Thursday, January 17, 2013

Poem 646. Flying

When I see bird flying in sky when I see it I just feel one thing from inside that I want to be
That bird which can fly and on that point I just feel I can give any thing to reach to that sky
Because in life I just want to learn like that bird to fly in sky when I see that flying I just feel
It's sign of freedom on every moment I just feel that I need to fly inside this world on every
Moment and on every try I just feel that this bird is touching that mind and touching that sky
Which will look so perfect and nice on every try I just feel one thing from my mind that this
Sky which will touch me look so perfect on every try I just feel so nice colors inside that sky
I want to just move ahead on every moment because those birds are so lovely part of sky and
On every moment I just love to see them inside sky those birds that touch us on many points
Seem like some thing that touch our mind on every try I feel just one thing that flying is that
Perfect thing which will touch my mind I want to be that bird which will manage to touch
That sky and for becoming it on that moment I just feel I can quit every thing which will help
My ability to try I just feel one thing on every moment that flying will help us on every try
But question is that flying in sky is not helping me that much if I understand what god have
Given me to try I have one intelligent brain and heart to become creative and try any thing
Which can please my world on every try I know just one thing on every try that those birds
Which touch our sky will not look that good on any try because those bird can fly as they
Wish but never able to speak on any try they can't able to read or draw like we can in our life
And we can have many chances to do many things but birds have just one try those birds
Which touch those mountain can never look that much better on any moment and on any try
Those birds which fly in sky will not look that lovely on every moment and on every try I just
Wish from my heart that flying like bird will be so nice on every part but I never once think
That those flying will never help us that much on any try when I will move ahead I just feel
One thing on every try flying will not help that but on my impulse on that point I just have one
Thinking on every try I feel that flying will always help my mind that on every moment I feel
Flying is not going to help that much to me but still other things doesn't touch my thoughts on
Any moment and on any try I feel flying will never help me but still I just wanted to fly so on
Every moment I just want to try that those people who will love flying can move ahead on every
Moment and on every try just when we decide to fly I feel one thing from my mind that those
People who will like to fly can move ahead as they wish from our thinking and from our try
That even we can build airplane but still I want to fly because on every moment flying will make
Our thinking good and worth to try I just feel one thing on every try that flying will not that
Much important for my sky I feel as if like some Midas I just run after those wishes on every
Moment and on every try I just never understand what I feel from our sky on every moment
I just keep wishing from my mind that those things which touch our mind are taking us ahead
On every try I just wish one thing from my mind that flying is not that special on any try because
On every moment I just like to fly but in life on every moment I feel that my brain is better than
Other things in my life I feel just one thing that planning is better than flying on every try
Because brain can teach us many things on every moment and worth to try but still our greed
Never stop us on that try because for brain flying is new thing in it's sky I just never understand
When my greed cross my logic inside my sky and then I just wish that I want to fly than those
Things which will help me on every try will have different aspects inside sky after all those
Things which have qualities which will be worth to try in life are inside me but still my greed
Just don't stop on some point I feel I am ready to sacrifice for that thing which will not worth
That much in life when I will lose those things which I have inside life I feel our life is depend
On one thing on every point how we use those things which we have inside life because those
Things which are having important qualities on every point but then I feel just one thing from
Inside that qualities which other have in life will look so different on every point and we feel
Just one thing we need them inside life but worst thing is that we are ready to sacrifice those
Qualities which we have inside so we just feel one thing from our mind that we must get it in life
I feel just one thing that we need to understand in life what we got is lot better than what we want
From our life but we just never have them so we just never understand problems of that life.

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