Friday, January 4, 2013

Poem 624. Lies

Some people just forget that god is existed in life and just keep continue just lying after lying but
Most shocking thing is that at beginning even when people can see them clearly still they continue
Lying they just show off as if they are nothing but part of life on every moment we just feel one
Thought from mind that lies are something which are turning in wrong way on every point I just
Feel one thing from my mind that lies are something which manage to touch some part of life
Because those lies which are so wrong for us seem not at all good inside life will manage to get us
On some wrong point when I will move ahead I just have one thought from my mind that those
Lies which touch our future are not that easy to ignore on any time I feel that those lies which
We encounter many times are not actual unknown lies some where in our heart and on every point
We just feel one thing that lying will help me on every time but when I will move ahead then
I just have one thought from inside that lies are not helping us to take ahead our life when we
Began to move ahead we just feel one thing from inside that lies are something which are part
Of our future and of our life because those lies which are so important on any angle of life but
Still I feel one thing from inside that lying is so easy on every moment of life but when those
Things went ahead we just feel one thought from mind that lies which are confusing us are doing
Every thing in wrong way of life when we began to move ahead I just have one thinking about lies
That sometimes people know that they are lying still they just keep lying on every moment and
On every point because lying is so wrong on every point when we know that we are lying in life
But don't you feel that when you know other people are lying and still you pretend that you don't
Know that lies so then as we move ahead on every point I just feel one thought from my mind
That those lies which we believe knowingly are of worst kind because too many person are involved
In that sort of lying on every moment I feel one thought from my mind that pretending those things
To be truth but on every moment inside life those lies which are part of life those lies are something
Which are so harmful on every moment and on every point because just pretending that you don't
Know truth doesn't mean you can win life because those truths which are so precious to us in life
Are just going ahead on every point in wrong way of life because we are hiding truths which are
Part of our life on every moment and on every time we just feel that lies become some part of truth
Inside life when those lies which are become part of life on every second we feel one thing from
Inside that those lies which are not that much true began to hurt us on every point because they
Are that part of truth which will give us that future that will lead for us a beautiful life when I will
Move ahead I just have one thought from inside how can we get sometimes convinced that even
Future will look right even with lies how easily we dig them on our conscious a sign which will show
Us some shine which look so good for our life I feel just one thing on every point that those things
Will not help us inside life because lies which will have effect on every moment and on every time
I feel just one thought from inside life those things which are just lies on every point of life but
Then I just have one thinking on every point that those lies are something which are accepted as
Truth inside our life turns always as worst thing inside life because on every point I just feel one
Thought from inside that just by pretending truth inside life I feel one thing from inside that those
Things will look so wrong for life those lies are something which have impact inside life so then
I feel those lies become so alive that we just never understand when we surrender inside life
Those lies which are part of our life have effect on our life on every time and on every point
Inside life those lies which are going to have side effects in life then those lies which will look
So perfect for some time will look so hard on every point so after some days and some time
I just feel one thought from my mind that those lies will not become true on any point inside life
Because those lies are something which will have impact on future on every time it seem as if
Those lies are creating problems on every point I just feel one thing from my mind that when
We just keep too much faith on lies after some times we just don't even understand we are lying
So on every point lies are some thing so precious inside life because on every point inside life
Lying will look so good on every point because lies are part of our truth on every point because
Those lies will have some effect on our future and then they start looking truth but it happen
Just to us and other people are going to call us liar so I feel it's better to accept truth at first.

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