Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Poem 2954. Humor in our life

                                                              Humor in our life
Sometimes it is worst for us and just fun for others and it manage to hurt our mind since those others don't sense what they are doing in life
It is not just for us but for every one in life we just keep thinking that we need to find those effect in life we need to understand those steps in life
We must not let humor in life hurt our soul and thinking in life that humor touch our world and it must be safe on every point since when it start to hurt
Then I feel water turn in to fire which burn us on many point we sense that our best thing is worst on every point we need to value humor as hope of our life
But when humor start to give appeal to our world which will start in positive way but when we turn it in wrong way it effect in life we sense that hope is in humor
On every step we feel one thought from mind we need to understand those humor as best appeal to give hope to our life from our thinking and mind
Humor is giving our world new meaning and light on every step and point we sense it from inside we need humor at every move of life we need to understand hopes of life
Humor give refreshing feeling to our life we need to understand those wonderful touches of humor to our life which change it on every step or point from our mind
But if it starting our soul it break those wonderful ties of friendship since it bring anger on our soul and bring darkness in our life we sense it from inside
We need to search right concepts in life with one thought which will give hope to our life we sense it from mind humor is our best we must not turn foes in life
We need to understand those impact on mind which tell us we must find right way to create hopes to our life but we must not turn them in worst style
Since humor is giving light to our life but we need to have some feeling hidden inside we need to learn humor on every point with that thought
Which tell us we must make friend with it but never create enemies  since it might cut our heart and manage to bring darkness which cut all light
But people will need to find light humor will bring new spirit which give new breathe to our future and life we need to find humor as basic feel of our life
Since humor will give new start to our life we feel it from our soul and mind since humor will began to give new breathe to our mind from soul and thinking of life
Humor began to hurt our soul on every point we need it from inside of mind we have to sense humor which start to show those touches that will give new breathe in life
We sense humor will give new spirit we need to give those effect which give new start to our world at every step in life they will give new meaning if we start to search with them for
That wonderful sort of light which will give new hope and dream on every point we sense it from our thinking and mind we need to sense power for our mind
When humor start to enter we sense new hope for our life we need to find humor which give new start we have to give new hope to mind on every point
Humor must give courage it must not hurt our soul since after hurting our soul it bring out that smile which got darkness that will spread on every point
We need to understand humor as basic need of our life we need to learn it in positive way as hope of our mind since humor will open in new way our life
Humor is that thought which will bring out happiness on every point since it is true need of our life we start to bring with one thought from our mind
When humor is doing wonder on every point we need to understand humor as basic need of every move of life we need humor from our mind
Since humor is start which open our life to that step where dare and light both are on two different side give hope our world and life from our soul and mind
We need to sense humor as basic spot where we decide if we will give Rainbow colors to world on every point or darkness from our thinking and mind
Humor is that thought which open our world in different style we need to move humor to new start of life which make us wonderful and alive in life
Since humor will bring light in our life we sense it on every step and life will look different on every point we sense happiness from mind in life
We need to sense humor as basic thought in life which give hope to us at every point we sense humor from inside which will give power to us at each step of life
When humor open door to new world it must have to be right we need to study those concepts of life which tell us humor is need of every point
We need to study humor as basic thought which will bring rainbow lights it start to open world in new style on every step and on every point
Those thoughts which start to bring out happiness needed our future on every point but when we start to find it in evil things world start to wrong on every point
We need to sense that humor will give power and bring happiness to our mind we need to sense that humor can open for us new world at every time
We need to feel one thing that humor will have hidden power to change our life but we need to sense it that which way we want to move in life
If humor start to open our world in new way we need to sense with humor new start which will give new feel to our thinking and mind
We need to understand humor on every step of life with one thought that humor use to give new appeals to our mind we need to sense it from inside
Those touch of humor which will open our soul start to give new beginning when we decide but we must not turn them into evil for our life
Since those touches will open our world in new way but they can even manage to destroy our world at same moment same time
We need to understand those moves which open our life we must sense them as basic feel to open world in good way on every point
We must learn one thing from our mind that tell us we need to find that positive power from inside at every step of our world and life
We have to learn one thing humor can give that wonderful touch which will give new spirit to our life we sense it from inside of mind
But when it manage to hurt people might not say it but there is one anger which remain alive for so many days which will give meanings to life
We need to sense that meanings which are hope for our life when we start to move ahead we need to feel one thought that humor must enter
And give that hope to our world which will give power to our mind we need that humor from our mind to open our world in different style
When humor will enter we start to sense so many colors inside it at every move of life we need to study humor as basic need
But never turn it in some thing evil since then it will began to hurt your soul at every point we need to sense one thought that
Our humor will change our thinking and it will give hope to our life we need to learn one thought that humor can start that evil which we never sense it like
Use that thing which is for good work as good thought and not to hurt others in life since you might feel it is great at beginning but then slowly
That same humor will manage to hurt us in that way which we can never guess with our mind we need humor from our thinking and mind
Humor is that need which is made to give our world new shine we must not change it in worst dream which will have effect on mind
We need to sense humor from inside since it will keep changing every step of our life we must find it in nice way on every step and point.

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