Friday, May 31, 2024

Poem. 6981. Light begin with soul

                           Light begin with soul

Light begin with soul which start new spirit of life that form new brightness to dream of move in life

Light begin with soul which give new appeal of life that show new strength to soul of move in life

Light begin with soul which show new route of life that give new direction to hope of move in life

Light begin with soul which create new path of life that create new path to strength of move in life

Light begin with soul which form new touch of life that start new dream to soul of move in life

Light begin with soul which start new thought of life that form new way to step of move in life

Light begin with soul which give new smile of life that create new knowledge to route of move in life

Light begin with soul which show new world of life that give new strength to soul of move in life

Light begin with soul which form new hope of life that show new appeal to feeling of move in life

Light begin with soul which create new spirit of life that start new direction to way of move in life

Light begin with soul which start new touch of life that create new learning to world of move in life

Light begin with soul which give new route of life that give new strength to shine of move in life

Light begin with soul which show new word of life that form new brightness to step of move in life

Light begin with soul which form new appeal of life that show new touch to route of move in life

Light begin with soul which create new soul of life that create new feeling to smile of move in life

Light begin with soul which start new step of life that start new knowledge to word of move in life

Light begin with soul which show new route of life that give new direction to chapter of move in life

Light begin with soul which give new dream of life that create new meaning to touch of move in life

Light begin with soul which form new soul of life that form new brightness to path of move in life

Light begin with soul which create new appeal of life that show new route to world of move in life.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Poem. 6980. Every hopeful wave open new

                     Every hopeful wave open new

Every hopeful wave open new day on every point which start new direction to appeal in life that form new dream in life

Every hopeful wave open new path on every point which form new strength to spirit in life that show new dream in life

Every hopeful wave open new touch on every point which show new chapter to soul in life that create new dream in life

Every hopeful wave open new route on every point which create new appeal to step in life that give new dream in life

Every hopeful wave open new hope on every point which give new concept to start in life that form new dream in life

Every hopeful wave open new thought on every point which start new route to way in life that show new dream in life

Every hopeful wave open new appeal on every point which form new path to move in life that give new dream in life

Every hopeful wave open new strength on every point which create new light to step in life that start new dream in life

Every hopeful wave open new knowledge on every point which give new direction to route in life that show new dream in life

Every hopeful wave open new touch on every point which start new thought to appeal in life that create new dream in life

Every hopeful wave open new shine on every point which form new strength to touch in life that form new dream in life

Every hopeful wave open new move on every point which give new knowledge to path in life that start new dream in life

Every hopeful wave open new thought on every point which show new appeal to soul in life that show new dream in life

Every hopeful wave open new route on every point which create new direction to step in life that give new dream in life

Every hopeful wave open new spirit on every point which start new strength to route in life that show new dream in life

Every hopeful wave open new appeal on every point which give new chapter to shine in life that create new dream in life

Every hopeful wave open new world on every point which form new appeal to path in life that form new dream in life

Every hopeful wave open new direction on every point which show new light to soul in life that start new dream in life

Every hopeful wave open new strength on every point which start new touch to step in life that create new dream in life

Every hopeful wave open new chapter on every point which create new route to move in life that form new dream in life.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Poem. 6979. Step of dream bring

                           Step of dream bring

Step of dream bring new world to mind which form new knowledge to spirit of hope that create light

Step of dream bring new chapter to mind which give new strength to word of concept that create light

Step of dream bring new strength to mind which start new thought to soul of direction that create light

Step of dream bring new appeal to mind which show new hope to route of strength that create light

Step of dream bring new touch to mind which give new shine to path of chapter that create light

Step of dream bring new soul to mind which form new direction to appeal of move that create light

Step of dream bring new hope to mind which show new word to start of world that create light

Step of dream bring new move to mind which give new touch to way of concept that create light

Step of dream bring new path to mind which start new smile to appeal of soul that create light

Step of dream bring new world to mind which form new word to spirit to strength that create light

Step of dream bring new thought to mind which show new appeal to world of path that create light

Step of dream bring new route to mind which give new knowledge to touch of move that create light

Step of dream bring new touch to mind which start new route to chapter of spirit that create light

Step of dream bring new feel to mind which form new word to concept of understanding that create light

Step of dream bring new soul to mind which show new way to feel of thought that create light

Step of dream bring new shine to mind which start new smile to touch of route that create light

Step of dream bring new thought to mind which give new knowledge to way of spirit that create light

Step of dream bring new chapter to mind which form new appeal to move of thought that create light

Step of dream bring new world to mind which show new concept to path of route that create light

Step of dream bring new direction to mind which start new thought to smile of soul that create light

Step of dream bring new touch to mind which form new spirit to chapter of route that create light

Step of dream bring new move to mind which show new route to appeal of way that create light

Step of dream bring new world to mind which give new shine to direction of route that create light.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Poem. 6978. Start to form

                               Start to form 

Start to form dream which open new world which give new knowledge to touch that form new way to spirit of hope in life

Start to form path which bring new strength which show new route to concept that open new move to step of hope in life

Start to form route which show new touch which create new smile to appeal that give new path to light of hope in life

Start to  form move which create new world which show new path to strength that bring new soul to concept of hope in life

Start to form step which show new appeal which give new knowledge to way that open new world to touch of hope in life

Start to form word which open new concept which start new shine to touch that bring new route to thought of hope in life

Start to form concept which start new light which show new appeal to word that create new light to chapter of hope in life

Start to form strength which give new chapter which give new dream to move that bring new word to concept of hope in life

Start to form appeal which create new shine which start new light to thought that show new path to touch of hope in life

Start to form dream which show new direction which give new soul to touch that create new step to chapter of hope in life

Start to  form touch which start new appeal which show new concept to path that give new route to word of hope in life

Start to form spirit which give new brightness which open new light to shine that bring new soul to way of hope in life

Start to form move which create new concept which bring new thought to way that show new word to shine of hope in life

Start to form route which show new chapter which create new light to path that start new direction to way of hope in life

Start to form world which start new direction which give new word to step that create new touch to spirit of hope in life

Start to form smile which give new knowledge which start new appeal to chapter that open new path to touch of hope in life

Start to form step which create new smile which show new concept to shine that form new route to light of hope in life

Start to form way which show new strength which give new thought to way that create new appeal to path of hope in life

Start to form word which start new appeal which create new light to direction that give new concept to way of hope in life

Start to form soul which form new brightness which open new touch to strength that bring new route to word of hope in life.

Monday, May 27, 2024

Pome. 6977. Soul form move

                                 Soul form move

Soul form move bring new window of route that create new day for mind which start new step to life 

Soul form move give new appeal of shine that open new route for mind which show new step to life

Soul form move show new strength of path that start new smile for mind which give new step to life

Soul form move create new dream of word that bring new light for mind which start new step to life 

Soul form move open new world of spirit that show new shine for mind which create new step to life

Soul form move start new touch of concept that open new world for mind which show new step to life

Soul form move show new route of appeal that start new strength for mind which give new step to life

Soul form move bring new hope of direction that create new route for mind which start new step to life

Soul form move open new word of dream that show new appeal for mind which create new step of life 

Soul form move create new light of way that start new direction for mind which show new step to life

Soul form move show new spirit of touch that open new chapter for mind which start new step to life 

Soul form move start new thought of dream that create new appeal for mind which form new step to life 

Soul form move bring new shine of route that give new knowledge for mind which show new step to life 

Soul form move give new light of hope that start new strength for mind which create new step to life 

Soul form move open new wM kiorld of step that create new chapter of mind which give new step to life 

Soul form move show new thought of path that start new concept of mind which create new step to life 

Soul form move start new word of chapter that open new dream of mind which show new step to life 

Soul form move create new touch of hope that show new direction of mind which give new step to life

Soul form move show new feel of path that start new learning of mind which create new step to life

Soul form move give new dream of route that bring new light of mind which show new step to life.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Poem. 6976. Way to smile

                               Way to smile 

Way to smile open new thought to feeling of mind which start new direction to touch of soul in life

Way to smile create new light to meaning of mind which form new brightness to path of step in life

Way to smile show new route to learning of mind which give new knowledge to move of shine in life

Way to smile start new path to thinking of mind which show new appeal to world of hope in life

Way to smile form new appeal to meaning of mind which start new light to concept of route in life

Way to smile give new touch to learning of mind which form new brightness to path of chapter in life

Way to smile show new word to thinking of mind which create new light to thought of soul in life

Way to smile create new path to feeling of mind which start new appeal to shine of step in life

Way to smile start new light to learning of mind which give new knowledge to route of word in life

Way to smile form new brightness to meaning of mind which show new touch to move of start in life

Way to smile show new soul to thinking of mind which form new direction to chapter of touch in life

Way to smile give new knowledge to feeling of mind which create new light to thought of path in life

Way to smile create new hope to meaning of mind which show new appeal to hope of strength in life

Way to smile form new world to thinking of mind which start new light to word of soul in life

Way to smile give new path to learning of mind which form new concept to path of hope in life

Way to smile show new route to feeling of mind which create new appeal to soul of strength in life

Way to smile create new shine to meaning of mind which show new thought to step of chapter in life

Way to smile form new spirit to thinking of mind which start new direction to word of knowledge in life

Way to smile give new world to learning of mind which form new brightness to start of direction in life

Way to smile show new move to understanding of mind which give new chapter of soul in life

Way to smile start new route to feeling of mind which show new direction of concept in life.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Adventure story. 659. Shivering


Chetan was nervous after so many days he was finally going to his old office. Once he used to work there. It was before that tragedy. He didn’t want to talk about it. But now he was ex employee. He still remembered how hard he used to work. His Boss kept screaming on all. His Boss was so strict but still he liked his Boss since when Boss was present all used to work & no one was interested in working when Boss was out of picture. He wanted all to work. He wanted his company to become successful. He was coming there after such long time. It looked so different. It was now changed. All managed to become modern. He was so excited to start all but sadly it didn’t work. He forced to take break. He didn’t want to think why. He wanted to hide his feelings & pains. He wanted to meet his Boss with smile. If possible he wanted to find a job opportunity. In his soul he felt so sad. He knew that his life was getting complicated on each step. He felt so sad when he began to remember his past. He slowly opened door of his office. He was sort of shocked. Office was nice from outside but inside of office was totally different. They used odd sort of advertisements to hide walls. It was looking so odd. He wanted to admire it but he couldn’t. He knew that those advertisements were important but he didn’t like the way every part of wall was hidden by them. He kept feeling so upset by it. He kept getting memories of old office. He took deep breath & smiled. He supposed to smile since it was not his mistake. He supposed to go inside & he needed to move ahead positively. He went inside. Soon he sensed everyone of that office was new. They didn’t know him. He was so shocked. He didn’t expected change in entire office. He thought that few people might change but all. He slowly went towards Boss’s Cabin then he felt that it was easily possible that Boss might be different too. On that point one fellow came & asked nicely “ What do you want Sir?” “ I am Chetan. I was ex employee.” “ Ohh sorry to inform you Sir but entire staff is changed. Actually this office is taken over by different company.” Chetan felt so tense. Chetan said “ I don’t know it. I will leave now.” That fellow nodded. Entire office was observing him in strange way. Finally Boss came & asked “ Who is it?” “One more old employee.” Boss “ They kept coming for salary. Why they didn’t understand their old Boss had ran away without making payment of salary?” Chetan was shocked. Chetan immediately told “ I am very old employee I took early retirement.” “ Ohh.” Then this new Boss came & smiled towards him. “ Who are you?” Chetan suddenly felt cold wave inside body. He just wanted to ran away. He said “ I will leave now.” Chetan literally rushed out of door. He was so nervous. He didn’t know about this. He was so upset. His Boss ran away without paying. He just wanted to go away. Chetan stood outside his old office to take breath & then once again he called Cab. He returned home. He was so scared. He looked around. In his home his family was busy with their routine. It seemed as if nothing was changed for them. For him all had changed. He went inside & asked wife “ When will you serve lunch?” She smiled & told timing. He nodded happily. He wanted to pretend that he was happy. He didn’t want to upset his family so he gave most sweet smile & went in his room. He suddenly began to shiver. He sensed that he must go inside before his children might notice it. He didn’t want anyone to sense that he was shivering. He knew that it was not easy to control his body reaction. Soon his teeth began to chatter. He literally rushed inside his room & closed door. He felt so nervous. He began to feel so sick. He must not feel sick. He kept telling himself that he didn’t need Doctor. He wanted to get okay immediately. He told himself that he was in some hot weather. He needed to feel that heat. He began to feel so restless. He wanted to control his body. He couldn’t stop shivering. Slowly his shivering became uncontrollable. He wanted to relax but his body was not responding. He didn’t understand what was happening to him. He sat on his bed for sometime. He started to think about positive moments of life. He was sure that they would stop this. Then he had enough. He just ran towards cupboard & began to search for sweater. He tried to take it out of cupboard but his hand was shaking so much that he couldn’t. That sweater fall down. He looked towards sweater which was lying on ground. He was so upset. He couldn’t steady himself at all. He slowly picked his sweater. He immediately started to wear it. He felt so nice. He looked in mirror towards his reflection. He was not looking young & energetic any more. He was looking so tired & old. He knew that he was not so healthy. Then he went towards mirror. He began to touch it. He could sense same sort of cold touch. He was feeling so nervous. He watched his face. He was looking so odd. He looked like some man who was living in cold weather permanently. His face was turning totally pale. He began to touch his skin. He felt that it was cold too. It was odd why he was feeling so cold. On that point his Wife Charu began to call him. He controlled himself. He smiled & went towards kitchen. His house was nice one. He inherited it from his parents. It was so pleasant. He began to look around in his house. It was big. He was lucky to have such big house. He told himself that he needed to count his positive stars in his sky of mind. He began to tell his mind new positive thoughts. He felt so happy but still he was feeling little cold. But he told himself that it was okay. He needed to keep smiling. He went in kitchen. Children were already ready for their schools. They just gave him odd look. One question was visible on their face that why he was wearing sweater but then they decided to ignore all. He began to feel so upset. He just sat on table. Charu gave him breakfast. But then she suddenly sensed that he was going in his old office. She wanted to ask questions but then she just smiled & resumed her cooking. He was very tense about it. He didn’t want to give answers.

      Charu wanted to ask questions but since her sickness she understood that mood swings were common for her. She didn’t want to talk with Chetan. She didn’t want him to tell her how much he sacrificed due to her sickness. She wasn’t sure that it was because of her or since he caught in that fraud. She didn’t understand what actually happened there. He never told much. She was so sick. They needed money. He kept bringing it. She never asked him. But today she felt that he might had landed in this mess just because of her. She wanted get cured. She was cured but she was not so healthy. She kept getting tired. She kept having physical issues. It seemed as if she needed treatment continuously. She began to think sometimes death might had been better than demanding treatments like that in life. She was so upset. She started to feel so nervous slowly. She knew that she was not okay now even Chetan was not looking okay. He needed to stand strong. But then she told herself that all was happening due to her wrong thinking. Chetan was just little bit stressed. He began to get so normal after sometime. She told herself that everything was just fine. She was so stressed in her heart. She wanted to laugh & enjoy life. But it was not happening. She could see continuous fear in Chetan’s eyes. Then Chetan suddenly began to talk “ My old office was taken over!” She was so shocked. “ By whom?” “ I don’t know Boss ran away without paying salaries.” Chetan smiled. “ I told you he is a fraud man. He did lots of frauds.” She felt so guilty for suspecting him. She didn’t understand why she kept thinking that he did something wrong. They didn’t receive any extra money. She began to ask but then she noticed he was shivering. She felt so nervous. “ Are you alright?” “ I am just feeling little bit cold!” “ You are shivering not feeling just little bit cold.” Chetan didn’t say anything. Chetan knew that he was shivering without cause. He looked towards her. He said slowly “ Don’t worry I am fine.” She gave him his breakfast. He smiled & took spoon. His hand was shivering so that spoon started making noise on plate. He tried to create balance between his hand & spoon. He slowly began to eat. But he could sense all food wasn’t reaching to his mouth. He began to show off that he was fine. That effort was not helping much even he could sense it. He stopped eating. Charu slowly took out mobile & said “ Let me call Doctor.” He immediately said “ why waste money?” He could see anger in her eyes. She was hurt. She said “ So you feel we have wasted money on me?” He didn’t say anything. He said “ I am fine.” He was stammering even he was saying those words. She immediately called Doctor. She told about his condition & took appointment. She said “ It’s better if we do all medical check up.” He felt so nervous but he agreed. She called Doctor & took appointment next available appointment . He decided that he didn’t needed to pretend any more so he said “ I am going to sleep.” She immediately agreed. Then he went in his room. This time he took some blankets too. He started to close his eyes & began to remember his childhood. It was pleasant time. Then he slowly began to remember all positive days of his life. He started to imagine a positivity in his life. Then he slowly began to get sleepy. His eyes became so heavy. He couldn’t open them. He knew that his dreams could help him. He closed his eyes & he once again went in his happy days. He was so happy in those moments he started smiling in sleep. He didn’t sense when he fall asleep. Charu came to see if he was properly sleeping with blankets in room. She was shocked to notice in his sleep he removed all his blankets. He was smiling. He was no longer feeling cold. It seemed that he was perfect in his sleep. He was no longer sick. He told himself that everything was fine. Charu felt this was odd. For first time she began to feel that it’s not physical issue. She knew that she saw many times Chetan was getting restless. He couldn’t stand still. He looked so pale. Then she began to think that person couldn’t look pale just due to mental sickness. She decided that she did right thing by taking appointment. She knew that it would impact budget. But she wanted her husband to be fine. She started to look in her bank account & credit cards. She had some cash for emergency too. She began to total all. She sensed that she could manage it if she reduced her few expenses. She decided that she could skip her few luxuries like some costly items which ordered from restaurants could be removed. She told herself that it was going to be hard to convince kids but she didn’t have much option. On that point her daughter came & she declared “ Mom we need to stop those restaurant items. My weight is increased so much.” Charu was so happy but still Charu said “ But honey you love those pastries..” “ Mom no fast food for me.” Charu nodded. Now budget was reduced like a miracle . Charu was so happy. Now she needed to purchase fast food just for her younger daughter. When her younger daughter came. Charu convinced her easily to shift to home made food. So all managed to get settle. Charu was so happy that she managed her budget. Then she looked towards clock. It was time to go for her night shift. She worked at night shift in her office. It gave her more earnings. She was so happy by it. Before her illness she was just housewife but after her illness all was changed. She got this job. She didn’t want to sleep in her house while watching towards ceiling & walls in darkness of night & thinking what if her illness returned. She shivered. She didn’t want to think about it. She was about to cook dinner when Chetan came. Chetan “ Don’t worry I will cook something.” “ But you were not feeling okay.” “ I am fine now. Just sleeping doesn’t solve anything. I am not expert but girls like my cooking.” She smiled sweetly & said “ You are great cook & great Dad. Don’t worry about your skills.” He smiled sweetly. Then he took over kitchen & she went in room to get ready for work. She was working very hard & getting nice increments. But still due to these medical bills life seemed so much problematic. She knew that she could handle it. So she began to get ready step by step.

          Chetan began to work in kitchen. He could handle entire house perfectly now. He suddenly sensed that all restaurants food vanished. He was about to call when his daughter came & declared “ I am on diet so cook simple food for me.” Then she returned to her studies. He was happy since this saved budget & cooking simple food was easy but he was tense about younger daughter but on that point he saw Charu homemade spicy & tasty delicacies. He was so happy. He immediately started to heat them. He knew that he needed to just heat & then his younger daughter would be happy so Charu managed to make his cooking easy. Then he began to do other household work. He began to iron clothes then fold them. He managed to handle entire house in best way. His daughters were happy around him. He could sense their happiness but at same time he sensed his fear. He was feeling so cold whole time. He might be falling sick. He was so scared of sickness. He wanted to be healthy. He didn’t want to waste money on his sickness. They spent so much on Charu’s sickness. He didn’t want to mention it. His old job was worst thing. He never took any money but he did whatever his Boss told him. He knew that few things were not exactly right but he needed job & most importantly he tried to tell superior but his superior had more faith on his Boss so he began to do all. He knew that it was wrong but if company owner permitted all wrong what right he had to object it. But he didn’t like it. He worked for long time. Until finally he had enough. He complained to superior but he got warning instead of his Boss. Then his Boss gave him large sum & told “ You must resign. I can sense you are too truthful not suitable for this job.” He didn’t say anything. He took that cheque & resigned. Now he knew that his Boss ran away. He was so scared. He knew that other employees didn’t got salary what if one of them caught him when he went outside. He shivered with fear. He knew that he was sick so he was not going out today. He wanted to protest but face of his Boss kept coming before him.His Boss was telling again & again that “ If you target me there will be results we will face consequences but you will be destroyed. You need to understand my power.” Then his Boss made a gesture which could tell him that his Boss had people who could eliminate risks like him. His Boss didn’t say anything but gestures of his Boss. Chetan shivered. He told himself that it was past. His Boss was no longer his Boss. He was just man who had ran away. He told himself that his Boss couldn’t harm him now. He was thinking about it when his daughter called him “ Daddy will you give me a cup of juice please?” He immediately agreed. He could do juice in no time & he wanted healthy food for his daughters. He loved taking care of his girls. He could see affection & love in their eyes which was precious for him. He wanted nothing more. He asked his younger daughter “ Do you want juice?” “ No Dad my stomach is full.” “ Come on. It’s healthy.” “ No Dad please!” He smiled & made just one glass of juice. He gave it to his elder daughter. He kept his smile. But his hands were shivering again. His elder daughter immediately ran towards him & checked his forehead for temperature. His daughter “ You don’t have temperature then why you are shivering?” His younger daughter also came running. He could see tears in their  eyes. Charu was cured but still fear of her sickness wasn’t gone. They kept feeling scared what if it returned. Now when they noticed their Dad was sick too it was worst for them. He smiled & said “ Don’t worry. I am just fine. This is normal thing.” His elder daughter “ This isn’t normal. I call Mom.” “ No need. She knew!” He answered little bit angrily. He wanted to close subject but younger daughter immediately asked “ & Mom went to office without doing anything?” He said angrily “ Don’t talk like that about her.” His younger daughter started to cry slowly. His elder daughter gave nervous smile & said “ She didn’t mean that way. She is just scared.” He slowly hugged his daughter & smiled. “ Your Mom took appointment for check up. She is just like you. Over protective.” His younger daughter smiled. Then he said “ We got appointment after three days.” “ Three days?” “ This isn’t emergency. Come on. I am fine.” He was trying his best to convince them with smile. But in his heart he was scared too. He hoped that it was nothing serious. Then his daughters returned to TV. He went back to his work. But he was still shivering. Now he didn’t need to pretend so he went in room & started wearing all things which he bought for winter vacations. He looked like someone who was standing in ice. But he didn’t care. He was feeling normal. His daughters began to get so tense. Finally when he became busy in kitchen. His elder daughter called Charu while younger one was looking towards her since she wanted every detail. “ Mom what is wrong with Dad? Why he is shivering like that?” Charu didn’t understand how to answer it but she just said “ We have taken appointment of full health check up Doctor will tell us.” “ But don’t we need emergency appointment?” Charu began to get confused now. Charu said “ I feel tomorrow I just take him to hospital. That appointment can be canceled.” “ Great!” After listening to this younger one also smiled. Finally they were relaxed since Charu understood seriousness of situation. That day Chetan went to sleep early. His daughters didn’t have much demands from him. He was shivering so much. He was happy to finally go to sleep. In his sleep he once again removed all clothes which were making him warm. He was feeling so hot. He was sweating. His daughters came to watch him in sleep they were shocked to see this change. He was acting odd & his daughters began to sense it too.

       When Charu came home instead of going to sleep she woke up Chetan & declared that they were going to Doctor. She told all that she called Doctor in morning & he gave emergency appointment so no need to visit hospital directly. They all nodded. But their daughters wanted them to go to hospital. They didn’t trust this Doctor. “ Mom just take him to hospital.” Chetan “ No need Doctor can cure me!” Charu was confused but Chetan insisted on visiting family Doctor. They went there. Their family Doctor checked & gave normal medicine. According to Doctor Chetan was perfect. Doctor “ It might be some viral infection.” She nodded. But she was not convinced. By those medicines nothing got better. Chetan started having horrible rashes due to wearing woollen clothes in heat but still he kept wearing due to cold. Finally their daughters insisted on hospital & one day entire family went to hospital with Chetan. They made Chetan’s case file. Then they did few tests & told to come next day for more tests. So Chetan kept going for tests. He felt nothing was going to happen. When he was hopeless one day Doctor called him. He sat nervously before Doctor. Doctor smiled nicely & said “ I feel I need to send your file to other Doctor.” He felt so scared. “ What happened to me? Am I going to die?” Doctor laughed. Doctor “ You are physically perfect but mentally you are disturbed. You need to reduce your fear then this shivering will stop.” He couldn’t believe this. “ You are saying I am shivering since I am scared?” “ Yes sort of! Let’s arrange Psychiatrist’s appointment for you. When you like to visit?” “ I will go even today.” Doctor smiled & said “ Let me check.” Doctor talked & said “ Can you wait for two hours? You can get appointment after two hours.” He nodded. Then he waited. Finally he went inside. He immediately began to talk he told all. Psychiatrist said “ Tell me all don’t hide anything.” He nodded then he told everything including about his last job & last Boss. Psychiatrist nodded. “ It’s fear that planted by that Boss which is causing issue.” Psychiatrist wrote down some medicines. “ You can take them for sometime. They will reduce Anxiety.” Then Psychiatrist told when he supposed to come. He came back with those medicines. He told all to Charu. He took his medicines & his shivering stopped. He felt so relaxed. He knew that it was temporary due to medicines & Charu warned him to complete treatment. Charu “ I want you to get cure not addicted to medicines.” He agreed immediately. They needed to handle budget but their daughters agreed happily. For them Chetan’s health was important & most importantly while taking this treatment Psychiatrist taught him to handle fear about Charu’s health too. He was now ready to enjoy his each day without thinking about worst future. Since he didn’t know what was his future but he knew his present so he learnt to enjoy it.

                                       The End

Friday, May 24, 2024

Poem. 6975. Shine from spirit open

                        Shine from spirit open

Shine from spirit open new word to thought of life which start new dream to touch of soul that show new light

Shine from spirit open new route to chapter of life which form new world to step of appeal that show new light

Shine from spirit open new path to concept of life which give new knowledge to route of way that show new light

Shine from spirit open new spirit to strength of life which start new thought to word of touch that create new light

Shine from spirit open new soul to appeal of life which create new appeal to thought of way that form new light

Shine from spirit open new smile to chapter of life which show new dream to direction of move that give new light

Shine from spirit open new route to dream of life which form new appeal to thought of step that show new light

Shine from spirit open new way to strength of life which create new word to concept of soul that start new light

Shine from spirit open new step to concept of life which give new knowledge to word of route that create new light

Shine from spirit open new touch to chapter of life which show new appeal to strength of way that form new light

Shine from spirit open new move to touch of life which form new knowledge to route of step that give new light

Shine from spirit open new step to start of life which start new thought to direction of dream that bring new light

Shine from spirit open new word to concept of life which give new touch to strength of hope that show new light

Shine from spirit open new world to strength of life which show new appeal to touch of path that start new light

Shine from spirit open new soul to direction of life which create new thought to step of dream that form new light

Shine from spirit open new way to strength of life which form new knowledge to touch of move that create new light

Shine from spirit open new hope to thought of life which give new strength to concept of way that show new light

Shine from spirit open new move to chapter of life which show new appeal to thought of soul that form new light

Shine from spirit open new step to concept of life which form new concept to route of spirit that create new light

Shine from spirit open new dream to chapter of life which start new knowledge to way of concept that show new light

Shine from spirit open new concept to soul of life which create new touch to route of direction that form new light.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Poem. 6974. Spirit of route create new

                  Spirit of route create new 

Spirit of route create new way to mind that form new brightness to dream which show new soul in life

Spirit of route create new move to mind that give new knowledge to step which start new touch in life

Spirit of route create new soul to mind that show new strength to path which form new appeal in life

Spirit of route create new light to mind that start new appeal to hope which give new world in life

Spirit of route create new start to mind that form new concept to shine which show new path in life

Spirit of route create new hope to mind that give new spirit to move which start new feeling in life

Spirit of route create new word to mind that start new direction to touch which form new world in life

Spirit of route create new dream to mind that show new smile to thought which give new learning in life

Spirit of route create new  to mind that form new brightness to step which show new word in life

Spirit of route create new touch to mind that give new knowledge to soul which start new appeal in life

Spirit of route create new shine to mind that show new appeal to path which form new brightness in life

Spirit of route create new thought to mind that form new move to smile which give new light in life

Spirit of route create new soul to mind that start new direction to soul which show new touch in life

Spirit of route create new hope to mind that give new strength to word which start new direction in life

Spirit of route create new move to mind that show new touch to light which give new thought in life

Spirit of route create new touch to mind that form new chapter to step which show new smile in life

Spirit of route create new world to mind that start new hope to touch which form new touch in life

Spirit of route create new appeal to mind that show new path to strength which give new shine in life

Spirit of route create new move to mind that give new knowledge to dream which start new world in life

Spirit of route create new world to mind that form new brightness to path which show new route in life.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Poem. 6973. Dream of path start

                             Dream of path start

Dream of path start new direction to light which form new brightness to smile of soul that bring light

Dream of path start new touch to smile which give new knowledge to hope of step that bring light

Dream of path start new move to chapter which create new appeal to shine of route that bring light

Dream of path start new world to strength which show new move to concept of way that bring light

Dream of path start new thought to word which start new touch to direction of shine that bring light

Dream of path start new knowledge to hope which give new spirit to chapter of start that bring light

Dream of path start new soul to learning which form new concept to touch of move that bring light

Dream of path start new route to concept which show new thought to strength of way that bring light

Dream of path start new way to smile which give new understanding to hope of thought that bring light

Dream of path start new spirit to feel which form new chapter to step of knowledge that bring light

Dream of path start new appeal to world which form new feeling to route of shine that bring light

Dream of path start new strength to move which show new thought to smile of way that bring light

Dream of path start new touch to word which create new route to direction of hope that bring light

Dream of path start new step to direction which give new appeal to touch of feeling that bring light

Dream of path start new word to strength which form new concept to soul of spirit that bring light

Dream of path start new shine to feeling which create new chapter to way of appeal that bring light

Dream of path start new path to knowledge which show new word to direction of soul that bring light

Dream of path start new concept to shine which give new touch to learning of route that bring light

Dream of path start new touch to step which create new strength to knowledge of word that bring light

Dream of path start new spirit to way which form new smile to strength of feeling that bring light.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Poem. 6972. Soul give new

                                   Soul give new 

Soul give new direction to dream of mind which start new chapter to hope of light that form new appeal

Soul give new world to concept of mind which form new brightness to step of way that show new appeal

Soul give new strength to word of mind which create new thought to move of smile that start new appeal

Soul give new thought to touch of mind which show new route to shine of spirit that create new appeal

Soul give new knowledge to hope of mind which start new direction to route of way that form new appeal

Soul give new concept to shine of mind which form new brightness to word of step that show new appeal

Soul give new chapter to spirit of mind which show new step to thought of move that bring new appeal

Soul give new direction to start of mind which create new dream to path of feeling that form new appeal

Soul give new word to strength of mind which start new concept to step of direction that create new appeal

Soul give new knowledge to path of mind which form new brightness to way of world that open new appeal

Soul give new strength to way of mind which show new hope to thought of shine that bring new appeal

Soul give new move to step of mind which create new touch to strength of light that show new appeal

Soul give new path to strength of mind which form new spirit of chapter that open new appeal

Soul give new route to thought of mind which show new knowledge to hope that form new appeal

Soul give new direction to way of mind which form new brightness to step that show new appeal

Soul give new concept to shine of mind which start new light to strength that bring new appeal

Soul give new word to knowledge of mind which create new touch to dream that form new appeal

Soul give new light to thought of mind which form new brightness to step that show new appeal

Soul give new shine to chapter of mind which start new light to thought that create new appeal

Soul give new direction to path of mind which show new touch to smile that form new appeal

Soul give new hope to concept of mind which create new route to direction that show new appeal

Soul give new world to spirit of mind which form new brightness to strength that bring new appeal

Soul give new touch to path of mind which show new step to thought that create new appeal.

Monday, May 20, 2024

Poem. 6971. Sunlight enter in life with

                    Sunlight enter in life with

Sunlight enter in life with hope that bring new shine to soul of mind which start new direction to thought of life

Sunlight enter in life with move that create new path to step of mind which form new light to thought of life

Sunlight enter in life with soul that form new appeal to shine of mind which give new move to thought of life

Sunlight enter in life with step that give new knowledge to way of mind which show new path to thought of life

Sunlight enter in life with route that start new direction to soul of mind which create new step to thought of life

Sunlight enter in life with path that show new smile to appeal of mind which start new route to thought of life

Sunlight enter in life with light that form new thought to step of mind which form new hope to thought of life

Sunlight enter in life with spirit that give new knowledge to path of mind which start new soul to thought of life

Sunlight enter in life with way that create new world to concept of mind which give new appeal to thought of life

Sunlight enter in life with shine that form new touch to direction of mind which show new light to thought of life

Sunlight enter in life with step that show new light to chapter of mind which create new move to thought of life

Sunlight enter in life with smile that start new direction to touch of mind which form new appeal to thought of life

Sunlight enter in life with route that create new strength to move of mind which give new light to thought of life

Sunlight enter in life with path that form new appeal to thought of mind which start new soul to thought of life

Sunlight enter in life with chapter that give new light to direction of mind which form new smile to thought of life

Sunlight enter in life with move that show new touch to chapter of mind which create new path to thought of life

Sunlight enter in life with step that open new smile to strength of mind which start new route to thought of life

Sunlight enter in life with appeal that bring new move to touch of mind which show new start to thought of life

Sunlight enter in life with start that form new concept to path of mind which create new soul to thought of life

Sunlight enter in life with chapter that give new direction to shine of mind which start new way to thought of life.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Poem. 6970. Appeal to move bring new

                        Appeal to move bring new

Appeal to move bring new thought to life which show new spirit towards move that bring new step of light

Appeal to move bring new route to life which start new word towards shine that open new hope of light

Appeal to move bring new path to life which form new brightness towards soul that show new shine of light

Appeal to move bring new way to life which give new knowledge towards spirit that form new path of light

Appeal to move bring new world to life which give new touch towards word that start new way of light

Appeal to move bring new soul to life which show new strength towards concept that open new spirit of light

Appeal to move bring new step to life which create new knowledge towards hope that show new thought of light

Appeal to move bring new shine to life which form new brightness towards soul that give new start of light

Appeal to move bring new smile to life which start new strength towards shine that show new route of light

Appeal to move bring new world to life which give new meaning towards word that start new soul of light

Appeal to move bring new hope to life which show new direction towards soul that form new brightness of light

Appeal to move bring new spirit to life which form new feeling towards route that show new touch of light

Appeal to move bring new smile to life which create new direction towards path that start new way of light

Appeal to move bring new thought to life which give new knowledge towards soul that create new appeal of light

Appeal to move bring new chapter to life which show new touch towards spirit that give new learning of light

Appeal to move bring new touch to life which form new dream towards word that show new feel of light

Appeal to move bring new start to life which give new thought towards learning that create new path of light

Appeal to move bring new move to life which start new soul towards chapter that open new shine of light

Appeal to move bring new path to life which show new route towards strength that form new direction of light

Appeal to move bring new world to life which form new brightness towards shine that show new world of light.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Adventure story. 658. Pari's books

                                      Pari's books 

Pari was so excited about each thought. She began to watch design of her dress. It was so beautiful. She created it with just one dream. She was planning to find her dream boy in this party. It was so important to find that dream boy. She started to laughing to herself. She knew that her grandmother was waiting outside. She was favourite of her grandmother. She knew her parents didn’t care much for her so they decided to keep her with her grandmother. She loved her grandmother. She was special for her. She wanted to stay with her Grandma forever. She began to arrange all properly. Her Grandmother was taking her to one special gathering of their community. All would come in it. They would have programme to entertain all. She loved to attend such functions. She was so excited. On that time her grandmother came in. Her Grandma “ Honey today you need to pack your stuff.” She was so shocked. “ Why Grandma?” Grandma sat on her bed. Grandma said “ I am getting older... I can’t take care of all. I want to live peacefully now. I will call one maid to stay with me. But I can’t take your responsibility. You are not grown up. You need guidance. I want to take rest now.” She didn’t like this change but she didn’t have much option. She needed to adjust. It was her grandmother’s house. Her maternal grandmother’s house! She could decide whatever she wanted to do. She didn’t have any right on it. It was made clear to her from beginning but it was hurting so much to accept now. She looked towards her bed then she sensed that it was not her bed. She didn’t have any right on anything in room. She smiled sweetly & said “ Don’t worry I will pack all.” “ Great then I call mover & packers. You need help.” She wanted to argue but she didn’t. She decided that she would do as Grandma suggested. She said “ I will pack dresses & valuables or jewellery..” “ & Books too. They will not carry all your heavy books.” Pari nodded. She suddenly pushed her dress aside. Her Grandma smiled happily & went away. First time she sensed that her grandmother didn’t want her to stay with her. She didn’t want to ask questions but she knew. It was because Ravi was calling her. Ravi was her good friend from office. Her family would never approve that friendship. But he was just friend. She was planning to marry as per her family’s choice but still her Grandma got upset. On that time Ravi called. She took his call. “ Hello Ravi” “ So when I shall come tomorrow to take you to office?” “ It’s not needed.” “ What? You are resigning?” “ No. I am shifting to my parents.” Ravi didn’t said anything. Then he asked “ You never mentioned it.” “ Grandma just told me. She is too old now. She didn’t want my responsibility. She have servants to take care of her.” “ But you could have helped?” Pari took one proper breath to calm herself & said “ She is my grandmother. It’s her greatness that she did favour of taking care of me. I am not her responsibility.” Ravi didn’t say anything then he said slowly “ You are right. Sometimes we over expect from some people.” Pari felt so happy that Ravi understood. Pari said “ Bye.” Then she began to pack her things. Pari began to look around her house. She was no longer sure that it was her bed. It was not her bed or it was her room. She was not sure if Grandma gave those cupboards too. It was difficult to shift them. It was punishment to her for keeping friendship with Ravi. She was not actually involved with her. But still her parents didn’t like it. She knew that they wouldn’t permit this marriage. But she was not planning to marry him. She was planning to find suitable man in today’s function. Then she sensed that she couldn’t be going to that function now. Her Grandma didn’t expect her to take luggage there. She was not going anywhere. She looked towards her dress. She decided that she needed to obey her Grandma. She began to pack all. She was so sad in her heart. But then she began to plan things she could do in her parent’s house. She had two sisters. She would enjoy their company. She knew that they admired her. She needed to go back to house which was her own. She knew that she couldn’t stay with her Grandma forever. She smiled to herself. She began to pack her things. She decided to call her Mom. She called her Mom “ Mom I am coming.” “ I know but I am going out for my meeting. Your sisters would be in school. Do one thing take key from neighbour. Actually our regular maid Swati went on vacation too. I want you to clean house too if possible.” “ Yes..yes I will do that.” She said sweetly. She wanted to please her Mom. She was shifting back to her house. Then she suddenly remembered her brother. She slowly asked “ Where is Anand?” “ Ohh he went abroad on his trip. His school arranged it. You must not disturb his stuff.” Then her Mom told her that where she must not touch. She immediately agreed. She wanted to get adjusted in her house. Then she said bye to her Grandma. Her Grandma seemed very happy to get rid of her. She didn’t understand why this was happening. She took as much of her things as possible. Then she called Security soon she loaded all in Cab. Security looked more sad than her Grandma when he understood she was going back in her house. She didn’t understand why she had suddenly became such big burden. She returned her home. It was her home. She used to visit it time to time but she didn’t know anyone from that building. She slowly called Security who was not happy to take her luggage. He was opposite of what Security of her Grandma’s house did. This Security didn’t like her. She was one unwanted burden in his view. She didn’t understand why Security disliked her so much. Finally she went inside house. She searched hard around house. One after another room. Finally she found one room with three beds & three cupboards. She knew that she needed to search for empty cupboard. Soon she found it. It was hard to accommodate her stuff in it. But slowly she began to arrange all in that cupboard. Then she sensed that she didn’t feel it was her home. But it was her home now. She started crying.

         Pari cried for sometime then she once again looked around. That was her house & it was great. She kept looking around. She knew that she had one room in Grandma’s house in this she shared two sisters. But she needed to adjust, She began to think about Trupti & Smita. They were her little fairies. She could share anything with them. She knew that they were her favourite. Both girls showered so much love on her. They kept wandering around her like her small angels. They always copied her. Sometimes she felt that they worshipped her. She didn’t like it but she knew that her parents didn’t have much interest in them. Her parents were always busy with Anand. Pari knew that she needed to help her sisters. She began to arrange all. She started to clean her room. Then slowly she managed to settle her things. She found one wall. Near it she kept cupboard. Then she slowly kept books one by one in it. She began to arrange all books in alphabetical order. She was so happy. On that point her Mom entered. Mom “ Why did you bring those garbage?” She was so hurt. She said “ They are my books Mom.” “ Yes I know. Your Grandma encouraged this bad habit in you. Look towards those books! You are hardly going to read them all!” She knew that she had too many books but she wanted them. She would read step by step. She hated idea of not having them. She felt so sad. She said “ Mom I will reduce all other things..” “ No doubt you need to reduce them. Maybe you should give some to our maid Swati tomorrow. I can’t believe you have wasted so much money.” She looked towards her luggage. She knew that she purchased too much. She just wanted to enjoy life. She wanted to feel emptiness in her soul by those things. Her heart was so empty. Her Grandma was giving her affection but whenever she came home her parents made sure that she should understand that she was unwanted child. They didn’t like her. They didn’t like her any habit. Then her Mom said “ I am getting late for meeting. I came just to pick some files. I hope you are planning to go to your office from tomorrow.” “ Yes..Ravi will come to take me.” Her Mom get one angry look. “ Ravi stayed near home of Grandma I hope now he had not shifted near us with you?” She felt so ashamed. “ Mom he didn’t.” “ You need to understand you are grown up now. You must not make friendship like that. I don’t want you to spend more time with him. Do you understood?” She felt so nervous. She was not having any affair with him. It was just friendship. He kept admiring her & it was increasing her confidence. She was never admired much by anyone. Boss kept demanding work faster & faster. In house Grandma was not exactly admirer of her. Grandma wanted everything to be perfect & she was never perfect. It was frustrating for her. Ravi was one person who used to admire her & spoke positive about her. But still she was not planning to have an affair with him. She knew that love marriage was worst thing. She needed to marry according to choice of her family. She said “ Mom don’t worry. I will not go with Ravi.” Her Mom nodded & went away. Pari began to look around. She didn’t understand what she was searching but suddenly she sensed that she needed to clean room on that point her mobile rang. It was Ravi. She didn’t want to talk to him. She just kept her mobile on silent mode. She kept her mobile hidden inside cupboard. She managed to hide her mobile under her clothes. She began to feel so nervous. She began to watch different looks on wall. She saw wonderful designs on wall. She knew that they were expensive gifts given to her parents by their clients. She didn’t exactly understand what was their business deals. She never took interest. Her Mom worked for one airlines & her Dad worked in bank. They both had busy life. She supposed to do all properly in her life. She needed to give respect to her parents every decision. She was so nervous. She slept on her bed when her Mom came in room again. Mom “ What about your office? Are you planning to quit job?” She immediately stood up & ran in washroom. She immediately started to get ready. She wanted to look nice. Then she searched for her hidden mobile. She saw Ravi’s five missed calls but she decided to ignore. Then she called Cab. She immediately sat inside it. She began to go to office. She was so sad. She didn’t want to marry Ravi. She was sure about it. She told herself that she must not think about him. She was feeling so sick in her stomach. She began to feel as if she was falling sick. She needed Doctor. She looked around. She didn’t find much options so she called her Grandma. “ Grandma I am feeling so sick. I need a doctor.” “ Then call your Mom sweetheart she will arrange one. You are not staying here any more.” “ Ohh so sorry.” She immediately disconnected call. Cab Driver said “ Manage sometimes in Taxi people feel sick. Open windows take breath of fresh air.” She did it. She began to feel little bit better. She said “ I am feeling okay now.” Cab Driver “ Sometimes such things happen in traffic people began to feel nauseous. It’s normal. Do you want to go to Doctor or your office?” “ Office.” She said without second thoughts. She didn’t want to tell her parents that she was feeling sick. It would invite more troubles in her life. She wanted to feel healthy. She smiled & said “ You are right. I am just fine now.” She sat once again peacefully in Cab. She waited for office. When she finally reached to office she literally ran out towards it. It was such a relief to go back in her office. She knew that her Boss was demanding but still she could manage it. She sat peacefully & began working. She knew that Ravi was observing her. But she decided to ignore him. She was no longer interested in talking to him. She knew that she needed to obey her parents. She was earning from this office but if her parents decided she could lose her job & if they created issue Ravi would lose job too. She knew that she must not object them at all. She kept working.

     Pari began to her life in new style. She didn’t go to parties or enjoy chatting after office. She always went straight home. She was expecting her sisters to adore her. But they were so frustrated when they saw that she brought so many books & other things. They kept complaining. One thing was sure that she was unwanted in that house. She began to feel so stressed. She was avoiding Ravi her best. Ravi tried to talk at beginning then slowly he began to ignore her too. So she was totally alone in world now. She didn’t understand why this happened to her but one day she heard her Dad talking about her Grandma’s cancer. Her Dad said “ We kept nurse now we can’t do more.” Her Mom immediately agreed. “ At this age any treatment is not to help.” Dad “ Now don’t start talking about treatment! I don’t have stamina to waste on one old woman who is at such age that she couldn’t survive more than ten years. You can’t expect your Mom to cross hundred? Do you?” Her Mom didn’t say anything. She knew that her Mom was sad but her Mom needed to obey her Dad. Her Mom earned but all managed under guidance of her Dad. Her Mom couldn’t do anything. Pari was so sad. Pari sensed that Ravi wasn’t cause of her shifting but cancer was. She felt so sad. She went in her room. But her sisters were chatting happily between themselves. They gave her one look which told her that she wasn’t wanted there. She wanted to share her sorrows but she couldn’t. Then suddenly Mom appeared from behind. “ Anand is coming tomorrow. Pari I want you to act nicely with him. He must be treated properly by you.” She felt so sad. Pari never wanted to hurt anyone. She was trying so hard to adjust with this house. It was truly sad. She didn’t understand what she supposed to do. She just nodded. Then she sat on bed reading a book. It was better to remain in her book. “ Mom don’t worry. She just keep reading some book.” One of her sister said. Pari didn’t look upward to see who was it. She was glad that someone spoken instead of her. Her Mom went out. Then Anand came. All kept avoiding in getting his way. Pari tried her best. But he kept irritating her. Whenever she sat in room to read something. He came in room & began to do something which would create noise. She began to feel so restless. But she didn’t complaint. She knew that he had one room for himself still he kept coming here. Still she couldn’t complaint since this was his old room now he shifted to new room which was too small so he could come in this room. He kept throwing his things on her books. She hated it but she didn’t find any option. She was feeling so nervous. She needed to feel positive in her life but it was not happening. She began to plan to put something on those books for protecting them. She knew that those books were her life. She wanted to protect them. Anand was enjoying it. She put something on those books he immediately started throwing it. Soon he even started putting his cup of coffee on them. She felt so sad. She was going in office & doing all but her heart was just in her books. One day finally a boy came who was recommended by her parents. She was so happy. She liked him. She talked nicely with him. He kept smiling sweetly. He didn’t talk negatively. Pari got encouraged. She took him in her room. She showed him all her books. He suddenly looked pale. Clearly he didn’t like her room. He said “ All three sisters stay here.” “ Yes we share one room.” Then he turned towards bed of her sister. He said “ These cosmetics looks lot better. I like jewellery too.” “ It’s my sister’s.” He smiled happily & asked “ She like gold jewellery?” “ Yes. But this is artificial one.” He suddenly looked upset. Then he began to talk about himself. He wanted her to purchase ornaments & save them as investments. She nodded. But her eyes kept going towards books. She suddenly asked “ Do you like books? I love them.” He said slowly “ No & I can’t take all those books inside my house. You can’t act so madly. You can’t keep them.” She felt so sad. She wanted them. She said slowly “ I love them.” He said angrily “ You can’t have them.” Then they went away. Her Mom came in room at night when she was ready to sleep & started taking away her book. She cried screamed but Mom just took them away. Something managed to break inside her on that point. Her tolerance vanished. She took one chair & threw it on her Mom. Her Mom fall down. Her sisters screamed & ran out of room. Her Mom also went out. Her Dad was planning to enter with Anand but she locked door. She pushed everything against it. She kept screaming “ I want my books. I want my books.” For long time she didn’t come out. Then finally she heard voice of ambulance. She was so scared. Slowly Doctor & nurses came inside after breaking door. She was injected & taken to hospital. Next day she wake up on hospital bed. Nurse immediately called Doctor. She was so nervous she never acted this way in her life. That Doctor introduced himself as psychiatrist. She asked “ Am I mad?” “ Well you got nervous breakdown. It can be called madness but this happened since you learn about your Grandma, doesn’t it?” She started crying. “ It must be so painful. First you lost Grandpa then Grandma now books given by them only become their replacement don’t they?” “ Yes! I need them as moral support & strength.” “ You don’t need books you need person who appreciate them. You need to insist.” “ I did but my Mom threw them away.” “ Then you need someone who purchase them once again for you. You need to search for that one.” She suddenly understood all. Doctor discussed with her then she was discharged. At home Mom threw away all her books already. She was sad but not hopeless. She began to learn from Psychiatrist how to cope this attitude. She slowly started to talk with Ravi again. She told him about book. He smiled & said “ I will purchase all books for you just marry me.” She said “Just show them to me.” He showed his library. She laughed. After sometime Ravi came in her home with his parents. She declared that she wanted to marry him. His parents gave sweets. Her parents forced to accept. Her parents were not happy but she choose to ignore them. Finally she married to Ravi. She still showered affection on books but Ravi loved them same way. All said that they had too much books but they didn’t care.

                                         The End

Friday, May 17, 2024

Poem. 6969. Right sort of dream teach

                          Right sort of dream teach 

Right sort of dream teach us to fly on heights it begin new step to touches of soul that start new direction of mind

Right sort of dream teach us to send on paths it show new route to concepts of way that form new light of mind

Right sort of dream teach us to form on steps it show new world to words of shine that give new hope of mind

Right sort of dream teach us to give on routes it create new knowledge to steps of touch that show new spirit of mind

Right sort of dream teach us to start on steps it form new brightness to moves of smile that create new route of mind

Right sort of dream teach us to show on starts it give new strength to words of shine that bring new smile of mind

Right sort of dream teach us to give on chapters it show new appeal to ways of path that start new move of mind

Right sort of dream teach us to create on steps it create new knowledge to routes of way that show new path of mind

Right sort of dream teach us to start on thoughts it form new brightness to words of shine that bring new step of mind

Right sort of dream teach us to form on shines it give new knowledge to steps of chapter that show new route of mind

Right sort of dream teach us to give on ways it show new strength to thoughts of direction that start new light of mind

Right sort of dream teach us to show on touches it start new concept to routes of thought that give new smile of mind

Right sort of dream teach us to create on moves it form new brightness to hopes of soul that show new appeal of mind

Right sort of dream teach us to start on smiles it create new knowledge to steps of appeal that give new shine of mind

Right sort of dream teach us to form on words it start new concept to ways of dream that create new soul of mind

Right sort of dream teach us to give on routes it show new appeal to words of spirit that form new start of mind

Right sort of dream teach us to show on touches it form new brightness to hopes of path that give new move of mind

Right sort of dream teach us to start on steps it create new understanding to routes of light that show new smile of mind

Right sort of dream teach us to form on paths it start new direction to moves of strength that bring new hope of mind

Right sort of dream teach us to create on ways it show new knowledge to steps of appeal that start new light of mind.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Poem. 6968. Spirit of hopeful soul show

                    Spirit of hopeful soul show

Spirit of hopeful soul show new shine that form new path for thinking of life which create new world to learning of mind

Spirit of hopeful soul show new touch that give new way for meaning of life which start new route to learning of mind

Spirit of hopeful soul show new strength that create new move for learning of life which form new light to learning of mind

Spirit of hopeful soul show new appeal that start new route for understanding of life which give new dream to learning of mind

Spirit of hopeful soul show new chapter that form new appeal for feeling of life which create new direction to learning of mind

Spirit of hopeful soul show new dream that give new step for meaning of life which start new shine to learning of mind

Spirit of hopeful soul show new concept that create new way for thinking of life which form new light to learning of mind

Spirit of hopeful soul show new direction that show new path for understanding of life which give new start to learning of mind 

Spirit of hopeful soul show new thought that start new light for feeling of life which create new route to learning of mind

Spirit of hopeful soul show new appeal that form new way for understanding of life which start new way to learning of mind

Spirit of hopeful soul show new smile that give new knowledge for meaning of life which show new light to learning of mind

Spirit of hopeful soul show new direction that create new touch for feeling of life which form new appeal to learning of mind

Spirit of hopeful soul show new path that start new direction for thinking of life which create new shine to learning of mind

Spirit of hopeful soul show new move that form new appeal for understanding of life which give new light to learning of mind

Spirit of hopeful soul show new step that give new thought for meaning of life which start new direction to learning of mind

Spirit of hopeful soul show new touch that create new knowledge for feeling of life which form new appeal to learning of mind

Spirit of hopeful soul show new thought that give new strength for thinking of life which start new direction to learning of mind

Spirit of hopeful soul show new appeal that form new direction for understanding of life which give new smile to learning of mind

Spirit of hopeful soul show new shine that give new concept for meaning of life which create new path to learning of mind

Spirit of hopeful soul show new world that create new touch for thinking of life which form new smile to learning of mind

Spirit of hopeful soul show new path that form new knowledge for feeling of life which start new hope to learning of mind.

Poem. 7179. Soul open new

                            Soul open new  Soul open new word to thought of mind which start new direction that form new hope of mind Soul o...