Saturday, October 5, 2019

Adventure story. 417. Meaning of friendship

                                                         Meaning of friendship 
Bhuvan was drinking water after his meal when he heard sound of glass shattering of his window. He was so confused and shocked. He never heard such sound before. He always lead peaceful life. He never experienced troubles in life. This was first time when he heard crash. It was so strange. He didn't understand why did someone wanted to hit on his window. He had not harmed anyone. He decided that he needed to go in balcony and check out who was doing it. He started to go when another stone hit window. He just stood on his ground. He didn't want those stones to hit him. Then his Mom screamed from bedroom " What happened? Did you broke anything?" He didn't understand why he supposed to say. Truthfully he didn't understood situation himself. He never had any argument with anyone in life. It was so wrong. He didn't understand why did anyone break his window glass. But he must warn his Mom so he screamed " Mom someone is throwing stones towards our house!!" His Mom came out in hurry. He stopped her before she could reach near window. Mom " But what is issue? Did you fight with anyone?" " Mom did you ever saw me arguing?" " it is rare sight. In fact you never argue even when it is needful." He felt so nervous. He was shy and his Mom kept pointing out towards it everytime. She wanted him to be smart like other boys. She wanted him to be man full of anger and bravery. She didn't consider his kind and soft nature as rewarding. It was all wrong. He was nice person. He suddenly began to think that he might use this moment as way to find right turn. He turned to Mom. "Actually few people were doing unauthorised construction before our house so I argued." His Mom sounded shocked. She was clearly not pleased. Mom " Why did you argued with much people?" " But Mom I felt so you wanted me to act like that." His Mom came out now. She was looking upset. Mom " Did you saw how did they broke our window glass? You must be careful when you pick fight!!" " Really Mom. Now I suppose to even choose people with you whenever I argue!!" " Now are you planning to fight with me too?!!" He started to work hard to control his anger. But it was not right. His Mom hated him on every point. She didn't want him to decide anything on his own. He began to hate her bossing attitude. He felt strange anger. He went near her and said in angry voice " I will not stop. I will do whatever I like." His Mom looked confused. Then she said " Go in market tomorrow and change window glass." He didn't like the way his Mom was treating him. She was acting as if he was nothing. He took deep breath and said " Mom I am too tired. Now I want to sleep." He was glad that no one was throwing stones now. He slowly went near window. He saw mango tree and understood all. He was sure that few naughty kids did it for mangoes. He needed to inform their parents about this. But he didn't able to see their faces. He went in bedroom. He slept on his bed with hope to get some sleep. But soon he sensed that he couldn't. He was so upset. His Mom kept irritating him. He was always considered useless. She had convinced herself that he was stupid and she always kept saying it. She always kept claiming it. He was so frustrated. He wanted to feel confident. But whenever she was around him his confidence started to get reduced. He began to get upset. He sensed one thing that he needed to find some way to prove himself. He needed to find idea to earn respect. He was working so hard on it. Today when those kids started to breaking windows, he got one idea. It was scaring his Mom so this could be perfect way. If he kept scaring her, she would start to need him. He wanted her to feel that way. He was so upset and frustrated. He wanted to remember pleasant side of life. But nothing seemed perfect. He started to remember pleasant start of every thing. Then after some point his Mom entered and entire situation became worst. His Mom had strength to destroy everything. He wanted pleasant touch for his memories but his Mom kept taunting him in every memory. Due to her he started to feel so inferior even in school. He couldn't make friendship with other kids. He needed to feel confident but he kept thinking too much even before saying " Good Morning" and other kids didn't have patience for him. He was always loner. He used to feel so happy when any boy chatted with him. But it was rare occasion. No one wanted to chat with him. He was supposed to be strange boy. He knew that every boy hated him from soul. He felt so sad. He didn't understand why did they disliked him. Many times he felt that if any boy tried to make friendship with him other boys started to taunt him. He was kept as loner intentionally. He kept feeling so upset. He didn't want to remember those days. So he shifted his attention to other days. He started to remember that fun which he had with his family. He began to feel so hopeful but then he remembered their criticism too. He was never appreciated by his family. He was always treated like unwanted person. He didn't find any memory. He kept remembering dark sides. Soon he began to sense that his life had just dark side. He didn't have any positive side at all. He kept feeling sad. He was so hurt. He didn't want to cry before public but he could do it in bedroom. He looked around. His house needed repairing but he didn't plan to do it so soon. He didn't have enough courage to argue with his Mom about it. She was not letting him touch his father's money. His salary was so less that it couldn't manage anything. He was so upset. His entire life was so damaged. He kept remembering that window glass which was shattered. He wanted to take his Mom near that window and wanted to scare her. She wanted to see his bravery. He wanted to show it to her this way. He wanted to feel same frustration which he felt inside. He didn't understand that he started to laugh at that thought. He was laughing alone in that room alone. It was not strange for him since it was normal for him. He used to cry alone and laugh alone. He never had anyone with him. He was always alone.
      Shrikant noticed glass when he started to walk under his shoes. It made strange noise which managed to scare him. He carefully took his feet up and observed his shoe sole. He saw that there was glass inside it. He was so confused. He didn't understood how did glass reached there. He tried to remove it. But it was not happening. He worked hard to remove it. Finally he pulled it but not before cutting his finger. He clearly saw blood on his finger tips. He was so upset. He knew that his shoes had mud dust and now his finger cut due to it. He was so scared that it might get infected. He knew that if he told anyone this then they would laugh but he was so scared. He wanted to feel safe. That glass was so full of dust. Shrikant was so angry. He screamed in anger "Watchman!!" Watchman came running towards him. Watchman " What happened sir?" " From where did this glass fell?" Watchman was confused now. He supposed to stay awake for entire night but he couldn't. It was impossible. He was doing job of day watchman too in other society. He didn't dare to say it. He started to get tense. He was sure that it must be something happened during night. Watchman looked towards building. Soon he found a window glass was broken. He smiled and pretended as if he knew everything. Watchman " Sir that window glass broken last night. I can't fix it in night." " Then why don't you come and inform me in morning? I should have given you money to fix it." " But owner suppose to fix it!!" " And until then those glasses keep falling on people? I don't care what that owner feel I want you to fix it. I will pay." Watchman nodded. Shrikant " And clean this mess. I am sure you must sleeping on duty that's why you don't notice people breaking this window." Now watchman felt scared. He didn't want Shrikant to know about this. It was so frustrating. Before he could say anything, Shrikant added " No need to lie. I know very well that you were sleeping. I saw it myself." " Sorry sir." Shrikant " When will next shift come?" " Soon Sir." " Then I will give this money to next watchman." This watchman felt confused. This was chance to earn extra money. He knew for doing this he would get nice tip. "Don't worry sir I will do it." " No. I will ask next..." Then suddenly next watchman appeared. He smiled and said " I saw yesterday. Some kids were throwing stones on building." Now this managed to upset Shrikant. " Why did kids do that?" " For fruits!!" " At night?!!" That watch man started laughing. " Some kids are naughty." Shrikant " I must inform their parents." Watchman " I got better idea. I will inform kids that you know it. I am sure they will apologize and stop." But Shrikant was not so sure. Still he nodded. But he observed flat. It was strange that owner of flat didn't notice it. It was clear that it must had made lots of noise. This flat owner was new person. He purchased flat a week ago. But Bhuvan seemed perfectly peaceful man with pushy Mom. Shrikant felt that his Mom was little bit too much from first day she started complaining about something. But then it was Bhuvan's personal problem. But now he needed to inquire about this issue. He looked at watch. He was getting too late. He felt that Bhuvan must going to office now. He decided that he would discuss matter when he came back in evening. He wanted to talk about it peacefully. He didn't want to upset Bhuvan but he needed to discuss it. He was so confused. Then he saw that Bhuvan came out of lift. He began to sense that Bhuvan was not much upset. He began to think that dragging matter before Bhuvan was not wise. He might had not noticed that his glass shattered. But then Shrikant felt that it was impossible. He began to think that he needed permission of Bhuvan to repair that glass. He went towards him with smile. Shrikant "Yesterday few kids broke your window glass.." Bhuvan gave pleasant smile and said " It's alright. Kids are bound to act like that. I don't mind. But don't tell it to Mom. I don't want those kids to be punished by parents. They were just after fruits." Bhuvan began to feel so upset. He didn't want Shrikant to know about lies which he told his Mom. He knew that he must kept lying to Mom.  But he sensed that Shrikant was nodding. Shrikant looked convinced that Bhuvan was happy now. Shrikant " I just sent few people and repair window glass." Bhuvan nodded. Shrikant went to his flat to do first aid on finger. He began to feel so restless. He could easily see swelling. Bhuvan smiled happily. Now he could tell stories to his Mom as per his choice. He knew that Shrikant was not going to tell it to his Mom. It seemed as if Shrikant had special dislike towards his Mom. Bhuvan smiled happily. He sensed that no one liked his Mom that much. He went outside. He took Auto to reach to railway station. He wanted to go to office. He smiled happily when he sat in railway. This new house was perfect. His Mom didn't have support system here. In old house everyone regarded him differently as low or inferior while in this new house he was important. His Mom didn't able to convince them how he couldn't manage to get good job while his other cousins got them. She kept admiring everyone and criticizing him. It worked in old house but not in this new one. He began to watch out of window of train. He could see entire scene with hope. He was sure that he would manage to teach to lesson to his Mom now. He began to plan. He knew that just window glass breaking was not enough. He needed to plan more. He started to think about it. Then he suddenly remembered an old movie where mentally sick boyfriend use many tricks on his girlfriend since he was scared that she might left him. He began to remember all tricks. He started to feel so happy. He felt that finally his life was going ahead with positive hope. He felt so positive by thought of scaring his Mom. He knew that he needed to spend some money and he was ready to do it. He needed to take revenge. He decided that he must visit his Doctor friend first. He knew that he must sound convincing but he decided that he would.
    Rajiv was checking his patient when his mobile rang. He slowly observed number. It was Bhuvan. He was so surprise to see him after so many days. He didn't understand how did he supposed to react. It was so strange. Bhuvan was not that much friendly with him. In fact Bhuvan didn't have friends. Bhuvan was perfectly unknown to him. But still he didn't want to upset him. Rajiv knew that he had not heard anything evil about him. Rajiv was so confused. He decided that he would tell him that he would talk to him after sometime. He took call and said " Bhuvan I am checking patient. Is it okay if I call you after sometime?!!" Bhuvan " No problem. I was just calling since I wanted to connect with old friends. I miss that life." Now this line of Bhuvan touched Rajiv. He immediately began to feel so hopeful. Those wonderful old days feeling became alive in Rajiv. Rajiv began to feel so pleased. Rajiv " I want to chat too. But it is not possible now... I will call you.. " " In night you can call!!" Rajiv sounded happy. It was perfect. He felt so pleased. Rajiv disconnected call. Bhuvan was so happy. He knew that he could use Rajiv's call to scare Mom. He began to create plan. Bhuvan went with tense expression at home that day. His Mom looked confused. Mom " What happened? Don't worry secretary send people to replace window glass." "I know Mom. But those people.." " What about them?" " They are after you now." His Mom sounded scared now. " Me?!! But I have done nothing." " I know Mom but they wanted our flat. " "Our flat?!! Why?!!" Bhuvan turned his face to hide his smile. He was enjoying it. His Mom's fear had different sort of pleasant feeling from inside. He was smelling something sweet. He didn't understand what was it. He knew that it was not existed. But he began to feel it as soon as his Mom started to feel scared. He was so happy. Bhuvan " These people are so strange.." On that time Rajiv called. He was so happy. He took Rajiv's call. He said slowly to Mom " It's that man!!" His Mom looked so scared. He started talking with Rajiv carefully " So how are you?" " Fine I was checking my patience when you call." " Ohh so did you killed him properly?!!" Rajiv started laughing. Bhuvan knew very well that Rajiv was going to consider it all joke. But his Mom was shivering with fear. She ran in room where she kept God. He knew that she would worship for hours now. He started laughing too. Rajiv " I never thought you will become so happy go jolly with maturity. In school you were too shy. " Bhauvan sensed that his this appeal was working so well. It was creating effect on Rajiv's mind. He never tried humour. Bhuvan " Actually I sensed that I was taking life too seriously. I need to take it lightly." Rajiv" You are so right. During my work I see so many sickness and how did person die in few days when he planned entire life and don't enjoy even one day. We needed to enjoy life happily." Bhuvan started to sense it all was working perfectly. Bhuvan " Actually you know my Mom." " I know she is still same way!!" " Worst!! I want to enjoy life too." " No doubt!! You should start doing something behind her back." " I know but for big things I need money. So I selected to go for small things like throwing some party but for it I need friends. I was searching when I found your name." " I am coming. I will call others too and we all will share money." " Thanks. Bye..bye." Bhuvan smiled and ran in room where Mom was sitting. He pretended to be scared. " Mom they are threatening me. I think I must go to cop." Mom turned back and said " No..No. Don't hurry like that on this issue." Bhuvan " But Mom.." " You upset them more by calling Police. We need to settle it without going to Cops."Bhuvan knew that going to Cops was effect that he needed. Bhuvan " No Mom!! We must. I am going." He smiled and went out. He knew that he needed to create effect so he went to watchm and told him that he needed to know address of Police station. Watchman " What happened?" " Few people are threatening us for flat." Watchman looked shocked. Watchman " But why?" Bhuvan was so happy. He was enjoying this. Bhuvan " Because they wanted that flat. These type of people didn't tell cause. But I am going to sell it." Watchman " Don't give up so easily." " What else can I do? My old age Mom is inside house alone entire day. I am brave but my Mom.. how can I protect her? That day window glass was broken." Watchman looked confused. Watchman didn't understand what would be wise decision. If bullies actually came there, he knew that he was useless. He didn't want to take risk. Watchman "But I thought that day kids broke window glass?!!" " Yes.. yes they did. But glass was already broken before they threw stones. I don't say it since I don't want to scare Mom. But now I can't avoid it. Can I?" Bhuvan had confirmed last night that CCTV was not working. Just another watchman was eyewitness but he couldn't garantee that other people didn't come before kids. Watchman shivered. " We must talk with Shrikant sir whole society need to know." Bhuvan was so confused. Bhuvan didn't understand if he should take such big risk. Then Bhuvan sensed that he must not talk too much. Bhuvan " I think I will talk in society meeting first." " You must sir." Bhuvan nodded. He started to go out. Watchman " Are you going to Police?" " not now! After sometime. I mean after discussing with society." Then he started to go out but watchman screamed from behind. " Don't go out alone like that.." " We are all alone in life. Don't worry I will take care of myself but I must talk with those people. I can't avoid it." Then he went out. Watchman kept watching him in darkness of night with special respect. Watchman was so impressed. He called Shrikant immediately. He wanted to warn entire society. He didn't know if it was just about one flat or about entire building. He sensed warning was necessary. So he called.
      Shrikant was watching TV with family when he received call from watchman. He was in middle of interesting episode. He wanted to end call as soon as possible. But when he heard what watchman was telling he screamed on kids to switch off TV. Every one was shocked. Shrikant never screamed this way without cause on his family. His wife asked slowly " What happened?" "Someone attacked on new flat owner?" " Which? Fifth floor?! Prachi?!!" " No..sixth floor Bhuvan." His wife was confused now. She didn't know this man but she sensed one thing that it was not personal matter otherwise he should have told to leave society immediately. " What happened?" She repeated her question. " They are trying to force him to sell flat." " Who?" " I don't know. We need to find out." His wife began to feel so confused. She said " It is so strange. I never heard this before." " But this time it was happening and we need to find solutions." He began to think. He was so confused. He needed to find out. He decided to call Bhuvan. Bhuvan went out happily in night but soon he started to feel restless. He knew that he needed to pretend fight. He kept walking on those lonely road when Shrikant called. But he pretended that he was in argument with someone. Luckily on that time petrol car came near by. He used it sound for effect. Soon he sensed that he managed to scare Shrikant too. It was nice. He needed to keep doing it if he wanted respect. After that he started creating drama every day. Every time he started to introducing new story. But it began to create fear in air about everything. Soon he sensed that entire society was so tense. One day they all came to his house. Entire time now his Mom kept herself locked. He was so glad to finally get freedom to chat with people. It was important for him. He wanted her to be kept locked. She was so much better this way. But for this he needed artificial story. He was began to feel creating those artificial stories was getting harder day by day. He kept imagining things. One day he found himself shivering when he noticed a man who was watching towards his window. It was so scary. He began to feel as if someone was truly trying to kill him. He began to feel as if someone was using artificial drama to target it. He started to feel so scared. At same time he began to increase friendship with Rajiv. Rajiv was nice man. He used to meet him again and again after that party. They used to go to movies too. When Bhuvan asked about his family, Rajiv said " My wife is Doctor too. She is always busy. In fact her practice is better than mine. Two kids!! They are great. But they doesn't like to go out with Dad much. I mean they want freedom. It is not their mistake. They want to do everything on their own. They didn't want anyone to interfere. Whenever I went with them they can't talk freely. Their friends don't come so I am alone in this situation. I like to go out with you. What about you?" Bhuvan didn't say anything at first. Then he decided that he was not feeling normal anymore. He started to live in his imagination. He began to feel as if his imagination was truth. He was feeling so upset. He didn't understand what he supposed to do. He felt strange trust towards Rajiv. He decided that he could trust Rajiv. He felt relieved when he decided to tell all to Rajiv. " I am telling you my secret." He told everything. But while telling it he kept looking behind. Rajiv said nicely " Can I suggest you something?" Bhuvan looked at him with regret. He felt that now Rajiv would hate him. Rajiv " I feel you need psychiatrist." " What??!" " Your Mom managed to develop inferiority in you and you have created artificial world to fight it. But it isn't working. It is having effect on you. You are scared and getting paranoid. You need a psychiatrist who could get you out of it." " Are you suggesting I am mad?" Rajiv kept quiet for sometime and then said " Let's change subject. But remember one thing every patient of psychiatrist is not mad. Some have little problem and if someone kept us bullying we develop it. I don't feel it's crime to confess it and try to fight over it." Bhuvan didn't like it. He didn't stayed to chitchat for longer time. He was so upset. He was fine. He didn't sense anything was wrong. He kept feeling that everything would be fine. He decided that he needed to close drama. He called one day to Shrikant and told him " It's over that man purchased another flat and I am out of his clutch now. He didn't want this flat." Shrikant sounded so happy. Shrikant congratulated him. Then entire society did party on that night by arranging dinner for all. His Mom began to get relax and started bossing again. He was so upset. He was still feeling scared and his Mom was getting confident day by day. He started thinking about suicidal plans when one day Rajiv called him. Rajiv " Where are you friend?!! Are you so much hurt due to last time conversation?" Bhuvan wanted to cry so he didn't say anything. Rajiv continued "I am sorry... don't break friendship for.." Bhuvan couldn't control himself anymore he started crying. Rajiv sounded shocked. " What happened?" " It's getting worst!! I had stop stories but still I can see those people.." Rajiv " I am taking appointment of today. I am coming to take you with me." " But Mom!!" " Forget her. I will create excuse. Don't worry. Just left office as soon as possible." He agreed. He went home immediately after telling Boss he needed physical check up. Boss agreed immediately. Boss " No doubt you are looking sick. I was planning to suggest it myself." He smiled and went away.
     As soon as Bhuvan entered his Mom started taunting. Mom " Did they planning to fire you?" "No Mom." Before hearing her more depressing comments he just went in room. He started getting dressed. Then he came out. " Mom my Doctor friend Rajiv is coming today." " Wow Doctor friend!! So you got at least one intelligent friend. Now he can help you at least few things. You can't make yourself intelligent but you can at least find few friends. So did I suppose to cook for him? And you forgot to tell?!!" " we are going out." His Mom nodded. Before she could abuse him more door bell rang. Rajiv came. Rajiv kept his Mom busy for sometime in conversation of illness and symptoms which suited her. Then he told that they were getting late. They went out. Whole time Rajiv kept relaxing him. Finally they reached to clinic. They waited after sometime they entered. He told entire trouble to Psychiatrist. Psychiatrist " Your Mom is creating depression in you and you are smart enough to sense it. But instead of fighting it with proper way of counseling you took shortcut of scaring her. Your artificial fear might have scared her but it created guilt inside you. Due to that guilt you started imagining things. You began to feel that such things really happen since you lied." " So what did I suppose to do?" Psychiatrist began to tell him step by step how could he handle his Mom. He began to feel relieved. He sensed for first time that he could deny her claim in proper way like normal person. He smiled happily. First time he found way out of his Mom's cage. He gave Rajiv smile of gratitude who happily returned his smile which was telling that Rajiv felt he did nothing great. Finally they found true friend in each other after so many years. In childhood they were not such a good friend but maturity taught them meaning of friendship.

                                                             The End

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