Saturday, October 17, 2020

Adventure story. 471. Shadow man that follows

                                                              Shadow man that follows

Samir was working on computer with normal speed. He was so happy. Day by day his work was improving. He never thought that everything would be normal like that after his father's death. His father's death was not sudden. It was due to cancer. But still they couldn't accept it so easily. Specifically his Mom. She kept trying so hard to save him. She continued running from one doctor to another. She kept searching for way to protect him from death when everyone kept telling her that it was impossible. It was horrible period of their life. His father was dying and his Mom was trying her best to adjust with it. It was hard time. They spent so much money on his Dad's treatment. He didn't want to say it but then one day he needed to say it. His Mom was so angry. Mom " So you don't want to spend money on your sick Dad wanted to save for future?" " No Mom sadly there is not any money for my future or for future of any other family member. We don't have saving! My concern is that we might need to take loan and I want to avoid borrowing." Mom looked shocked. She turned towards Dad. Samir confirmed that Dad was in deep sleep. "Don't worry. He can't hear us. I don't want him to know that we have wasted his all savings on this sickness. He will want to get well in exchange which is not going to happen." Suddenly Mom started to look tense. Samir was elder son. She had younger son Rakesh too. She was so confused. She needed money for their future too. " Mom he is not going to be cured." His Mom cried but agreed. After that they kept watching how did cancer managed to kill him. It was horrible. When his Dad died, he took breath of relief. His Dad needed to freedom from that life. It was so horrible. In spite of financial once he even asked about treatment. But Doctors told him that there was not any solution. It was painful for them all. After it Samir started to find new jobs. Samir needed good job. His last job was not giving enough money. He kept it since he needed it on that point. After that incidence he kept changing jobs. Something was not normal for him. It was so hard. He couldn't forget death of his Dad. Most importantly Dad's pains! He wanted to relax but he couldn't. Then finally he managed to calm down. Today he finally settled in one job which was suitable for him. He needed to do this job. At beginning he was not that much fast and his Boss was upset about it. But then step by step he started to get better. And today he was going on fast. He felt that he could impress his Boss surely. He did his work and went in room of his Boss. He showed all. His Boss smiled. Boss said " Great job. You deserve this post. I will confirm you." Boss gave him his confirmation letter. It was truely impressive. He got job of good salary. He knew that now his life would be normal. He could live his life as he dreamt. He wanted perfection but it was not possible so he decided to compromise. This job was not perfect but it was good for him since he was earning good salary with it. He was feeling so happy. He started typing with fast speed today. He felt so happy. He did his work and immediately gave it to his Boss. He was so sure that his Boss would be happy about his work. He went in cabin of Boss. He went inside. His Boss started to look around. His Boss was clearly upset. Samir felt so scared. He didn't want to face Boss when he was in bad mood. Samir smiled. Boss gave him frustrating look. " Sir my work is over." " Show me." Boss saw it and smiled. Boss " Nice to have someone useful here." Samir smiled and went out. He didn't discuss about making job permanent on that time. But he felt so happy when he got that letter without demanding. His Boss was nice man. In office entire staff was happy with him. Boss get angry upset sometimes. But it was not unique. If he needed to manage all then he needed to get aggressive sometimes. Samir was happy that finally he settled in this job. That day on dinner he began to tell Mom all. His Mom was so happy. Rakesh was not on table. He asked " Where is Rakesh?" " In his room. I don't know what is wrong with that boy!" " What happened?" " He kept studying for hours! I don't understand why did he needed to study so much?" Samir started laughing. " Mom I never heard this complaint from any parent. If he is studying why complaint? Studying is good thing." " It is good. No doubt! But he kept studying in his room for hours. He didn't come out. I never needed to tell him to study." "Then he is good boy!" Samir smiled. Samir felt that Mom was getting tense without need. This started since diagnosis of his Dad's cancer. His Mom took in her head that if they located it before on some early stage then they could have saved him. Samir felt that it was nearly impossible. But he knew that it was impossible to convince Mom. He didn't argue. He always gave her freedom to investigate every health issue as much as she want. It was little bit costly. But it was fine. He felt that it was same thing. Mom " Samir Rakesh didn't talk me like he use to when he was small kid. Now he is not comfortable but why don't you talk with him?" Samir nodded. He went in Rakesh's room. After Dad's death Mom divided her bedroom in two small rooms. This way both brothers got independent rooms. Mom always wanted best for them. She was overdoing it now since she felt that she neglected them while taking care of her husband. But they were not so much effected now. It was all forgotten. For sometime Samir felt upset. But now he was happy. He was feeling that he was settled mentally. Samir stood up to go in Rakesh's room when Mom began talking again " Your Anutie wanted to bring one marriage proposal." He was so frustrated. He didn't want more responsibility now. He knew that this girl would have her dreams. Mom couldn't easily accommodate them. He was scared that this girl might want independent house just for couple. He was not ready for it. He knew that no one would permit him to wait if he said that let Rakesh complete his education. Truthfully he was not interested in marriage. He smiled and said " Later Mom. Later!" Then he vanished in Rakesh's room.

     Samir was so tense. He began to lose interest in everything when his Mom discussed about marriage. For his marriage was doomed subject. He didn't need to get married. No one could force it on him. He kept telling this to himself but it didn't work. He kept feeling strange fear. They said that it would vanish only when he would become ready to face a girl. When he would see girl whom he would like slowly that entire fear would vanish. He needed to just start seeing girls. That was their motto on everything. He was so upset whenever this started. He went in room with upset mind. He looked around. Rakesh's room was nice. It was suitable for boy of his age. He looked around. He didn't feel anything was odd. He looked towards Rakesh. Rakesh was writing something on notebook. He assumed Rakesh was studying. He sat beside him. Samir was expecting that Rakesh should turn attention to him. But Rakesh was reading. He started watching Rakesh. He was so studious. It seemed as if he was lost in book. Samir smiled and went out. Samir to Mom " He is studying!" Mom nodded. He decided to ignore Mom's tension. He began to discuss many things. He needed to concentrate on his life. After few days his Mom introduced him to a girl. Nisha! She was nice. Mom advised them to live separately since house was small. Nisha didn't demand anything. But even Samir felt that house was small. He decided to take housing loan. But he made clear to Nisha. " I feel I need to take responsibility of my brother." Nisha looked confused. Nisha " You are taking loan right? So we have house and this house will go to Rakesh and Mom." Samir smiled. He was so happy that Nisha understood situation so nicely. He decided to marry her. Nisha was always talked in straight forward way. He was happy about it. Rakesh was normal boy. He never had any complaint from Rakesh. When Rakesh completed school, his Boss one day called Samir. Boss " I heard your brother just finished school!" He nodded. " So this is his vacation." Samir nodded. He didn't understand why did his Boss was discussing his brother with him. It was so confusing. Then finally his Boss said " I need typist. Actually for sometime I want someone. Our old typist want vacation. Do you think your brother can work for us for short time?" Samir didn't know what was Rakesh's view. But he decided to give it try. Samir " Okay sir." When he came home, he was happy to find small job for his brother. He told it to Nisha. But immediately his daughter Tina said " What Raku Uncle need to do job on vacation too? Dad just promise me! Promise me!! You will never do this to me!!" Samir was so shocked. He never thought this way. Nisha " How could you sacrifice his vacation without even asking him? This is not right! Imagine what he will feel? He will think since his Dad is not alive his brother felt that he is burden so he forced him to do job after completing 10th? I don't like this idea at all. You need to give him some break and some choice." Samir felt so confused. Samir began to regret his decision of agreeing about job. He began to feel that Rakesh needed to make choice. He immediately ran out of house. " I will ask Rakesh." Tina came running towards him. Tina " Let's go. " He smiled. She knew that her daughter loved entire family. Nisha taught her true family values. When he reached home, Mom came out. He called Rakesh out too. He told entire incidence. Mom smiled. " Rakesh must do job. " Rakesh didn't say anything. Then he nodded. It was so strange. Rakesh was not speaking. He just sat on chair. Samir started to feel confused. He sensed that something was wrong with Rakesh. He started to feel that Rakesh was not responding. Then he started looking back. It seemed as if he sensed that someone was standing behind him. Samir could see clearly that no one was behind him. Samir felt so restless. He began to feel that Rakesh was seeing something which he couldn't. Tina suddenly spoke " Shadow man is behind you again?" Samir looked towards Tina with shock. Tina kept looking at Rakesh with concerned expressions. Samir looked so shocked. Samir " Who is this shadow man?" Tina " A man out of shadow who seemed to follow Raku uncle on every step." Samir felt so scared. Samir didn't understand what was wrong with him. Samir began to feel so confused. Samir started to think about Rakesh. Samir sensed that Rakesh never talked with him much. He thought that it was shyness. But this shadowman was something new. Samir asked " Rakesh did you really saw someone?" Rakesh didn't say anything for long time. Then Rakesh just said " No." Samir smiled and said " So this was just story to entertain Tina!" Rakesh didn't say anything. He just returned to some book. Samir convinced himself that it was story for child. Samir took Tina in laps and said "Honey it is just dream world. It isn't real." Tina agreed and smiled. Tina " Ohh! Raku Uncle was looking behind so I thought he really saw him!! It was fun." Samir nodded. He looked towards Rakesh. He was still sitting on same point. He didn't move that much. He just sat peacefully on that chair. It was odd but Samir convinced himself that it was totally normal. He felt so upset. He kept telling his soul that everything was just fine. Then he started discussing job offered for Rakesh with him. Rakesh didn't say much just nodded. Samir assumed it as yes. Even Tina decided that it was yes so they happily came back. Rakesh was not looking normal. He was appearing too shy. But Samir felt this job would help him progress and he was working before his eyes only so it was perfect. He told all to Nisha. Nisha looked convinced so Samir talked with Boss and fixed salary. He got nice salary. He planned to put this salary in Rakesh's account. He wanted to keep investment for Rakesh. He didn't understand why but he felt so uneasy about all. He didn't like the way Rakesh was behaving something was totally wrong. He couldn't say what. But he felt so scared that it might harm Rakesh. He felt this job would help. He convinced himself that it would.

     Rakesh started coming to office next day. Boss explained him all. Rakesh started doing it. But whole time he started to feel so confused. He began to get upset. He started to sense everyone was looking towards him. He felt so upset. He was feeling so tense. They were smiling but he still didn't smile back. He just felt so scared. He felt as if all were observing him. Then Boss came out. Boss took him inside room. Then he showed computer. He told him to type. Boss was admiring him whole time. He was telling him that he was brave boy. He kept typing again and again. He needed to do it fast. He did it his best but whole time he kept feeling that people were observing him. He looked out. Truely many people were observing him. But they were smiling. They were encouraging him but still he felt so scared. He began to feel that someone was observing him. He was feeling so upset. It was so strange. He didn't say anything. He didn't want anyone to know. He wanted to hide it all. His shadowman was this feeling. He felt people were observing him. He considered them like shadowman. It was easy. He knew that no one was upset with him. He didn't find any reason. But still he felt it. He shivered. On that point he felt for first time something strange. He felt as if he was splitting in two. He knew that he was just one but still it was strange feeling. He looked at his hands. They were same. He looked around. Everything was same but something inside him was divided. He sensed it. He started sweating. His entire face was cold. He  knew that his face must be showing something. He felt more scared. Boss was observing. Boss came near him. Boss patted on his shoulder and said " Perfect. You will become skilled just like you brother." He wanted to smile. But his face was frozen. It didn't move. He began to feel it couldn't smile. He tried to much but he suddenly stood up. It was wrong gesture. Boss was kind man. He didn't took wrong way. He asked " Did you want to go to restroom?" He nodded and ran. He was so scared. He went in rest room and he observed his face in mirror. It was looking expression less. It was perfect made out of stone. He didn't see any emotion on his face. It was so shocking. He needed to keep watching his face in mirror for long time. Boss didn't see any emotion on his face. It was made totally out of stone without feeling. He was happy. Once again he sat on computer and kept working. He kept working entire day. Samir was observing him. Samir saw his hard work but he felt one thing that something was wrong. Samir went near cabin and asked Boss " How does he work?" " Perfectly. But something is wrong with him. Did he appear always so scared?" Samir nodded. " Mom kept pointing but I thought it would go away." "He is hard working no doubt. But I don't like that expressionless face. I feel something is wrong." Samir began to get tense but Boss smiled and said " Don't worry. He is young. Your brother is like my brother to me. I will keep eye on him. This is just training. I am not planning to boss on him like I did on you." Boss smiled. Samir felt so relaxed. Samir wanted Rakesh to remain before eyes of people. Rakesh did everything and went home with Samir. Samir dropped him at gate. Rakesh sensed that his two concious were arguing. One was feeling that Samir was nice and other was telling him that they all hated him. He didn't like the one which was scaring him. He wanted to shut up those shadow people. He named them that. He kept feeling they were observing. He felt that someone was looking towards him. He turned back. It was watchman. Watchman looked confused and asked " Do you want something Sir?" He moved head negatively and ran away. He felt so upset. He went in room. He managed to hide it all from his family. He was so tense. He knew that something was not wrong. He was feeling so upset. He could manage to sense people were standing around him. He began to sense those different feelings around himself. He was feeling so tense. He didn't let anyone guess it. This schedule kept going ahead. He was working in office daily. There was some tension in atmosphere. He felt so upset and sick. He didn't understand what was wrong with his feelings. He knew every one in office was friendly with him. But still he knew that they were upset with him. They were taunting to him. He was not so happy about that feeling. It seemed as if his two concious were arguing again and again. He didn't understand what was happening. He was so scared. But he kept working. He knew that it was about his examination results. He felt once they came out then everything would vanish. He took deep breath and told himself to relax. It was so frustrating. Finally his results came out. He got good marks everyone congratulated him. He enjoyed party for his good results so everything was perfect but still something was wrong with him. He could feel it and sense it but he just couldn't explain it. It was so upsetting. He didn't understand what was going on. He was trying his best to appear normal. They even took admission in college all looked well. But still Rakesh's entire family  could easily sense that something was wrong with him. He was not normal. He didn't appear to be doing anything normal. They knew that Rakesh was pretending. They supported it. But they all knew that something was wrong and it might come out in worst way but they enjoyed that day anyway since it was useless to argue.

     One day Rakesh was trying to type his hand stopped. He tried hard to move it but nothing was happening. He was typing on computer and it stopped. It seemed like something permanent. It was totally useless. He felt as if it was heavy like stone. He was so scared. He called Samir. All came running. Every one felt so scared. They immediately told Samir to take him to hospital. Samir couldn't control his tears. After his Dad's death he didn't want something to happen to his brother. They went to hospital. Doctor checked. Then they went home. After that for so many days kept going in hospital. Rakesh's body movement were totally wrong. They couldn't understand what was wrong. They kept wondering. Then finally one day they suggested to go in psychiatric department. Psychiatrist studied him and diagnosised it as Catatonic schizophrenia. It was hard to know about it. At beginning they felt so scared. It seemed as if once again they were stuck in bad dream. Rakesh wouldn't get normal. But after psychiatris treatment Rakesh got a lot better. They told them that trouble might return but they knew whom to met in that case and most importantly Rakesh was ready to take treatment it was most wonderful thing for them. So they managed to start get happiness even in their problem

                                                            The End

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