Friday, May 4, 2012

Poem 195. Without thinking

                                                      Without thinking
In one plate they placed many sort of food and each food seem to have different type
Of taste because inside our life on every day I just feel that I will looking at that plate
Because inside my life on every moment I just did one thing I just want to avoid that
Smell because that smell was making me look that wonderful treat I began to love them
On each day and on each pick I want to take taste of each and every thing because
They are so unique then my host came and insist me I must try at first I say no but after
Some time I just can't help but I started to try inside my life I just feel their taste was
So perfect and so nice that I feel that how much may I ignore but I can't ignore my host
Inside my life I decided that maybe I just eat little food and then ignore all the rest after
All eating little much don't matter inside life I start eating it but then I can't stop myself
After all these foods are something nice and tasty that smell was perfect our life because
That food don't look just perfect but it also perfect for our heart because that taste is
Something which is nice and interesting for heart so inside life on every point we just
Think that taste will never matter that much inside life because that food will look perfect
While eating it in life and every time when I look at that food I just feel pleasure from inside
Those tastes are something so perfect inside life when I put them in my mouth I just lost
Control of my mind and all my control left me in just few moments inside our life so then
I started something which I can't stop my self something inside my life because I have
Stop myself from eating for so many times after all inside our life so I think
That every time inside life after all inside our life sometimes something wrong inside
 Life after all inside our life those food inside life on one plate there are something
Special inside life those things which are fresh and perfect for our life on that plate there
Was some food inside life plate are something which are distributed on plate which
Are so perfect and nice on plate which have set in perfect way inside life because
Foods are something nice for our life those items are something which are unique for
Life but food doesn't look that perfect for our life but when we eat it after sometime
We feel that those foods on plate don't look nice for our life so inside  life I think
That we think those food is something perfect for life after all inside our life that
Food is something an example of my losing control inside  life so that food look
Good and just in few moment I lose control inside my life after all in life food is just
Beginning of that thought because inside our heart on every moment we just feel that
Sorrows from our because after some times it will not limit to just food in life every time
We do this mistake in our life so I think that every day on every moment inside our life
We just do things without thinking much inside life so there are something in our life
Which we always do anything on any moment inside our life after all jogging is something
Which have always helped us on many moment inside life because jogging is something
Which reduce my weight on every moment in life but then after just some smells in life
I forgot that diet and eat as much as like this is what happen many times in our life
We feel that we can relax sometimes and on that moment we destroy our work which
We do for so long time that we began to think that we can easily manage to get that
Thing in our life and on that moment we make biggest mistake in life our impulse
Manage to destroy our food inside our life so on each time we just feel that we are on
Wrong side because inside our life on every time we think that food is something not
That important for our life but when it come before us suddenly it seem important in life
Because that food is something so nice that we began to think that exercise is something
Which will manage everything in life if it is just about food we can adjust some times
But sometimes we give away to other temptations which will create problem inside our life
We never able to control our thought inside our future and our life and we never able to
Act correct in our life it is always needed for us to control our mind on time because if
We can't able to do it then we will see many problems inside our future and our life so
On each and every time we just feel that we are on wrong side inside our life because
Our life will show us wrong way on many occasions in life we must learn to control on
Those moment inside our life so even if we can't control our eating habits it creates so much
Problem in our life just think if that mistake is about something else how serious will be
Problem for our future and for our entire life from each and every moment and every side.

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