Friday, May 11, 2012

Poem 208. Saint

In any times and on many occasions many person advise me never ever lie to anyone
They say that lying is such big sin that it will just destroy that person so from that time
I just feel one thing from my heart that this person is lying about each and every part and
I feel sure that this person will going to lie whenever I turn my back because just tell me
One thing in life if we don't have big discussion or we are not saying something against that
Person in life why did we need to told by that fellow that this fellow never lies because
Inside my life I saw many people who just claim same thing from time to time but I just
Never believe if someone who is so much lover of truth can come out and because to
To scream and tell that I never lie people have one habit to call themselves great and
On each and every minutes they just always felt that something is so wrong inside that
Talking when other people are forced to lie but when time will come on them they will
So easily began to lie they just show you how wrong you are on each and every spot
And tell you that you must not do anything wrong even when it seems so hard for you
To tell the truth still they tell you that you must not lie because lying is something so bad
In their views that they will tell you if you continue to lie one day you may feel that you are
Not on wrong side and you will suffer on each and every try so you began to try to walk
On that perfect way but it seem so crowded with so many problems but inside our life
On each and every try I just feel one thing that I need to sometimes to lie because when
I got that habit to not make any one angry or sad I need to avoid many issues which
Always cause big lie those people who claim they never ever lie how can they cope up
With such issue that I think they have to get great power from sky there are sometimes
When I see some people who don't want to lie I just find out they just keep their mouth
Shut with something because it seem to them so impossible not to lie because truth is
One sharp sword which will hurt many types of souls so inside our life on every try
I just wish some times I prefer to ignore truth and began to lie and there are also some
People who just talk about some thing with so much anger that from time to time we need to
Our life some try and we just need one thing we need to stop those lie after all in life
On each and every spot I just feel one thing that is necessary for our heart that lying will
May help our entire future and world but do you really think lying will help truly someone
I just feel that in life I can always give us some try to whatever we thought and whatever
We want inside our life but it will be temporary because no one can avoid anything
Permanently by using only lie because inside our life from time to time we need to understand
That short cuts can never teach us how to fly so inside our life from time to time we just
Feel that our lie will help us but it will not help us on each and every time inside our mind
We just thought one thing if lies are so powerful inside our life how can we understand
Depth of them from time to time slowly they become part of our life like some saints
Which come before us and say many times they don't lie in this world how can we manage
To survive without lying when most of the protections are lied inside lies because when
Some one ask you your address we began to lie since unknown person can be good or bad
Many times inside life if that person is good one and want to help us it will be fraud or
Lying inside life but if that person is someone who is person with wrong intention in life
That lie will prove protection of life because when we are asked some questions in life
We are many times forced to lie but still some people say they never lie I just have one
Question why did they need to tell it anyone inside life why did they want to prove themselves
So strong in their life why did they want their future to turn so nice and bright because
Don't you think this is reason why they tell to whole world they don't lie just because they want
To tell world they are better and they can easily get things in their life just never believe those
Types of lies because those who don't lie are those people who just prefer to keep quiet
Until they are questioned about life and they can speak truth which don't hurt anyone that
Much in their future as well as in their life and slowly their lies comes out in this broad light
And then they will feel so shocked to see that how easily truth bring out their lies in their life.

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