Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Poem 189. Age

Season after season changes weather same way changes our age and face because
Every time we will make changes and they are nothing better than just some moment inside
Our thought and about our age but when that age give us benefit and beauty in some sense
How much you feel attach that age because it's benefits are something which shows you
Many nice things which are part of our game inside our life and in each and every sense
We just feel that our face will change with side effects from our age because on some age
We have beauty and strength and then we began to think that we feel win with them because
We never think on that moment some days will come when we don't feel same way and
Some days will come when we don't have beauty and power of that age our life will go ahead
On each and every moment our thinking will come ahead with each and every moment so
Inside our life on each day we feel that we must understand true benefit of that age but while
Understanding and valuing that age we forget that it is not something permanent but it will
Also going to change on some day my age will leave for behind in running and one day
My face have it's problem and slowly my strength will leave just because I am no longer
Belong to that suitable thinking and that suitable age every day in life and in every way
I just feel that I need to adjust and understand that change if my face began to show
Any sign of change then I have to find effects of that change after all age is something so
Important to your world whenever some one want to fill some thing first question is name
And next question will be age so whenever we thought we are happy with that age we need
To look out and watch that weather which changes on each and every day because even
If someone says that they want just spring because some will feel winter is not nice and
On some times summer manage to kill  when in winter we freeze with that cold how much
We wish that spring was stood there and when that heat of sun make us so thirsty still we
Can't change it to pleasant weather of spring because some thing may look to you as human
Being but you can't expect them to remain same because changing is their duty but if inside
Life you watch them all with care I am sure you will observe after some time some person
Stood there who also want that weather because there is always long line you can't get that
One season how much may you wish it inside your life but changing of seasons is rule of life
And life never change it's rule but many times when I see picture of that winter I feel that
It is also some part of nice weather because every day life will change on each and every point
I just feel that we never want to change things if they are good for our life because inside our life
On each and every weather we will see many things but they are not that pleasant but when you
Look at them with more attention we feel that we must learn to understand our problem in nature
We just want to observe easiest  way in life even if our path turn little bit rocky we didn't understand
True benefit inside that path in our life because inside our life on each and every path then
We feel as if we must learn to fight and win from our heart because time will change before us
From time to time and each thing have benefit inside our life but when we don't see easily
Those benefits before us inside our life we just feel that we are on totally wrong point in our life
But just observe carefully and then you will find each weather have it's benefit and each age
Have it's profit from some side may it be coldest winter or hottest summer in our life or may it
Be our old age which reduce our physical power in life some just know how to adjust with it
And how to enjoy it inside life while other people never understand that in life those who don't
Understand it will feel that they are having worst thing in their life and just carry on complaining
About it inside our future and inside our life and on each and every time we just upset others
And they just want to stay away from us inside our life on each and every point on each and
Every thought I just feel that they are acting wrong way inside their heart so inside life on
Every point I just feel that we need to keep open our mind we just can't keep complaining
Because it will not help us much inside our life we need struggle everyday to get what
We want in life if we are just complaining we are wasting just our energy and time due to
Which we will just suffer inside our life because we can't win until we try to win inside our life
And complaining mean we expect some one else to come and make change inside our life
But as per days when age change no one can change it for you inside your life but only if
People can understand this in life may no one need anti aging cream because they accept
Their age and their diminishing beauty as days go ahead before them inside their life.

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