Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Poem. 4742. Beginning with rainbow of hope

                                                             Beginning with rainbow of hope
Touch of beginning with rainbow of hope show desire of mind that give touch of strength that create new chapter to spirit of soul that give new shine to thought of path that show new light
Touch of beginning with rainbow of hope show desire of mind that give spirit of knowledge that give new direction to path of start that give new move to feeling of route that show new light
Touch of beginning with rainbow of hope show desire of mind that give route of concept that give new knowledge to feeling of move that give new path to meaning of chapter that show new light
Touch of beginning with rainbow of hope show desire of mind that give start of chapter that give new direction to learning of route that give new word to knowledge of shine that show new light
Touch of beginning with rainbow of hope show desire of mind that give move of strength that give new spirit to thought of appeal that give new strength to concept of word that show new light
Touch of beginning with rainbow of hope show desire of mind that give spirit of direction that give new strength to direction of spirit that give new thought to learning of route that show new light
Touch of beginning with rainbow of hope show desire of mind that give start of knowledge that give new knowledge to feeling of route that give new touch to thinking of word that show new light
Touch of beginning with rainbow of hope show desire of mind that give route of appeal that give new thought to meaning of chapter that give new route to meaning of appeal that show new light
Touch of beginning with rainbow of hope show desire of mind that give shine of concept that give new direction to learning of world that give new chapter to feeling of thought that show new light
Touch of beginning with rainbow of hope show desire of mind that give start of thought that give new strength to feeling of concept that give new strength to meaning of concept that show new light
Touch of beginning with rainbow of hope show desire of mind that give move of shine that give new appeal to meaning of strength that give new knowledge to feeling of start that show new light
Touch of beginning with rainbow of hope show desire of mind that give path of concept that give new strength to learning of knowledge that give new direction to meaning of step that show new light
Touch of beginning with rainbow of hope show desire of mind that give route of appeal that give new knowledge to feeling of thought that give new touch to learning of shine that show new light
Touch of beginning with rainbow of hope show desire of mind that give word of chapter that give new direction to meaning of concept that give new start to thinking of word that show new light
Touch of beginning with rainbow of hope show desire of mind that give route of direction that give new thought to learning of strength that give new chapter to meaning of route that show new light
Touch of beginning with rainbow of hope show desire of mind that give shine of concept that give new move to thinking of concept that give new strength to feeling of thought that show new light
Touch of beginning with rainbow of hope show desire of mind that give route of chapter that give new shine to feeling of thought that give new knowledge to thinking of word that show new light
Touch of beginning with rainbow of hope show desire of mind that give move of thought that give new path to learning of strength that give new direction to learning of route that show new light
Touch of beginning with rainbow of hope show desire of mind that give touch of direction that give new strength to feeling of knowledge that give new learning to chapter of move that show new light
Touch of beginning with rainbow of hope show desire of mind that give shine of concept that give new direction to meaning of concept that give new feeling to strength of path that show new light
Touch of beginning with rainbow of hope show desire of mind that give spirit of direction that give new strength to thinking of chapter that give new meaning to concept of route that show new light
Touch of beginning with rainbow of hope show desire of mind that give start of knowledge that give new appeal to feeling of thought that give new knowledge to start of move that show new light
Touch of beginning with rainbow of hope show desire of mind that give touch of direction that give new thought to meaning of appeal that give new strength to understanding of spirit that show new light
Touch of beginning with rainbow of hope show desire of mind that give route of appeal that give new direction to thinking of chapter that give new appeal to feeling of knowledge that show new light
Touch of beginning with rainbow of hope show desire of mind that give path of concept that give new strength to learning of knowledge that give new chapter to learning of move that show new light
Touch of beginning with rainbow of hope show desire of mind that give move of thought that give new appeal to meaning of concept that give new appeal to thinking of concept that show new light
Touch of beginning with rainbow of hope show desire of mind that give route of appeal that give new knowledge to feeling of thought that give new route to meaning of chapter that show new light
Touch of beginning with rainbow of hope show desire of mind that give shine of concept that give new strength to thinking of chapter that give new move to learning of appeal that show new light
Touch of beginning with rainbow of hope show desire of mind that give start of knowledge that give new direction to meaning of shine that give new path to feeling of route that show new light
Touch of beginning with rainbow of hope show desire of mind that give route of direction that give new thought to understanding of spirit that give new touch to thinking of word that show new light
Touch of beginning with rainbow of hope show desire of mind that give spirit of strength that give new direction to learning of chapter that give new appeal to feeling of start that show new light
Touch of beginning with rainbow of hope show desire of mind that give route of concept that give new path to meaning of concept that give new direction to learning of route that show new light
Touch of beginning with rainbow of hope show desire of mind that give start of move that give new direction to thinking of word that give new strength to feeling of shine that show new light
Touch of beginning with rainbow of hope show desire of mind that give spirit of route that give new strength to feeling of thought that give new knowledge to starting of word that show new light
Touch of beginning with rainbow of hope show desire of mind that give shine of path that give new knowledge to meaning of concept that give new direction to learning of route that show new light
Touch of beginning with rainbow of hope show desire of mind that give move of world that give new direction to learning of strength that give new knowledge to feeling of path that show new light
Touch of beginning with rainbow of hope show desire of mind that give start of touch that give new strength to feeling of direction that give new thought to meaning of move that show new light
Touch of beginning with rainbow of hope show desire of mind that give move of thought that give new thought to direction of spirit that give new strength to feeling of touch that show new light
Touch of beginning with rainbow of hope show desire of mind that give appeal of shine that give new learning to chapter of move that give new knowledge to thinking of word that show new light
Touch of beginning with rainbow of hope show desire of mind that give touch of move that give new knowledge to starting of route that give new direction to learning of shine that show new light
Touch of beginning with rainbow of hope show desire of mind that give concept of route that give new spirit to thinking of concept that give new strength to meaning of chapter that show new light
Touch of beginning with rainbow of hope show desire of mind that give starting of word that give new strength to meaning of start that give new thought to feeling of direction that show new light
Touch of beginning with rainbow of hope show desire of mind that give thought of step that give new direction to learning of spirit that give new chapter to meaning of concept that show new light
Touch of beginning with rainbow of hope show desire of mind that give concept of route that give new chapter to feeling of thought that give new appeal to understanding of spirit that show new light
Touch of beginning with rainbow of hope show desire of mind that give chapter of move that give new strength to meaning of concept that give new route to learning of thought that show new light
Touch of beginning with rainbow of hope show desire of mind that give thought of start that give new knowledge to thinking of word that give new strength to meaning of chapter that show new light
Touch of beginning with rainbow of hope show desire of mind that give knowledge of appeal that give new thought to meaning of spirit that give new chapter to thinking of word that show new light
Touch of beginning with rainbow of hope show desire of mind that give direction of spirit that give new direction of understanding of start that give new route to feeling of route that show new light
Touch of beginning with rainbow of hope show desire of mind that give strength of start that give new chapter of learning of route that give new direction to learning of shine that show new light
Touch of beginning with rainbow of hope show desire of mind that give thought of move that give new concept of feeling of move that give new strength to thinking of world that show new light
Touch of beginning with rainbow of hope show desire of mind that give concept of route that give new touch of meaning of route that give new knowledge to learning of route that show new light
Touch of beginning with rainbow of hope show desire of mind that give chapter of path that give new strength of learning of shine that give new direction to understanding of spirit that show new light.

Poem. 4741. Nature show new appeal to mind

                                                          Nature show new appeal to mind
Those different looks of nature show new appeal to mind that give direction of concepts to thought of future which show new knowledge of appeal to thinking of spirit to mind
Those different looks of nature show new appeal to mind that give knowledge of touch to strength of chapter which show new direction of concept to learning of spirit to mind
Those different looks of nature show new appeal to mind that give thought of meaning to direction of spirit which show new feeling of strength to understanding of spirit to mind
Those different looks of nature show new appeal to mind that give strength of learning to chapter of move which show new concept of knowledge to feeling of spirit to mind
Those different looks of nature show new appeal to mind that give chapter of direction to thought of meaning which show new move of thought to learning of spirit to mind
Those different looks of nature show new appeal to mind that give concept of feeling to knowledge of touch which show new direction of strength to meaning of spirit to mind
Those different looks of nature show new appeal to mind that give knowledge of thinking to shine of light which show new knowledge of appeal to feeling of spirit to mind
Those different looks of nature show new appeal to mind that give direction of meaning to concept of route which show new starting of world to thinking of spirit to mind
Those different looks of nature show new appeal to mind that give strength of learning to chapter of move which show new feeling of strength to meaning of spirit to mind
Those different looks of nature show new appeal to mind that give chapter of understanding to step of knowledge which show new thought of concept to learning of spirit to mind
Those different looks of nature show new appeal to mind that give touch of feeling to knowledge of appeal which show new direction of strength to understanding of spirit to mind
Those different looks of nature show new appeal to mind that give knowledge of appeal to route of thought which show new knowledge of touch to feeling of spirit of mind
Those different looks of nature show new appeal to mind that give starting of direction to shine of concept which show new strength of learning to chapter of spirit of mind
Those different looks of nature show new appeal to mind that give knowledge of appeal to start of meaning which show new thought of feeling to touch to appeal of spirit of mind
Those different looks of nature show new appeal to mind that give strength of chapter to route of direction which show new meaning of concept to shine to step of spirit of mind
Those different looks of nature show new appeal to mind that give direction of appeal to shine of chapter which show new learning of strength to meaning to way of spirit of mind
Those different looks of nature show new appeal to mind that give chapter of move to learning of strength which show new feeling of direction to feeling to shine of spirit of mind
Those different looks of nature show new appeal to mind that give concept of route to thought of meaning which show new world of strength to thinking to chapter of spirit of mind
Those different looks of nature show new appeal to mind that give strength of move to learning of thinking which show new start of concept to meaning to thought of spirit of mind
Those different looks of nature show new appeal to mind that give direction of path to meaning of thought which show new route of appeal to understanding to start of spirit of mind
Those different looks of nature show new appeal to mind that give knowledge of touch to feeling of concept which show new path of chapter to learning to direction of spirit of mind
Those different looks of nature show new appeal to mind that give concept of learning to chapter of move which show new world of strength to feeling to knowledge of spirit of mind
Those different looks of nature show new appeal to mind that give chapter of thought to appeal of shine which show new concept of knowledge to thinking to strength of spirit of mind
Those different looks of nature show new appeal to mind that give strength of feeling to knowledge of step which show new route of appeal of meaning to concept of spirit of mind
Those different looks of nature show new appeal to mind that give direction of meaning to concept of route which show new path of concept of learning to chapter of spirit of mind
Those different looks of nature show new appeal to mind that give concept of thinking to chapter of shine which show new move of thought of feeling to knowledge of spirit of mind
Those different looks of nature show new appeal to mind that give appeal of knowledge to start of direction which show new word of chapter of meaning to step of spirit of mind
Those different looks of nature show new appeal to mind that give thought of learning to chapter of move which show new shine of direction of learning to chapter of spirit of mind
Those different looks of nature show new appeal to mind that give knowledge of feeling to shine of concept which show new start of knowledge of feeling to shine of spirit of mind
Those different looks of nature show new appeal to mind that give direction of meaning to concept of route which show new appeal of strength of thinking to knowledge of spirit of mind
Those different looks of nature show new appeal to mind that give chapter of concept to thinking of word which show new direction of concept of learning to strength of spirit of mind
Those different looks of nature show new appeal to mind that give strength of move to feeling of thought which show new chapter of touch of meaning to concept of spirit of mind
Those different looks of nature show new appeal to mind that give thought of feeling to shine of direction which show new thinking of route of feeling to knowledge of spirit of mind
Those different looks of nature show new appeal to mind that give chapter of meaning to concept of route which show new learning of chapter of thinking to strength of spirit of mind
Those different looks of nature show new appeal to mind that give move of learning to chapter of move which show new knowledge of direction of feeling to direction of spirit of mind
Those different looks of nature show new appeal to mind that give path of meaning to concept of route which show new thought of feeling of knowledge to thinking of spirit of mind
Those different looks of nature show new appeal to mind that give route of feeling to shine of knowledge which show new spirit of strength to understanding of spirit of mind
Those different looks of nature show new appeal to mind that give shine of thinking to strength of learning which show new starting of concept to meaning to path of spirit of mind
Those different looks of nature show new appeal to mind that give route of meaning to direction of feeling which show new strength of chapter to knowledge to word of spirit of mind
Those different looks of nature show new appeal to mind that give start of learning to chapter of world which show new direction of understanding to thought to shine of spirit of mind
Those different looks of nature show new appeal to mind that give path of feeling to knowledge of touch which show new concept of learning to direction to appeal of spirit of mind
Those different looks of nature show new appeal to mind that give shine of meaning to concept of route which show new strength of thinking to concept to thinking of spirit of mind
Those different looks of nature show new appeal to mind that give start of thinking to strength of move which show new knowledge of feeling to shine to start of soul of spirit of mind
Those different looks of nature show new appeal to mind that give move of feeling to thought of word which show new direction of meaning to concept to step of word of spirit of mind
Those different looks of nature show new appeal to mind that give route of learning to direction of start which show new knowledge of learning to chapter to thinking of path of spirit of mind
Those different looks of nature show new appeal to mind that give touch of meaning to concept of route which show new concept of thinking to strength to feeling of thought of spirit of mind
Those different looks of nature show new appeal to mind that give path of feeling to knowledge of appeal which show new start of feeling to concept to meaning of start of spirit of mind
Those different looks of nature show new appeal to mind that give move of learning to thought of shine which show new route of learning to direction to thinking of concept of spirit of mind
Those different looks of nature show new appeal to mind that give start of meaning to concept of route which show new move of thinking to knowledge to feeling of direction of spirit of mind
Those different looks of nature show new appeal to mind that give route of thinking to chapter of move which show new path of meaning to strength to learning of knowledge of spirit of mind
Those different looks of nature show new appeal to mind that give start of meaning to touch of route which show new start of feeling to knowledge to thinking of direction of spirit of mind
Those different looks of nature show new appeal to mind that give route of learning to start of move which show new path of meaning to concept to learning of strength of spirit of mind.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Poem. 4740. New hope of colour which show

                                                      New hope of colour which show
Every feeling show new hope of colour which show new shine that give new strength to thinking of concept of thought that show new touch to strength of word to thought of mind
Every feeling show new hope of colour which show new shine that give new concept to learning of strength of chapter that show new spirit to knowledge of touch to thought of mind
Every feeling show new hope of colour which show new shine that give new appeal to meaning of direction of spirit that show new world to thinking of chapter to thought of mind
Every feeling show new hope of colour which show new shine that give new direction to feeling of knowledge of touch that show new move to feeling of concept to thought of mind
Every feeling show new hope of colour which show new shine that give new thought to understanding of shine of direction that show new word to knowledge of touch to thought of mind
Every feeling show new hope of colour which show new shine that give new chapter to thinking of world of strength that show new direction to learning of knowledge to thought of mind
Every feeling show new hope of colour which show new shine that give new strength to meaning of concept of learning that show new path to thinking of direction to thought of mind
Every feeling show new hope of colour which show new shine that give new direction to learning of chapter of meaning that show new start to meaning of concept to thought of mind
Every feeling show new hope of colour which show new shine that give new knowledge to feeling of route of concept that show new world to feeling of chapter to thought of mind
Every feeling show new hope of colour which show new shine that give new strength to meaning of appeal of learning that show new thought to learning of route to thought of mind
Every feeling show new hope of colour which show new shine that give new concept to thinking of knowledge of appeal that show new direction to feeling of start to thought of mind
Every feeling show new hope of colour which show new shine that give new direction to meaning of concept of strength that show new knowledge to starting of word to thought of mind
Every feeling show new hope of colour which show new shine that give new knowledge to feeling of route of appeal that show new direction to meaning of concept to thought of mind
Every feeling show new hope of colour which show new shine that give new thought to learning of shine of knowledge that show new strength to thinking of direction to thought of mind
Every feeling show new hope of colour which show new shine that give new direction to meaning of route of concept that show new appeal to learning of strength to thought of mind
Every feeling show new hope of colour which show new shine that give new concept to feeling of knowledge of touch that show new shine to meaning of concept to thought of mind
Every feeling show new hope of colour which show new shine that give new knowledge to learning of strength of chapter that show new start to learning of direction to thought of mind
Every feeling show new hope of colour which show new shine that give new strength to feeling of route of concept that show new shine to understanding of knowledge to thought of mind
Every feeling show new hope of colour which show new shine that give new knowledge to learning of path of meaning that show new start to thinking of direction to thought of mind
Every feeling show new hope of colour which show new shine that give new direction to thinking of touch of learning that show new move to meaning of concept to thought of mind
Every feeling show new hope of colour which show new shine that give new strength to meaning of knowledge of feeling that show new path to meaning of chapter to thought of mind
Every feeling show new hope of colour which show new shine that give new direction to learning of move of appeal that show new direction to thinking of strength to thought of mind
Every feeling show new hope of colour which show new shine that give new appeal to feeling of knowledge of touch that show new shine to feeling of direction to thought of mind
Every feeling show new hope of colour which show new shine that give new move to meaning of concept of chapter that show new direction to learning of spirit to thought of mind
Every feeling show new hope of colour which show new shine that give new touch to thinking of direction of strength that show new chapter to thinking of word to thought of mind
Every feeling show new hope of colour which show new shine that give new start to feeling of shine of concept that show new appeal to understanding of route of touch to thought of mind
Every feeling show new hope of colour which show new shine that give new shine to learning of route of appeal that show new touch to thinking of concept of move to thought of mind
Every feeling show new hope of colour which show new shine that give new step to meaning of move of thought that show new start to meaning of chapter of route to thought of mind
Every feeling show new hope of colour which show new shine that give new path to learning of spirit of knowledge that show new touch to learning of strength of word to thought of mind
Every feeling show new hope of colour which show new shine that give new word to thinking of word of direction that show new route to thinking of knowledge of touch to thought of mind
Every feeling show new hope of colour which show new shine that give new start to feeling of route of concept that show new path to feeling of strength of spirit to thought of mind
Every feeling show new hope of colour which show new shine that give new shine to meaning of chapter of start that show new word to meaning of chapter of start to thought of mind
Every feeling show new hope of colour which show new shine that give new word to learning of route of move that show new route to thinking of concept of route to thought of mind
Every feeling show new hope of colour which show new shine that give new move to thinking of start of touch that show new path to learning of direction of spirit to thought of mind
Every feeling show new hope of colour which show new shine that give new start to meaning of path of shine that show new start to thinking of strength of chapter to thought of mind
Every feeling show new hope of colour which show new shine that give new touch to feeling of route of appeal that show new path to learning of knowledge of touch to thought of mind
Every feeling show new hope of colour which show new shine that give new spirit to learning of move of touch that show new step to meaning of direction of strength to thought of mind
Every feeling show new hope of colour which show new shine that give new soul to thinking of word of chapter that show new route to thinking of appeal of knowledge to thought of mind
Every feeling show new hope of colour which show new shine that give new move to meaning of spirit of route that show new shine to learning of chapter of direction to thought of mind
Every feeling show new hope of colour which show new shine that give new route to learning of move of shine that show new start to meaning of concept of learning to thought of mind
Every feeling show new hope of colour which show new shine that give new start to meaning of chapter of move that show new route to feeling of knowledge of appeal to thought of mind
Every feeling show new hope of colour which show new shine that give new shine to feeling of thought of spirit that show new path to thinking of direction of strength to thought of mind
Every feeling show new hope of colour which show new shine that give new move to learning of strength of step that show new move to learning of concept of route to thought of mind
Every feeling show new hope of colour which show new shine that give new route to meaning of concept of shine that show new path to meaning of knowledge of word to thought of mind
Every feeling show new hope of colour which show new shine that give new start to learning of chapter of move that show new shine to understanding of strength of chapter to thought of mind
Every feeling show new hope of colour which show new shine that give new spirit to feeling of route of appeal that show new start to learning of knowledge of touch to thought of mind
Every feeling show new hope of colour which show new shine that give new path to thinking of word of chapter that show new path to meaning of concept of spirit to thought of mind
Every feeling show new hope of colour which show new shine that give new word to meaning of chapter of move that show new word to learning of strength of step to thought of mind
Every feeling show new hope of colour which show new shine that give new path to learning of strength of chapter that show new start to thinking of knowledge of appeal to thought of mind
Every feeling show new hope of colour which show new shine that give new route to thinking of concept of route that show new path to meaning of direction of strength to thought of mind
Every feeling show new hope of colour which show new shine that give new start to understanding of world of start that show new world to learning of appeal of direction to thought of mind
Every feeling show new hope of colour which show new shine that give new word to learning of route of concept that show new knowledge to meaning of concept of strength to thought of mind.

Poem. 4739. Different dreams create different ways

                                                 Different dreams create different ways
Different dreams create different ways of life which show new shine to thought of mind at each step of future that show new light to thinking of spirit that give ways to strength of life
Different dreams create different ways of life which show new shine to knowledge of mind at each move of thought that show new route to feeling of move that give routes to strength of life
Different dreams create different ways of life which show new shine to direction of mind at each word of chapter that show new start to meaning of step that give paths to strength of life
Different dreams create different ways of life which show new shine to meaning of mind at each path of concept that show new shine to learning of route that give start to strength of life
Different dreams create different ways of life which show new shine to feeling of mind at each start of direction that show new move to thinking of word that give steps to strength of life
Different dreams create different ways of life which show new shine to thinking of mind at each path of chapter that show new step to understanding of spirit that give words to strength of life
Different dreams create different ways of life which show new shine to learning of mind at each step of world that show new path to meaning of shine that give directions to strength of life
Different dreams create different ways of life which show new shine to meaning of mind at each move of touch that show new route to feeling of start that give appeals to strength of life
Different dreams create different ways of life which show new shine to feeling of mind at each start of shine that show new appeal to thinking of word that give touches to strength of life
Different dreams create different ways of life which show new shine to direction of mind at each word of concept that show new word to learning of move that give starts to strength of life
Different dreams create different ways of life which show new shine to appeal of mind at each thought of chapter that show new move to feeling of touch that give paths to strength of life
Different dreams create different ways of life which show new shine to thinking of mind at each route of appeal that show new start to meaning of concept that give ways to strength of life
Different dreams create different ways of life which show new shine to learning of mind at each move of thought that show new path to thinking of appeal that give words to strength of life
Different dreams create different ways of life which show new shine to feeling of mind at each chapter of direction that show new step to learning of route that give starts to strength of life
Different dreams create different ways of life which show new shine to meaning of mind at each path of touch that show new world to meaning of chapter that give moves to strength of life
Different dreams create different ways of life which show new shine to learning of mind at each start of chapter that show new appeal to feeling of thought that give words to strength of life
Different dreams create different ways of life which show new shine to thinking of mind at each move of thought that show new touch to meaning of concept that give routes to strength of life
Different dreams create different ways of life which show new shine to knowledge of mind at each step of knowledge that show new spirit to learning of appeal that give words to strength of life
Different dreams create different ways of life which show new shine to meaning of mind at each word of strength that show new concept to feeling of direction that give touches to strength of life
Different dreams create different ways of life which show new shine to learning of mind at each start of chapter that show new direction to thinking of knowledge that give starts to strength of life
Different dreams create different ways of life which show new shine to thinking of mind at each shine of concept that show new chapter to meaning of thought that give words to strength of life
Different dreams create different ways of life which show new shine to feeling of mind at each move of thought that show new appeal to learning of direction that give starts to strength of life
Different dreams create different ways of life which show new shine to meaning of mind at each touch of direction that show new start to thinking of knowledge that give paths to strength of life
Different dreams create different ways of life which show new shine to learning of mind at each route of touch that show new chapter to meaning of concept that give appeals to strength of life
Different dreams create different ways of life which show new shine to thinking of mind at each path of chapter that show new touch to understanding of move that give feelings to strength of life
Different dreams create different ways of life which show new shine to feeling of mind at each start of thought that show new spirit to learning of concept that give directions to strength of life
Different dreams create different ways of life which show new shine to thought of mind at each move of concept that show new start to feeling of direction that give meanings to strength of life
Different dreams create different ways of life which show new shine to knowledge of mind at each way of chapter that show new route to meaning of appeal that give feelings to strength of life
Different dreams create different ways of life which show new shine to chapter of mind at each step of world that show new concept to thinking of touch that give thoughts to strength of life
Different dreams create different ways of life which show new shine to concept of mind at each path of meaning that show new chapter to learning of move that give touches to strength of life
Different dreams create different ways of life which show new shine to direction of mind at each move of learning that show new touch to thinking of word that give shine to strength of life
Different dreams create different ways of life which show new shine to appeal of mind at each start of thinking that show new concept to feeling of touch that give start to strength of life
Different dreams create different ways of life which show new shine to touch of mind at each step of meaning that show new direction to learning of route that give touch to strength of life
Different dreams create different ways of life which show new shine to move of mind at each shine of learning that show new thought to meaning of chapter that give start to strength of life
Different dreams create different ways of life which show new shine to touch of mind at each move of feeling that show new knowledge to meaning of move that give world to strength of life
Different dreams create different ways of life which show new shine to chapter of mind at each step of thinking that show new direction to feeling of chapter that give spirit to strength of life
Different dreams create different ways of life which show new shine to touch of mind at each path of learning that show new thought to learning of touch that give start to strength of life
Different dreams create different ways of life which show new shine to concept of mind at each word of meaning that show new appeal to thinking of shine that give path to strength of life
Different dreams create different ways of life which show new shine to appeal of mind at each start of thinking that show new concept to meaning of touch that give step to strength of life
Different dreams create different ways of life which show new shine to direction of mind at each move of feeling that show new chapter to learning of route that give move to strength of life
Different dreams create different ways of life which show new shine to knowledge of mind at each step of meaning that show new direction to thinking of word that give path to strength of life
Different dreams create different ways of life which show new shine to thought of mind at each start of thinking that show new knowledge to feeling of move that give touch to strength of life
Different dreams create different ways of life which show new shine to touch of mind at each shine of feeling that show new thought to understanding of path that give step to strength of life
Different dreams create different ways of life which show new shine to spirit of mind at each start of learning that show new knowledge to feeling of move that give start to strength of life
Different dreams create different ways of life which show new shine to route of mind at each path of meaning that show new concept to learning of route that give move to strength of life
Different dreams create different ways of life which show new shine to word of mind at each step of learning that show new direction to meaning of soul that give touch to strength of life
Different dreams create different ways of life which show new shine to path of mind at each move of feeling that show new appeal to learning of shine that give spirit to strength of life
Different dreams create different ways of life which show new shine to start of mind at each step of concept that show new thought to feeling of move that give word to strength of life
Different dreams create different ways of life which show new shine to move of mind at each path of appeal that show new knowledge to thinking of word that give path to strength of life
Different dreams create different ways of life which show new shine to appeal of mind at each touch of direction that show new appeal to meaning of chapter that give touch to strength of life
Different dreams create different ways of life which show new shine to feel of mind at each start of knowledge that show new thought to learning of route that give move to strength of life
Different dreams create different ways of life which show new shine to start of mind at each step of world that show new direction to meaning of chapter that give direction to strength of life.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Poem. 4738. .Every step of life show

                                                         Every step of life show
Every step of life show new spirit of strength on each way of mind that show new thought to appeal to chapter of knowledge of learning which give spirit to thinking of word to mind
Every step of life show new dream of concept on each route of mind that show new route to feeling to direction of thought of thinking which show start to knowledge of word to mind
Every step of life show new start of knowledge on each spirit of mind that show new word to learning to concept of learning of feeling which show touch to direction of step of word to mind
Every step of life show new route of appeal on each move of mind that show new spirit to thinking to shine of concept of meaning which show spirit to direction of move of word to mind
Every step of life show new shine of touch on each start of mind that show new path to understanding to step of chapter of understanding which show move to starting of word to mind
Every step of life show new route of chapter on each path of mind that show new step to knowledge to route of appeal of learning which show concept to shine to feeling of word to mind
Every step of life show new word of concept on each word of mind that show new move to thought to soul of knowledge of thinking which show chapter to start of learning of word to mind
Every step of life show new move of direction on each step of mind that show new path to learning to chapter of thought of meaning which show touch to route of move of word to mind
Every step of life show new path of strength on each start of mind that show new route to feeling to knowledge of appeal of thinking which show thought to chapter of word to mind
Every step of life show new start of chapter on each move of mind that show new start to meaning to concept of knowledge of feeling which show direction to shine of word to mind
Every step of life show new route of appeal on each spirit of mind that show new move to thinking to strength of chapter of learning which show thought to concept of word to mind
Every step of life show new shine of move on each route of mind that show new path to feeling to concept of route of thinking which show strength to meaning of word to mind
Every step of life show new spirit of touch on each side of mind that show new route to learning to thought of path of meaning which show knowledge to feeling of word to mind
Every step of life show new route of touch on each start of mind that show new move to thinking to strength of move of learning which show direction to thinking of word to mind
Every step of life show new start of move on each path of mind that show new start to meaning to concept of word of feeling which show strength to meaning of word to mind
Every step of life show new shine of path on each route of mind that show new touch to learning to chapter of move of thinking which show knowledge to feeling of word to mind
Every step of life show new step of path on each move of mind that show new spirit to meaning to direction of path of strength which show appeal to learning of word to mind
Every step of life show new route of step on each route of mind that show new step to thinking to strength of move of thought which show touch to meaning of word to mind
Every step of life show new path of route on each touch of mind that show new path to learning to chapter of world of knowledge which show shine to learning of word to mind
Every step of life show new move of feeling on each path of mind that show new start to meaning to concept of route of strength which show start to thinking of word to mind
Every step of life show new start of shine on each light of mind that show new move to feeling to starting of touch of direction which show move to meaning of word to mind
Every step of life show new route of word on each touch of mind that show new spirit to thinking to strength of chapter of move which show path to learning of word to mind
Every step of life show new path of concept on each side of mind that show new start to meaning to concept of direction of step which show touch to meaning of word to mind
Every step of life show new shine of thought on each route of mind that show new path to learning to chapter of appeal of path which show starting to thought of word to mind
Every step of life show new start of knowledge on each path of mind that show new step to feeling to shine of thought of spirit which show appeal to chapter of word to mind
Every step of life show new route of appeal on each start of mind that show new shine to meaning to concept of shine of move which show strength to concept of word to mind
Every step of life show new path of concept on each route of mind that show new start to learning to move of thought of word which show knowledge to feeling of word to mind
Every step of life show new start of knowledge on each step of mind that show new path to feeling to knowledge of touch of direction which show thought to learning of word to mind
Every step of life show new move of strength on each start of mind that show new route to meaning to concept of start of strength which show direction to meaning of word to mind
Every step of life show new shine of thought on each route of mind that show new path to learning to chapter of move of knowledge which show strength to feeling of word to mind
Every step of life show new path of concept on each move of mind that show new start to thinking to strength of world of direction which show appeal to thinking of word to mind
Every step of life show new start of move on each path of mind that show new touch to feeling to knowledge of appeal of thought which show route to learning of word to mind
Every step of life show new move of route on each start of mind that show new spirit to meaning to concept of learning of strength which show path to meaning of word to mind
Every step of life show new path of move on each route of mind that show new move to thinking to strength of thought of knowledge which show start to feeling of word to mind
Every step of life show new shine of path on each spirit of mind that show new path to learning to chapter of direction of thinking of path which show path to meaning of word to mind
Every step of life show new shine of path on each spirit of mind that show new route to meaning to concept of thought of learning of word which show start to thinking of word to mind
Every step of life show new shine of path on each spirit of mind that show new light to thinking to strength of appeal of meaning of route which show soul to feeling of word to mind
Every step of life show new shine of path on each spirit of mind that show new move to feeling to knowledge of touch of direction of spirit which show move to learning of word to mind
Every step of life show new shine of path on each spirit of mind that show new shine to understanding to concept of route of thought of move which show touch to meaning of word to mind
Every step of life show new shine of path on each spirit of mind that show new touch to feeling to knowledge of appeal of strength of touch which show route to thinking of word to mind
Every step of life show new shine of path on each spirit of mind that show new start to meaning to concept of learning of knowledge of appeal which show move to feeling of word to mind
Every step of life show new shine of path on each spirit of mind that show new touch to thinking to chapter of thought of understanding of strength which show touch to learning of word to mind
Every step of life show new shine of path on each spirit of mind that show new route to learning to direction of strength of feeling of chapter which show appeal to thinking of word to mind
Every step of life show new shine of path on each spirit of mind that show new path to feeling to knowledge of spirit of meaning of concept which show move to understanding of word to mind
Every step of life show new shine of path on each spirit of mind that show new move to meaning to chapter of strength of learning of route which show concept to learning of word to mind
Every step of life show new shine of path on each spirit of mind that show new start to thinking to concept of spirit of thinking of move which show knowledge to feeling of word to mind
Every step of life show new shine of path on each spirit of mind that show new touch to learning to thought of soul of meaning of start which show direction to understanding of word to mind
Every step of life show new shine of path on each spirit of mind that show new start to feeling to knowledge of touch of feeling of path which show strength to learning of word to mind
Every step of life show new shine of path on each spirit of mind that show new shine to thinking to chapter of direction of learning of route which show concept to meaning of word to mind
Every step of life show new shine of path on each spirit of mind that show new move to meaning to concept of knowledge of thinking of move which show start to feeling of word to mind
Every step of life show new shine of path on each spirit of mind that show new route to feeling to knowledge of appeal of meaning of route which show route to learning of word to mind
Every step of life show new shine of path on each spirit of mind that show new move to learning to chapter of direction of thinking of world which show strength to meaning of word to mind.

Poem. 4737. Show different sides of life

                                                 Show different sides of life
Different thoughts of mind show different sides of life that give new touch to thinking which show new steps to concept of learning for mind at each step of thought to chapter of mind
Different thoughts of mind show different sides of life that give new touch to learning which show new word to chapter of meaning for mind at each route of appeal to chapter of mind
Different thoughts of mind show different sides of life that give new touch to meaning which show new route to direction of feeling for mind at each path of strength to chapter of mind
Different thoughts of mind show different sides of life that give new touch to thought which show new shine to strength of thinking for mind at each start of knowledge to chapter of mind
Different thoughts of mind show different sides of life that give new touch to direction which show new start to knowledge of learning for mind at each step of concept to chapter of mind
Different thoughts of mind show different sides of life that give new touch to strength which show new route to meaning of thought for mind at each move of appeal to chapter of mind
Different thoughts of mind show different sides of life that give new touch to knowledge which show new start to learning of strength for mind at each step of knowledge to chapter of mind
Different thoughts of mind show different sides of life that give new touch to thought which show new shine to feeling of direction for mind at each word of concept to chapter of mind
Different thoughts of mind show different sides of life that give new touch to chapter which show new route to meaning of strength for mind at each route of appeal to chapter of mind
Different thoughts of mind show different sides of life that give new touch to appeal which show new word to learning of knowledge for mind at each step of thinking to chapter of mind
Different thoughts of mind show different sides of life that give new touch to thought which show new start to thinking of direction for mind at each touch of feeling to chapter of mind
Different thoughts of mind show different sides of life that give new touch to shine which show new route to feeling of thought for mind at each thought of spirit to chapter of mind
Different thoughts of mind show different sides of life that give new touch to start which show new shine to meaning of concept for mind at each knowledge of touch to chapter of mind
Different thoughts of mind show different sides of life that give new touch to route which show new path to learning of soul for mind at each appeal of meaning to way to chapter of mind
Different thoughts of mind show different sides of life that give new touch to move which show new route to thinking of path for mind at each strength of feeling of thought to chapter of mind
Different thoughts of mind show different sides of life that give new touch to path which show new start to meaning of concept for mind at each thought of learning of spirit to chapter of mind
Different thoughts of mind show different sides of life that give new touch to start which show new route to feeling of chapter for mind at each start of meaning of step to chapter of mind
Different thoughts of mind show different sides of life that give new touch to route which show new start to meaning of concept for mind at each path of feeling of move to chapter of mind
Different thoughts of mind show different sides of life that give new touch to direction which show new route to thinking of touch for mind at each step of learning of route to chapter of mind
Different thoughts of mind show different sides of life that give new touch to shine which show new path to learning of route for mind at each move of meaning of start to chapter of mind
Different thoughts of mind show different sides of life that give new touch to start which show new shine to feeling of thought for mind at each route of thinking of shine to chapter of mind
Different thoughts of mind show different sides of life that give new touch to shine which show new start to meaning of route for mind at each step of learning of move to chapter of mind
Different thoughts of mind show different sides of life that give new touch to move which show new route to feeling of spirit for mind at each path of meaning of concept to chapter of mind
Different thoughts of mind show different sides of life that give new touch to spirit which show new path to learning of start for mind at each word of thinking of strength to chapter of mind
Different thoughts of mind show different sides of life that give new touch to start which show new route to thinking of path of mind at each step of learning of appeal to chapter of mind
Different thoughts of mind show different sides of life that give new touch to route which show new start to meaning of move of mind at each word of feeling of concept to chapter of mind
Different thoughts of mind show different sides of life that give new touch to step which show new word to learning of path of mind at each path of thinking of direction to chapter of mind
Different thoughts of mind show different sides of life that give new touch to path which show new move to feeling of thought of mind at each touch of meaning of strength to chapter of mind
Different thoughts of mind show different sides of life that give new touch to start which show new route to meaning of start of mind at each step of learning of knowledge to chapter of mind
Different thoughts of mind show different sides of life that give new touch to shine which show new start to thinking of appeal of mind at each start of feeling of thought to chapter of mind
Different thoughts of mind show different sides of life that give new touch to path which show new word to feeling of thought of mind at each route of meaning of shine to chapter of mind
Different thoughts of mind show different sides of life that give new touch to start which show new path to meaning of knowledge of mind at each shine of learning of route to chapter of mind
Different thoughts of mind show different sides of life that give new touch to move which show new route to feeling of concept of mind at each start of thinking of path to chapter of mind
Different thoughts of mind show different sides of life that give new touch to word which show new start of learning of strength of mind at each path of meaning of touch to chapter of mind
Different thoughts of mind show different sides of life that give new touch to path which show new strength of feeling of thought of mind at each start of learning of route to chapter of mind
Different thoughts of mind show different sides of life that give new touch to start which show new chapter of learning of knowledge of mind at each step of feeling of path to chapter of mind
Different thoughts of mind show different sides of life that give new touch to shine which show new start of meaning of direction of mind at each move of thinking of start to chapter of mind
Different thoughts of mind show different sides of life that give new touch to appeal which show new route of thinking of strength of mind at each route of meaning of shine to chapter of mind
Different thoughts of mind show different sides of life that give new touch to thought which show new step of knowledge of appeal of mind at each start of learning of route to chapter of mind
Different thoughts of mind show different sides of life that give new touch to appeal which show new touch of direction of thought of mind at each step of feeling of start to chapter of mind
Different thoughts of mind show different sides of life that give new touch to spirit which show new start of appeal of meaning of mind at each move of thinking of route to chapter of mind
Different thoughts of mind show different sides of life that give new touch to start which show new shine of concept of learning of mind at each path of meaning of word to chapter of mind
Different thoughts of mind show different sides of life that give new touch to move which show new path of strength of feeling of mind at each concept of learning of route to chapter of mind
Different thoughts of mind show different sides of life that give new touch to word which show new route of knowledge of thinking of mind at each appeal of thinking of word to chapter of mind
Different thoughts of mind show different sides of life that give new touch to start which show new word of appeal of meaning of mind at each strength of feeling of path to chapter of mind
Different thoughts of mind show different sides of life that give new touch to word which show new shine of direction of learning of mind at each knowledge of appeal of step to chapter of mind
Different thoughts of mind show different sides of life that give new touch to path which show new start of knowledge of feeling of mind at each direction of learning of word to chapter of mind
Different thoughts of mind show different sides of life that give new touch to move which show new route of concept of meaning of mind at each appeal of strength of path to chapter of mind
Different thoughts of mind show different sides of life that give new touch to touch which show new start of knowledge of learning of mind at each step of thought of way to chapter of mind
Different thoughts of mind show different sides of life that give new touch to shine which show new start of appeal of meaning of mind at each word of knowledge of route to chapter of mind
Different thoughts of mind show different sides of life that give new touch to spirit which show new path of meaning of concept of mind at each start of direction of touch to chapter of mind
Different thoughts of mind show different sides of life that give new touch to start which show new start of knowledge of appeal of mind at each path of concept of feeling to chapter of mind.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Poem. 4736. Beginning to chapter that throw

                                                            Beginning to chapter that throw
Every word give beginning to chapter that throw light on mind which show new direction to steps of life that show new concept to thinking of move which show new life to mind
Every word give beginning to chapter that throw light on mind which show new knowledge to starts of life that show new start to learning of route which show new life to mind
Every word give beginning to chapter that throw light on mind which show new strength to moves of life that show new thought to meaning of chapter which show new life to mind
Every word give beginning to chapter that throw light on mind which show new appeal to words of life that show new knowledge to feeling of thought which show new life to mind
Every word give beginning to chapter that throw light on mind which show new concept to paths of life that show new direction to shine of knowledge which show new life tmind
Every word give beginning to chapter that throw light on mind which show new route to starts of life that show new strength to appeal of meaning which show new life to mind
Every word give beginning to chapter that throw light on mind which show new word to routes of life that show new thought to strength of learning which show new life to mind
Every word give beginning to chapter that throw light on mind which show new path to concepts of life that show new appeal to knowledge of thinking which show new life to mind
Every word give beginning to chapter that throw light on mind which show new start to moves of life that show new direction to learning of strength which show new life to mind
Every word give beginning to chapter that throw light on mind which show new touch to ways of life that show new knowledge to feeling of direction which show new life to mind
Every word give beginning to chapter that throw light on mind which show new path to directions of life that show new learning to touch of word of thought which show new life to mind
Every word give beginning to chapter that throw light on mind which show new route to meaning of life that show new feeling to knowledge of appeal of touch which show new life to mind
Every word give beginning to chapter that throw light on mind which show new word to feeling of life that show new strength to meaning of concept of route which show new life to mind
Every word give beginning to chapter that throw light on mind which show new route to chapters of life that show new direction to learning of strength of move which show new life to mind
Every word give beginning to chapter that throw light on mind which show new move to thought of life that show new concept to thinking of knowledge of touch which show new life to mind
Every word give beginning to chapter that throw light on mind which show new start to word of life that show new knowledge to feeling of direction of strength which show new life to mind
Every word give beginning to chapter that throw light on mind which show new shine to path of life that show new feeling to strength of learning of knowledge which show new life to mind
Every word give beginning to chapter that throw light on mind which show new path to light of life that show new learning to concept of meaning of thought which show new life to mind
Every word give beginning to chapter that throw light on mind which show new touch to shine of life that show new feeling to knowledge of thinking of touch which show new life to mind
Every word give beginning to chapter that throw light on mind which show new start to thought of life that show new meaning to concept of feeling of chapter which show new life to mind
Every word give beginning to chapter that throw light on mind which show new positive to spirit of life that show new thinking to strength of learning of strength which show new life to mind
Every word give beginning to chapter that throw light on mind which show new shine to touch of life that show new feeling to knowledge of appeal of direction which show new life to mind
Every word give beginning to chapter that throw light on mind which show new move to feeling of life that show new learning to appeal of strength of thinking which show new life to mind
Every word give beginning to chapter that throw light on mind which show new route to chapter of life that show new meaning to concept of direction of feeling which show new life to mind
Every word give beginning to chapter that throw light on mind which show new path to concept of life that show new thinking to strength of chapter of learning which show new life to mind
Every word give beginning to chapter that throw light on mind which show new start to strength of life that show new knowledge to feeling of direction of strength which show new life to mind
Every word give beginning to chapter that throw light on mind which show new step to learning of life that show new strength to meaning of knowledge of appeal which show new life to mind
Every word give beginning to chapter that throw light on mind which show new word to meaning of life that show new thinking to direction of concept of feeling which show new life to mind
Every word give beginning to chapter that throw light on mind which show new route to thinking of life that show new feeling to knowledge of appeal of meaning which show new life to mind
Every word give beginning to chapter that throw light on mind which show new move to feeling of life that show new concept to direction of strength of learning which show new life to mind
Every word give beginning to chapter that throw light on mind which show new path to learning of life that show new shine to strength of direction of thinking which show new life to mind
Every word give beginning to chapter that throw light on mind which show new start to meaning of life that show new concept to learning of strength of meaning which show new life to mind
Every word give beginning to chapter that throw light on mind which show new route to thinking of life that show new appeal to thinking of knowledge of learning which show new life to mind
Every word give beginning to chapter that throw light on mind which show new word to feeling of life that show new direction to meaning of chapter of strength which show new life to mind
Every word give beginning to chapter that throw light on mind which show new path to learning of life that show new feeling to knowledge of touch of direction which show new life to mind
Every word give beginning to chapter that throw light on mind which show new route to feeling of life that show new meaning to concept of spirit of strength which show new life to mind
Every word give beginning to chapter that throw light on mind which show new word to thinking of life that show new learning to chapter of move of knowledge which show new life to mind
Every word give beginning to chapter that throw light on mind which show new start to meaning of life that show new thinking to strength of soul of direction which show new life to mind
Every word give beginning to chapter that throw light on mind which show new route to thinking of life that show new understanding to start of move of world which show new life to mind
Every word give beginning to chapter that throw light on mind which show new path to learning of life that show new feeling to knowledge of appeal of route which show new life to mind
Every word give beginning to chapter that throw light on mind which show new touch to feeling of life that show new meaning to concept of strength of path which show new life to mind
Every word give beginning to chapter that throw light on mind which show new shine to thinking of life that show new learning to thought of meaning of route which show new life to mind
Every word give beginning to chapter that throw light on mind which show new start to meaning of life that show new thinking of direction of learning of spirit which show new life to mind
Every word give beginning to chapter that throw light on mind which show new move to thinking of life that show new feeling of thought of meaning of chapter which show new life to mind
Every word give beginning to chapter that throw light on mind which show new path to learning of life that show new meaning of concept of feeling of strength which show new life to mind
Every word give beginning to chapter that throw light on mind which show new route to feeling of life that show new thinking of chapter of understanding of spirit which show new life to mind
Every word give beginning to chapter that throw light on mind which show new word to meaning of life that show new learning of direction of thinking of shine which show new life to mind
Every word give beginning to chapter that throw light on mind which show new chapter to understanding of life that show new feeling of touch of start which show new life to mind
Every word give beginning to chapter that throw light on mind which show new concept to thinking of life that show feeling of life that show new shine of path of route which show new life to mind
Every word give beginning to chapter that throw light on mind which show new direction to learning of life that show meaning of life that show new start of step of move which show new life to mind
Every word give beginning to chapter that throw light on mind which show new strength to feeling of life that show thinking of life that show new route of path of appeal which show new life to mind
Every word give beginning to chapter that throw light on mind which show new knowledge to starting of life that show feeling of life that show new shine of route of concept which show new life to mind.

Poem. 4735. Direction will show new route

                                                       Direction will show new route
Direction will show new route to spirit that create new chapter to thinking of soul that show new light to thinking of move at every point from way to direction of learning in mind
Direction will show new route to spirit that create new chapter to thinking of soul that show new spirit to feeling of shine at every step from route to strength of feeling in mind
Direction will show new route to spirit that create new chapter to thinking of soul that show new start to meaning of chapter at every move from touch to knowledge of understanding in mind
Direction will show new route to spirit that create new chapter to thinking of soul that show new path to learning of route at every start from thought to concept of feeling in mind
Direction will show new route to spirit that create new chapter to thinking of soul that show new route to meaning of appeal at every path from strength to appeal of meaning in mind
Direction will show new route to spirit that create new chapter to thinking of soul that show new move to thinking of light at every route from concept to strength of learning in mind
Direction will show new route to spirit that create new chapter to thinking of soul that show new start to feeling of thought at every step from chapter to knowledge of thinking in mind
Direction will show new route to spirit that create new chapter to thinking of soul that show new shine to learning of knowledge at every start from appeal to direction of meaning in mind
Direction will show new route to spirit that create new chapter to thinking of soul that show new spirit to thinking of strength at every soul from touch to thought of learning in mind
Direction will show new route to spirit that create new chapter to thinking of soul that show new soul to meaning of chapter at every concept from route to concept of feeling in mind
Direction will show new route to spirit that create new chapter to thinking of soul that show new start to learning of route at every strength from move to knowledge of meaning in mind
Direction will show new route to spirit that create new chapter to thinking of soul that show new route to feeling of concept at every appeal from shine to thought of learning in mind
Direction will show new route to spirit that create new chapter to thinking of soul that show new step to thinking of chapter at every concept from start to strength of thinking in mind
Direction will show new route to spirit that create new chapter to thinking of soul that show new shine to meaning of concept at every step from route to appeal of feeling in mind
Direction will show new route to spirit that create new chapter to thinking of soul that show new route to feeling of strength at every spirit from touch to thought of meaning in mind
Direction will show new route to spirit that create new chapter to thinking of soul that show new start to meaning of chapter at every step from concept to shine of learning in mind
Direction will show new route to spirit that create new chapter to thinking of soul that show new path to learning of spirit at every start from thought to appeal of meaning in mind
Direction will show new route to spirit that create new chapter to thinking of soul that show new touch to feeling of thought at every spirit from concept to word of thinking in mind
Direction will show new route to spirit that create new chapter to thinking of soul that show new route to meaning of chapter at every route from touch to path of learning in mind
Direction will show new route to spirit that create new chapter to thinking of soul that show new shine to learning of appeal at every start from thought to spirit of feeling in mind
Direction will show new route to spirit that create new chapter to thinking of soul that show new start to thinking of concept at every route from chapter to path of meaning in mind
Direction will show new route to spirit that create new chapter to thinking of soul that show new path to feeling of thought at every step from concept to shine of understanding in mind
Direction will show new route to spirit that create new chapter to thinking of soul that show new route to meaning of touch at every move from strength to move of meaning in mind
Direction will show new route to spirit that create new chapter to thinking of soul that show new move to thinking of shine at every step from knowledge to start of learning in mind
Direction will show new route to spirit that create new chapter to thinking of soul that show new chapter to learning of route at every path from start to word of feeling in mind
Direction will show new route to spirit that create new chapter to thinking of soul that show new route to feeling of thought at every concept from thought to shine of thinking in mind
Direction will show new route to spirit that create new chapter to thinking of soul that show new start to meaning of chapter at every appeal from direction to start of meaning in mind
Direction will show new route to spirit that create new chapter to thinking of soul that show new path to learning of concept at every route from strength to thought of feeling in mind
Direction will show new route to spirit that create new chapter to thinking of soul that show new move to understanding of route at every step from concept to appeal of learning in mind
Direction will show new route to spirit that create new chapter to thinking of soul that show new route to meaning of thought at every word from chapter to knowledge of feeling in mind
Direction will show new route to spirit that create new chapter to thinking of soul that show new start to feeling of chapter at every shine from knowledge to concept of meaning in mind
Direction will show new route to spirit that create new chapter to thinking of soul that show new path to learning of strength at every start from appeal to thought of understanding in mind
Direction will show new route to spirit that create new chapter to thinking of soul that show new word to meaning of concept at every shine from route to direction of learning in mind
Direction will show new route to spirit that create new chapter to thinking of soul that show new route to feeling of thought at every touch from soul to chapter of understanding in mind
Direction will show new route to spirit that create new chapter to thinking of soul that show new start to meaning of strength at every start from start to concept of learning of mind
Direction will show new route to spirit that create new chapter to thinking of soul that show new route to feeling of thought at every chapter from spirit to touch of meaning of mind
Direction will show new route to spirit that create new chapter to thinking of soul that show new appeal to learning of knowledge at every touch from start to move of feeling of mind
Direction will show new route to spirit that create new chapter to thinking of soul that show new shine to meaning of concept at every thought from shine to path of thinking of mind
Direction will show new route to spirit that create new chapter to thinking of soul that show new move to learning of strength at every touch from knowledge to move of learning of mind
Direction will show new route to spirit that create new chapter to thinking of soul that show new spirit to thinking of concept at every move from knowledge to start of feeling of mind
Direction will show new route to spirit that create new chapter to thinking of soul that show new path to meaning of chapter at every start from thought to word of learning of mind
Direction will show new route to spirit that create new chapter to thinking of soul that show new start to feeling of thought at every shine from knowledge to start of meaning of mind
Direction will show new route to spirit that create new chapter to thinking of soul that show new route to meaning of shine at every start from appeal to thought of feeling of mind
Direction will show new route to spirit that create new chapter to thinking of soul that show new move to learning of route at every path from strength to shine of meaning of mind
Direction will show new route to spirit that create new chapter to thinking of soul that show new shine to feeling of touch at every step from concept to thought of learning of mind
Direction will show new route to spirit that create new chapter to thinking of soul that show new touch to thinking of concept at every start from chapter to spirit of feeling of mind
Direction will show new route to spirit that create new chapter to thinking of soul that show new path to meaning of chapter at every move from concept to step of thinking of mind
Direction will show new route to spirit that create new chapter to thinking of soul that show new start to learning of appeal at every step from route to shine of meaning of mind
Direction will show new route to spirit that create new chapter to thinking of soul that show new shine to thinking of strength at every path from word to start of feeling of mind
Direction will show new route to spirit that create new chapter to thinking of soul that show new route to meaning of chapter at every word from concept to step of learning of mind
Direction will show new route to spirit that create new chapter to thinking of soul that show new shine to feeling of thought at every start from appeal to move of meaning of mind
Direction will show new route to spirit that create new chapter to thinking of soul that show new start to meaning of knowledge at every path from start to word of learning of mind.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Adventure story. 407. Searching for father

                                                     Searching for father
Harish began to count money again on calculator. Once again there was deficit in budget. He knew that he needed to control his spendings but it seemed so hard. He couldn't just adjust with his income. He started to feel so sad about it. He began to sense that he couldn't fulfill demands of his family. He wanted to keep them happy but it was not happening. He looked around himself. He could see his brother's earnings. His brother were earning so much while he was earning nothing. It was so upsetting. He saw daily his kids feeling less before world so he needed to fulfill their demands. He needed to act like good father who cared for his kids. His kids were nice. Elder one was not scholar. But his son Rakesh also tried to hard to achieve things and he was going to support him. Rakesh was so kind by nature. He was nice boy. Harish was sure that he could achieve many things if he get proper training. Regarding his younger son Ravi, he was intelligent. Harish was sure that he would become successful. But Ravi also needed training. He didn't want discriminate between his sons. He wanted same training for both boys. But he knew that his elder son Rakesh needed more help. Harish kept bringing more books for him. He hoped that he would get help with them. But he noticed mostly Ravi was keen on books so instead of Rakesh he kept reading them. Harish was so frustrated by this. He wanted Rakesh to learn but it was not happening. If Rakesh kept acting like this, one day he would become loser like him. He was so upset. He didn't want Rakesh to be like him. But he didn't understand how could convince that boy to change his attitude. He kept getting upset. Sometimes he even hit him with hope that he would improve but nothing was happening. He felt that entire investment on his education would prove waste. Rakesh didn't even want to hold book. He was so confused regarding what he supposed to do with his future. Harish always kept saving some amount from his budget for Rakesh. He needed to do it to protect his son's future. He needed to pay attention to Rakesh's every moment. He looked around for his wife Tara. She was not there. She was still in kitchen. She kept working for household work entire day. During this cooking and cleaning she hardly had time to pay attention to kids. He needed to ask Tara about Rakesh again and again. Then only she paid attention to him. He didn't like the way he needed to force it. He wanted her to think about it willingly. But everytime he needed to remind. He called her. She came in room looking tired as she always did. He never saw her fresh after his marriage. Before marriage she used to come with happy and fresh to meet him. But marriage clearly didn't created good effect on her. She kept looking tired and exhausted. Whenever he talked to her, he sensed that he had taken away life from her like some vampire. She was no longer that fresh girl who used to laugh at his jokes or used tell her gossips. She was someone pale who was surviving daily with hard efforts. It wasn't easy for her. He could see it. But he didn't have much option. After first child he suggested that they might not take chance. But their family insisted on another kid. They kept saying Tara was just housewife. She could manage. He knew that she couldn't. She was finding it hard even to manage it. He stood firm against it. But Tara gave up. Specially when Tara's mother started insisting on second child, Tara also began to agree with her. Then he finally needed to say yes. But after that Tara began to look more pale and weak. Now he couldn't expect same smiles from her. She was no longer healthy. She was weak and pale. He kept admiring her beauty but in soul he knew that she was pale and unhealthy. But still he needed to insist work on her. He gave her sad look and asked " So what did Rakesh did today?" She took deep breath. " I tried so hard to convince that boy to take one mathematics test from tuition. But he didn't. I don't understand how could our boy be such stupid!!" He wanted to say that he might have went on him. But he didn't. He just took deep breath. Then he slowly added " I was not so brilliant in school." Tara gave him angry look. " It is not about passing. He is not even ready to participate!!" Harish nodded. He sensed that he was defending Rakesh without cause. He knew that he was doing it with just one purpose to relax himself. He didn't want to run after his son and start hitting or abusing him. He knew that hitting kid was wrong. He didn't want to become abusive father. Harish just started to count numbers in his heart to control himself and Tara kept talking. " I was looking at Rakesh's marks. They are not that good. I feel we must think something about his future. I mean if he is not so great in education. We might show some new way to him. Like we could invest in business. He could start some shop or factory.." " And who will give capital for it?" I heard they give loan for small businesses!" " Yes. But they charge big interest too. Don't go by what you see in advertisement getting loan and repaying it is not so easy. If Rakesh didn't manage to earn enough to repay finally we might lose even in house which is only property we have." Tara shivered slightly at that thought. Tara looked around at that house. Tara " This house is precious to me. I don't want to lose it at any cost." " I know so don't risk it for that stupid Rakesh!!" She nodded. It became clear to her that this idea was too risky. Harish " He like to study or not. He needed to study and get job. Or he might just sit in home and we could keep feeding him then he didn't have much future but I want to make one thing clear that we can't take loan and destroy entire family." He made this statement clearly. He began to think that he couldn't destroy future of his family just for his one son. He started to think ways to improve him. Rakesh needed to study and became more wise. Rakesh needed to improve himself. Harish couldn't do it for him. Harish took deep breath and said " Rakesh needed to do all himself. I can't change things for him." Harish was trying hard to convince this to himself.
      Rakesh kept himself inside his room. He never came out when his father came home. Harish seemed to get frustrated just by watching his face. Rakesh didn't understand what was his mistake. He tried his best to earn marks. But his parents never believed it. They kept demanding more and more. It was not right. He needed his life too. His life was music. He needed to play instruments. He needed to go in band. His father was never going to help him in these matters. He needed to collect money by his resources. But when he started inquiries, soon he sensed that it was too costly. He knew that he needed to quit his dream. He was not rich enough to fulfill it. But then he didn't want to settle in way his Dad planned. He had different dreams. He didn't want money as his Dad wanted. He wanted to sing. He knew that it might damage his future plan like getting wife. But he desired music more. He knew that it was not easy to get job and after studying faces of his parents he didn't feel that marriage was something so promising that he should forget his music for it. He took out his guitar. He looked at it with affection. He still remembered that day when he bought it. He used entire money which he saved. Harish wanted to keep it in bank but in night he took it out of his piggy bank and hide it. On next morning he vanished at early hours. He started outside that shop until it didn't open and then he purchased guitar. He started practicing on it even on road. He still remembered that few people even tried to offer him money for his singing. He felt so ashamed. He was not poor to demand money like that. He went back home. Harish was waiting for him. Harish was red with anger. When he entered, Harish screamed on him. He received slap and many marks on body that day. After it he sensed that money from piggy bank was not actually his money. He didn't supposed to touch it like that. He didn't understand why did he supposed to not touch it but he nodded. After that he never touched. But he began to feel fear and dislike of his father. He started to feel so stressed by all. Harish never treated him with respect. So Rakesh knew one thing that he never liked his father that much. He kept avoiding him. He was happy when he was out of house. He started watching carefully. Then he sensed his younger brother Ravi was watching him carefully. Ravi didn't say anything for long time. Finally he spoke. Ravi " Dad is in bedroom and he is not going to come out looking for you." There was clear frustration in Ravi's voice. Ravi didn't like this situation. Ravi "Instead of searching for Dad why don't you just study and complete your studies? Dad desire just it." Rakesh gave him angry look. Rakesh didn't say anything. He never spoke much. He didn't like to get involved in fights. He always wanted to stay out of fights and keeping quiet was his motto. He didn't speak much in hope that no one would speak to him if he kept quiet. He returned to his guitar. He was about to play it when Ravi objected. Ravi " Now don't start that guitar. I don't want disturbance during my study." Rakesh nodded. Then he sat in window and kept looking out. He started watching sky. It was so beautiful and enchanting. He could see entire world in it. It was giving enchanting effect on his mind. He wanted to become one of the star. Once his grandmother told him that person could become star after death. Normally people searched their loved one's in star and his grandmother hoped that he would do same thing but he didn't. He was searching for his own place in star. He didn't understand why did he was alive. His life was totally meaningless. He didn't understand why did he survived. He wanted life without demands but life was too demanding or he was useless. He didn't know what was truth but in both cases he was not made for this world but he was stuck inside it without much hope of future. He kept looking out. While Harish was in his room trying hard to plan his future. Then Harish decided that he must talk. Harish slowly came out of his room. He was so upset. He decided that he needed to talk with Rakesh peacefully. Rakesh needed little bit consoling. He went slowly towards room. Then he knocked and said " Are you inside Rakesh?" He introduced this way newly in life. After his friends advised that his sons were grown up so he must not just come in their room when they kept door closed. But it was scary for Rakesh. He began to shiver when he heard that voice. He sensed that another trouble was falling on him. Ravi said " Come in." But when Harish came in, Rakesh sensed different energy. He didn't understand why but he wanted to argue. Instead of smiling Rakesh looked away. Harish sensed that he was insulting him. Harish wanted to answer back but he decided to ignore. He smiled towards Rakesh and asked " Rakesh your Mom was telling you don't want to appear for examination why?" Rakesh didn't answer. Ravi was watching this. Ravi didn't understand Rakesh's attitude. His Dad could get angry easily but now a days his Dad was keeping best control on his anger. Harish didn't scream that much. But it was not helping Rakesh. Rakesh just kept counting stars. Harish didn't understand. He was so confused. He needed to do something. He just sat on bed. Harish " Rakesh I know you don't like me because of my anger. But now a days I am keeping tap on it. Don't you notice it?" Harish asked nicely. Ravi was so amazed. His Dad was showing so much patience. He had never seen him in such a gentle style. He was actually pampering Rakesh. Ravi didn't understand why. Ravi knew and observed that Rakesh was misbehaving in every possible way but Harish was showing patience. It was so wrong. He didn't understand why Rakesh acting like that he was never like that. But now Rakesh was different. He was strange. He didn't act like his normal brother something was strange about him. He was different.
     When Harish entered in room, he immediately sensed that Rakesh was planning to taste his patience once again. But this time he had decided that he would not give up. He would deal with entire situation in peaceful way. He would show patience. Harish knew that he needed to show patience otherwise he would achieve nothing. He kept thinking about it. He sat with full determination to find way to chat with Rakesh. Harish asked " What's wrong? Why don't you answer me?" Rakesh didn't like this change since it managed to scare him more. He didn't want to answer this father. He shivered. He began to feel so confused. He didn't understand how could his father change so much. He didn't understand how could his father talk sweetly. He looked in Harish's eyes and shivered. He began to sense something was wrong. He was always safe in his shell and suddenly it started to break. His father was trying to break it. He didn't like it but he sensed that Harish was not planning to give up. He began to get upset. Rakesh " I don't want to talk!!" " But why?" Ravi was observing this entire drama. Ravi wanted to study but due to Rakesh that entire drama he couldn't. It was frustrating. He was considered a good student in school. Teachers kept expectations from him. He was intelligent boy. He wanted to keep his track same way. But this house he couldn't study. He was so upset. He took books and stood up. Harish felt so angry when Ravi stood up. Harish screamed on him " What happened? Why did you need to keep running from one room to another?" Ravi was shocked. He did nothing still his father was screaming on him. Ravi wanted to cry but he couldn't. He was grown boy now and grown up didn't cry. He didn't want his tears to be seen. But slowly his eyes started to fill with tears. He took his books and ran away as soon as possible. Rakesh was so happy. Rakesh began to like this procedure. He enjoyed it when Harish screamed on Ravi. He felt strange sort of pleasure in it. He began to feel so hopeful. He decided to respond. He wanted Harish to keep screaming on his brother like this. He studied somewhere that if you give such indirect suggestions to brain they would work. He was hoping that these suggestions would work. He was hoping that everything would be fine for him this time instead of Ravi. He knew that Ravi made everything worst for him. But then it was worst when Ravi was not even born. Rakesh was always treated differently. Sometimes he began to even doubt if he was his father's true son. He started to dream that he was not his son but he was some rich person's son who was musician. He began to create story which seemed more logical to him. From beginning he felt that he was just some child pick up out of road. Then he felt confused. He understood all. He was not child take out of road but he was stolen from crib. He understood all. He looked around. They were rich. But he looked at Harish. Harish was smiling towards him. Rakesh could see stupidity in that smile. Rakesh couldn't believe that Harish could earn so much money. He was not wise enough to earn such big sum. He sensed that he must be stealing it from someone. He understood that he was stealing it from his parents. He understood all. So Harish kidnapped him and he was taking ransom from his parents and started using that money for his son Ravi. Now Rakesh understood all. He understood why Harish started talking sweetly with him. Rakesh thought properly and created plan. Rakesh wanted to know name of his father then he must confuse Harish. He must talk sweetly. So he decided to play game which Harish was playing. He smiled and sat with Harish. Rakesh gave him sweet smile and said " Actually Dad I don't want to give that exam now since I am not prepared. I will give it afterwards." Harish felt so nice. Finally his son was showing some interest in education. Harish never thought that it would happen so quickly. Harish felt that his friends were right. He just needed to control his anger and talk with his son. He smied happily. " Fine so you will appear for that exam next year?" " Not that exam? I am planning for bigger exams like scholarship!" Harish was so impressed. Even Ravi never suggested appearing for scholarships. Now Rakesh seemed a lot better than Ravi. He sensed that he made mistake while judging his son. He underestimated him and kept screaming. He asked " Which exam?" " Dad I am studying it all on internet. Tomorrow I will tell it all to you." Harish smiled happily. It was like dream becoming true to him. Rakesh was his hope and dream. He was always concerned about him. From beginning he wanted just one son and it was Rakesh so subconsciously he always ignored Ravi. Ravi was always handled by Tara. She always took care of him. She was her son. They divided their kids. He didn't know what he did was right or wrong. But he wanted Rakesh to be perfect first and for it he did all. He was happy now that Rakesh was talking with him in friendly way. He needed Rakesh to act like that. Rakesh sat beside him and asked " Did you have rich musician friend?" Now Harish sensed that his son was trying to find someone who help him with music. Harish said angrily " No and I don't want you to keep playing music." " I am not planning to keep playing. I want to sell this guitar to someone rich who had enough money to give me finance for my future plans." Rakesh smiled. He sensed that he managed to convince Harish that he was with him. Harish was also smiling. Harish began to remember all those men who were interested in music and there was long list of it. He needed to find perfect customer for his son and he was interested in helping Rakesh. He began to remember every musician he ever knew.
      Ravi came out and he was so angry. He needed to share his sorrows with someone. He knew only person who could understand him. His Mom!! He normally didn't go in his parents's bedroom unless he was called but today he decided that it was special case. Ravi went in Tara's room. Ravi " Mom Dad screamed on me without cause." Then he explained all. Tara made sad face. Tara "Your Dad just wanted Rakesh to education and he was doing all for it." " Really? Do you feel he will change?" Tara didn't say anything. In her heart Tara was not even sure that it would help. Ravi " Rakesh is making some strange plans to achieve success. And I feel that they would harm Dad." Tara was confused. Until now Tara always considered Rakesh a spoiled child but she never thought there was anything dangerous in him. But now she started to think about it. She began to doubt. Ravi never exaggerated things in his life. Tara " Why did you feel like that?" Ravi " Mom that day I heard him talking to himself. He was saying I will achieve all and Harish you will burn in hell." Tara started laughing. Tara " It was just joke. I mean whenever he get angry he had habit saying such things." Ravi took deep breath and said " And he even do it. Do you remember that dog of neighborhood." " Dog of Mrs.Sharma!! Who was irritating Rakesh by barking?" " Yes. One day I saw Rakesh giving him chicken lovingly. I was so shocked and next day that dog died." Tara was shocked now. She couldn't believe her son was capable of killing. She decided to that it was impossible. She began to think that her younger son was making it up since he wanted attention towards him. She knew that Harish was biased towards Rakesh. After all he just wanted Rakesh. He never wanted Ravi. Tara " I feel it was just coincidence. Ignore it. " Ravi clearly didn't like this suggestion. He gave angry look to his Mom and said " I am telling truth. And you will sense it when harm is already done." Then Ravi took deep breath and went out of room. He knew that no one would believe him. In Rakesh's room Rakesh was reading list of musicians. He needed to find one who could be his father which was not easy task. He needed to study hard to locate. Soon he sensed there were just two people who could have son of his age. He needed to wrote down them on paper. He needed to find them and did research. Harish was so happy that he was quitting music that he was ready to co-operate him on any front. He was ready to help him on each point.He smiled happily and said " I will arrange your meeting with buyer." Rakesh looked at him with suspicion. He didn't understand how could Harish acted so willing in destroying his own future. But then he understood because he didn't know that he knew whole truth. Then he pointed name and asked " Do you feel we can try this fellow?" Harish looked with confused expression. Harish " Why just him? We should call all and sell it in auction style." Rakesh felt so angry now. He knew that Harish was avoiding now. Rakesh took deep breath and said " What if they all came together and selected less price instead of increasing?!!" Harish didn't like it. Harish agreed and immediately called this fellow. Harish talked so sweetly with this person that it was impossible for that person to say no to him. So arranged meeting in nice five star hotel. That customer insisted that he would make payment. Harish smiled. Harish " All is settled." Harish went out of room. Harish didn't sense that Rakesh was looking at him with such anger that if it was possible to kill with eyes he should have. Harish returned to bedroom and told all. Tara was confused now. Somewhere in her heart Tara knew that Ravi was telling truth something was wrong in Rakesh. Once she saw Rakesh taking out their family photograph and then he did decoration on it. In it he showed everyone of them died in different style. All died except him. He just kept himself smiling. In fact he increased his smile. On that day she first time slapped her son. It was horrible for her. Rakesh was her own son and still he was not normal. She sensed it many times. She tried to point it out to Harish. But instead of understanding it Harish kept screaming Rakesh and even hitting him. She sensed that it was making matter worst so she just kept hoping that Rakesh would get over his childish tantrum. She thought that it was just tantrum but after listening to Ravi's story she felt confused. She began to sense that she was taking wrong turn. She should have warned Harish. But now she felt that it might be too late. She was so upset. She decided that she must tell all to him. She started telling everything to Harish. Harish didn't look impressed. Harish " I don't believe Rakesh had anything to do with death of Dog. I feel Ravi is creating this story to posioned our mind against Rakesh." Now this managed to confuse Tara. Ravi was clearly upset so he wanted to show Rakesh less. Tara took deep breath. Tara " Possible. But be careful while handling all." " Now do you feel that I should be scared of my own son?" " I don't mean it.""But you said it." Tara looked so confused. Harish turned back towards her and went to sleep. She was so confused. She started to feel that she needed someone who could help her. She was stuck between two sons. She didn't understand which was right and truthful. She shivered with sorrows. She knew that she needed to go ahead and took decisions. But she was so confused that she couldn't make decision. She just kept looking at angry figure of Harish. In her heart she began to feel that her love for Ravi was blind so she was suffering from all those troubles. She took deep breath and went to sleep.
       Next day Harish went to that five star hotel with Rakesh. His rich friend was going to come. They got dressed in best way. Harish spent some money on their clothing. Tara saw that Ravi was upset since just Rakesh got clothes. She promised him that she would give him new clothes. Ravi said coldly " It is about just clothes. Rakesh is taking knife with him..." Tara felt so confused. She started to go to Harish to warn him. She knew that he wouldn't believe her but she felt that it was necessary. She started feeling hopeful that this time Harish might believe. She went to Harish and told him all. He began to abuse her and went away. When Harish and Rakesh sat waiting for rich man, Rakesh began to take his hand in pocket again and again. Finally that rich man came. He greeted them. Immediately Rakesh hugged him and started saying " I am your son." That rich man pushed him away and screamed on Harish " Are you trying to play some joke on me?" "" Harish ran to control Rakesh. When Rakesh took out his knife and hit Harish with it, Harish was warned but it was too late when he saw truth he was already on verge of dying. Hotel security came running. Entire time Rakesh kept telling to that rich man " You are my father. I am your kidnapped son. You can't recognise me. But this is true." That man ran out of hotel. But security stopped him. Cops were called. Rakesh was taken in custody. Harish was taken in hospital. But soon he died. Tara was informed. Tara and Ravi cried. Tara kept saying one thing. "Only if he had believe me." It was horrible day for them. After sometime they went to meet Rakesh's psychiatrist. Psychiatrist " Your son is clear case of paranoid Schizophrenia. You should have started his treatment long ago. Why did you waited?" " Since his father didn't believe. He hated psychiatrist. And needed to die to understand value of psychiatrist." Tara started crying. Psychiatrist kept counseling her. After all she needed to move ahead. She took deep breath and started discussing treatmen of Rakesh.

                                                                The End

Poem. 6951. Word open new

                                 Word open new  Word open new chapter of mind that form new route to dream of life which create new hope to ...