Saturday, September 3, 2022

Adventure story. 569. Pain of Tina

                                                          Pain of Tina                         

Tina started to feel finally her troubles were over. Her daughter got married to suitable boy. She was so happy. Her daughter, Reva was little pampered. Reva was finally getting what she wanted. Tina was so frustrated while playing nice mother. She tried so hard to handle Reva. She didn’t understand how could she manage. Normally mothers felt sad when their daughter went away to her husband’s house. But she was happy. She didn’t want to act as punching bag every time. Tina’s husband Tarun was always frustrated by Reva too. They never understood what wrong did they done to deserve daughter like Reva. From beginning Reva was stubborn. She never obeyed any instructions. Tina worked so hard to handle situation. She was so scared that Reva might not find her suitable man. She knew that would be worst for her. Reva was crying daily screaming & creating different types of issues for them. She wanted to end this. She knew that even neighbour started noticing her screams. She began to get upset due to it since they started to look towards them with suspicious look. She knew that Reva was not ready to adjust. Reva wanted to look beautiful. Reva was good looking but not some beauty queen. Tina felt that she was not so beautiful it was illogical to expect such beauty for her daughter. They needed to be logical. But Reva didn’t took it with logic which Tina used. Reva’s logic was totally different. Reva was screaming on her since she was not beautiful Reva didn’t got that beauty. Now this was strange allegation & she couldn’t do anything about it. She still remembered on each day how did from morning Reva started to cry & scream “ Mom you are so Ugly & you made me Ugly too.” She didn’t understand how did she supposed to handle it. Tarun was not mostly available on that time.  But whenever by chance he heard it, he began to laugh in strange way. Tarun didn’t appreciate Reva but he surely didn’t mind such comments on her. Tina hated them & Tarun laughed. Tarun began to say that it was his mistake too. Then Reva began to give angry look to him. But then Reva started to smile. Reva began to demand some cosmetics from him. Reva started to give him so much respect that it started to confuse his mind. He began to feel that he was some King. So he began to feel that Reva was some great girl. He started to give money to Reva. Before Tina’s eyes he literally showered Reva with money. It was perfect in his eyes at beginning but then afterwards he sensed it. So when he returned from office in night he began to complaint that Reva was too demanding. “ Tina you need to teach her manners!” “ Then why did you keep throwing so much money on her every demand?” He gave her angry look. “ Stupid woman! She is my daughter. I need to fulfil it.” “ Then I can’t do anything about it.” Tina never liked to argue so she went out of room without argument. It was so sad. Every day Reva kept abusing her & admiring Tarun in return she was showered with gifts. He kept feeling frustrated by it. But still he kept giving them. She didn’t understand what she supposed to do. Finally she found one boy who looked good for Reva. She was introduced to him on one party. Then Reva started dating him. But it was not easy. Reva just kept criticising that boy. Tina was so upset. Tina wanted her to just get married. Frankly she couldn’t tolerate her any more. She couldn’t dare to say it since she was mother so she supposed to admire her daughter but if daughter was like Reva. It was not easy. Reva was surely going to get upset on every misfortune & Tina was so not so fortunate that Tina could make her some princess in fact Tarun was not earning so much. When finally Reva got married & Tina took breath of relief. She returned in home after Reva went with her husband. She smiled happily. She knew that now she didn’t need to cook something for Reva. Reva was always demanding. She looked out of window. Suddenly Tarun came there & said “ Are you upset that our only daughter is gone to her husband’s house? Don’t worry she will keep coming.” After hearing this word she shivered with fear. She didn’t understand why she was feeling so cold. She looked around for something warm. She needed some jacket. Actually Tarun didn’t started AC but still she kept feeling cold. This was so odd & confusing. She began to shiver with fear. She was so happy about all. She wanted to feel pleasant whole time but suddenly she began to feel so sick. She started to shiver with fear. She didn’t understand why she needed to feel so scared just by mention of Reva. She tried to laugh at her fear. Reva was her daughter not some ghost or monster. She laughed at this thought. Tarun suddenly came from behind & hugged her. He said sweetly “ You can’t live without Reva? Can you?” She knew that Tarun was saying this with affection. He was fond of Reva. But she didn’t like it. She gave him a hard push. He needed to balance himself. He looked confused. “ What happened?” “ You hold me so strongly! You were suffocating me.” Then she suddenly began to get breathless. Something was wrong with her. She could sense it. She started to look so nervous & upset. She wanted to feel normal but she was not normal. She tried to control her tears. Tarun was angry at beginning but then he started to look concern. He came near her & started saying softly “ Are you alright?” She tried to smile but it was impossible. She wanted to cry. She said while controlling her tears “ I am just exhausted.” Tarun took her hand slowly in his hand & said “ Let’s go in room. You need to take some sleep. That entire ceremony was going on for days. You need to relax now.” She nodded. She went to sleep.  He sat beside her. Then when he confirmed that she was sleeping. He slowly went out of room. He was so nervous. He knew that he already drank enough during functions of marriage but he wanted to drink more. Life was not easy for him. He knew that Reva was never the daughter he dreamt. In fact he wanted son but he adjusted. Still his relatives kept taunting many times he felt that due to their attitude Reva became like this. Sometimes he felt that he pampered her too much. But he knew one thing that it was not Tina’s mistake still she suffered every time. He just hoped that finally it was over.

       Tina went to sleep. She didn’t understand why she was so scared. She knew that everything was perfect. She knew that Reva was not coming back. But then she was not so sure. It was Reva’s house too. Normally girls were welcomed in their parent’s house but Reva was big trouble for them. Tina was not sure that she would do any good for her. Reva always just criticised her. Tina was mother so she supposed to admire her. But in her heart Tina hated her. Reva was biggest problem of her life. But Tina thought that it would be reduced after Reva’s marriage. But she felt that it was there. It was increased little bit. She didn’t understand when she was living with Reva she didn’t use to feel so upset. She tried to go to sleep. She managed to fall asleep for sometime but then soon she began to get uneasy. She started to dream in strange way. She was walking alone on one street. She kept walking. She was hoping to find her Mom. She kept searching for her Mom. She kept moving ahead. She looked behind every thing. There was small shop on street. She went inside it. She kept looking towards cupboard. She began to admire items. She began to hope to purchase it. She was moving towards them when she heard screams from behind. Before her eyes glass of cupboard shattered. It started to fly towards her face. She screamed loudly out of fear. She felt so scared. She began to wake up. She sat in bed. She looked around. She sensed that no one heard her scream. She smiled. She was scared that someone might notice. She never confessed but she was having recurring nightmares these days. They were creating impacts on her. But she didn’t want anyone to consider her mad. She knew that if she confessed them. Then they would just declare her mad. Reva was trying so hard to declare her mad. She always regretted that she gave birth to child. From beginning every one managed to pamper Reva too. It was always Reva who was someone great. She remembered how did her mother-in-law used to target her every time on Reva’s instigation. It was very clear that her mother-in-law just wanted to hurt her & kept using Reva for it. It was worst for them. Due to this slowly Reva became so spoiled. Reva took in her mind that everything was her Mom’s mistake. Her mother-in-law died when Reva was 12 years old. Reva even blamed her on grandmother’s death. She said “ You always manage to mess up in things. Now look towards grandma. She was having heart attack but you don’t even sense it.” Tina was little bit shocked. Tina could see everyone believed Reva. They were looking towards Tina with suspicion. Just her sister-in-law patted on her shoulder & said “ You did all for Mom. She is just little girl!” But after it Tina began to feel all relatives were looking towards her in suspicion. Whenever she wore any jewellery given by her mother-in-law. She could see different expression in their eyes. Some even taunted indirectly that she killed her mother-in-law for jewellery. It was so painful. Slowly she began to store her jewellery. She didn’t use it. Reva was so happy about it. She never understood that Reva wanted all that jewellery for herself. Reva expressed it on her wedding. She gave it to Reva but in her mind she felt so sad. She felt cheated by her daughter. Reva managed to take everything from her. Whenever Tina bought anything, Reva used it first. It was wrong. But for world it was perfect. Mom needed to do all sacrifices but Tina wanted to ask what about daughter. Reva was strange & selfish. Tarun was always nice & considerate to Reva. Tarun didn’t talk against her. He loved his daughter since he was father but Reva showed affection towards him too. But she never showed any affection to Tina still she supposed to show mother’s love. Tina tried her best until now. But now she began to feel so upset. It seemed as if all emotions she bottled for years were coming out. She never wanted to see Reva’s face now. She looked around room. She needed to calm down. She knew that Reva was gone now. She needed to convince it to herself & then she needed to relax. She was so upset by all that happened. She kept telling herself that it was past. But when she started to do those marriage ceremonies for Reva all came back. How excited she was for marriage! & how disappointed she was after she received just criticisms from Tarun’s family. Tarun just wanted admiration for himself. He didn’t care what she felt. He kept telling just one thing to her that if he said something to take her side then they would call him names. It was not respectable to fight for wife according to him. She was so upset. She needed to live difficult life. She took decision of marrying to Tarun. Her family appreciated it but it was not forced marriage but indirectly they made it clear from beginning that they couldn’t help her more. She had two brothers who had their families. Her younger brother’s wife was insisting her to date her cousin. But she didn’t like him so she decided to date Tarun. After it they all accepted her decision but one thing was clear that there was not any turning back for her. She needed to adjust & tolerate whatever came her way. She felt so sad about it. She wanted their help but she knew that if she said one word. Immediately her younger brother’s wife would start arguing. She didn’t made wrong choice. That man was not nice. She knew that he married to other girl & that girl was working as maid in houses. Tina sensed one thing that her life was doomed from every angle. But now that Reva was gone out of her life she needed to feel better. But she was not feeling it. She kept remembering how never Tarun supported her. She left alone without his support . She felt so sad about it. She sensed that Reva was not her only problem. She didn’t like Tarun too. She was feeling so lonely & upset. She didn’t understand what she wanted from her life any more. She started crying slowly. Then she controlled herself & closed her eyes again. She closed her eyes tightly. She didn’t want to discuss anything with Tarun when he would come in room. She slowly sensed that someone entered. She turned back towards Tarun’s side. She didn’t want his touch. Luckily he didn’t tried. He just came to his side of bed & went to sleep. She felt happy about it. She didn’t want him to stay with her too. But it was impossible. He was not going to die so soon. She started crying slowly.

      Tarun sensed that something was totally wrong with Tina. He could see that strange anger in her eyes. He knew that by encouraging Reva he did big mistake. Actually he never sensed that Reva was hurting Tina. He just cared about his daughter not wife. In fact they taught him to act like that. On each day every one around him kept telling him that he must not let his wife control him. Every time when he wanted to take side of Tina he felt that he was doing some crime. His parents did many things for him. They managed to give him all luxuries. He wanted to return them their favours. But he never understood that in this process he managed to ignore Tina. He sensed it when during Reva’s wedding his sister taunted him. She said “ I feel so lucky that my husband cared for me. We might have less money but I never regret my choice. Our parents gave us luxuries but they never suggested kindness which is important according to me. I know parents done lots of things for us. But our spouses will do lots of things for us too. There is need of balance. My mother-in-law was also little bit irritating but due to my husband we handled all. But in your case our Mom was trouble but your daughter! She is worst. I can see all pains on face of Tina. You need to handle it. I feel that Tina is not sleeping for days..” Tarun looked shocked. He asked “ She told you?” His sister gave angry look. “ You know Tina very well. She never complaint. But look towards her eyes! She is looking so pale.” He nodded & today same Tina was looking towards him with strange anger. He sensed that Tina was having nightmares for long time. He could hear her screams but he never discussed. He felt that not mentioning would not embarrass her. He cared but he didn’t understand how to express. He wanted to talk with her. But she was already turning back on him. He didn’t understand how could he correct his steps. He went to sleep feeling restless. Next day when Sunlight fall on Tina’s face she felt that she knew what she supposed to do. She would go to her parent’s house. She turned towards Tarun. He was sleeping. She smiled. She packed her bags & just called Taxi. She came in her parent’s home. All gave her shocked look. Then she declared “ I will not go back.” They all looked confused. There were at least eight people were living in that house. It was flat of three bedroom. It was big but not enough. Then kids were demanding separate room too. Now they had three bedroom already occupied. For sometime they could adjust but not permanently. Kids were already suggesting that they needed to take Balcony as bedroom. Even if they decided to do that out two kids which kid should get it! One was elder brother’s kid & other was younger one so it was very problematic. Now Tina would be staying there. Tina didn’t pay attention to anything. She just went in one room & got settled. It was her childhood room. But now it belonged to her younger brother. Couple was totally shocked. Tina began to talk as if she was never married. It was her bedroom only. When they started to argue, she declared “ This is my house too. I will stay. You can’t throw me out.” Tina’s Mom was so confused. Slowly every one was getting angry. But no one was abusing. Since they all started to sense something was wrong with Tina’s brain. She was not normal. Tarun was sleeping but he was wake up by ring of mobile. He felt so shocked when he sensed that his mother-in-law was calling. He looked around since he felt that it must be for Tina. But soon he sensed that Tina was not around. He decided to take call. “ Did you had any argument with Tina?” “ No!” He said easily since they didn’t argued for long time. In fact he never remembered any argument during his married life. Then Tina’s Mom screamed “ Stop lying. You done something!” Then she disconnected call. Tarun was so confused. He decided that he couldn’t understand anything while staying in home. He took his car & drove to Tina’s parents house. When he came arguments were going on, soon he sensed what was happening. He came near Tina. He controlled his anger & said “ Fine! You want to stay alone. You can shift to our other flat.” Tina pushed him always & started screaming “ I am not going out..” she kept screaming it. Finally her brother slowly suggested calling Doctor. Tarun immediately agreed. Tarun sensed that all other options had vanished. Tarun waited for ambulance to come. He was so nervous. He never lived without Tina & now she was not planning to live with him. He wanted her back. But he sensed it that it was too late. Doctor came. At beginning Tina was not ready but then slowly Psychiatrist convinced her. Then she agreed to go. Tarun wanted to go in ambulance with them too. But Tina disagreed. So her father & brother went. Tarun followed them in car. Finally when he reached there, he could see all were upset with him. Psychiatrist came out. Psychiatrist told Tarun to relax. Then slowly Psychiatrist told Tarun that Tina had nervous breakdown. Tarun was ignoring her was part of trouble but basic cause was Reva. Reva blamed her that she killed her mother-in-law. It was cause of entire trouble. Psychiatrist suggested that Tina needed to stay there for some time. Tarun nodded. Tarun went back to his empty house. He sensed one thing. He did one big mistake by ignoring Tina. He hoped that his life would be normal again. But it was not happening. He felt so sad. Reva called. He took call. He pretended everything was normal. He didn’t want to tell truth to Reva. He knew that Reva would use it against Tina. Now he didn’t know if Tina would love him same way like he used to. But he knew one thing that he was going to protect her his best until his last breath so he smiled & said “ Yes. Reva everything is perfect. Just your Mom went on tropical vacation. I can’t since I have office work.” “ She is so selfish..” Tarun felt so angry. “ I got free tickets on lottery so send her.” Reva didn’t say anything for long time. Tarun “ I took your Mom’s name & picked up a lottery & it won. Your Mom is always my lucky charm.” Reva immediately made excuse & cut call. Tarun smiled. He knew finally he did right thing in life.                                                                                                           The End

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