Sunday, May 31, 2020

Poem. 5262. Spirit of feeling create impact

                               Spirit of feeling create impact 
Spirit of feeling create impact on soul which give new shine to light of soul which give new opening to thought of mind that give new step to light of thought which give new move to life
Spirit of feeling create impact on move which show new start to path of route which give new thinking to concept of mind that create new spirit to path of shine which give new move to life
Spirit of feeling create impact on step which show new route to move of shine which give new learning to chapter of mind that show new start to spirit of path which give new move to life
Spirit of feeling create impact on start which show new way to thought of spirit which give new meaning to appeal of mind that show new step to light of route which give new move to life
Spirit of feeling create impact on route which give new world to shine of light which give new thinking to direction of mind that give new shine to appeal of path which give new move to life
Spirit of feeling create impact on path which give new appeal to step of move which give new learning to chapter of mind that give new spirit to concept of way which give new move to life
Spirit of feeling create impact on step which give new thought to way of word which give new meaning to thought of mind that give new start to direction of path which give new move to life
Spirit of feeling create impact on start which give new chapter to step of route which give new thinking to concept of mind that give new light to chapter of route which give new move to life
Spirit of feeling create impact on route which give new strength to soul of way which give new opening to direction of mind that give new step to concept of start which give new move to life
Spirit of feeling create impact on path which give new appeal to start of world which give new meaning to strength of mind that give new start to direction of route which give new move to life
Spirit of feeling create impact on touch which give new thought to way of chapter which give new thinking to concept of mind that give new path to strength of shine which give new move to life
Spirit of feeling create impact on step which give new appeal to move of direction which give new thinking to chapter of mind that give new route to concept of step which give new move to life
Spirit of feeling create impact on touch which give new touch to start of knowledge which give new meaning to touch of mind that give new way to chapter of route which give new move to life
Spirit of feeling create impact on start which give new soul to concept of strength which give new learning to concept of mind that give new appeal to strength of word which give new move to life
Spirit of feeling create impact on step which give new light to thought of shine which give new thinking to appeal of mind that give new direction to concept of path which give new move to life
Spirit of feeling create impact on touch which give new route to knowledge of way which give new understanding to touch of mind that give new word to strength of way which give new move to life
Spirit of feeling create impact on light which give new route to way of start which give new meaning to step of mind that give new appeal to direction of shine which give new move to life
Spirit of feeling create impact on route which give new path to step of soul which give new learning to start of mind that give new concept to strength of way which give new move to life
Spirit of feeling create impact on touch which give new start to route of way which give new thinking to appeal of mind that give new world to knowledge of step which give new move to life
Spirit of feeling create impact on soul which give new touch to word of route which give new meaning to shine of mind that give new touch to direction of soul which give new move to life
Spirit of feeling create impact on step which give new appeal to start of path which give new thinking to step of mind that give new concept to strength of way which give new move to life
Spirit of feeling create impact on start which give new chapter to step of appeal which give new learning to route of mind that give new direction to appeal of path which give new move to life
Spirit of feeling create impact on touch which give new appeal to start of world which give new meaning to step of mind that give new knowledge to spirit of start which give new move to life
Spirit of feeling create impact on step which give new concept to touch of start which give new thinking to soul of mind that give new appeal to chapter of route which give new move to life
Spirit of feeling create impact on start which give new appeal to thought of path which give new learning to step of mind that give new start to thought of soul which give new move to life
Spirit of feeling create impact on route which give new touch to chapter of world which give new feeling to start of mind that give new direction to appeal of route which give new move to life
Spirit of feeling create impact on path which give new start to concept of appeal which give new meaning to soul of mind that give new strength to thought of way which give new move to life
Spirit of feeling create impact on step which give new shine to light of chapter which give new thinking to way of mind that give new knowledge to start of path which give new move to life
Spirit of feeling create impact on route which give new step to path of direction which give new meaning to route of mind that give new chapter to touch of soul which give new move to life
Spirit of feeling create impact on path which give new touch to spirit of strength which give new learning to path of mind that give new concept to shine of appeal which give new move to life
Spirit of feeling create impact on appeal which give new thought to way of chapter which give new thinking to route of mind that give new appeal to touch of step which give new move to life
Spirit of feeling create impact on touch which give new knowledge to word of spirit which give new meaning to path of mind that give new concept to start of way which give new move to life
Spirit of feeling create impact on start which give new appeal to thought of step which give new learning to concept of mind that give new touch to shine of light which give new move to life
Spirit of feeling create impact on touch which give new shine to appeal of start which give new understanding to route of mind that give new path to spirit of touch which give new move to life
Spirit of feeling create impact on chapter which give new start to concept of way which give new thinking to chapter of mind that give new direction to appeal of route which give new move to life
Spirit of feeling create impact on strength which give new word to thought of start which give new meaning to path of mind that give new knowledge to shine of light which give new move to life
Spirit of feeling create impact on appeal which give new touch to shine of soul which give new learning to step of mind that give new concept to touch of start which give new move to life
Spirit of feeling create impact on concept which give new step to thought of way which give new meaning to feel of mind that give new direction to path of soul which give new move to life
Spirit of feeling create impact on touch which give new start to knowledge of path which give new thinking to soul of mind that give new strength to start of route which give new move to life
Spirit of feeling create impact on step which give new route to direction of shine which give new understanding to step of mind that give new appeal to word of way which give new move to life.

Poem. 5261. Thought of feeling which show

                          Thought of feeling which show 
Thought of feeling which show new touch to life start to create different appeals of mind that give new chapter to direction of soul which create new world to step of concept that give new shine
Thought of feeling which show new way to soul start strength of direction of move that give new appeal to spirit of chapter which give new concept to touch of strength that give new shine
Thought of feeling which show new step to route start knowledge of way that give new touch to step of concept which show new light to start of direction that give new shine
Thought of feeling which show new start to path start different moves of step that give new route to appeal of touch which show new knowledge to way of spirit that give new shine
Thought of feeling which show new word to chapter start different ways of route that give new path to concept of move which show new direction to word of start that give new shine
Thought of feeling which show new move to strength start different step of word that give new route to chapter of step which show new appeal to move of route that give new shine
Thought of feeling which show new path to concept start different moves of world that give new step to direction of word which show new spirit to touch of path that give new shine
Thought of feeling which show new move to strength start different words of chapter that give new route to strength of move which show new step to chapter of word that give new shine
Thought of feeling which show new step to knowledge start different paths of touch that give new spirit to appeal of start which show new way to concept of move that give new shine
Thought of feeling which show new path to direction start different routes of word that give new step to concept of move which show new soul to touch of word that give new shine
Thought of feeling which show new start to appeal start to different ways of move that give new start to strength of word which show new step to appeal of route that give new shine
Thought of feeling which show new route to chapter start different steps of touch that give new path to knowledge of step which show new way to chapter of move that give new shine
Thought of feeling which show new way to concept start different touches of chapter that give new move to direction of way which show new route to concept of path that give new shine
Thought of feeling which show new move to direction start different routes of path that give new appeal to spirit of touch which show new word to strength of start that give new shine
Thought of feeling which show new path to appeal start different moves of concept that give new chapter to word of spirit which show new step to thought of step that give new shine
Thought of feeling which show new step to chapter start different ways of route that give new concept to path of start which show new route to touch of light that give new shine
Thought of feeling which show new way to touch start different moves of spirit that give new appeal to spirit of touch which show new move to step of route that give new shine
Thought of feeling which show new word to appeal start different ways of route that give new direction to start of move which show new path to spirit of way that give new shine
Thought of feeling which show new route to touch start different paths of step that give new strength to way of path which show new step to concept of move that give new shine
Thought of feeling which show new way to chapter start different moves of start that give new appeal to step of route which show new move to touch of concept that give new shine
Thought of feeling which show new word to concept start different chapters of path that give new direction to light of touch which show new step to spirit of knowledge that give new shine
Thought of feeling which show new move to strength start different touches of route that give new concept to step of move which show new touch to move of strength that give new shine
Thought of feeling which show new route to chapter start different ways of chapter that give new appeal to route of chapter which show new way to spirit of direction that give new shine
Thought of feeling which show new word to concept start different steps of knowledge that give new touch to step of spirit which show new word to light of strength that give new shine
Thought of feeling which show new touch to direction start different starts of concept that give new spirit to route of move which show new touch to appeal of move that give new shine
Thought of feeling which show new step to knowledge start different touches of spirit that give new way to chapter of route which show new strength to path of step that give new shine
Thought of feeling which show new route to strength start different words of touch that give new appeal to concept of move which show new direction to route of path that give new shine
Thought of feeling which show new spirit to concept start different ways of route that give new direction to chapter of step which show new strength to word of start that give new shine
Thought of feeling which show new step to knowledge start different words of chapter that give new appeal to touch of start which show new direction to move of route that give new shine
Thought of feeling which show new move to strength start different ways of strength that give new knowledge to spirit of move which show new touch to appeal of word that give new shine
Thought of feeling which show new step to chapter start different words of knowledge that give new concept to step of word which show new start to touch of route that give new shine
Thought of feeling which show new path to concept start different moves of strength that give new appeal to touch of start which show new route to path of chapter that give new shine
Thought of feeling which show new move to direction start different paths of concept that give new touch to strength of step which show new way to concept of route that give new shine
Thought of feeling which show new word to strength start different ways of chapter that give new appeal to knowledge of touch which show new start to chapter of move that give new shine
Thought of feeling which show new touch to appeal start different words of concept that give new direction to strength of word which show new step to thought of route that give new shine
Thought of feeling which show new route to concept start different ways of direction that give new strength to feeling of move which show new start to chapter of touch that give new shine
Thought of feeling which show new move to chapter start different routes of strength that give new appeal to meaning of step which show new path to spirit of start that give new shine
Thought of feeling which show new word to direction start different touches of appeal that give new strength to learning of start which show new way to step of move that give new shine
Thought of feeling which show new touch to strength start different paths of knowledge that give new chapter to understanding of path which show new step to world that give new shine
Thought of feeling which show new spirit to knowledge start different steps of strength that give new appeal to thinking of move which show new move to chapter of route that give new shine.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Adventure story. 451. Return gift

                                               Return gift
Ramesh was so excited about his daughter Isha's first birthday. He was planning all. He didn't have money for big costly birthday party but still he was happy that his wife Rucha managed all. Rucha was so wonderful. She managed his house in best way. While he was stuck as small  worker, she managed to get nice job of assistant in factory. Few people taunted him about her. They said that she was using her different skills to get promoted in job. But he didn't care. He knew that she loved him. She never rejected him. He always obeyed her every instruction since it always managed to benefit him. He asked her every thing. She even decided to which shirt he supposed to wear on which occasion and it always worked. Since her guidance he started to get admiration from people. He was hoping that he might get attention of his Boss one day. He needed some increment. But it could wait. He knew that this was not moment to worry about his future. At this point he needed to think about his beautiful daughter Isha. He needed to make it all perfect. Rucha was spending her money and he needed to arrange. He must not act careless and waste her money. He didn't like that idea at all. He knew that he tried his best. But still in few things he made mistakes like he ordered DJ but he was not sure if that DJ truly work properly. He needed to order a magician. But he totally forgot it. He was not sure how could this DJ entertain small kids. He was so scared. He kept feeling tense about everything. He needed to arrange everything in perfect way. He knew that Rucha would not taunt she was not like that. Then he finally managed to get all as he wished. He kept feeling hopeful in his soul. He watched his little daughter in her crib. Isha was enjoying all. She was jumping with joy so at least birthday girl was happy. He did all things as he could to make things perfect. Slowly guests started coming. He began to feel happy since at beginning it all looked perfect. Rucha also came after sometime. She came from beauty parlour and she was looking so perfect. He knew that she was always perfect. He didn't understand why did she choose to marry him. He was imperfect in every angle. But still she choose him. He never understood why. She was so nice. She kept telling everyone that he arranged all. She was giving him credit of everything. She never mentioned money she spent. She was so innocent and nice. That day was so wonderful. Their first child was one year old. Isha was dancing around. Everything was wonderful. He was so happy. Then he suddenly sensed that he missed something. He forgot to order cake. He felt so scared. He just ran in corner. He started calling cake shops. He kept searching. He knew that it was most stupid move. It was birthday now could he forgot to order cake which was necessary for birthday. But he did. He began to call different shops. Finally one shop agreed to make delivery in one hour. He was happy. When he came out Rucha saw his pale face and asked " What happened?" " Nothing. Just confirming with cake shop." Rucha nodded. Rucha " We need to cut cake soon. People want go home early too. After cake cutting they can decide." " cake cutting will be at end." Rucha looked confused but still she nodded. She smiled and said " As you wish." For sometime people danced. Then DJ began him activities too. Slowly hall started to arrange items of food on counter. But that cake didn't appear. He kept calling shop. It kept saying that it was on the way. Soon people started to express desire to go home. Rucha insisted at first to stop for cake cutting. But then she began to say they must eat lunch. They all nodded. They enjoyed food and drinks everything. Just cake was missing. Few people complained. Soon all people started to discussing about cake. Ramesh was finding hard to control his tears. He managed all but just forgot cake. By the time cake came most of the guests were already gone. Just few close family members were remaining. Rucha pretend everything was perfect but nothing was. Little Isha was so sleepy. That she was nearly asleep when they cut cake. Photographer kept trying hard to catch photos in which her eyes were open while cake cutting. She managed to cut cake with help of Rucha. Then after it Rucha immediately took her away. Everyone admired party. But he knew that they all thought that it was big mess. Ramesh felt so sad. When they sat in car, Rucha asked angrily " What happened? Did you forgot to order cake? First cake didn't came on time then when it came it was cold not fresh one." He nodded. She was so upset. " Can't you do anything right? Now this supposed to be memory of entire life. Now imagine how did those pictures look when our daughter decided to show them to her friends when she grow up? I don't understand why don't you manage a simple thing in right way and if you can't why don't you take help? You could have taken help of anyone like your brother or sister." Ramesh said nothing. He knew that he lost war. He once again proved failed before world. He was so tired. He began to feel that only if he die. He was so frustrated with his life. First Rucha married to him when his earnings were moderate now she was getting upset. He was just small worker. He knew that he was nothing big. He kept feeling sorrows from heart. He kept telling himself that she never rejected him but truthfully in his soul he had doubts about it. She didn't express it straight way but she might reject him. He didn't understand one thing why did she married him. She could have married better man. He was so inferior. But he never dared to ask. He was scared of her answer. He didn't want to face that horrible truth. He felt that it was wonderful that this fact was hidden from her. He kept looking out of window. He saw a big cake shop. He remembered that he went inside it to order cake but he didn't have money on that time. Rucha told him that she was busy in meeting so he decided to order later and totally forget but now he decided that from that day he would never took any big responsibility. He didn't spoil their life by his worst planning.
     Rucha was so upset. She didn't want to taunt Ramesh but he was acting so useless.She didn't understand what was wrong with him. She was watching him every day since marriage he got skill in everything but he never came ahead and show it. Whenever he decided to show it he did some big mistake this way. She knew that she needed to pay attention to his planning. But then he needed to take some responsibilities too. He didn't able to do anything with confidence. She was so frustrated by his attitude. She kept taking deep breath to control her emotions. She didn't like him at all. She knew that from first day. But she pretended since situation forced her to do it. Her younger sister was in love with a man and she wanted to get married. Since Rucha was elder daughter she needed to get married first. Her younger sister was telling and she would wait. But her Mom began to feel that she might cross her limits. Her Mom didn't want pregnancy before marriage so she decided that Rucha must get married soon. Rucha had nice earning even on that point but she didn't want greedy and bossy husband. She met many boys but all of them were not as she dreamt. Soon she began to get upset. Then she met Ramesh. He was low in calibre than her but he was so impressive. She wanted a husband who would talk nicely with her. He seemed so perfect. But now she began to sense that he was not useful as she hoped. He was totally useless. She didn't understand why did she married him. He was even on this moment looking out of window. He seemed like some stupid kid. She didn't understand why did he show little bit intelligence. She knew that cake was most precious thing of birthday. Now her daughter Isha was going to have worst pictures of her first birthday. She sensed one thing that giving any job to her husband was her biggest mistake. She regretted her decision to marrying him daily. She didn't understand why did she felt that he would make her happy. He was totally useless. But she kept pretending before world that she was happy. But as days started to move ahead she began to regret her decision. He was nice to her but whole time he just kept looking out of window. He used to talk with her at beginning but now a days he didn't even talk much. He was just to say "Sorry!" or when he wanted some money, he talked for asking it. She was so frustrated. She began to rethink about her marriage. She knew that it would be shocking for her parents but she didn't want to spend life with him. She was not involved with other person but she was not interested in him. But she knew when she started to talk about divorce they would ask why. She couldn't just say I don't like him. She needed to give proper excuse. It was upsetting for her. She loved her child but she wanted out of this marriage. She needed to do planning for her. She kept thinking again and again how did she could get rid of him. He was totally wrong for her. She didn’t understand how could she do such a big mistake. She was so desperate on that point to prove herself that she was better than her younger sister that she totally forgot what she wanted in her life. Ramesh was perfect for her on that moment. She never thought what she wanted in her husband. She was thinking so much about these things nowadays and she was so desperate to get things in right way that she started to imagine that she could turn Ramesh into a perfect husband for her. She never thought that it would turn out so wrong. He was turning in totally different direction. He was getting worst and worst every day. At the beginning he used to talk with her.But now every day he kept avoiding her. Before  world they were perfect couple but she knew behind their backs even today people keep talking that how did she was desperate for husband. Entire world knew that she married to him just to prove that she was beautiful than her younger sister. She wanted to prove but. She started crying. Instead of that she proved that she was stupid. She knew even today everyone was laughing on her since her husband forgot to order cake which was most important thing on birthday. She was so upset. She look so angry with herself. She keep looking towards him but he was avoiding her eyes. He was not even brave enough to face her and face consequences of his mistake. She never expected him to be so coward. She didn’t demanded a brave husband like some soldier but she was expecting someone who  was brave enough to face world. But Ramesh was just looking out of window and avoiding her and it what burst moment of her life. She didn’t understand what she supposed to do next. She just seems one thing that she needed a way out of this mess. She started thinking about a route which could help her. But all routes seemed like dead end. She was so unhappy that she wanted to cry. She didn’t understand how could she managed to mess up her life. She planned everything and Ramesh was supposed to be perfect piece of that plan. But it didn’t move that way. Ramesh became a worst mistake of her life.She began to Sanse it more when her boss brought it out. Her boss was a nice man but one day when she introduced him to Ramesh he said casually “ Did you? are are you? Married to this man? you are in love with him?” Then he changed subject entirely but impact was already created on her mind. She sensed that she did biggest mistake in her life. She didn’t want to live with it for her entire life so she started to plan. She needed some one to find way to move ahead. She needed lawyer. She needed some source who would help her to get divorce from him. She started thinking which person would help her. She started to read list of contacts. She needed to find someone who should find way for her. Then suddenly she found her old friend who was lawyer. She smiled. She decided to go to lunch with her soon. She began to plan. She knew whenever she planned, she always achieved. She knew that this friend would surely help her.
        Ramesh was feeling so sad. He was planning to please his wife in different ways. So sad that he managed to hurt her feelings. He never thought that he could make such a big mistake. He was so scared to ask for more money. Always wanted to adjust with  money he had. But in case of this party he needed to invest more. He never wasted her  money on any point but this time he needed it. He wanted to prove that they could do anything for their daughter. You wanted to show everyone that she was special to them. He was trying to prove the world that she was truly in love with him it was never about his daughter Isha. It was about his wife. He wanted to show everyone that she truly love him. But it all turned in other way. World believed him. He managed to show world that she was in love with him. Since she behaved so nice even after the disaster. But he knew that It was just for world. So world was what confident that she was in love with him. But he was confident that she didn’t love him. He didn’t like situation at all. He felt that it was better when he believed in her love. But now he knew truth and world believed that she was in love with him. So his life was getting more and more miserable. Now even his parents felt confident that their daughter-in-law what’s truly in love with their son. He didn’t want them to believe in that lie. He wanted them to know truth. He knew that it was his wonderful dream but finally it was just fiction and he didn't want to live in it. He wanted to live his life with truth. He began to sense that he had become father of a girl but her mother didn't love him. It was so upsetting but still it was truth. He was feeling so sad. He saw his Mom was calling. He slowly control his emotions and took Mom's call. She was sounding so far away on phone. It seemed as if she was calling him from other world. This thought scared him most. He shivered. He began to feel so scared that his Mom might die one day. He was so helpless without her. He never sensed it. He wished only if he had stayed with his Mom instead of getting married but not that point marriage seemed like perfect idea to him. But now it seemed so wrong as if entire world was against him now. His Mom warned him when he started dating Rucha that she was too sophisticated girl for him. In his Mom's word " She will keep you like her dog than husband." He hated those words. He felt that his Mom was his biggest enemy. He was totally against his mom. He felt that she was jealous of his happiness. He knew that his mom would never do that. But on that moment he just wanted Rucha in his life. He never thought that it was his imaginary obsession which would lead his life in trouble. He was feeling so sad for taking the decision. He just kept hoping from his heart that his mom would never understand his sorrows. But then on the other hand he wanted her to know everything. He didn’t want to confess but he wanted her to sense. He knew that it was impossible but still he hoped that his Mom would sense it. She would understand his trouble without his confession but Rucha was so smart. She never let anyone guess what she had in her mind. She kept showing off so much love towards him. He was confused at beginning too. He felt that she was truly in love with him. But then slowly he understood that it was just his dream. She never loved him. Now inside car she was clearly angry on him. He never tried to talk with her much. He was so scared. She had that angry look in her eyes which truly managed to  scare him. She was so strange. He looked at his phone took deep breath and took Mom's call. " Mom how are you?" " Perfect honey and that party was wonderful." " It can't be. Mom it was without cake." " But people hardly notice it. Most of the guests were in so much hurry that I don't feel they were planning to stop for cake cutting." Ramesh started laughing. His Mom was so wonderful. She always managed to relax him. He was nothing without Mom. " Mom you are gem of my life." Rucha was so angry when she heard him laughing. She wanted him to feel guilty. She was so upset. Isha was sleeping on her lap so she couldn't scream on him. But this time she was going to teach him a lesson. He managed to destroy her entire day. She kept waiting to reach home. Ramesh was chatting with her Mom regarding his childhood memories. He didn't care what was situation of present. She was so angry and upset. She wanted revenge for upsetting her day. He finally disconnected call. He turned to her and told her with smile. " Guess what? My younger brother is planning to get married? Mom wanted me to be present when his bride will be introduced tomorrow." Rucha once again controlled her anger. Now this was special occasion. She knew that some wonderful gift was on way for her. Her mother-in-law would not give gift to just one daughter-in-law. She would give it to both daughter-in-laws. She needed to talk nicely with Ramesh. This was the point when his family would spend money on them. She needed to act perfect. She smiled and said " Perfect!! When we will suppose to reach home?" " Home?!! No we are supposed to go in hotel. Remember that five star hotel in which your friend gave party?!! My brother is planning to give party in same hotel." She was so shocked and angry. Ramesh's brother managed to earn so much while Ramesh was still earning nothing. She didn't understand why did she picked up brother who was having so much less earnings. She felt so sad for her decision. She needed to get over her sorrows. She knew that on this point she would surely get gift so she decided that she would meet her friend after sometime. She wasted so much time of her life on Ramesh. In this marriage she would surely get compensation for it. She was so pleased. She started dreaming about gifts. She knew that she needed to threw away Ramesh but she would do it after enjoying this marriage and it's gift. Ramesh was so happy when she smiled. He felt that she at least liked his family. So happily he took sleeping Isha on his laps. He began to plan wonderful moments of life which attached to that marriage.
   Rucha was so happy. She was planning to snatch gifts out of her mother-in-law on every ceremony of marriage. She wanted money from them. She didn't say anything on that moment. She waited until they didn't reach home. Then she slowly set Isha inside her crib. She started changing her clothes. She didn't want Isha to distrub her when she started talking. It was important to her. She needed to convince her mother-in-law to give her gifts in form of jewelry not something like cash or commodity. She knew for few days her mother-in-law was talking about their car. She knew that car was getting old but she didn't need it now. She knew that car couldn't be taken as alimony. She needed to find those gifts which would make her wealthy. She decided to call her mother-in-law. She took deep breath and began to practice how sweetly she could chat. She called her. Her mother-in-law was clearly excited about entire issue. Then slowly and delicately she took chapter to gifts. Her mother-in-law said clearly " They are giving her fixed jewelry and they are going to make all expenses of marriage. You know our financial level. We are not strong enough to give that much to her." Now this managed to scare her. Rucha wanted jewelry. She wasted so much time on Ramesh. She wanted something in return. She began to think that she needed to make friendship with to be bride in order to get gifts. Rucha " I will help you with shopping of wedding etc.." her mother-in-law jumped with joy. After this she met that to  be bride for first time. She was good looking and pampered girl. She was treated like princess by her entire family. It was so frustrating. This to be bride ate in specific hotels and she wanted just specific food items so whenever they went to shopping they kept going in same hotel. Rucha hated it since during that entire time Isha was in company of her mother-in-law and she was clearly enjoying it. Rucha didn't want her daughter to get attached to her in-laws but she didn't have much option. She needed that money. She wanted those ornaments. Then finally they went in jewelry shop she started to watch all jewelry. It was so beautiful. She kept looking at each jewelry. She began to dream it. She wanted it. She saw that beautiful diamond set. It was looking so nice. She needed to have it. She decided that she would get it finally. She kept watching it. Then she suddenly noticed. Shoe of to be bride was broken and she was trying hard to hide it. Rucha took deep breath. She decided that she needed to help her and without second thought she touched her feet and removed her shoes. That girl was so shocked. Rucha smiled and said " I will go bring new shoe. Just give me number!!" That girl kept denying but she insisted. She took her shoe and bought new for her. After that she became favourite everywhere. Ramesh was on top of the world. But then finally day of marriage came. Rucha was so excited. She was expecting biggest gifts. She saw that everyone was getting beautiful saree. Her mother-in-law got beautiful necklace. It was same one which Rucha was watching. Then a big luxurious car entered in marriage hall. It was most costly thing. No doubt. Rucha knew that every gift was less costly than this car. That to be bride was smiling towards her and giving that car. Rucha was so angry. She slapped her and started screaming " I don't want it.. I don't want it." She started screaming. She didn't able to control herself. She started throwing things away in marriage hall. Everyone tried to drag her but she was so strong. Finally group of men took hold of her and they tied her to chair. Ramesh was trying hard to control her. Bride was crying loudly her cheek was swollen. Her Mom asked angrily " Did you acted like that always?" Ramesh " you can ask anyone this is first time." " Come on. Your daughter is just one year old you are married to her for three years it is possible that she hide it." Rucha's family came ahead. " our daughter was perfectly sound. You can do inquires." Rucha started screaming loudly " I am not mad. Your daughter is. I have car. I don't want it. Take away that car." Then she started abusing all.Then they called Doctor. Soon Doctor came in ambulance. Rucha was hurt while destructing things. They first injected her which managed to put her to sleep. Then they did first aid. By this time priest insisted that they must continue marriage since time was moving ahead and rituals must be performed on time so bride started marriage ceremony after applying ice to cheek. Luckily Rucha stopped abusing by that time. They took her to hospital. Ramesh went with them. In hospital they discussed with psychiatrist. Psychiatrist " It is possible that she managed to hide her mental trouble until now. It was due to depression. She was trying hard to achieve things. On one point she felt that she was winning on other she was feeling depressed. She must be experiencing sudden change of moods but she managed to hide all. Many times during pregnancy it increase. She tried hard to hide it so it lead to this maniac attack." Ramesh " But will you able to cure her?" Psychiatrist " Of course. She might need to visit after weeks or every week for sometime. Then she will manage normal life. She might need help but it will be like for some occasion. After explaining her she will suffer maniac attack like this. She will come to psychiatrist before it." Ramesh nodded. He was so tense. Ramesh " Doctor I use to think that she didn't love me but now.." He started crying. Psychiatrist "She is not in sound mind. She really love you. This is her mental disorder not her true feelings.." Ramesh nodded and went away.
    After that Rucha discussed her trouble with psychiatrist for many times. Soon she started missing Ramesh. She sensed that she didn't want to change him. Her Boss was calling her time to time. But after sometime she started to doubt his intentions. Why a married man was calling her again and again? She knew that he was not planning to divorce his wife. She began to sense that in name of sympathy he was trying to use her. She took help of psychiatrist and changed job. She went back home. She was so scared that Ramesh and her mother-in- law didn't accept her. But all welcomed her. Even new bride was there. She hugged her and started crying. Rucha "Sorry I managed to destroy your day of wedding. You will have photos with swollen cheek and.." Bride's Mom stopped her and said " We are not so outdated. Computer repaired it all." Then they showed her perfect family photo. She was included in it with help of Computer too. Bride " Why keep sorrows with her when we can remove them." Then they enjoyed that day as if it was party of success. Rucha's life truly started on that step.

                                                                  The End

Friday, May 29, 2020

Poem. 5260. When cold wind touch we sense

                           When cold wind touch we sense 
When cold wind touch we sense new way of life which changes our day take us to new horizon on every time which create new world for thoughts of mind that changes our route with mind
When cold wind touch we sense new day of life which shows our spirit take us to new dream on every light which show new direction for moves of mind that shows our route with mind
When cold wind touch we sense new path of life which creates our step take us to new shine on every step which show new appeal for tides of mind that forms our route with mind
When cold wind touch we sense new step of life which changes our way take us to new sky on every touch which show new touch for starts of mind that gives our route with mind
When cold wind touch we sense new start of life which shows our start take us to new thought on every path which show new spirit for moves of mind that creates our route with mind
When cold wind touch we sense new step of life which creates our word take us to new chapter on every start which show new way for paths of mind that gives our route with mind
When cold wind touch we sense new move of life which shows our spirit take us to new concept on every way which show new start for steps of mind that shows our route with mind
When cold wind touch we sense new path of life which changes our step take us to new direction on every path which show new step for moves of mind that forms our route with mind
When cold wind touch we sense new starts of life which shows our path take us to new appeal on every touch which show new start for spirits of mind that creates our route with mind
When cold wind touch we sense new steps of life which creates our start take us to new path on every chapter which show new way for moves of mind that gives our route with mind
When cold wind touch we sense new words of life which changes our step take us to new way on every thought which show new step for feelings of mind that shows our route with mind
When cold wind touch we sense new thought of life which shows our move take us to new word on every shine which show new way for words of mind that creates our route with mind
When cold wind touch we sense new knowledge of life which gives our step take us to new step on every start which show new path for moves of mind that forms our route with mind
When cold wind touch we sense new appeal of life which changes our path take us to new spirit on every way which show new step for touches of mind that gives our route with mind
When cold wind touch we sense new concept of life which shows our start take us to new soul on every thought which show new appeal for paths of mind that creates our route with mind
When cold wind touch we sense new chapter of life which gives our step take us to new thought on every path which show new shine for moves of mind that shows our route with mind
When cold wind touch we sense new concept of life which changes our path take us to new move on every step which show new start for shines of mind that forms our route with mind
When cold wind touch we sense new strength of life which creates our start take us to new spirit on every start which show new way for moves of mind that gives our route with mind
When cold wind touch we sense new knowledge of life which gives our move take us to new way on every step with show new spirit for paths of mind that shows our route with mind
When cold wind touch we sense new appeal of life which changes our step take us to new shine on every start with move new step for words of mind that shows our route with mind
When cold wind touch we sense new chapter of life which creates our path take us to new appeal on every way with shine new light for starts of mind that shows our route with mind
When cold wind touch we sense new concept of life which gives our world take us to new touch on every move with spirit new way for words of mind that shows our route with mind
When cold wind touch we sense new spirit of life which creates our step take us to new chapter on every step with move new start for paths of mind that gives our route with mind
When cold wind touch we sense new start of life which shows our world take us to new concept on every start with way new direction for words of mind that give our route with mind
When cold wind touch we sense new way of life which changes our step take us to new direction on every path with word new strength for starts of mind that give our route with mind
When cold wind touch we sense new appeal of life which creates our start take us to new thought on every step with move new concept for moves of mind that give our route with mind
When cold wind touch we sense new thought of life which shows our way take us to new strength on every touch with step new appeal for words of mind that give our route with mind
When cold wind touch we sense new knowledge of life which changes our word take us to new path on every start with move new step for touches of mind that give our route with mind
When cold wind touch we sense new appeal of life which creates our thought take us to new chapter on every way with word new shine for moves of mind that give our route with mind
When cold wind touch we sense new path of life which shows our concept take us to new strength on every move with appeal new way for steps of mind that give our route with mind
When cold wind touch we sense new way of life which changes our start take us to new thought on every knowledge with start new chapter for moves of mind that give our route with mind
When cold wind touch we sense new light of life which creates our way take us to new concept on every thought with way new direction for starts of mind that give our route with mind
When cold wind touch we sense new appeal of life which shows our light take us to new shine on every strength with shine new concept for appeals of mind that give our route with mind
When cold wind touch we sense new thought of life which changes our way take us to new move on every step with move new chapter for starts of mind that give our route with mind
When cold wind touch we sense new chapter of life which shows our word take us to new start on every light with start new direction for souls of mind that give our route with mind
When cold wind touch we sense new touch of life which show our start take us to new path on every spirit with thought new appeal for starts of mind that give our route with mind
When cold wind touch we sense new concept of life which show our shine take us to new light on every step with knowledge new way for touches of mind that give our route with mind
When cold wind touch we sense new chapter of life which show our step take us to new appeal on every start with move new chapter for words of mind that give our route with mind
When cold wind touch we sense new touch of life which show our start take us to new spirit on every shine with light new appeal for moves of mind that give our route with mind
When cold wind touch we sense new concept of life which show our way take us to new step on every chapter with move new thought for ways of mind that give our route with mind.

Poem. 5259. Direction of shine that give new light

                         Direction of shine that give new light 
Direction of shine that give new light on each way of mind which give new world to thought of future that give new light to knowledge of spirit that show new appeal to start of soul in life
Direction of shine that give new light on each move of mind which give new route to appeal of future that give new appeal to chapter of step that show new strength to step of soul in life
Direction of shine that give new light on each start of mind which give new touch to spirit of future that give new knowledge to concept of way that show new appeal to world of soul in life
Direction of shine that give new light on each step of mind which give new move to start of future that give new path to strength of move that show new knowledge to appeal of soul in life
Direction of shine that give new light on each touch of mind which give new step to way of future that give new appeal to concept of word that show new thought to shine of soul in life
Direction of shine that give new light on each route of mind which give new light to route of future that give new chapter to touch of step that show new appeal to concept of soul in life
Direction of shine that give new light on each word of mind which give new spirit to touch of future that give new concept to start of move that show new strength to feeling of soul in life
Direction of shine that give new light on each start of mind which give new step to concept of future that give new touch to way of spirit that show new appeal to thought of soul in life
Direction of shine that give new light on each appeal of mind which give new start to chapter of future that give new spirit to guide of world that show new start to move of soul in life
Direction of shine that give new light on each shine of mind which give new touch to strength of future that give new start to world of move that show new shine to light of soul in life
Direction of shine that give new light on each path of mind which give new appeal to thought of future that give new step to shine of route that show new appeal to start of soul in life
Direction of shine that give new light on each word of mind which give new thought to world of future that give new hope to smile of step that show new touch to way of soul in life
Direction of shine that give new light on each move of mind which give new touch to route of future that give new dream to touch of way that show new step to world of soul in life
Direction of shine that give new light on each path of mind which give new chapter to step of future that give new appeal to spirit of way that show new start to path of soul in life
Direction of shine that give new light on each word of mind which give new appeal to start of future that give new strength to path of move that show new step to way of soul in life
Direction of shine that give new light on each move of mind which give new thought to way of future that give new route to start of step that show new strength to word of soul in life
Direction of shine that give new light on each step of mind which give new knowledge to step of future that give new world to way of move that show new touch to shine of soul in life
Direction of shine that give new light on each start of mind which give new appeal to light of future that give new strength to concept of step that show new appeal to spirit of soul in life
Direction of shine that give new light on each touch of mind which give new thought to path of future that give new appeal to way of route that show new shine to light of soul in life
Direction of shine that give new light on each spirit of mind which give new concept to touch of future that give new move to guide of start that show new touch to thought of soul in life
Direction of shine that give new light on each step of mind which give new chapter to spirit of future that give new world to step of route that show new light to appeal of soul in life
Direction of shine that give new light on each path of mind which give new appeal to start of future that give new touch to way of spirit that show new chapter to thought of soul in life
Direction of shine that give new light on each word of mind which give new hope to route of future that give new knowledge to step of chapter that show new spirit to concept of soul in life
Direction of shine that give new light on each move of mind which give new start to touch of future that give new appeal to move of start that show new step to chapter of soul in life
Direction of shine that give new light on each touch of mind which give new start to chapter of future that give new strength to concept of way that show new touch to step of soul in life
Direction of shine that give new light on each move of mind which give new appeal to spirit of future that give new chapter to strength of hope that show new shine to way of soul in life
Direction of shine that give new light on each route of mind which give new concept to step of future that give new touch to knowledge of dream that show new path to word of soul in life
Direction of shine that give new light on each step of mind which give new chapter to touch of future that give new way to thought of spirit that show new appeal to start of soul in life
Direction of shine that give new light on each start of mind which give new touch to appeal of future that give new step to concept of move that show new touch to path of soul in life
Direction of shine that give new light on each word of mind which give new spirit to guide of future that give new appeal to chapter of thought that show new spirit to concept of soul in life
Direction of shine that give new light on each move of mind which give new step to thought of future that give new touch to concept of way that show new step to strength of soul in life
Direction of shine that give new light on each path of mind which give new start to chapter of future that give new move to knowledge of word that show new start to way of soul in life
Direction of shine that give new light on each step of mind which give new move to concept of future that give new route to strength of step that show new hope to dream of soul in life
Direction of shine that give new light on each start of mind which give new path to strength of future that give new path to appeal of move that show new start to touch of soul in life
Direction of shine that give new light on each word of mind which give new step to touch of future that give new knowledge to spirit of route that show new spirit to thought of soul in life
Direction of shine that give new light on each move of mind which give new start to chapter of future that give new touch to step of light that show new appeal to concept of soul in life
Direction of shine that give new light on each step of mind which give new move to concept of future that give new appeal to way of path that show new touch to chapter of soul in life
Direction of shine that give new light on each route of mind which give new step to thought of future that give new touch to world of way that show new step to strength of soul in life
Direction of shine that give new light on each move of mind which give new start to chapter of future that give new step to shine of word that show new spirit to appeal of soul in life
Direction of shine that give new light on each word of mind which give new route to touch of future that give new way to appeal of move that show new step to concept of soul in life.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Poem. 5258. Nature will show different shades

                              Nature will show different shades 
Nature will show different shades of life which give new thought of mind that create new world to chapter of strength that give new hope to dream that show new shine to thought of mind
Nature will show different shades of move which show new step of mind that give new shine to light of direction that give new spirit to concept that show new light to thought of mind
Nature will show different shades of light which show new world of mind that give new appeal to touch of concept that give new step to chapter that show new direction to thought of mind
Nature will show different shades of path which show new spirit of mind that give new chapter to strength of touch that give new way to appeal that show new shine to thought of mind
Nature will show different shades of word which show new step of mind that give new direction to appeal of spirit that give new move to chapter that show new start to thought of mind
Nature will show different shades of step which show new start of mind that give new concept to route of touch that give new path to strength that show new world to thought of mind
Nature will show different shades of start which show new route of mind that give new strength to move of appeal that give new step to concept that show new touch to thought of mind
Nature will show different shades of route which show new way of mind that give new appeal to path of concept that give new light to strength that show new shine to thought of mind
Nature will show different shades of way which show new word of mind that give new touch to appeal of route that give new shine to chapter that show new light to thought of mind
Nature will show different shades of start which show new way of mind that give new shine to touch of move that give new step to concept that show new word to thought of mind
Nature will show different shades of step which show new start of mind that give new spirit to chapter of path that give new start to direction that show new step to thought of mind
Nature will show different shades of route which show new word of mind that give new step to concept of route that give new word to chapter that show new way to thought of mind
Nature will show different shades of path which show new route of mind that give new appeal to strength of dream that give new hope to direction that show new step to thought of mind
Nature will show different shades of light which show new step of mind that give new concept to direction of start that give new light to strength that show new start to thought of mind
Nature will show different shades of world which show new way of mind that give new touch to chapter of step that give new appeal to concept that show new way to thought of mind
Nature will show different shades of step which show new word of mind that give new shine to light of soul that give new knowledge to touch that show new move to thought of mind
Nature will show different shades of way which show new touch of mind that give new spirit to thought of way that give new spirit to concept that show new chapter to thought of mind
Nature will show different shades of move which show new step of mind that give new appeal to shine of soul that give new appeal to chapter that show new direction to thought of mind
Nature will show different shades of route which show new way of mind that give new chapter to touch of step that give new direction to start that show new concept to thought of mind
Nature will show different shades of spirit which show new word of mind that give new touch to chapter of start that give new strength to way that show new appeal to thought of mind
Nature will show different shades of step which show new move of mind that give new appeal to concept of way that give new shine to route that show new touch to thought of mind
Nature will show different shades of start which show new way of mind that give new concept to touch of direction that give new way to start that show new step to thought of mind
Nature will show different shades of world which show new start of mind that give new spirit to chapter of touch that give new word to step that show new way to thought of mind
Nature will show different shades of touch which show new route of mind that give new way to concept of appeal that give new start to way that show new spirit to thought of mind
Nature will show different shades of step which show new path of mind that give new appeal to knowledge of route that give new step to move that show new step to thought of mind
Nature will show different shades of start which show new step of mind that give new chapter to strength of word that give new way to concept that show new way to thought of mind
Nature will show different shades of step which show new way of mind that give new concept to appeal of route that give new move to strength that show new start to thought of mind
Nature will show different shades of route which show new step of mind that give new appeal to chapter of move that give new path to knowledge that show new way to thought of mind
Nature will show different shades of move which show new start of mind that give new touch to concept of route that give new way to direction that show new spirit to thought of mind
Nature will show different shades of route which show new path of mind that give new spirit to shine of light that give new move to strength that show new direction to thought of mind
Nature will show different shades of spirit which show new way of mind that give new step to concept of word that give new step to appeal that show new strength to thought of mind
Nature will show different shades of step which show new start of mind that give new route to chapter of soul that give new start to direction that show new knowledge to thought of mind
Nature will show different shades of start which show new route of mind that give new way to appeal of step that give new route to strength that show new direction to thought of mind
Nature will show different shades of move which show new step of mind that give new word to concept of way that give new appeal to touch that show new spirit to thought of mind
Nature will show different shades of step which show new way of mind that give new path to chapter of world that give new path to way that show new step to thought of mind
Nature will show different shades of route which show new path of mind that give new word to appeal of soul that give new word to chapter that show new start to thought of mind
Nature will show different shades of step which show new step of mind that give new appeal to spirit of start that give new soul to concept that show new route to thought of mind
Nature will show different shades of start which show new move of mind that give new touch to route of move that give new step to chapter that show new step to thought of mind
Nature will show different shades of soul which show new path to mind that give new light to shine of spirit that give new route to direction that show new way to thought of mind
Nature will show different shades of move which show new way to mind that give new step to appeal of route that give new word to chapter that show new start to thought of mind.

Poem. 7208. Dream create new hope

                       Dream create new hope Dream create new hope to thought towards step which form new feeling to concept of soul that br...