Saturday, October 5, 2024

Adventure story. 678. Smruti's cage

                                     Smruti's cage 

Smruti was standing there when she noticed message on her android. It was her lover boy Jacky. It wasn’t his true name. She knew that it was just one fun name created by him to chat. Jacky was messaging her daily & slowly his messages started to get larger & larger. She didn’t exactly needed to read them but she enjoyed it. She didn’t completely read them all. In fact Jacky had higher vocabulary than her. His some words went over her head but it was interesting to chat with some one who had better knowledge than her. She was enjoying it. She knew that truly Jacky wasn’t in love with her. It was just timepass. Smruti looked towards message she was hoping for some pleasant card. But she was shocked when she saw a card with dark background with lots of skeletons. She didn’t understand why did he send her such card. Jacky was fake name but person was always pleasant & nice towards her. She was so shocked that he send such odd picture. She decided that it might be his joke. She decided to just ignore. She was going in her office. She didn’t want to be late. Her Boss didn’t like if she came late even by few minutes. Her Boss was very strict. She wished only if she could find some better job & kinder boss but she knew that it wasn’t going to happen. She couldn’t dare to leave this job with such good salary. She wasn’t married yet but she was hoping to find suitable boy. She wanted to save a lot of money for her marriage. She didn’t want to remain stuck with financial issues like her parents. Her Mom was housewife. Her Mom tried hard to manage household nicely but still they always had financial clutches. Her Mom even started to sell some house made snacks for extra income. Her Mom worked hard but still it was nothing. So from beginning her Mom insisted on her to get nice job with big salary. Her Mom said “ That salary is useful for you. You don’t know what sort of husband you might get.” Her father was nice man. But her father never managed to get good earnings. So in her Mom’s eyes he was useless man. Her father never argued. He kept quiet. She sensed one thing that earning was more important than good nature for human being. But as she grew up she began to dislike her Mom. Especially after her father’s death! She kept feeling that her Mom didn’t done proper treatment. Her Mom just wanted to save money. Now she was earning nice salary but she was stuck alone with her Mom. She didn’t like her Mom. Mom always kept talking about money. Mom was obsessed with saving. She wanted normal life but her Mom wanted just to keep saving. She couldn’t enjoy life if she kept saving. She worked hard under strict Boss & at her home mom lectured just on saving. Her life didn’t seem to have any positive side. But when she managed to make friends on internet she was happy. She had many friends but lover boy Jacky was special. She didn’t give up her details to him but still she felt that he cared for her. But today that post shocked her. She didn’t comment. She decided to ignore but after sometime another post came & this time it was more horrible slowly remaining friends started to write messages like did lover boy Jacky’s account is hacked?.. what’s wrong with his mood?.. she didn’t understand what she supposed to write. She decided just to ignore for sometime. It worked too. Those dark post stopped. She took breath of relief. She told herself that Jacky might be interested in some horror or supernatural. People get interested in that stuff time to time. Now she was confused if he started sharing post about them. She should keep them or just ignore them. She decided that Jacky was nice individual in group. She would tolerate him. It might be fun too. Then she returned her attention towards her train again. She needed to go home properly so she required to ignore other things. She never considered returning home as pleasant thing. But her office was worst too. Her life was stuck in different trap. She didn’t feel happy in any place. She didn’t understand why did her life turned out like that. Most of her colleagues also described issues at home but they wanted to go home. They all enjoyed watching programs. They loved spending time with family. It was so frustrating. She didn’t have one family with which she could stay. She loved her father but he was no more. She hated her Mom & she was alive. She was standing on railway station when one man came to her. He was fat man of middle age. He smiled towards her nervously & then he gave one box to her & declared “ Jacky gave it to you.” She was so shocked. She said “ I can’t accept gift without seeing Jacky.” She was so confused on one point she was blushing at prospect of meeting Jacky. She was excited to make him her true lover boy. It was so funny. She didn’t understand if she was scared or happy. Then that man asked “ You are Sara?” Then one boy came running from behind & said “ What are you doing?” Then he said to her “ Sorry Auntie!” Then he pointed towards another college girl & said “ That is my girlfriend Sara. Give me that box. I don’t want you to waste my gift on some random woman. It’s costly gift. You don’t understand who could be my girlfriend. You are such a dumb.” Then he ran away towards that Sara. Then man who gave her gift by mistake ran too. She was so hurt. They called her Auntie. They declared that she was too old to find a life partner. She was so frustrated. She just began to walk towards her home. She knew that she couldn’t get married now but they didn’t need to point out her age like that! It was hurting her soul. She told herself that everything was just fine but still she didn’t feel that way. She was feeling so sad. She slowly sat down on one bench on side of road & she kept thinking hopefully. But her mind was so negative. On that point she saw picture posted by Jacky again. She was so shocked. It was so similar to the place where she was sitting. She knew that Jacky didn’t know place where she was sitting. She told herself to relax & she began to walk towards house. She knew that she was depressed so she started imagining things. Jacky didn’t know her face & he couldn’t follow her. It was impossible. But she was confused about one other thing too. She didn’t understand if she disliked Jacky so much. But she didn’t want to keep thinking so she went back in her home.

     Smruti’s Mom was watching TV like she always did. Mom enjoyed watching them but Smruti hated them. It was creating impact on her. Mom’s programs were always so negative. Mom never got something she liked on TV. Mom kept just those things on TV which Mom loved. She came inside house & she knew that her Mom wasn’t going to smile towards her. Mom wasn’t happy with her high salary since Mom wanted more from her. Mom was greedy person. Mom never felt satisfied with whatever she got. She knew that if she decided to even take her favourite channels Mom would demand more channels for herself so finally whole time Mom would keep watching TV. She would never get to watch anything. She heard many stories about affectionate Mom but she never got one. She knew that if she talked about her Mom then people would call her ungrateful daughter. No one would understand that her Mom was true evil. For world Mom supposed to be pleasant soul always. A person who would put child before herself. This was shocking & impossible for people so she never tried to tell it. She just stood up & went in washroom to take bathe. She hoped that Mom would cook something nice today. She always hoped for best & managed to get worst. She knew that same would happen today. Her Mom didn’t waste her much time in cooking. Mom wanted to use it for making money. Mom didn’t stop trying to earn. Mom was acting as agent for some investment company. Mom used most of her time to earning money while in their life they didn’t have any happiness & money was kept properly in their bank accounts. She wished sometimes only if she could use some of it. But she knew that she couldn’t dare. Mom would create big issue. Her Mom wouldn’t permit her touch any money. She could always use her salary but then all her salary would be spent by Mom. Mom didn’t mind using money which she earned but never permit her touch money which Mom earned or her father kept for them. Mom wanted to use it all for herself. It was so problematic. She didn’t understand why her life was moving this way. Sometimes she wished that she should quit job but then she needed to stay in house for entire day which was worst idea. She felt so upset. She sat there while Mom was watching TV in loudest voice. She wanted to feel positive but she couldn’t. It was so confusing. Her life was stuck in strange way. She didn’t understand what could be her solution. She worked in office then she returned home to listen to her Bossy Mom. Her internet group was her only support until now. But now she was scared of her old friend like Jacky. After all he was unknown person, she couldn’t trust him. She opened Android & looked towards that post again. It looked so much like her surroundings. She didn’t like him spying on her so she messaged him ‘where are you?’ Immediately Jacky answered ‘In abroad I have some work to finish then I might take small vacation.’ She didn’t understand what she supposed to type so she waited & he continued ‘I was so depressed.’ He stopped. She waited for him to type. He didn’t give cause just wrote ‘ I need vacation.’ She began to feel so tense & relaxed same time. She wrote ‘ Vacation will do wonder.’ She didn’t ask where she never get so personal with anyone. She just waited for his response. She kept waiting but he wrote nothing. So Jacky was going to vacation. She didn’t understand that why did she wanted to keep reading messages of Jacky. Then Jacky wrote ‘Bye I might don’t appear on internet for sometime.’ She wrote ‘ It’s okay.’ She stopped chatting on that point one email appeared. It was from her company. She immediately opened it. She was so shocked when she learnt that head office was closing branch office where she was working. She didn’t understand what she supposed to do. She needed to search for new job. No doubt about that. She decided to start it but soon she sensed that she was no longer interested. She felt so stressed. Her entire hopes were shattered. But on other hand she was tired of working in that office for hours. She looked around in her house. She could stay in house. She didn’t understand what was use of her earnings any way. It was so frustrating. She went back to her Mom & told about her job. Her Mom looked happy. It was clear that her Mom didn’t wanted happiness for her. Mom just wanted to taunt her. Mom “ So your salary will gone now? You always love your father so you have become just like him. I am not shocked.” She didn’t say anything. She was just too tired. She slept on mattress. She didn’t want to sleep on bed. Mom spread all her clothes on it. Mom wanted to capture every corner of room. She never understood why. It was horrible for them. Her father used to hate it too. It was so frustrating. She didn’t understand what was right & what was wrong. Mom kept telling that she handled all perfectly. But Smruti felt love towards Dad not Mom. It was so wrong. Smruti was getting so upset. She spread her mattress & slept on it. She liked that mattress. She could sleep on it for hours. On that point her Mom came & said “ I am so scared for your future. You don’t have any hope now. You have managed to even lose your job. It is so sad.” She didn’t say anything. She kept watching in air. In her dreams she was once again with her father. Her father was as useless in eyes of world as she was. She never needed to become perfect for him. She closed her eyes & slowly she went to skip her dinner on that day. Her Mom tried to ask but she denied. So Mom kept all pots & pans for maid. Mom said slowly “ I am paying for everything & this girl is wasting my money. I never wanted child like her.” She didn’t cry & she wasn’t shocked too. She knew that she was useless. She just closed eyes & kept sleeping.

      Smruti’s job was going to end soon. She went each day of job with interest. Her Boss was no longer aggressive. After all company wasn’t going to operate for long time anymore. Her Boss could talk nicely with her. One day her Boss was discussing his life after job. He suddenly asked her about plan. She didn’t want to tell anyone her issue but on that point she couldn’t control. She began to tell all. Entire office was listening to her but there wasn’t any shocked face. It seemed as if they all knew it already. Her Boss said “ Your Mom might be cause of issue but you have issue inside yourself too.” She didn’t say anything. “ All can observe you are losing weight while you are not doing diet do you?” She turned her head negatively. It was so wrong. She didn’t understand why she was becoming main subject. She just wanted to vanish. One colleague said “ You need person who could increase your confidence.” She nodded. But she didn’t say anything so they changed their subject. They started discussing something else. She went back. Now Mom didn’t even look interested in looking towards her. Mom “ I feel you can go in kitchen & ate whatever left. Yesterday you forgot to eat dinner so you need to finish it.” She nodded. She knew that it was her mistake. Then suddenly Mom added. “ Don’t eat what I cooked today I want it for myself. I cooked limited food today.” She kept nodding. In her heart she knew that she needed to adjust in everything. Smruti sat on floor & started to take yesterday’s food in her plate. On that point she heard for first time a voice. She was so shocked. Her name was called by her father. She knew that it was her imagination. She felt so upset by that voice. She sensed that her world was not just little upset. She was on route of nervous break down. She didn’t understand what she supposed to do. She hated her Boss. But she decided to call him. His wife took his mobile. She was so nervous. She didn’t sense that she was calling a man who wasn’t even friendly with her. She just continued “ I need to talk to Sir. Tell him I am hearing my father’s voice.” His wife didn’t understand meaning so she asked “ What happened? Your father isn’t talking properly.” “ he died many years ago.” Now that lady began to scream & calling her husband, Boss immediately came on mobile. He asked angrily “ What’s going on? It’s not my responsibility to handle your issues.” “ Sorry. I just thought..” “ I send you one number this is number of Psychiatrist call him. He is my good friend. He will arrange appointment for tomorrow & give some discount on fees too.” “ Thank you Sir.” “ & don’t call me like that. You scared my wife. I don’t want it to happen again.” She immediately apologised. Then she disconnected call & immediately called Psychiatrist. Clearly her Boss hadn’t called. But she wanted appointment. She insisted so much that Psychiatrist agreed. She got an early morning appointment. She tried to eat but once again she couldn’t. Finally she threw away her food. She didn’t want Mom to taunt her. Then she went in kitchen. She was about to put her plate in sink when her Mom said “ I told our maid to not come from tomorrow. Now you will stay at home we can easily manage.” She nodded happily. She didn’t want to waste money too. She began to wash her plates & remaining pots. She was so happy when she started working. She didn’t want to see that maid. She knew that even maid would taunt her. Mom began to point out her mistakes then every person around her started to think she was wrong. Same thing had happened with her father. She began to cry. Finally she completed her house chores & went to sleep. She didn’t able to sleep for long time but she kept herself hidden in blanket. She didn’t want to see face of her Mom. She shivered even at thought of facing her Mom. Her life was becoming impossible. She was scared of Mom. She felt so stressed by it. She didn’t want Mom to reduce positivity from her life but now her situation entered on that point where she couldn’t see any positivity around her. She didn’t sense when she finally fall asleep but when she woke up she just wished only if she could be dead. She was so scared & hopeless. But she looked towards clock & on that point she received call from Psychiatrist’s clinic to inform her that she needed to come soon. She stood up & got dressed. She took her purse to make payment & went out. Her Mom asked her “ Where are you going?” “ To find some job.” She lied & ran out. She was so stressed. She took Cab. She went in clinic. She was so restless.She was feeling so uneasy in stomach. Psychiatrist called her. Psychiatrist immediately gave her concerned look. “ Are you alright?” She gave him weak smile. “ I am just feeling acidic.” Psychiatrist gave her one pill. She took it. She slowly started to feel little relaxed in stomach. Psychiatrist “ Have you eaten anything?” She turned her head negatively. Psychiatrist told her to eat something. “ But my appointment.” “ I will wait.” She nodded. She went outside in some restaurant. During that time Psychiatrist managed to get another client. When she came back that client was inside. But she felt that she needed to eat. Then she went inside once again. She began to feel better this time. Then she told all. Psychiatrist heard her & said “ Let’s start some medicines to reduce your depression & acidity.” Then Psychiatrist asked “ Can you go on vacation without Mom?” “ No.” “ Let’s try to teach you to remain happy while your Mom is around.” She nodded. After that session she felt much better. She decided that she could create her own life. Mom kept taunting but she didn’t care. She just decided to think about her Dad. One day suddenly one colleague of office proposed her. She never thought about him that way but when he proposed she felt so happy. She told him all about her life & her psychiatristric treatment. He acted so supportive. She told her Mom. Mom tried to stop marriage but she kept her determination. By that time her treatment was stopped. She was nervous but she wanted to marry that man. Finally she got married. She was so happy with her new life. They needed to search for better jobs but still they were happy to have each other. They felt that they could solve every issue. Finally she got freedom from that cage which her Mom created for her. She didn’t gave up like her father. She was happy about it.

                                       The End 

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