Sunday, January 6, 2013

Poem 626. My garden

                                                                 My garden
My garden is full of flowers when I plant them according to choices of nature on every point
Because nature have set them in many variety inside life not just one type of flower will not look
So nice inside life I feel that in garden on every point plenty types of flowers are set inside life
That those flowers which are so different on every point because on every point I just feel oneThing from inside that those flowers which are so important inside life because on those flower
Which are nice and delicate inside life I feel one thing from inside that those flowers which have
So many colors in life look totally wrong on every point I feel one thing from my mind those
Flowers which are so nice inside life they are arrange in such special way and on every time
With beautiful look inside life I feel that in this garden of mine I feel that flowers are so plenty
And nice and various inside life that those things which are totally wrong inside life because those
Flowers which are so nice inside life I feel that those flowers which will have something good
And nice inside life I feel that those flowers which are so lovely inside life I feel one thing on
Every point that those flowers will have something so pretty inside life but then those flowers
Will look so beautiful and nice but those flowers will so perfect inside life those flowers are
Something which will have nice colors and shapes on every point I feel that those colours
Are looking so nice on every point when I see them on every part of that garden of life but
Then those flowers will look so wrong on every point I feel that those flowers which are so
Good for our life so then I feel just one thing on every point those plenty of flowers show me
Many types of people who are in garden of life on every moment I just feel one thought from
Inside that those flowers are showing me people of different types some are so nice and some
Are so irritating on every point I just feel one thing that those variety of people will look so
Different on every time I feel that like flowers which are so precious inside life I feel just one
Thought from inside that those people are having different natures inside life after all those
Garden which is called life seem like plenty of people who are part of our life it seem as if
Different types of people inside life like those flowers which are so different on every point
But we just never find flower irritating while we find people sometimes irritating in life so on
Every point I feel just one thing inside life I feel that there are many types of flowers which
Are so nice on every point I feel just one thing from inside that those flowers which are looking
So different inside life so then I feel that those flowers will look so nice and beautiful in life
But then I feel just one thing inside life but then I feel that those people are having different
Thoughts inside life after all those flowers will look nice but only if like those flowers those
People look nice on every point I feel that those flowers are different inside life we feel that
They are so nice but in case of people some are so good while other are not that much nice
I just wish only like those flower I can say same thing about person in life because flowers
Never hurt us thorn did it in life but in case of human you just can't guess what will happen next
Inside life guessing flower from thorn become biggest task of life and we just keep guessing
In wrong way on every point because we just never understand how to did recognize things
In garden called life which will complicate things as much as possible inside life and set them
In such way that we just can't able to see difference inside life I just hate to think how did
I can guess them in life because in life of garden we need to move ahead on every point so
Whenever I will move ahead in life I know just one thing from my mind that my life is one
Garden but sadly I just never recognize flowers because they are not selected by me in life
After all in that jungle where we don't understand flowers on any point we always get those
Flowers which have poison inside I feel just one thing from my mind that those flowers which
Are selected by me on every moment and on every point will look perfect to me but there can
Be more nice flowers in life so when I see them in jungle I want them in my garden some times
But I never bring them since they could poison in life but nature made our life with all flowers
And with their large choice we are forced to select them on each and every point inside life
And some times by mistake we make wrong choice so we need to learn first but there is no
Experienced gardener inside life so we must learn to choose things as per our choice and
If we felt for some times then we must understand that it is so important on every point in life
When we make in hurry some choice but still I feel it is destiny not our mistake in life we can't
Change our luck if our garden have some poisonous flower according to destiny inside life.

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