Saturday, May 26, 2012

Poem 237. Book cover

                                                  Book cover
How interesting may seem that book but when I saw it's cover I just saw some
Wrong type of picture so I just never dare to buy it sometimes those cover have
Power to scare you inside your world and suddenly even that cover looked so
Dirty to me on each and every angle so I just avoided that book as well as it's cover
Inside our life on each day I feel those books have totally wrong type of cover inside
Our future and our world sometimes when we see some type of cover we just never
Dare to touch that book how much may other person say that it was nice and perfect
Sort of book because inside our life on each and every time I just feel one thing
Inside my life those covers which I see on those books inside life I just feel one thing
Some covers are so scary on every angle of our life that we feel in life on every time
We can't touch those books which have covers of such type so after seeing that cover
I just never dare to read that book in life because that cover was so disguising from
Each and every angle and type I just feel that this writer must worst who have covers
Of that type and this writer can't be perfect for entire life after all this writer is someone
Who have seen that cover and still agreed to publish book inside never once I thought
Maybe it is not writer who have much choice because such covers make me feel so sick
Inside my body as well as mind I just feel that one thing is so sure about my life that
I can never use that type of book on each and every time inside our life because books
Are something which will help me from time to time they just keep me happy because
They are true happiness of my thoughts and my mind but sadly inside our life from
Every point we just feel one thing inside our life that those book which have that kind
Of cover are not made for me inside life because even after seeing that cover I just
Don't want to turn that book to read story that is written behind inside our life on each
Point we just feel that these books are perfect when their cover are normal and nice
I just don't want attractive even normal one will do trick for me inside my life and so
I think from my heart that some types of books are something which never come near me
Inside my future and inside my life because I just kept them away from me because I need
To understand our thoughts from time to time inside my life I just feel I have some limits
About those covers and they should keep it in their mind I just feel one thing that on each
And every point I need to understand those thoughts of life that when that cover don't
Look proper inside life I just feel one thing on every point that people should not keep
Such cover on book on such time when those books have nice stories inside I just never
Understand what maybe those people have thought but I have just one thought inside mind
That should be at least one logic in cover and books inside because if cover is too bold
Many people who are decent may stay away from it in life and those people who read it
Find that book so boring because it does appear that good inside their thoughts and
Their life so I just thought from time to time inside our life we need to find that book
Which look so perfect by every angle inside our life from time to time we just thought
One thing inside our life that we need to read them from time to time so perfect it may look
For our life after all inside our future and inside our life we just feel one thing from time to time
That those people who want to look at those things which will not look that nice will think
Just one thing that those writer don't wrote that book which look so perfectly on cover
And for them that book prove useless in life so sometimes cover does those mistake in life
Sometimes cover manage to confuse us and we kept away from those books which
We should have preferred inside life after all in our life on each and every time we just feel
One thing that is we understand by cover what is inside I know it is wrong but still I feel
One thing inside mind that I feel that is only way to judge things inside my life after all
My life will take me on so many sides and so many points that I just feel that books
Which properly have nice cover will better inside life I just don't understand that hoping
Proper cover is it mistake of our life? after all in our life we see this things on every point
Which don't look like their cover so I at least expect that easy things from my book inside life.

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