Thursday, May 31, 2012

Poem 247. Opinion

Have you ever feel you are always confused inside your life because you want other
Person to be happy with you so you adjusted inside your life with many things and many
Lots of efforts inside life because those hard work make us perfect for our life and make
You perfect inside eyes of that person because you got all those skills inside life and
You have made lots of efforts to get them in life learn each and every skill on each and
Every time inside life those skills were kept perfect inside life and you turn into just thing
That person have mentioned again and again inside life from point to point in life because
Those skills are admire inside other people again and again before us on many times
So we thought that inside life we need that skills inside our thought and our life so on
Each and every point we just feel one thing from every person inside life that will make us
Perfect inside every one's eyes so as days went ahead inside life we just feel that when
We show our those skills inside life and since we saw those people admired like this
Inside future and life because those skills were something special inside their eyes so
From time to time inside my life I thought when I show my those skills I will get same
Admiration from each and every side of my life because after all I am more perfect than
That person inside life after some time inside life since that person did nothing wrong
Then when I do it why did these people blame me for it inside my life but I receive a big shock
Of my life when that person who admired first person starts criticizing me from time to time
Inside my life because those thoughts are something totally wrong for my heart and
They just irritate me from time to time inside my life why did I get criticized after doing
Same thing inside life and inside their thoughts how can able to get those thoughts
Inside life from time to time about many things inside life because these thoughts will just
Disturb me from time to time inside my life because those people just have simple solution
On this change in life they just say that they have changed because circumstances are
Changed so they have to change their views since things are changed around us from
Time to time we need to change on each and every point inside life because we are
Told from time to time inside our life that we must change according to surrounding in life
How change did it seem that other person is always right and whenever we do something
Some people claim that we are wrong inside our future and life because on every moment
Inside our life we just feel one thing from time to time that those people just never agree
With anything we do inside life they admire anyone except us inside life because on some
Part they don't like us because we have now our own opinion in life some people just
Hate those person who have view they just wish from that everyone should follow
Their thoughts and views sometimes they say something nice for someone and if you
Believe me then let me tell you they are admiring that person just because that one don't
Have any opinions some person love those people who just don't give their views
Or keep them just inside and clap for their views so inside their life from time to time
They just feel one thing inside life that is they can't have to put their views before others
Because they don't care that much about them inside their life they just say their views
Just to waste their time and then forget them within not much time so they have their
Views but they don't matter them much inside life and some people just like those people
Inside their life they like those people who don't much things to say against them in life
Because when you have view you are bound say that view before public inside life
No one with own thought can feel them inside for all life after some time thoughts mostly
Come out in broad light and these person hate those people who have their own thoughts
And opinions in life they don't want anyone to express them inside their future and life
They want others to act just as they wish inside life so when they admire that person
It is not for their work but for not having opinion in life so we have our opinion and
Trust me this is not crime we can always keep them and it will take us ahead in life but
When you have opinion then you are not vine of grapes you are Banyan tree in life
So you are stronger and powerful but to grow you need some time but some people
Just love those vines which need support of trees to grow inside life so they admire
That quality which make other person dependent on them for entire future and entire life.

Poem 246. To please

                                                      To please
Some people are made in a such interesting way that pleasing them is such hard task
That we never able to do it on any way they just keep demanding from each and every
Source and act in life with such force that they just keep exhausting every kind of source
They keep doing it until sources get damaged even after that it never manage to please them
Like even for them you cook the best thing out of it they manage to find some kind of
Worst thing because inside our life on each and every point such people want to have
Everything in life but we just always feel if we give them some of things inside life then
They will just manage to keep quiet for at least sometime which will give us some peace
To think and refresh our mind but some people are made such way that they just never
Manage to get pleased by small thing inside life they want things that are hard and claim
That they are not asking for stars and moons inside life they just want normal things
Of course they asking normal things but those are like money and fame from us and
On cost of our sources inside life but do you think those things are so normal in our life
I just feel these people think that we can get them so easily inside life but then even
If we convince them that we can't get them then they will ask one simple request from us in life
That because from time to time inside our life they want mostly that is we should do
Every of their work properly before our work inside life so it seems to them that
Pleasing them seem like hardest task for our life because those tasks are something so
Wrong inside our future and our life after all we tried each and every thing inside life
But still those people don't feel pleased by any thing inside life when we start pleasing
Them then suddenly it feel like maze inside our life so on every time I just feel one thing
Inside our life that pleasing them is so complicated maze that on every side we just
Feel one thing that there is just big wall inside our life those walls are made in such way
That those maze will be totally upsetting for our future and our life so from time to time
Inside our life that when we stuck inside them we just can't see out of them any light
So inside that maze I feel that my whole maze is made such way that I can't find a way
Out of it any time because from one work next work will stood before me in life so
When first point finished I feel stuck inside next point inside our future and our life
So on those points I just feel one thing inside our life that those all works can't be completed
On any moment inside life because those works are something so perfect and nice for
Our future and mind but still inside our life in our mind we feel that we are happy inside life
Because those work will come one by one inside our life and those works which can't be
Completed inside life since they just never stop coming from that side so we look like
Some people need things inside life which make them happy from time to time
But they never thought of limiting them for others sometimes we feel that we are on
Wrong side in future of that person's life because inside future that person never think
About other things inside life those things like our happiness inside our life and our limits
Inside our life but they just think that we can't get that thing inside  life because
That person never think about our thoughts inside life so in that maze we can't ever find
That road which will take us away inside life so maybe on some moment we need to
Think about our future than thinking about pleasing those people in life because they will
Never please they just keep demanding each and every thing inside our life from point
To point so I just feel one thing from my heart in my life which can help me on every point
That if I remain inside my maze how can I able to enjoy some things inside our life so
On those points pleasing them seem like Midas inside dessert on every angle inside our life
Because pleasing them properly inside life means having things wrong way inside life
So from point to point inside my life I just feel one thing that my hopes will not shine at all
Inside my future and inside my life I just wish one thing that in life I will not work for
Pleasing those people from time to time inside life and I just feel one thing inside life
That those things something which are part of maze which will take us on every side of life
But never give us happiness or pleasure inside life on each and every time in our life.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Poem 245. Sin

Some people think that they never did any sin for them sin is something big thing
Small mistakes are not that big crime but I have one question why for them inside
Their life others mistake is world's biggest and horrible sort of crime even if other
Person says something wrong because that person say it that way suddenly it becomes so
Big crime but sometimes when I watch people talk this way inside my world I just feel
One question from my inner mind and my world because those thoughts are something
Not so nice for our world so on every point I just feel one thing inside our future and
Our world I just feel one thing that sin is not something which can judge inside this
World I mean big crimes can be judged easily in this world but same sins are stayed
Hidden inside those thoughts which will affect those parts of our world that we can't
Even guess that person did that crime inside our life and our world so on those sins
Are something so hidden inside our world when people claim they don't did any sin
I just feel they are too proud to accept truth inside this world because no one can be
That pure inside our world some do it with intention and some does  wrong things by mistake
Inside our world but still both are sin before our world when we say yes to wrong thing
That is also a big sin for our world but many times we become judge and jury inside this world
And start passing judgement about whole world so from time to time inside our world
I just feel that judging someone is not that easy for our future and our world because
In our future we can't guess what is proper right or wrong inside our world in life we expect
Someone to judge things inside our future and our world because judging those person
Is not that easy for our future as well as our world so when we say that we never did
Anything then many times we are totally wrong about those thoughts inside our future
And our world so on each point inside our world we need some person to judge things
Which are important but that person is also not a lord which can tell us how to differentiate
Things inside world because those sin are something which will change from moment to
Moment inside our world we can see them on that moment then it suddenly vanish
Before  our eyes even after seeing it once we feel it hard to recognize inside our life
So from point to point we can't hold that sin in perfect moment or perfect time then
We can easily feel that we are on totally wrong side inside our life we feel that we must
Understand those sins from time to time inside our future and our life so from time to time
Inside our life I just feel one thing that those sins are something important for our future
As well as for our world because everything will not look that perfect for our world
These sins are something which look so nice for our future and our world because
Those things appear so nice before you we can just can't understand importance of
My future and inside our life in our world we just feel one thing in mind that is not sin
Until it is properly shown to us by our future and our world because inside our life on
Every moment inside our world we feel that our sin inside this world never look that
Nice for our world because those things are dressed in such special way that you will
Never sense that sin is there sometimes sin happen so unknowing inside mind then
We feel something nice for our luck in life that even sometimes while doing good for
Some one we did something so wrong that it will turn into sin for others so small mistake
We make by our heart we feel just one thing in each part such small mistakes are
Nothing big for our heart because those dreams are something special inside our heart
And when some one help us in some way we suddenly began to think that person
Is best friend for our future and our world do many things on every point inside our world
We just think one sin inside our life and will not make someone that bad in life but still
Ask your heart it will tell you on every point sin is not simple thing when something
Bad happen we need to pay price inside our future and our life so on each and every time
Sin are something so bad for our future and our life we just feel that every thing is so
Wrong inside our life and inside our mind we feel one thing that we can't get our own sin
Inside our life because it will harm me inside our life on each and every point I feel that
Inside our life we feel that sin are not just something bad but they are hidden inside
Sometimes even sinner don't know that sin is committed inside our future and life.

Poem 244. Greed

When I had a beautiful and nice and funny dream I think it is okay to have that kind of dream
Because dreams are something which are so nice and perfect for my future until I can accept
Whatever dreams are something part of future but they are something part of our world
But we can keep them only if we decide to keep them as part of our dream world and part
Of our life because those dreams are something which are impossible for our thoughts and
Our world we can always keep them as part of our future and our world because those
Dreams are something which are nice for our future and our world but sometimes those
Dreams turn into truth of our world we began to think that we have to turn them into some
Kind of thought or some kind of truth inside our world so on every day and on every
Occasion we just feel one thing about future and world that is when I keep one dream then
It suddenly turn into something which I want to be truth but then that dream turn into something
Totally wrong for our thoughts about our world so dreams are something which I want to turn
Into something which is true part of our world because those dreams are something so nice
For our future but we feel that inside my future I just want that dream to be perfect for
Our world because those dreams are something so nice for our need inside our world
When I look at that dream many times I forget need of other person and just pursue that
Powerful type of dream after all inside our life dream will be something which is perfect
For us but sometimes it manage to hurt plans of other person on such a moment I just feel
Confuse about those thoughts about our future and our world because that world have
Something which is good for us then sometimes we wish to forget all other logic and while
Doing this we seem to forget every logical thing inside our future and our world because
It will harm our future as well as our world because that dream have many things which
Are perfect and interesting for their world on every spot inside our world we think that
These dream will take us ahead on each and every day of this world because we just
Think of our hopes never thought about it's other results one thing is so bad about our mind
That when it get carried away by one dream it just forget other results of world and that
Moment I feel that we have nothing important from that dream inside our world so on
Some moment inside our world I just feel one thing that I need dream but I forget that
I live in this world each and every time and when something goes wrong inside our world
That dream is something so nice for our world and our future but that is need of that dream
Is called greed in entire world sometimes I feel that only if we understand that each dream
Should just stay for one night inside our world if that dream need lot of sacrifices then
It is lot better if we can able to forget that dream from our thoughts and our world
Because that dream is something so nice for our world but still if it bring problem on
Our future and our world because that dream is not that good for other world then maybe
We should have to convince our heart with every type of method that we need to understand
That thought is harmful for our future and our world we must feel that after some limit
We can expect expiry of every thing it include dream of our wonderful type of dream world
But still sometimes our wish take over all logic of our world instead of understanding
And accepting those facts we began to fight about each and every thing inside our world
Because we just can't accept those facts as truth of our world so inside our world
These dream are something which are so perfect for our future and our thoughts
But if we think with logic inside our world about those thoughts are something which
Take us far away from our life because those dreams are something so perfect for
Our thoughts and world sometimes I just wish that in our world we forget we can
Have that dream which is perfect for our world but I just sometimes don't understand
What is so perfect for our world because that dream which manage will can't be called
So perfect for our future as well as for our world nothing is perfect when it harms other
Person inside world one day that thing which harm that person will slowly harm other people
Because when something starts damaging something inside world slowly it turns into
Something totally wrong for our future and our world because that dream don't look
Nice or perfect for our future as well as for our world want of it is nothing but greed in this world.

Adventure story 32. Trip

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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Poem 243. Alarm clock


                                                        Alarm clock
Whenever I play a game I just continued playing game inside my life and inside my future
Because that game is so nice as well as so perfect inside our life on that day I feel that it will
Teach us many things on many times inside my life because those games are no more fun for me
Those games become something needful for every body so inside our life on each and every
Moment that game is something totally wrong inside our life because maybe it teach us many
Things inside our world still we need to understand that importance of this game is not that
Big for my world because that game don't have anything inside our world so inside our life
On each and every part I just feel one thing inside life from our heart after all those thoughts
About game began to take me far away from my other logical jobs something are important
Inside our future and our life but those games are something which are always so nice that
We just feel one thing on each and every point that those games are not useful but we are
Playing them because we have lost whole logic about them and we are getting carried away
With that moment or that tide so our mind just don't stop us until someone comes in room
And straightway told us that we must sleep because it is already night till that important hours
Time just goes ahead on each and every point inside our future and our life every time but
As someone warn us we stop it just on proper time so inside our life we just began to stop
But we need someone to tell about it inside our life after all our whole logic get lost sometimes
We lose sense of hours many times it happens to me when I start to write I just carry on
Writing until watch tell me that this is wrong time but still our heart want to complete that work
On each and every point our mind feel that our work is complete only when we do it properly
Inside our life so without stopping for some points we just went ahead with life as we like
And our life will help us sometimes with sleepless nights so instead of stopping on proper time
We just get carried away inside our life because from time to time inside our life we always
In some one to wake up inside our future and our life because those people will teach us
What is wrong and what is right inside our life we just feel one thing inside our mind
That nothing can able to stop us on proper time we always get confused and lose sense
Of time and sometimes we even do those work which are not that useful for our future and
For our life on each and every time because our life moves faster than we thought on every time
Time just run ahead so fast that we can hardly able to catch up with time so on our hand
We keep watch which on each moment keep telling us our time and sometimes even that
Watch can wake up our brain and tell us that we are on totally wrong spot inside our life
We feel every day one thing from our mind we just feel that those people who help us
Are needed every time to stop us from making mistake inside life so on every point we just
Get carried away and if some person stop us just on perfect thought and perfect point inside life
Then it is god's gift to our life but I just feel it is wrong that we need someone every time
We need to find something which can stop us on our own sometimes when I think of something
I always remember that alarm clock which always ring inside my house daily when needed in life
How much I wish it was something like that inside our body every time and like sunrise that
Wake up us on each morning on every time so inside our life on every sunrise we are all
Wake up with that sunlight inside our life from point to point in our life I just feel one thing
That like those sunlight inside our life so from time to time those sunlight inside our life
But that sunlight inside our life may wake us up on time but then on one moment inside life
When we need to wake up inside life before sunshine we need one alarm clock inside life
After all in life alarm clock will stop on each and every time inside our life I just feel in life
That my body need to give some signal inside our life so then from time to time inside
Our life on each and every moment in life we need those alarm but some people think that
We don't need them inside our life so that thinking is something which is important in life
If we have those signal and those alarm clock why we ignore them some time like lazy
Feeling inside our body and tiredness of our eyes from time to time inside our life so
On each moment inside our life we just feel one thing that is important for our mind that
Is we don't need those alarm clock inside life only if we understand our body then we can
Stop ourselves from getting carried away every day inside our future as well as inside our life.

Poem 242. Together

Whenever I have to decide I always saw people get confused they just want to decide
Inside our life every thought inside world I just feel one thing that I can make any decision
But my friends get confused I want to make thing as quickly as possible inside my life but
Many people want to think twice before they decide inside life because our life never nice
And it is never perfect when we think about it in each and every rule so inside our life
On every moment inside our world we just have one thing in our world to feel that we must
Have to decide our thoughts are something for perfect for our rules inside our life on that
Moment we just feel one thing about world that is why did we feel our thoughts are something
Which will help us to decide every point inside our world so when I start with some one to plan
Something it is always about today and for them after sometime and some days it will be
Perfect as well as cool so when we thought about those days which are perfect for our
Life have changed every day as we feel that we are on wrong side in our future and we can
Have some picnic but only we decide those days when we able to enjoy every day of life
And feel happy inside life on every moment inside our world because when those thoughts
Which come together in life we find that I want it to be present and that person want it
To be after some days because that person have feeling that we are not living on world
Last day I want everything to think just one thing about world that our world will not be
That perfect and cool so on each and every moment inside our world we just feel one thing
Inside our world that if on that day something goes wrong why don't we just enjoy today
When everything is just perfect as we all want so inside our life and inside our world I just
Feel one thing about this world I feel that we can move as we like today so what may
Happen tomorrow is one of my fear and that one feel that their schedule is something
Which is so important for their life that they can't understand value of their time inside
Their thoughts and their world because those thoughts are something which look so nice
For them because they will keep it perfect for our thought as well as for their future and
World I just feel one thing inside our world because on those decision we feel that we want
To be happy and still we are on two different part of our future and on different part
Of our world as well as our time because those thoughts manage to hurt every time
Our world because I want to live in today and that person want to live according to schedule
Of that person so inside our life on some point I just think one thing about that person's world
Why don't that person manage some time for fun in world but that person have different
Problem inside our world even in our friendship we never understand truth of this future
Or this world we just feel one thing that is truth of this world that we are stood on two
Planets inside our world so when we were small child how equal we use to think inside
Our thought and in world but now since we grown up slowly we manage to go ahead
On each moment inside our life as well as inside our world so on every moment then
We used to think same way inside our world but now a days with time we feel that we are
On totally different side inside our future as well as inside our thoughts about this world
Because those thoughts are something which look so perfect for our future but when
We are small child we use to think that we can find those ways which will make us happy
Inside our future as well as inside our world because on that moment we don't use to get
So stick on such small topic because it is not just our ego now it is just our fears after all
We can control our ego for our friend and friendship but how can we control our fear
About our future and our thought after all we both think that it will be mistake of our friend
To accept that wrong thought inside world and that friend think that if I adjust with her moment
Then we can get many hours together to talk about those days and our life while I think
That this could be our life's only important moment and chance to meet each other on that
Moment inside our world so on those moment I just think our life will change inside our world
On each moment so I think on that moment only inside us one thing is same we care for
Each other as we used to care and that is most important for our thoughts and world
After all that is what special about childhood friend even if they go different way they just have
One thing inside them which is common in each true friendship everywhere that they care
So on this one point they always together that they just want happiness for themselves and friend.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Poem 241. Fame

Many people says to get fame you need lot of things which will take you on top
Of the world and you can become something big before everyone so to get it and
To have claim on it we need to find sources inside our world so out of those sources
We need to understand which one is important for us people claim that for
Getting that strength we all need something from the world you need strength of  money
If we want fame inside our world because money is something so useful for world
And with help of money we can hardly able to go ahead inside future in our world
Some people says that only those who got money can go ahead in life on every
Occasion and before everybody so inside our life what we most need is just our money
Because only if we got money then only we can go ahead in life even without need
Of any thing which will always give positive side to world and give fame to us and
Power to rule the world  with key word that is money but some people just claim
Things which are many they say that if we want to go ahead then we can go ahead
Even if we don't got money on just one base that is our beauty may it be for limited
Time to world but for just limited time we also got our money and after getting things
With help of beauty we hardly need anything except to maintain that fame by talking
Sweetly because once you reach on top then even if beauty vanishes still we got to
Decide what we want to do with that fame because fame doesn't go that easily with
Just beauty but some people just says that neither money is permanent in my life nor
Is permanent beauty so whatever we get by them will just go away after some days
In life without much trying as human being so inside our world we all just feel one thing
That money don't stay with us always and beauty also don't stay with us permanently
So then we thought one thing is feel those thoughts will manage to give us not success
Fully because we want something important inside our life in which we want to live
Happily and for which inside our life we need something which stays with us and
Never goes away from us until we live and so we can live our life happily so when
We thought about those thing which will stay with us suddenly comes one big thing
That is our intelligence because it is the most important thing inside our life and on every
Day we just think one thing inside life because on every day I just feel one thing that
I need a super brain if I want to get fame inside world for me but then some one says
That just brain is not everything we need a kind heart most of all to win in every thing
Now after hearing this I got so confused because first people started arguing with other
Person before me and what is most needed become one question which needed answer
In every angle inside my life for me so when I started thinking suddenly I feel one question
Comes in my mind suddenly do I really need that this called fame so desperately that
My whole joy is wasted just in that thinking after all in life there are lot of people who live
Their life happily and normally so inside our life we need many things and I feel that
We need every type of quality because those thinking are something which are important
For every thinking after all inside our life we have just one thinking that we feel that
There are lot of qualities we need to live happily after all we always think one thing inside
Our life that those qualities are something not that important for me after all we want
Everyone to understand that quality which will take us ahead on every moment and make us
Pleased and happy so inside our life and about every quality we never thought about winning
Each and every thing naturally we feel that we need that type of thoughts and thinking
After all qualities are so nice for me so then we feel that our thoughts increased daily and
Those qualities are something so nice we have got something interesting world so I think
That maybe I just need those thoughts and those qualities which will make me happy fully
So inside my life those qualities are something helpful for me after all inside our life
Because our life is something which is perfect for you as well as for me but I have just
One question did I really need to run after that fame daily and I just feel one thing inside
World for me so on each and every moment our need is to be pleased and happy
If we get fame it nice and perfect but we don't need running after it because one day
We may get that fame fully but we must think carefully inside our world fully then
And it will encourage our thinking in wrong way fully because fame will not help you fully.

Poem 240. Practical dream

                                                     Practical dream
You don't need a airplane if you want to fly because god have given you one gift which
Can make it possible without much try that gift is nothing else but just one thing called mind
If you use it with proper care then you can always manage to touch the sky because those
Thoughts are something which always takes us so high that we can't able to add those thoughts
Which have many  limits inside our future and our life so from time to time inside our life we all need
To have some people who will able to live life just as they prefer and like because those
People will not understand their thoughts on each and every point we just feel one thing
Inside in our life from point to point inside our mind if we create some dreams than we can
Live in those dreams on days and nights because those thoughts are something which look
So perfect for our thought and our mind so from our mind those dreams are inside our life so
Alive that sometimes we feel that maybe we don't need to go their and just keep those dreams
Inside our world and inside our life on every time inside our life I just feel one thing inside
Our life those dreams are so pleasant inside life but sometimes we just keep dreaming on
Each view and point because our life will look so happy if we really feel that need inside
Our thoughts and our life because if we just keep looking at those dreams which look so
Nice to our eyes we may feel that those persons who are dreaming can have happiness as a part
Of our life because those thoughts are somethings which never look nice for our eyes and
We just keep looking at sky and dreaming whole time but if that is your way of dreaming
Then it will look so horrible on some point that on every point we feel one thing inside life
But still we feel that those dreams are something which will affect us on every point inside
Our life because instead of doing something if we shift our thoughts to changing our life then
We must think what are we doing with our life because some dreams are such which can
Create many things in life like the one which Disney made or one which give birth to Taj Mahal
But there are some dreams which look not that perfect to our world because those dreams
Which we see must be beautiful for life so everything becomes wrong inside our life but then
We just thought that one of dream inside our life after all just having one dream is not enough
For our future and our life but when we look at that sky from every location I just feel that
Inside our life that dream which I look just perfect for our life so on that point I just saw
Someone inside our dream and inside our life after all those dreams are something so nice
That we just keep sitting under tree and just looking at sky because when I look at it then
We do nothing but keep dreaming on each and every time because inside our life from
Every point we just feel one thing that those dreams will touch our life then we thought about
Those dreams which will take us ahead in life only if we start them to use in some practical
Thinking and part but sometimes people just love so much to their dream that they forget
Them all totally in life as they are human being so inside our life on each and every point
We just feel that those dreams are something which will please our mind and our heart
Because whenever we dream those thing turn so differently because those things don't
Have that logic inside our life for our future and our thinking so on each point as we dream
Maybe we need to use some practical thought which will affect our thinking because inside
Our thoughts as human being because those thoughts are something which will harm mind
Of a human being because our thoughts will value only when we value them as something
When we put them in practice for human being so inside our life and in our thinking I just
Feel one thing from my heart that I just like to see my luck shining only when my dreams
Turn into truth as human being but sometimes in life we just have one thinking that in our thought
We must think about turning into truth our nice dreams so inside life on every point we just
Feel from our heart only one thing that we feel from every point we think that our thoughts
Will turn wrong way inside our dream and they will just harm us by making us useless as
A human being so maybe in our life we feel something interesting which will help us every day
In future so always keep in mind one thing whenever you dream don't forget to have one nice
Thought to make alive inside our life just keep one thing in mind always keep one practical dream.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Poem 239. Right Advice

                                                    Right Advice
In our life we visit many places and situations of many times do you think that in life
On each and every place we learn new thing after all in those places we all know many
Thoughts and many things we are forced in our life to go there if we want to learn new
Thing inside life but one thing I never thought that even in my own world I got wrong
Sort of thoughts and wrong sort of advice inside our life after all advices are something
Which never treat people so properly in life those advices are something which are just
Part of our future and our life when we see those advices on one point we just think
That those advices will not help us on any point because some advices are wrong and
It can be clearly seen in life but in case some advices we feel so confuse in our life because
They seem to be like some solution of our life they seems like something so perfect
Inside life because those thoughts are something which will tell us when we suppose to
Move on which side and we can get the things as we like inside our life we just feel
One thing that we don't need any sort of advice inside our life so on each and every time
Inside our life I just feel one thing that we don't have any type of advice inside our life
Those advices we get are something so wrong for our life and good one seems so rare
Like some beautiful flower which grows on plant some times so whenever I feel that
I got good advice I just start jumping on it that perfect moment inside life but biggest
Question is that which advice is better for our future and our life and on which advice
We need to go ahead in life after all inside our life after all our advice are something
Inside our life we need something so important for every time inside our life without
Those advices I just feel we can't go ahead any day of our life so from each and every point
Inside our life I just feel those advices are something which I get every day inside life
Still those advices are something inside our life are so many that we can create line
Inside our life we think inside  life because those things are something so important
For our thoughts inside our life because those advices are something which are important
For our thinking because we don't have experience in each and every front of our life
But when I see life I just feel those line of that advice is not that proper for time to time
Inside our life we feel advice are something which will look proper on many occasions
But on every time we feel that advices are something not that useful for our life because
Sometimes they confuse us on each view and time after all inside life those advice is
Something so important for our future and our life still sometimes I feel that we need
More advice inside our life because there is long list of advice of which some are worst
For many parts of our life and we feel that we are stood on totally wrong side inside life
Because those advice may sometimes burn candles in darkness of life and give rise to
Hope on each and every time inside life but sadly our life never went as we want it to
Go ahead in life our life just went totally wrong way inside our life because that advice
Just confuse us inside our life and it manage to bring storm inside our future and our life
And it manage to destroy peace of our thoughts and our life because when I start something
I just feel one thing inside my mind that I want to understand every thought inside our life
So that I can find a beautiful advice on each and every time which will take me ahead
On each and every time inside our life so from time to time inside our life I just feel one thing
Inside our future and our life because those advices are something which can't followed
Inside our future and our life they take us on totally wrong way of our future and our life
So when we get advice we need to think about it twice because maybe you just feel it is
Just trying new thing for life because new thing is something so special and unique inside life
After all we all think one thing from each and every point that we feel we are on wrong side
We feel that we have big pond which is full of just plenty of advice and out of which
We need to find some perfect fish which will be our useful type of advice for our future and
Our life so that perfect fish is our right advice but if you have done fishing you must know
Hardness of it inside life so it is not impossible but we need lot of practice or luck to find
That kind of skill which manage to caught a fish which called right advice in our future and life.

Poem 238. Choice of freedom

                                         Choice of  freedom
Fish can't live without water water is their true need they will die without it
After all inside our life on every moment some people feel the same thing for them
Nothing is more important that their freedom and that is their true need they never
Want to stay in cage on each and every moment inside our world do from inside
Our life and inside our world I just feel one thing that for me nothing matter more
That my freedom but question is that this is what only my thinking there are many
People inside our world who have totally different thinking because these people
Just feel one thing from their heart every day they don't want freedom they want
Something else so inside every spot of their future and their life they just feel one thing
From each and every side they feel that they want luxuries more that freedom in life
Or maybe they never think being caged is some type of problem inside their life
So on each and every moment inside our world we just feel one thing that is we all
Need to understand what other person may want from world because maybe we
Spend our whole life just trying to set that person free but inside our life I just feel
That we don't want other people to think in this world that our thoughts are something
Important for our world and our thinking because inside those caged world those bird
Which are so lovely and inside that cage we think that we need to understand our
Thoughts as well as our feeling because inside that life I just feel from heart only one thing
That cage which is made for me is something interesting so inside our life we thought
On every moment about each and every thing we just feel that on every point we can't
Get proper thing after all in our life we like freedom but those people want that cage
And it's luxuries we just convince other people how important it is in our life to be
Happy and free because in their eyes we can't every day find our self that much free
But somewhere inside our heart we feel that freedom is so important thing because
When we are free then we can walk when ever we wish but they just keep asking
Can in our life we able to get those things as we wish after all luxuries are not always
Available to each and every human being but some just feel that may be we can easily
Able to sacrificed our thoughts and thinking for getting costly things on each moment
Inside life I just have one feeling that some people don't want freedom inside our life
As a human so I just thought inside our thinking we thought they want freedom and
It is needed for world but sadly some people just want that golden cage and it's luxuries
Because it is most beautiful for world and each and every human being inside our life
In our every type of luxury we just feel one thing inside life as human being we want
Every one to think that we are human being and each human being have some choice
Some just loved to be caged instead of living happy life and enjoying it freely because
They just want to sit in cage and we free them while trying free our self in life fully and
Then suddenly everything seem to start doing against us fully because on each point
I just think one thing which is hurting me that those people just never seem to care
For freedom as any human being they want to live in cage and we set them free forcibly
After all we can't set free just limited human being when we set free every one then
Those people are set free fully because inside our life we just feel one thing inside our life
We can't do something important for human being so inside our life we can guess those
Thoughts as a human being inside our life I just feel that something is wrong for our thinking
So when we set those human free that we feel something wrong inside our life because
After all they never feel grateful because they got freedom inside life on some problems
And on some points I just feel one thing inside our life because those people who call
Themselves so great inside life feel that freedom is not important because they are more
In number inside life how interesting is it to heard these things inside life that person who
Want freedom are someone who just considered culprit inside life so in our lifetime to time
We just have to learn that our thoughts will not get appreciated on such times so we must
Understand on such time that we can just set them free and get blame in return inside life.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Poem 237. Book cover

                                                  Book cover
How interesting may seem that book but when I saw it's cover I just saw some
Wrong type of picture so I just never dare to buy it sometimes those cover have
Power to scare you inside your world and suddenly even that cover looked so
Dirty to me on each and every angle so I just avoided that book as well as it's cover
Inside our life on each day I feel those books have totally wrong type of cover inside
Our future and our world sometimes when we see some type of cover we just never
Dare to touch that book how much may other person say that it was nice and perfect
Sort of book because inside our life on each and every time I just feel one thing
Inside my life those covers which I see on those books inside life I just feel one thing
Some covers are so scary on every angle of our life that we feel in life on every time
We can't touch those books which have covers of such type so after seeing that cover
I just never dare to read that book in life because that cover was so disguising from
Each and every angle and type I just feel that this writer must worst who have covers
Of that type and this writer can't be perfect for entire life after all this writer is someone
Who have seen that cover and still agreed to publish book inside never once I thought
Maybe it is not writer who have much choice because such covers make me feel so sick
Inside my body as well as mind I just feel that one thing is so sure about my life that
I can never use that type of book on each and every time inside our life because books
Are something which will help me from time to time they just keep me happy because
They are true happiness of my thoughts and my mind but sadly inside our life from
Every point we just feel one thing inside our life that those book which have that kind
Of cover are not made for me inside life because even after seeing that cover I just
Don't want to turn that book to read story that is written behind inside our life on each
Point we just feel that these books are perfect when their cover are normal and nice
I just don't want attractive even normal one will do trick for me inside my life and so
I think from my heart that some types of books are something which never come near me
Inside my future and inside my life because I just kept them away from me because I need
To understand our thoughts from time to time inside my life I just feel I have some limits
About those covers and they should keep it in their mind I just feel one thing that on each
And every point I need to understand those thoughts of life that when that cover don't
Look proper inside life I just feel one thing on every point that people should not keep
Such cover on book on such time when those books have nice stories inside I just never
Understand what maybe those people have thought but I have just one thought inside mind
That should be at least one logic in cover and books inside because if cover is too bold
Many people who are decent may stay away from it in life and those people who read it
Find that book so boring because it does appear that good inside their thoughts and
Their life so I just thought from time to time inside our life we need to find that book
Which look so perfect by every angle inside our life from time to time we just thought
One thing inside our life that we need to read them from time to time so perfect it may look
For our life after all inside our future and inside our life we just feel one thing from time to time
That those people who want to look at those things which will not look that nice will think
Just one thing that those writer don't wrote that book which look so perfectly on cover
And for them that book prove useless in life so sometimes cover does those mistake in life
Sometimes cover manage to confuse us and we kept away from those books which
We should have preferred inside life after all in our life on each and every time we just feel
One thing that is we understand by cover what is inside I know it is wrong but still I feel
One thing inside mind that I feel that is only way to judge things inside my life after all
My life will take me on so many sides and so many points that I just feel that books
Which properly have nice cover will better inside life I just don't understand that hoping
Proper cover is it mistake of our life? after all in our life we see this things on every point
Which don't look like their cover so I at least expect that easy things from my book inside life.

Poem 236. Lazy one

                                                          Lazy one
I just don't understand in the world how can there are so many types of people because
When I look at some types I just felt so shocked inside life that I began to think we need
To understand at least some of your type on every time inside our life we just feel that
We need to understand those thoughts inside our life from every moment inside our life
We just feel one thing that there are some people who are so active that they will not
Like to rest in life they just find some work and began to do it in life how nice to see
Such people sometimes but sadly these people are not that common inside our life but
More common are those people who just called fully lazy inside our life but even when
They are that lazy they claim every time that they have some big reason for that laziness
Inside our future and our life their reasons may differ but their laziness will stay on same
Spot on each and every time because we never understand those people who have habit
Of remaining lazy for entire life so on every moment we just feel one thing inside our life
That those person just never move on one spot in their life even if there is one glass
Of water before them they just never move to take it inside life they just keep waiting
For someone to come and give it to them inside life they may scream on top of their lung
But never move in life I just feel one thing from heart that they feel something is not right
When they move on any point sometimes they act as if moving is for them a biggest crime
And each of such person can give you best excuse and how easily sometimes we become
Their easy bait in our life because we just think that their reason is so true and we need
To help that person inside our life because every person needs an excuse inside our life
After all those reason which will give us causes which will help us inside our life because
We think these people truly need help inside our life after all our help is something
Which will cause us many problems inside our life helping some one is not that easy in life
But even after doing so many things for them inside life finally we feel as if useless are
Our thinking and our sacrifice on each and every time inside our life we just think one
Thing on each and every time we feel that we need someone who understand our thoughts
And our mind not some one who just demand from us every thing inside life how can we
Feel happy if we need to understand that person's thought and mind who just feel
On this earth that every one should just help that person inside life sometimes that one
Will give one excuse and another excuse on other time but one thing is so sure about it
Inside our future and our life on each and every point we just feel that this person is
Sleeping on each day and on each night but I just feel one question from heart that is
How did this person manage to sleep at night because without exercise it is so hard to sleep
On those long night but inside our life from time to time I just feel one thing in life that
Some are always active inside our life so on each and every time I just feel one thing
In life that I need to understand that person when that person don't work at day time
That one don't get sleep at night but it will not hurt that person inside that person's life
We just need to live our life as we like so lazy person thinks that it's that one's freedom
To spend whole life in lazy way of life we just feel one thing inside life that we never like
Some person who feel that being lazy is okay for life after all laziness will not matter much
Inside our future or our life because for them laziness is as important as breath in life
If you don't believe me just lazy person why don't that one work on that time that lazy
Person tell you that if that one will work then that job will become job of every time so
How interesting is our life that on each and every time for lazy person it is hard work
Is that situation which they avoid on each and every time they will just feel one thing
In life that they need to find some idea to avoid that work for their life they will just do
Anything inside future and inside their life they will just feel every day one thing that
Laziness is soul of their life for them it is their right so for it they may live sleepless night
Can you imagine those person who sleep whole day and then stay awake at night this
Is what happen to most lazy one who don't work in daylight but there are some people
Who are so much lucky that they will sleep in day and manage to sleep as well as on night
May it be any kind of lazy but one thing is true that you can't change them in this life.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Poem 235. Black and white

                                             Black and white
In chess there are just two colors to touch and appealed to your heart on every
Moment and on every point inside our future and inside our life we feel just one thing
In our heart from side to side after all black and white color inside that chess's
Game board which touch our thoughts and our mind on that broad there was just two
Colors inside our life they are just black and white because those two colors are
Something which will take is on one point after those two colors are something
So horrible inside our life because those two color take so much control of mind
That we began to take there are just two color inside life after all those two color
They look so perfect for our life that we began to feel one thing from time to time
Inside life that those black and white colors are something so perfect for our life
So after that when ever we see some colors inside our life which seems so nice
And then we began to tag a people with color in our life it is good to play chess
From time to time inside our life after all chess is perfect game to play inside life
Because it make our game so perfect play inside our life that give us strength inside
Our thoughts and our mind so from time to time inside our life we feel that in our mind
Because those two colors are something so useful to our mind but it seems wrong
If we began to think white color is right because black is wrong from time to time
Inside our life after white and black are not that bad when we play inside our life
So we always play with both the colors from time to time inside our life because
We always thought that while playing this game something is wrong and something
Is right for our entire life is too lose one of piece which stood by one side inside our life
For each every piece we think so long with efforts in life that those piece are something
So precious to our life but when we start to live in life suddenly we began to tag people
As black and white after all inside our life I just feel one thing from my mind that
Tagging those color is so perfect and nice for each and every day of our future and life
I just feel one thing because inside our life from every piece of chess is precious
But in life when we think some one does act something wrong we just tag that person
As some not right may what be the reason of that wrong act inside their life we just feel
One thing inside our mind that is we never thought that our thinking inside life so from
Point to point inside our life so from time to time in our life I just feel that those
Things which have two effects inside our life but if you ask me the truth of our life
Because on each and every point we just feel one thing inside our mind that those
Thinking of attaching someone with something is wrong for life because after some time
Those attachment will fail inside life and those mistake which they have done are something
Which just affect them from time to time but sometime those mistakes are not proof
Of their character they are just some mistakes which are done by them inside their life
Those two colors are something which are so perfect for life that we feel just one thing
That we need them both in chess and some thing inside their future and their life because
Those thoughts are something which will make us hard to understand our thinking from
Time to time inside our life we feel that those colors are nothing but just some important
Things in life but when in real life we see some aspect we always paint them with nice
And wrong thing for life and after one mistake it sometimes stick to some person so much
That we feel that just those two color which are inside life some are good and some are
Bad which is totally wrong for life we just wish one thing from time to time inside our life
That we must try to help that person on some points we feel that we must understand
That person's thought on every moment inside life we feel that maybe we just need to
Understand there are not two colors like good and bad in life chess may have two
Color but we treat them but with equal respect in life some will choose white while
Some just call black one lucky for them on every time so if life have two color then
None of them is really bad in life  how we move our piece will decide what is wrong
And what is right so never think there are just two color many time we have other colors
Which are also like red ,blue, green and yellow which also manage to change our life.

Poem 234. Best cover

                                                   Best cover
Whenever I throw that water on my face it was wet and then I just look at mirror
And I saw my so beautiful and perfect face on it I see every line so perfect that
I feel I can say I am the best and this is what happen when I get success I feel that
I am nothing but just world's best so on each point and on each way I just feel that
I will get once again that perfect because I got everything that is best so when I get
What I like inside my life on every moment I just feel one thing inside my brain
That is I got success so I can win on each time and on each day to get my life
That sort of success on each and every day because I think that god have given me
Gift of best face but then suddenly tension enters in some way and I began to think
That I am not that best suddenly I began to see each dot on my face which will use
To scare me on each moment because I just see in that mirror just some face with
Lot of mistakes those mistakes are something which are not part of life and those
Mistakes are something which belong to me from each and every angle of my life
After all days goes as well as comes but to me I seem that each day is making
My face on each time so much worst because on each and every moment of my life
I just feel one thing that my luck will take me on totally wrong side because from
Point to point inside my life I just feel that my face is so perfect for my entire life
Because my face is something which will not look perfect to human mind it will just
Have worst effect on everyday of life so from time to time inside my life I just feel
That I just had bad luck on every side of future and life from each point I feel inside
Life my destiny will not give any positive effect on life I feel that my future is failed
On every front of my future and life after all this face was no longer lovely then I thought
May be some bad times had bad effect on my face and it will not recover any more
Inside my future or my life but on every point I just feel one thing inside my life that
My safe is so perfect for every thought inside my mind because my face will look nice
When I look at mirror just before few moments inside life and now suddenly my face
Look all wrong from each and every side inside my life we all feel sometime so sad
In life I was having that moment of sadness on that spot in life I just looked at face
And so shocked to see that it was not perfect any more inside life I just feel one thing
That my face will look perfect for me on each and every point until I saw that perfect
Face which look so nice from every angle inside our life so from point to point inside
Our future and our life I just feel one thing that maybe due to my bad days and I feel
So sure that my face will never look now that best because on each and every point
I feel that I must have lost my beauty just because of those worst time of days so from
Each and every point inside my those bad days I feel that I will not look perfect in any mirror
So when I look at mirror I just see my face and I feel from my heart that I don't need
To think about my future in those worst ways after all in life on each and every day
When I see the mirror I feel I just can't look my best so from each and every point
Inside my life I just see my face from time to time I feel one thing inside my life that
My face have lost that beauty during that time because when time comes inside life
I just feel one thing that my time will never come back inside life so from each and
Every thought and point I just see one thing inside my life that my face will not nice
At all in my life but then after some days bad luck went away from my life and good
Luck enter inside my life from each and every angle on all those angles I just feel one
Thing on that day maybe on that day I can able to watch my face then once again
I have start to look at my face inside my mirror and I saw that my face is once again
As beautiful as it was before that problems inside my world after all those problems
Are something which are not that important for my future and for my world they are
Nothing but just one thing inside my world they went away and I am as happy as
I was in my life and inside my world then once again I looked at that mirror and
On that moment I feel that I am so beautiful then why did I look so ugly inside my
Thoughts and inside my world then I understood one truth of my thoughts and world
My face was never ugly with any angle inside world real good and ugly are my moods
And my face is nothing but just a reflection of mood and it is their just best cover.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Poem 233. Benefit

I was always thinking that someone is holding my eyes so tight that I can't able to see
Those things inside my future and my life so from point to point I just feel that I can't see
Those things which hold powerfully our eyes because from time to time I feel just one
Thing inside our life we feel that our voice is so confused by those eyes which have
So much power that it convince me even before I try to look behind but even if
We tried to see ahead inside our life we just feel one thing from time to time and that
Is truth of our life we feel that our happiness is something so precious for our thinking
And our mind but I feel that our thought  will get lost by power of those talking in life
Because those talking is something not that precious at all after all in our life then
We just thought our brain is under control by that sweet and scary voice because
Every time I just think one thing inside my life some time when I think that person is
True and sometimes I think that person is risky I nodded on every statement of that person
From time to time inside my life but one thing is so true that when such person come
Before inside my life how hard may I try but still I can't able to look ahead and behind
That person inside our future and our life because after each and every time I just feel
One thing inside our life that our all thoughts are something which are right just stay on
That point we never dare to say truth inside our future and our life because from point
To point inside our life that I feel one thing inside our life that on each point we feel that
We are on wrong side from our mind still we feel one thing in our life that we can't go
Against those thoughts and our life after all those thoughts are something which are
Proper inside our life because from point to point inside our life I just feel one thing
That is part of our life we thought our thinking will just stopped by those eyes because
Those eyes doesn't let us go ahead on any movement inside our life because those
Thoughts are stopped by those deadly eyes so from time to time I feel that from every
Point my mind is stopped and my comments are kept locked just due to power of
Those eyes but from every point I just feel one thing inside my mind those eyes have
Power over me from time to time but then on some time I just feel one thing from inside
Our thoughts are kept secret inside our future and our mind so from time to time inside
Our life I just feel one thing inside our life I feel those eyes are holding my attention and
Giving me problems inside our life because on every point I just feel something so nice
About those thoughts which I want to expressed but they are stopped by those eyes
But then one day I feel maybe my thinking are totally wrong inside our future and
Our life I thought that inside our life from time to time that those things are something
Inside our life because those thoughts are something so precious for our mind but
Still I feel sometimes inside my life it is not those eyes that have strength but it's just
Weakness of our mind after all inside our life I feel from time to time inside our life
I feel just inside our life I feel that from each and every point I just think inside life
After all in our life our thoughts are something totally wrong inside our life because
Those eyes don't have that much power to control of our mind but from point to
Point we just think one thing inside my life I feel those thoughts are something which
Control my mind so from point to point I think about life so on each point I began to
Think on each point it seems like one thing inside our life after all those points are
Something which disturb me are my wrong thinking of mind I gave that power to
Someone inside our life because that power used to say many points from time
To time inside our life I just feel one thing in life that is we are on wrong point
Because those thoughts are something which have control over our thought and
Our mind because from that thing don't have enough power inside our life that
From point to point inside our life after all we must think something totally wrong
For our mind that instead of waking up that strength we just keep surrendering
From time to time inside our life because we just thought one way in life that we
Feel that we need something important in life so from every point I just feel that
We must teach our mind to control our thoughts and start fighting inside our life
Because no one have power inside our life so from time to time in life we just
Think that we need to understand to get strength of our mind from every side so that
We can fight inside our life because it is possible for each and every human mind
So from every time I just feel something if you decide watch all then only you can
Do it in minutes after all we want security so much inside our mind so just for our
Thoughts and benefit try to wake up our thoughts for benefit of our own useful mind.

Poem 232. Life

Have you ever thought that what should you do in life in your life you may have
Different types of dreams but one thing I feel sure about them inside our life because
I tell you one thing for sure that is we can never dream anything ugly we just dream
Lovely things in life so when I see those dreams I just feel one thing from my mind
That is we all think one thing that right is that way which is always beautiful on each
Moment of our future and in our life because on each and every  moment just feel something
Beautiful will be right and we feel that those places which look perfect will be so nice
For inside our life from time to time in our life we just thought that our life should be
Something so pretty as a sight because inside our life I just feel one thing from every point
I like to see lovely things and I want them to become part of my future and my life so
On some points I just feel one thing inside our life those beautiful places are something
So pretty that I feel they look so perfect for everyone inside our future and our life
When I saw those places which have perfect marbles and other perfect things inside life
I just feel that I deserve those beautiful things and that is what right way for my future
On each and every time when I see those lovely plants I feel my garden should be with
Them and with their beauty and smell inside our life I just feel those roses are something
So pretty in shape and colour from time to time inside our life but I just feel one thing
That how silly is my that assumption about life I must think twice before making it inside
Our future as well as inside our life because when that assumption becomes an important
Part of our future and our life I just feel one thing that assuming such thing is never perfect
For our future and for our mind because that assumption will shatter all our dreams of life
Because if we started creating heaven on earth is perfect thing for us then I have doubt
About it inside our life because from time to time I just feel one thing inside life that we must
Understand those thoughts which are part of our future and our life because they will make
Something great from time to time inside our life because those things are something which
Are so special for our mind I just feel one thing that you can't always get that heaven by
Using right way inside life some feels that we all deserve happiness and pleasure in life
But one thing is so clear inside our life after all we want everything without much efforts
From any side because if we make efforts then we can clearly see many sorrows of life
And sometimes even truthful people live happily inside their life but they don't get those
Luxuries they enjoy their life in even on worst point because in life you can't always see
Those green landscapes which are full of greenery and flowers inside our life because
Sometimes desserts inside our life so in some part of our life desserts are also truth of
Our life but some people just think something inside life that these desserts are something
Not so easy to live life but you can also see people who can stay there and enjoy every
Day of life better than us sometimes because they just learn to love what they get and
Learn to enjoy that kind of life because they think on every time we need someone who
Will always goes right way in life and it is not depend on what land we stay inside life
We just keep that feeling in thoughts that those things which don't have facilities are not pleasant
And nice we just keep feeling that good luck is with us only when we think that we are
On proper way of our life we think that slums are something so worst part of life that
No one can live in them and enjoy their life but I think maybe we need to think twice
About it in life because life depend on how we take every thing inside our life because
On each moment we just feel one thing about life that luxuries are something which will
Make for us such pleasant life if that is so truth then why did sometime rich even take
Their life I think that thinking is wrong we need to change our mind because when we
Keep that thinking we are hurting our thoughts which are inside our mind and we just
Feel richness is something so precious in life that we feel being rich is most important
And nothing is more important in our life because on every spot we just think one thing
About life that we must remember all those people who died when they wanted to live
A nice life I feel sure sometimes in heart maybe they would have lived in slums as well
As desserts happily if god gave them life so we never appreciate what we get and just
Keep complaining because we get easily chance to enjoy our full and happy sort of life.

Poem. 7220. Door of light create

                             Door of light create  Door of light create new word to thinking of mind which open new appeal to knowledge towa...