Monday, July 31, 2023

Poem. 6718. Soul of smile start new life

                            Soul of smile start new life 

Soul of smile start new life which form new direction to touch of feeling which give new light to thinking of mind that show new shine

Soul of smile start new life which create new strength to way of learning which start new move to learning of mind that start new shine

Soul of smile start new life which show new appeal to spirit of thinking which form new route to meaning of mind that form new shine

Soul of smile start new life which give new knowledge to path of understanding which start new way to feeling of step that create new shine

Soul of smile start new life which form new touch to appeal of meaning which show new touch to understanding of mind that give new shine

Soul of smile start new life which create new strength to route of thinking which form new way to learning of mind that show new shine

Soul of smile start new life which show new appeal to move of learning which give new path to thinking of mind that create new shine

Soul of smile start new life which form new direction to touch of feeling which create new move to meaning of mind that give new shine

Soul of smile start new life which start new chapter to step of understanding which give new path to feeling of mind that start new shine

Soul of smile start new life which give new concept to soul of meaning which form new direction to learning of mind that form new shine

Soul of smile start new life which create new strength to start of thinking which give new route to meaning of mind that show new shine

Soul of smile start new life which form new appeal to move of understanding which start new path to thinking of mind that create new shine

Soul of smile start new life which give new knowledge to path of learning which form new way to feeling of mind that form new shine

Soul of smile start new life which create new touch to spirit of meaning which give new concept to learning of mind that give new shine

Soul of smile start new life which show new thought to step of feeling which start new chapter to meaning of mind that start new shine

Soul of smile start new life which form new chapter to touch of learning which form new touch to understanding of mind that form new shine

Soul of smile start new life which give new concept to soul of understanding which create new path to thinking of mind that create new shine

Soul of smile start new life which create new light to dream of meaning which start new knowledge to feeling of mind that give new shine

Soul of smile start new life which form new path to strength of feeling which show new chapter to meaning of mind that show new shine

Soul of smile start new life which give new spirit to chapter of learning which create new concept to learning of mind that form new shine

Soul of smile start new life which create new move to appeal of thinking which form new direction to thinking of mind that give new shine

Soul of smile start new life which show new world to concept of meaning which give new touch to feeling of mind that form new shine

Soul of smile start new life which start new chapter to direction of feeling which create new spirit to meaning of mind that create new shine

Soul of smile start new life which form new touch to spirit of understanding which start new path to learning of mind that give new shine

Soul of smile start new life which create new move to chapter of thinking which form new start to thinking of mind that start new shine

Soul of smile start new life which give new start to concept of meaning which show new route to feeling of mind that form new shine

Soul of smile start new life which show new step to direction of learning which give new move to learning of mind that give new shine

Soul of smile start new life which form new path to knowledge of feeling which show new soul to meaning of mind that create new shine

Soul of smile start new life which start new spirit to chapter of thinking which create new step to feeling of mind that show new shine

Soul of smile start new life which create new move to strength of meaning which give new path to understanding of mind that start new shine

Soul of smile start new life which give new knowledge to appeal of feeling which start new route to learning of mind that form new shine

Soul of smile start new life which show new path to direction of understanding which form new path to meaning of mind that create new shine

Soul of smile start new life which form new route to chapter of thinking which create new touch to feeling of mind that show new shine

Soul of smile start new life which create new move to concept of meaning which give new step to thinking of mind that give new shine

Soul of smile start new life which give new direction to touch of learning which form new start to learning of mind that create new shine

Soul of smile start new life which form new strength to move of thinking which show new soul to feeling of mind that form new shine

Soul of smile start new life which start new chapter to spirit of feeling which create new light to meaning of mind that give new shine

Soul of smile start new life which create new touch to path of meaning which give new spirit to thinking of mind that create new shine

Soul of smile start new life which give new dream to move of understanding which start new appeal to learning of mind that form new shine

Soul of smile start new life which start new appeal to way of learning which create new chapter to feeling of mind that show new shine.

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Poem. 6717. Touch of dream give new hope to

                     Touch of dream give new hope to 

Touch of dream give new hope to light of mind which start new understanding of soul to way of life that give new shine to mind

Touch of dream give new hope to route of mind which create new learning of appeal to move of life that start new shine to mind

Touch of dream give new hope to spirit of mind which form new feeling of strength to touch of life that create new shine to mind

Touch of dream give new hope to move of mind which show new thinking of concept to path of life that form new shine to mind

Touch of dream give new hope to appeal of mind which create new meaning of route to appeal of life that show new shine to mind

Touch of dream give new hope to strength of mind which form new learning of move to chapter of life that create new shine to mind

Touch of dream give new hope to thought of mind which start new feeling of direction to touch of life that start new shine to mind

Touch of dream give new hope to knowledge of mind which create new spirit of chapter to spirit of life that form new shine to mind

Touch of dream give new hope to chapter of mind which show new soul of strength to appeal of life that start new shine to mind

Touch of dream give new hope to soul of mind which form new direction of route to concept of life that create new shine to mind

Touch of dream give new hope to appeal of mind which create new spirit of path to chapter of life that give new shine to mind

Touch of dream give new hope to step of mind which show new thought of soul to direction of life that show new shine to mind

Touch of dream give new hope to start of mind which start new concept of step to knowledge of life that create new shine to mind

Touch of dream give new hope to move of mind which create new touch of route to strength of life that form new shine to mind

Touch of dream give new hope to route of mind which form new chapter of step to chapter of life that give new shine to mind

Touch of dream give new hope to soul of mind which start new knowledge of way to direction of life that create new shine to mind

Touch of dream give new hope to appeal of mind which show new direction of shine to concept of life that form new shine to mind

Touch of dream give new hope to thought of mind which create new appeal of spirit to smile of life that show new shine to mind

Touch of dream give new hope to chapter of mind which form new smile of thought to way of life that form new shine to mind

Touch of dream give new hope to knowledge of mind which start new spirit of route to soul of life that create new shine to mind

Touch of dream give new hope to appeal of mind which show new direction of light to appeal of life that start new shine to mind

Touch of dream give new hope to concept of mind which start new strength of path to chapter of life that form new shine to mind

Touch of dream give new hope to strength of mind which form new appeal of start to direction of life that show new shine to mind

Touch of dream give new hope to route of mind which create new knowledge of way to spirit of life that create new shine to mind

Touch of dream give new hope to way of mind which show new concept of soul to strength of life that form new shine to mind

Touch of dream give new hope to step of mind which form new chapter of path to touch of life that give new shine to mind

Touch of dream give new hope to start of mind which show new direction of move to concept of life that start new shine to mind

Touch of dream give new hope to move of mind which create new dream of shine to strength of life that form new shine to mind

Touch of dream give new hope to soul of mind which start new knowledge of spirit to route of life that create new shine to mind

Touch of dream give new hope to route of mind which form new appeal of concept to start of life that give new shine to mind

Touch of dream give new hope to chapter of mind which create new path of strength to spirit of life that show new shine to mind

Touch of dream give new hope to concept of mind which form new move of direction to light of life that start new shine to mind

Touch of dream give new hope to direction of mind which show new spirit of appeal to route of life that form new shine to mind

Touch of dream give new hope to knowledge of mind which start new soul of concept to path of life that give new shine to mind

Touch of dream give new hope to appeal of mind which create new step of chapter to soul of life that create new path to mind

Touch of dream give new hope to direction of mind which form new route of thought to step of life that show new path to mind

Touch of dream give new hope to strength of mind which show new start of route to soul of life that form new path to mind

Touch of dream give new hope to thought of mind which create new way of smile to spirit of life that give new path to mind

Touch of dream give new hope to soul of mind which form new soul of chapter to thought of life that create new path to mind

Touch of dream give new hope to step of mind which show new route of concept to step of life that show new move to mind.

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Adventure story. 616. Ravi's house

                                             Ravi's house

It was exciting day for Tanvi. She was going in birthday party of her rich friend Namita. She was so happy. But on one point she didn’t want it. She knew that no one liked her there. Namita called her as formality so she needed to go as formality too. When she was child she used to feel like Cinderella when she decided to go to those parties. She used to have strange hope that some Prince Charming would come there. She saw many but none of them was interested in her. Her Mom told her that she was too small. Now she was big enough to get married. She knew that Prince Charming was not going to appear but still she kept hoping. She kept thinking that something positive might come out of this. Today she was getting ready. Once again she purchased new dress. She got ready with expectations of finding her Prince Charming but suddenly she began to feel so strange. She didn’t know why but she didn’t want to find that Prince Charming at all. On that time her Mom came. Her Mom smiled sweetly. Mom “ So what do you plan to wear?” She began to feel strange shake as soon as she viewed her Mom. She didn’t understand why she was getting tense. She knew that her Mom intended to mean something nice for her. Her Mom couldn’t do anything wrong. She smiled. “ Mom what is it?” Mom slowly showed one photo. She looked towards it. She just disliked it. She didn’t like that boy at all. Mom smiled & said “ He is taking interest in you. Do you know how rich he is?” Tanvi was now confused. Tanvi looked towards her house. It was not in good condition. She knew that her Dad couldn’t do it. Her Dad was too busy in enjoying himself. Her Dad just wanted to keep drinking & partying. Her Mom sometimes try to object but after one limit she started to follow him too. It was so upsetting. She wanted to live normal life. But her parents were to busy in partying around. Her Mom started insisting on finding some nice boy. She knew that she wanted someone she liked but she needed someone who was nice & kind with her. She also wanted handsome face but she could adjust with it. She didn’t have so much demand of beauty from husband as she had of kindness. She was so confused. She kept thinking in different way. She knew that now in this party she needed to look for this boy. She needed to keep talking to him. She wanted to become rich too. But she didn’t like to marry just to rich man. She wanted to marry to nice man. It was frustrating for her when her parents started suggesting like that. She felt so tense. Then she needed to admire that boy from heart. She wanted to think positively. She was feeling so stressed. She nodded. She knew that this boy was rich & more educated than her. She needed to respect him more. Before she could say anything her Dad entered. Dad “ I know you are nervous & you dislike parties. We never force you to go on one if we don’t hope it will do some good to you. Try to understand if you don’t get social people will talk about you & you will not get boy as you want.” Tanvi began to feel so nervous. She didn’t want to go to party. Her Dad smiled & told her “ This boy have his own bungalow. His father gifted him when he started to run business. He did job side by side too with his business. He is great.” She nodded. She looked towards that boy. It was not about his looks but she didn’t feel that this boy would like her. She was good looking girl but nothing special. Tanvi slowly said “ But Dad why does he took interest in me?!” “ Just try.” She nodded. She got ready. She decided to call nice Cab. But her Dad told her that she must take car. “ But Dad I can’t drive.” Her Mom said nervously “ We arranged one driver.” “ Mom we can’t pretend that you are rich can we?” “ Just listen to us. In marriage sometimes you need to pretend.” Dad “ & tell that boy you are earning too.” “ But I am not earning!” “ Then just pretend you are!” She felt so frustrated. She never thought that her parents would act this way. She got ready. She did her best then finally Driver came. She went to hotel just like Cinderella pretending she was rich when she was not. She felt so dramatic. She didn’t understand what she was not meeting Prince Charming. She hoped that she would win his heart then he would ignore her fake financial claims. Her Mom always told her this story & said didn’t Cinderella did same thing? Was it wrong? She smiled happily. She went inside. She searched hard but she didn’t find that boy. She kept sitting alone in corner whole time. Finally she located that boy. He was surrounded by plenty of girls. She didn’t want to become one of them but she knew that her parents wasted so much on Driver of that car. She needed to do something to make that money useful. She went in crowd. She slowly went in it but clearly he was not interested in her. Then suddenly he decided to take table & on that table her one college friend Ajit was already sitting. He called that boy whose name was Ravi. Then Ajit smiled towards her & told her to join them. Ravi insisted too. Then Tanvi sat with both boys. Soon one girl invited too. She was Ajit’s cousin. Tanvi sat & she immediately started talking about her luxurious life. She knew that she was lying but she felt like Cinderella. Ajit was listening all with shock. Then Tanvi stood up to go in Washroom. When Tanvi returned she was shocked to see entire table empty. She began to search but suddenly one girl took hold of her shoulder. That girl “You are such good liar but not smart one. Ajit knew all about you then why did you lied to Ravi before him?” Soon all guests of party started laughing on her. She looked around nervously & said “ I was just joking.” “ Really!” Then voice came from behind it was Ajit. Ajit started laughing Ravi joined too. Ravi “ We know you were playing trick on me so we played trick on you.” All started to laugh. She joined them too. Then they all returned to food counter. All talked with her. They all admired her comedy. She was perfect entertainer to them. She didn’t meant it that way but she felt that was far better then truth. So she kept boosting her habit of cracking joke & in that party she kept dancing & laughing in such a way that no one could assume it was not joke.

         Then finally Tanvi returned to home. She was so stressed. She knew very well cause of it. She didn’t want to date Ravi after this but her parents were surely force her. Then suddenly her mobile rang. It was Ajit. She decided to talk with him. Ajit “ You were cracking really nice joke. All like this party. It’s wonderful.” She gave nervous laugh. She said slowly “ Actually I want to impress all.” Ajit didn’t say anything. Ajit slowly added “ You are great you don’t need to do this to impress people. I am sure that people would like you without it.” She smiled. She felt so happy but she knew that now her parents wouldn’t be happy. She said slowly “ My parents wanted me to marry Ravi.” “ Really? So they are taking marriage proposal to him.” “ I think so.” Ajit said in excited tone “ I am so happy for you.” She said slowly “ Come on! Ravi would never say yes to me. He didn’t like me.” “ You can’t tell it in just one meeting.” “ Yes you are right. What about you?What is your plan about marriage?” “ Well… actually I have not decided much. I feel so tense. I just wanted to concentrate on career.” “ Really? What is your plan?” Ajit said slowly “ I am planning to study in abroad while working.” “ Wow! All the best.” “ I wish same to you.” He didn’t say anything for sometime. Then Ajit said in sad voice. “ I will go within month. I really miss you all.” She felt so sad. Suddenly she began to think that he might have more feeling for her than love. But she didn’t like him. She loved Ravi. She knew that it was odd. She couldn’t love someone so suddenly. But she was feeling so happy when she thought about him. He talked so much about his visit to abroad. He told how did they managed to do all by himself. She knew that she loved cooking & cleaning . She would do all. She was so lost in thoughts of Ravi that she didn’t pay much attention to Ajit. On that point her Mom suddenly entered in her room. She told her Mom plenty of time to knock but her Mom never listened. Mom asked slowly “ Who is it?” She came to her sense & said slowly “ Ajit.” Her Mom looked angry. She added “ He is going tomorrow to abroad so called me to wish for future life..” her Mom startled. Ajit heard her. Ajit “ Give your mobile to Mom. I will tell Auntie what did Ravi like,” “ Hey told me. I am going to cook for him.” “ Come on! Your Mom is Great cook. You need to learn a lot.” She laughed & gave mobile to Mom. She was sure that Ravi would marry her & all would become same as per her wish. She was so happy. Her life was going on right track. During her entire life she just wanted one nice husband. Her husband needed to be someone who would make all jealous. She could show off him. She knew that her husband was not Trophy but still she felt that way. In her eyes Ravi was perfect Trophy. She kept thinking how did she would show off him to all people. But then suddenly she began to feel nervous. Ravi might dislike her. It was easily possible. In that party he didn’t pay much attention to her. She gave mobile to her Mom. Mom started taking list of items she needed to cook. She felt so nervous. She slowly began to listen to them. She decided that she needed to see how did she managed to do all. She was so nervous. She knew that she needed to wake up on time for him. She needed to cook as per his wishes. She was so scared. She knew that she couldn’t be so perfect. She had her habits. She liked life in easy way. She began to think that now she needed to do everything to please Ravi otherwise they would throw her out. She wanted to stay with Ravi. She began to listen to all. Then she asked Mom. She didn’t went to sleep. She spent her whole night in cooking dish he loved. She wanted to make him happy. Her Mom told her that Ravi’s Mom was coming early in that morning. Ravi’s Mom might want some food. She kept trying her best. Finally she packed all & she went to sleep. That day in her dream she saw herself with Ravi. She was so happy but then suddenly her entire world turned upside down. In her dream she saw beautiful model. It was from movie. She saw that movie since long time. She was so happy to see her at first. She wanted signature but then she sensed that Ravi was looking towards that model. Ravi was no longer interested in her. She began to feel tense. She wanted to tell Ravi that she loved him. But she couldn’t. She didn’t able to speak. She tried so hard to express her love. She was feeling so sad. She wanted to feel happy but she was feeling upset. She knew that she was going to lose before that model. Clearly Ravi was in love with that model. She began to scream loudly “ I Love You Ravi!” She screamed it so loudly then she woke up in her bedroom. She looked around in her room. Clearly everything was in it’s own place. Nothing was new. She felt so scared that her parents might hear her. She didn’t want to keep confess her love like that. She laughed nervously to herself. She felt so scared. She slowly went in kitchen. She looked towards food she cooked. She smiled. She did it all perfectly. Ravi would marry to her. They would make perfect couple. She didn’t need to worry. She told herself that she just needed to relax. She returned to her bedroom. She wanted to calm down but she was so scared. She didn’t understand what was wrong with her. She closed her eyes & fall asleep. This time she woke up in morning. Her Mom was telling her to get ready. She was supposed to go in Ravi’s house with food. She smiled happily. She opened cupboard. She began to look inside. She was tense. She didn’t understand what she supposed to wear when her Mom appeared. Her Mom gave her one packet. Mom “ Wear this designer dress? It will suit you.” She nodded. She felt so upset. She knew that she had to look great. She began to get ready. She watched herself in mirror. She kept watching her every look. She knew that she was beautiful. She smiled to herself. She took bag of lunch she cooked. Then Mom told her Driver had came. She went out. Driver was waiting. Driver slowly opened car door with style. She sat inside with confidence & somewhere in her heart she began to feel she was truly rich. She smiled to herself. She knew that she was rich enough.

       Tanvi slowly came out of her car. That house was so big & grand. She liked it but she didn’t sense that Ravi was watching her. He was observing her from one balcony. She smiled. He didn’t react. Clearly he was too busy in phone call. She suddenly sensed that he was not watching her. He was just waiting for someone. She pretended that she didn’t saw him too. She just went inside. She rang doorbell. For long time no one came. Finally Ravi’s Mom came to open door. She smiled. Ravi’s Mom returned her smile. Ravi’s Mom was giving affectionate smile. Then slowly his Mom said “ Is that your car?” She nodded. “ Ohh! This one is old model. You still use it.” She nodded. This was only car in her house. She didn’t want to lie about it. Then she slowly took out lunch she brought. She said “ I just brought some lunch.” Ravi’s Mom smiled. “ Ohh great. It will be so useful.” Ravi’s Mom slowly pointed her to come inside. It was big house so nice. She came alone. But her parents were expected by Ravi’s Mom. “ Where are your parents?“ she felt so nervous. Tanvi slowly said “They will come after sometime.” “ Ohh.” Then Ravi’s Mom went inside. Tanvi followed her. She went everywhere after her. That house was big & beautiful but she was too scared to wander in it. She just kept following Ravi’s Mom. She was waiting for Ravi but she didn’t got his attention. Ravi was too busy. She didn’t understand in what. She wanted to ask but too scared to do that. Tanvi kept obeying his Mom. She was talking so sweetly. It was nice. Most importantly she was impressed by that house. Finally Ravi came down called his Mom. Ravi “ Mom what you want me to order for lunch?” “ Ravi no need. Tanvi cooked lunch for us. All your favourite items.” Ravi gave sweet smile. She felt relaxed under it. But on second thought she didn’t see any love in it. She didn’t feel that she could find any attraction in eyes of Ravi. He thanked her for food. Then Ravi’s Mom started to set table. Tanvi began to arrange all as per instructions. Tanvi was so happy when she got those beautiful crockery to arrange. She wanted it to be her own. She wanted to cook in that kitchen. She began to feel that she wanted to stay in that house. It was so nice. Ravi’s Mom was talking nicely. But soon Tanvi was began to sense that Ravi was not interested in her. She slowly began to ask about Ravi “ So what is Ravi’s plan after this?” “ Nothing special. He is planning to try one job in aboard. But I feel before it he needed to marry. But his wife can’t go with him immediately.” “ Why?“ “ Well we need to arrange all for her. Ravi is not getting permanent Visa. He needed to go on job Visa. Company will arrange for him. Once he settled he could take wife.” Tanvi nodded. She wanted to marry Ravi. She began to feel for it she could stay with in-laws for sometime. Then after sometime Ravi came. They all sat for lunch. Ravi talked very nicely with her. She discussed many things. She even talked a lot about Ajit but he was not jealous a bit. She was so happy. Then after sometime finally she decided to go home. She said bye. She came back. She told all to Mom. But her Mom looked confused. Her Mom “ Did he gave you any sign?” “ What sign Mom?” “ Did he follow you in kitchen? Did he gave you red rose?” She felt so nervous. “ Mom he didn’t. Do you feel he didn’t like me?” She began to cry. She suddenly began to feel as if her world was shattered. She was so sure that Ravi was in love with her. Tanvi “ Mom I need to find someone else now. I must. It is so embarrassing.” Tanvi began to search around for suitable boys. Her Mom tried to relax her. But she kept searching & crying. Finally her Dad came. Mom told all to him. Tanvi was so upset. Tanvi didn’t understand what was happening. Tanvi was not ready to eat. She kept crying. Finally her Dad said “ What’s wrong with you? You can’t fall in love with someone so fast!” “ Dad I am in love! I will kill myself for it.” Now her Mom started to look scared too. Mom “ But you have not even dated him. He never said anything to you about marrying. You two were not together.” “ We will. Mom! We will.” She was so angry. She knew she throw away every thing from table. Her Dad screamed “ I had it enough.” She started crying. Her Dad slowly went out of room. Her Dad sensed mental issue. He decided that he couldn’t married off his daughter in this mental situation. Her Dad called their family Doctor & explained situation. Doctor gave him one number of Psychiatrist. Timing was odd but her Dad was so scared. Her Dad told all on mobile. Psychiatrist suggested him to stay in her room & told some medicine after it Psychiatrist gave emergency appointment of next day. Dad immediately ordered medicine. Then he told all to Mom. After long efforts they managed to force Tanvi to eat & then she took medicine. She slept peacefully. Next day she looked normal. But they didn’t wanted to take risk. They told her about appointment. Tanvi slowly said “ I keep thinking about Ravi still. But then I feel I might like Ajit too. It was so odd. I want them all.” She began to cry again. It was so stressful. Then they finally took her to Psychiatrist. For long time she talked with Psychiatrist. Then finally Psychiatrist called them inside. “ Your daughter is not in love I feel she developed odd obsession of getting married. It was not for love. She just wanted money. It might be due to the way you lived your lifestyle. She wanted someone who could be rich & show all people in party that she could dominate them. This is developed due to inferiority complex. It is complicated problem. I don’t want her to get married at this point.” Her parents nodded. Then Psychiatrist suggested “ Why don’t you take vacation?” Her Dad “ I can’t get it from office but I can send her out for tour with her Mom.” “ Well I want some vacation of at least half month is it possible?” Her Dad nodded. “ I arrange it.” Then her Dad booked one cottage for month. Tanvi went there with Mom. Slowly Tanvi began to feel relaxed. Tanvi looked around. She smiled & started her drawing. She began to talk about her drawings instead of marriage & suitable husbands. Step by step she began to become herself. She was not totally normal but her Mom hoped that she would be. Tanvi was drawing pictures. But still they had big houses like Ravi’s house. Her Mom sensed that they needed to take proper treatment before marriage. Then Tanvi could get over this. They wanted their daughter to be normal.

                                                           The End

Friday, July 28, 2023

Poem. 6716. Spirit of hope show

                                       Spirit of hope show 

Spirit of hope show new move to life that give understanding to soul of dream which open new start to thought of mind

Spirit of hope show new route to life that create learning to concept of light which form new soul to thought of mind

Spirit of hope show new step to life that form meaning to chapter of strength which start new path to thought of mind

Spirit of hope show new soul to life that start thinking to direction of thought which create new step to thought of mind

Spirit of hope show new path to life that give feeling to knowledge of soul which open new appeal to thought of mind

Spirit of hope show new shine to life that create meaning to direction of start which form new touch to thought of mind

Spirit of hope show new appeal to life that form learning to chapter of move which start new direction to thought of mind

Spirit of hope show new touch to life that start understanding to route of shine which give new knowledge to thought of mind

Spirit of hope show new soul to life that give thinking to concept of path which create new appeal to thought of mind

Spirit of hope show new step to life that create meaning to touch of move which form new touch to thought of mind

Spirit of hope show new start to life that form feeling to chapter of direction which start new light to thought of mind

Spirit of hope show new route to life that start learning to move of knowledge which give new path to thought of mind

Spirit of hope show new move to life that give thinking to shine of strength which create new dream to thought of mind

Spirit of hope show new step to life that create meaning to route of chapter which form new soul to thought of mind

Spirit of hope show new route to life that form understanding to path of appeal which give new step to thought of mind

Spirit of hope show new soul to life that give learning to concept of strength which create new start to thought of mind

Spirit of hope show new path to life that start feeling to chapter of knowledge which form new route to thought of mind

Spirit of hope show new shine to life that create meaning to path of direction which start new chapter to thought of mind

Spirit of hope show new step to life that form thinking to appeal of concept which give new knowledge to thought of mind

Spirit of hope show new move to life that give learning to dream of strength which create new appeal to thought of mind

Spirit of hope show new shine to life that start understanding to path of dream which form new chapter to thought of mind

Spirit of hope show new soul to life that create feeling to direction of appeal which start new strength to thought of mind

Spirit of hope show new start to life that form meaning to chapter of strength which give new appeal to thought of mind

Spirit of hope show new step to life that give thinking to touch of knowledge which create new concept to thought of mind

Spirit of hope show new appeal to life that create learning to soul of chapter which form new direction to thought of mind

Spirit of hope show new touch to life that start feeling to concept of move which show new strength to thought of mind

Spirit of hope show new light to life that form thinking to strength of soul which give new concept to thought of mind

Spirit of hope show new soul to life that give understanding to path of start which create new touch to thought of mind

Spirit of hope show new dream to life that create meaning to move of shine which form new chapter to thought of mind

Spirit of hope show new strength to life that start feeling to path of chapter which give new knowledge to thought of mind

Spirit of hope show new touch to life that form learning to route of appeal which start new direction to thought of mind

Spirit of hope show new light to life that give thinking to start of concept which create new appeal to thought of mind

Spirit of hope show new path to life that start understanding to way of direction which give new step to thought of mind

Spirit of hope show new soul to life that create meaning to chapter of strength which form new touch to thought of mind

Spirit of hope show new step to life that give feeling to knowledge of appeal which start new chapter to thought of mind

Spirit of hope show new route to life that form thinking to shine of chapter which create new appeal to thought of mind

Spirit of hope show new move to life that start learning to spirit of direction which form new dream to thought of mind

Spirit of hope show new start to life that create meaning to soul of concept which give new appeal to thought of mind

Spirit of hope show new soul to life that give understanding to path of touch which start new route to thought of mind

Spirit of hope show new shine to life that form feeling to chapter of route which create new way to thought of mind.

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Poem. 6715. Dream start to create new

                             Dream start to create new

Dream start to create new way to mind which show new direction to touch of soul that give new appeal to feeling of move in life

Dream start to create new soul to mind which form new strength to concept of path that start new touch to learning of move in life

Dream start to create new touch to mind which give new knowledge to spirit of route that form new soul to meaning of move in life

Dream start to create new word to mind which show new appeal to shine of move that create new step to thinking of move in life

Dream start to create new step to mind which start new touch to light of touch that show new route to understanding of move in life

Dream start to create new hope to mind which form new concept to spirit of thought that give new path to meaning of move in life

Dream start to create new light to mind which give new thought to soul of direction that form new soul to learning of move in life

Dream start to create new route to mind which show new shine to light of knowledge that start new move to feeling of move in life

Dream start to create new touch to mind which start new spirit to thought of chapter that give new  soul to thinking of move in life

Dream start to create new knowledge to mind which give new move to touch of path that form new step to learning of move in life

Dream start to create new appeal to mind which show new direction to soul of shine that start new way to meaning of move in life

Dream start to create new thought to mind which form new touch to step of concept that give new soul to feeling of move in life

Dream start to create new chapter to mind which give new appeal to path of direction that form new step to thinking of move in life

Dream start to create new strength to mind which show new spirit to hope of strength that show new touch to learning of move in life

Dream start to create new route to mind which form new chapter to light of thought that give new direction to meaning of move in life

Dream start to create new path to mind which create new appeal to route of chapter that show new strength to feeling of move in life

Dream start to create new step to mind which give new knowledge to step of concept that form new appeal to thinking of move in life

Dream start to create new soul to mind which show new direction to start of appeal that give new knowledge to learning of move in life

Dream start to create new start to mind which form new strength to path of hope that show new touch to understanding of move in life

Dream start to create new route to mind which give new touch to shine of light that start new direction to feeling of move in life

Dream start to create new chapter to mind which show new soul to hope of thought that form new strength to meaning of move in life

Dream start to create new thought to mind which form new step to touch of chapter that give new knowledge to learning of move in life

Dream start to create new concept to mind which give new light to shine of direction that show new touch to thinking of move in life

Dream start to create new direction to mind which form new route to appeal of thought that create new path to feeling of move in life

Dream start to create new chapter to mind which show new path to direction of touch that form new concept to meaning of move in life

Dream start to create new strength to mind which give new soul to knowledge of step that give new thought to learning of move in life

Dream start to create new appeal to mind which form new step to concept of route that create new chapter to feeling of move in life

Dream start to create new touch to mind which show new start to strength of soul that give new thought to thinking of move in life

Dream start to create new soul to mind which start new path to direction of touch that form new hope to meaning of move in life

Dream start to create new start to mind which give new shine to thought of spirit that show new knowledge to learning of move in life

Dream start to create new path to mind which show new touch to route of soul that form new direction to feeling of move in life

Dream start to create new route to mind which form new concept to light of shine that start new spirit to thinking of move in life

Dream start to create new hope to mind which start new chapter to touch of path that create new soul to meaning of move in life

Dream start to create new shine to mind which give new direction to soul of light that show new step to learning of move in life

Dream start to create new spirit to mind which form new appeal to path of thought that give new start to meaning of move in life

Dream start to create new move to mind which show new touch to route of chapter that form new path to feeling of move in life

Dream start to create new path to mind which give new knowledge to step of spirit that create new step to learning of move in life

Dream start to create new soul to mind which form new concept to touch of shine that show new route to thinking of move in life

Dream start to create new step to mind which start new direction to appeal of soul that form new spirit to meaning of move in life

Dream start to create new path to mind which show new route to knowledge of way that start new path to feeling of move in life.

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Poem. 6714. A hopeful beginning

                                 A hopeful beginning 

A hopeful beginning give new path to life which start new direction to thought of soul that bring light

A hopeful beginning start new word to life which form new brightness to smile of path that start light

A hopeful beginning show new path to life which create new appeal to hope of move that give light

A hopeful beginning form new brightness to life which show new route to strength of route that create light

A hopeful beginning give new knowledge to life which form new appeal to path of feeling that show light

A hopeful beginning start new appeal to life which start new knowledge to way of chapter that open light

A hopeful beginning form new thought to life which form new brightness to move of concept that start light

A hopeful beginning create new dream to life which show new direction to touch of route that give light

A hopeful beginning show new touch to life which give new understanding to soul of strength that bring light

A hopeful beginning give new shine to life which start new strength to chapter of path that show light

A hopeful beginning start new direction to life which create new dream to touch of step that open light

A hopeful beginning form new brightness to life which form new appeal to concept of way that start light

A hopeful beginning create new appeal to life which show new direction to touch of route that form light

A hopeful beginning show new chapter to life which give new knowledge to move of shine that create light

A hopeful beginning give new smile to life which form new brightness to word of strength that bring light

A hopeful beginning form new appeal to life which create new dream to touch of direction that show light

A hopeful beginning start new direction to life which show new route to appeal of strength that create light

A hopeful beginning show new strength to life which start new hope to knowledge of soul that form light

A hopeful beginning create new smile to life which form new brightness to thought of step that give light

A hopeful beginning form new chapter to life which give new feeling to shine of route that start light

A hopeful beginning start new touch to life which create new appeal to direction of hope that show light

A hopeful beginning show new concept to life which start new smile to understanding of touch that form light

A hopeful beginning give new direction to life which form new thought to spirit of move that bring light

A hopeful beginning form new dream to life which show new chapter to feeling of path that create light

A hopeful beginning create new path to life which give new knowledge to world of step that start light

A hopeful beginning start new knowledge to life which form new thought to way of dream that show light

A hopeful beginning show new touch to life which create new touch to chapter of soul that give light

A hopeful beginning form new brightness to life which show new direction to route of way that start light

A hopeful beginning show new thought to life which give new shine to touch of world that form light 

A hopeful beginning start new appeal to life which form new learning to move of thought that create light

A hopeful beginning give new hope to life which create new appeal to spirit of dream that show light

A hopeful beginning form new path to life which start new strength to word of touch that give light

A hopeful beginning create new soul to life which show new touch to world of path that start light

A hopeful beginning show new route to life which give new knowledge to world of step that form light

A hopeful beginning give new appeal to life which form new brightness to touch of way that create light

A hopeful beginning start new direction to life which create new hope to spirit of route that show light

A hopeful beginning create new dream to life which show new appeal to path of move that bring light

A hopeful beginning form new brightness to life which start new direction to soul of step that give light

A hopeful beginning give new strength to life which form new shine to touch of spirit that form light

A hopeful beginning show new route to life which create new knowledge to path of smile that start light.


Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Poem. 6713. World of hope give dream

                              World of hope give dream

World of hope give dream to mind which show new direction to touch of soul that give new shine to thought of life

World of hope give dream to path which start new knowledge to way of spirit that form new move to thought of life

World of hope give dream to route which create new touch to start of way that show new route to thought of life

World of hope give dream to move which form new strength to soul of step that create new path to thought of life

World of hope give dream to light which create new appeal to touch of start that give new spirit to thought of life

World of hope give dream to way which show new chapter to route of move that form new step to thought of life

World of hope give dream to soul which start new concept to path of shine that create new move to thought of life

World of hope give dream to appeal which form new shine to light of chapter that show new start to thought of life

World of hope give dream to touch which show new direction to move of concept that give new route to thought of life

World of hope give dream to chapter which create new spirit to touch of thought that start new shine to thought of life

World of hope give dream to move which start new appeal to concept of move that form new touch to thought of life

World of hope give dream to direction which form new touch to chapter of soul that create new move to thought of life

World of hope give dream to touch which show new direction to spirit of route that form new way to thought of life

World of hope give dream to shine which create new concept to path of spirit that start new soul to thought of life

World of hope give dream to route which start new strength to move of appeal that show new step to thought of life

World of hope give dream to light which form new chapter to soul of direction that create new start to thought of life

World of hope give dream to path which create new touch to shine of strength that form new appeal to thought of life

World of hope give dream to soul which show new direction to hope of chapter that give new concept to thought of life

World of hope give dream to light which start new knowledge to way of concept that show new chapter to thought of life

World of hope give dream to way which form new appeal to route of path that create new feeling to thought of life

World of hope give dream to route which create new shine to light of knowledge that give new move to thought of life

World of hope give dream to light which show new concept to shine of direction that start new touch to thought of life

World of hope give dream to start which form new chapter to appeal of route that create new path to thought of life

World of hope give dream to light which start new strength to hope of soul that form new direction to thought of life

World of hope give dream to soul which create new appeal to spirit of move that show new concept to thought of life

World of hope give dream to move which form new direction to light of way that create new appeal to thought of life

World of hope give dream to path which show new concept to route of step that form new chapter to thought of life

World of hope give dream to step which create new touch to smile of strength that give new path to thought of life

World of hope give dream to route which start new chapter to path of chapter that show new soul to thought of life

World of hope give dream to shine which form new direction to soul of appeal that create new step to thought of life

World of hope give dream to spirit which create new strength to way of touch that form new start to thought of life

World of hope give dream to move which show new concept to step of shine that create new path to thought of life

World of hope give dream to path which start new knowledge to route of move that form new light to thought of life

World of hope give dream to route which form new chapter to start of appeal that show new soul to thought of life

World of hope give dream to way which show new shine to direction of soul that create new step to thought of life

World of hope give dream to step which create new appeal to spirit of move that start new route to thought of life

World of hope give dream to touch which start new direction to route of path that show new move to thought of life

World of hope give dream to shine which form new strength to move of appeal that create new route to thought of life

World of hope give dream to appeal which show new chapter to path of touch that form new shine to thought of life

World of hope give dream to chapter which create new route to smile of soul that start new touch to thought of life.

Monday, July 24, 2023

Poem. 6712. When smile enter all

                                       When smile enter all 

When smile enter all trouble vanish from life which start new concept to direction that give new chapter to route of mind

When smile enter all sorrow vanish from soul which create new touch to strength that show new concept to route of mind

When smile enter all path to tears vanish form start which give new thought to start that create new direction to route of mind

When smile enter all move of darkness vanish from knowledge which show new appeal to spirit that form new shine to route of mind

When smile enter all step of pain vanish from strength which form new knowledge to move that give new appeal to route of mind

When smile enter all darkness touch vanish from direction which give new direction to touch that show new concept to route of mind

When smile enter all worst thought vanish from hope which create new dream to chapter that start new direction to route of mind

When smile enter all sad appeal vanish from path which show new knowledge to move that form new chapter to route of mind

When smile enter all painful way vanish from step which give new direction to soul that show new strength to route of mind

When smile enter all start of darkness vanish from soul which create new path to shine that give new touch to route of mind

When smile enter all path of pain vanish from start which start new concept to spirit that create new soul to route of mind

When smile enter all soul of dark side vanish from move which form new direction to soul that give new path to route of mind

When smile enter all start of pain vanish from touch which create new appeal to touch that start new step to route of mind

When smile enter all move of worst vanish from soul which give new strength to dream that form new start to route of mind

When smile enter all path of dark vanish from chapter which show new knowledge to step that give new way to route of mind

When smile enter all soul of worst vanish from shine which form new chapter to strength that create new path to route of mind

When smile enter all step of pain vanish from concept which create new touch to direction that form new soul to route of mind

When smile enter all spirit of dark vanish from strength which give new thought to chapter that start new step to route of mind

When smile enter all path of worst touch vanish from route which start new hope to start that show new way to route of mind

When smile enter all shine of pain vanish from direction which show new thought to path that create new step to route of mind

When smile enter all soul of worst vanish from strength which create new appeal to way that form new start to route of mind

When smile enter all step of trouble vanish from route which show new promise to light that create new move to route of mind

When smile enter all start of direction vanish from step which give new direction to path that give new step to route of mind

When smile enter all dream of appeal vanish from move which form new strength to way that start new start to route of mind

When smile enter all hope of strength vanish from spirit which create new appeal to soul that give new dream to route of mind

When smile enter all path of concept vanish from shine which give new knowledge to step that create new way to route of mind

When smile enter all move of thought vanish from soul which start new direction to spirit that give new hope to route of mind

When smile enter all spirit of chapter vanish from step which show new thought to move that form new path to route of mind

When smile enter all step of direction vanish from move which create new touch to way that create new start to route of mind

When smile enter all move of knowledge vanish from appeal which form new soul to step that give new touch to route of mind

When smile enter all step of touch vanish from spirit which give new appeal to move that show new spirit to route of mind

When smile enter all route of chapter vanish from move which show new touch to start that create new path to route of mind

When smile enter all start of strength vanish from path which create new spirit to shine that form new light to route of mind

When smile enter all path of concept vanish from way which give new direction to touch that give new soul to route of mind

When smile enter all step of direction vanish from start which form new chapter to soul that start new way to route of mind

When smile enter all shine of knowledge vanish from soul which give new touch to move that create new step to route of mind

When smile enter all spirit of strength vanish from appeal which create new path to dream that show new start to route of mind

When smile enter all move of thought vanish from step which show new direction to spirit that form new move to route of mind

When smile enter all step of direction vanish from shine which start new soul to appeal that give new chapter to route of mind

When smile enter all soul of appeal vanish from thought which give new start to touch that create new touch to route of mind.

Poem. 6951. Word open new

                                 Word open new  Word open new chapter of mind that form new route to dream of life which create new hope to ...