feel that they are just searching things on every point
I feel one thought from our mind I feel one thing on every angle of life I feel that friends
Are intelligent on every point they can also help us on every point but then I feel one thing
From every angle of life I feel just one thought from my mind that those friends are not
Going ahead as per our thinking inside life that friends are turning into some thing totally
Wrong inside life so I feel one thought from inside that friends are something which will
Look honest on every point but then those friends which are something important in life
I feel just one thing from my mind that those friends are giving advice inside our life but
Then I feel one thought from inside that those friends which are precious inside life but
I feel one thing from my mind when friends will went ahead on every point inside life but
Then those intelligent friends also don't seem to think just like me in their thoughts and their
Mind on every moment in life I feel just one thing from my mind that they also feel that
They want to share their sorrows inside life I have just one thought on every point that
Those thinking which are taking us ahead on every point are not moving ahead as per our
Thought and mind I feel just one thing from my mind that sorrows are those which will
Stop happiness so I don't want them in life but people just don't seem to agree with me
On those points they seem to think just one thing that sorrows are those pains which they
Want to share in life I want solution but some people just want discussion on them at each
Moment and at each time I feel just one thing that sorrows wake up on every point but
They can't solved by friend because they also have their own sorrows inside life when
I decide to move ahead I just feel one thing on every point I have one thought from inside
That sorrows are something which will create problem for us so we need to solve them
By ourselves inside life on every point I feel just one thing from inside our friend will not
Solve them because they can't live our life when we tell problem they may try their best
With their advice still they will lack because we are riding horse of our life they can't ride it
So they just give their advice and then start to ask for solution in their life no one can live life
Just by thinking that other can give them light in life we need to understand that we have to
Work and create our sunshine so never hope for friend to give you advice just ask them
And then ask your heart for true guideline other person can reduce your anger or give you
Peace for mind but only limited people are so smart that they can give you correct advice
So always goes ahead with your brain in life I just feel one thing from inside that those friends
Which are so special to us in life will bring happiness us are rare so accept that we have
To find our own way in life friend can give you friendly advice but you have to find right one in life.

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