Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Poem 2942. Star of your dream

                                                               Star of your dream
On stars on each step which will bring new wonderful sort of light at every step which will show those shines at each step on every step of life
When stars will give new meanings in life that starts which will have so many steps that give new meanings at every move of life then
Stars will start to show those meanings in life that will give new power on every move of life at each step of our life when we sense from mind
Since those lights will give new start at every moves on every way of life which will give our world from inside those effect on every step of life
Stars will have those impact which are changing our world at move of life we sense from light one thought from mind which will give new feelings 
On every step of life when stars are giving those shines which will show those lights from our mind at each move in life since those lights in life
Some stars have those hopes which are hidden inside we can see them in those lights which are giving us new start sometimes in mind
We need to learn that stars will also have so many hopes hidden on every point people keep telling we must get real but sometimes we need to think
Does reality without dreams given us those lights which we are enjoying whole time we move ahead on every day with different thought from mind
We need to sense that stars are giving new hope to our life we need to sense those breathes which are giving new hopes to our mind we want to just learn
One thought that stars will have new touch and hope from inside we need to sense from stars every meaning that start to give new hope to our life
Since we can stay on stars but only when we find proper star in life now some people might laugh some might hope it depend on us at every point
We need to sense those hopes which are giving new meanings to our life we need to sense different person will have different view on every point
Some just hope those stars will give us some light we need to sense one thing that those stars are those hopes which will give shine to our life
When stars give our thinking new sort of start on every point but for some they are nothing just waste of time question is that how did that person suit us in life
We need to sense on every step one thought from inside that we need to find our dream on every step one thought that stars will have new meanings for us in life
When stars will have dream for us on every point which will began to give breathe to us but we just don't sense it on some times since it is far away for our life
When we dream on star it will give new beginning to our life we need to sense that dream from our soul and from our mind at every step and point
When we dream with meanings we sense those dreams as opening for life we have to learn that world might not find it promising but still we feel it from inside
On every step that dream will gift us with those feelings which will start those new power from inside we need to sense those dreams from our souls at every point
When we start to move ahead with dreams we sense it from mind on every step we can dream on star since we can wish to move ahead as we like
When we don't hurt others why thinking positive should be consider as crime we just sense one desire we need to learn our world with new light
When we move ahead positive thoughts will open our mind but when we start to move with what others think world will start to create new feel for life
We sense from mind that stars are giving those effect which will have so much impact on our mind we need to sense it from inside at every point
When we want to understand those touches of mind which are giving new meanings to our world at every step we sense we need to with care on every point
We need to sense we must understand world with stars that are giving meanings to our mind we need to learn those concepts that will give meanings in life
When we need to learn those concepts on every point with one thought from our mind we need to learn one thing we can dream as we like on every step
We just sense one thought from our mind that stars showing those touches which are forming hopes to our mind we need to sense those things
When we start to hope on every point we will began to think those moves which are creating new world for mind we need to sense
One fact that stars can give hope to us if we decide to dream on them at every point we need to understand stars from inside mind
We can give our dream blessing of remaining alive on every moment and for entire life with hope from mind which will our wonderful and alive
We need sense on every moment one thought from our mind which tell us on every step need of staying happily and alive on every point of life
We need to sense those effect which will give new power to our mind we need to judge proper words on every step of life since they make us more alive
When dream will give meaning in life which will start to give new impact on every move of mind we need to sense them from inside which will give meaning to life
Since dream will show wonderful touch which give power to our life we sense from inside those meaning which tell us on our every dream we have right
At every step we sense feel from mind which will give power to world and new meaning to our future and entire life on each step and on every point
When we start to value our dream which will give power to our life which will give power to understanding and to our mind we sense it from inside
So why let others stop our dream if we like it on every point we need to learn and understand our dream at every step of life which give us new hope from inside
Dream will give wonderful hope then why hurt that dream on every point we need to understand it from soul and with it we need to find wonderful light
We need to sense in our world on each step of life stars will give new dreams on every step of life when we start to learn meanings on each point
On every star we have some dreams in life those stars are giving new feel those meanings in life which show those meanings on every point
Stars are showing different lights which will form those impact on mind we need to learn stars which will give those meanings that will start to show new light
On every star we start to give meanings to our mind we need to sense those effect which will have so many effect in mind we sense it from inside
When we dream on some stars which will give new meanings to our mind we sense those stars that will change those understanding in life
Those stars which will give power to our life when we see in sky different stars at every step of life which will change our moves on every point
We need to study stars at each step of life stars will give new meanings in life we sense those effect on life which will start to show new start on each point
When stars will look so much great in sky on every step of life those different colors on each point when that lights will give new start to mind
We need to understand stars on every move of life when stars are giving new meanings in life we sense them from inside
We need to learn those stars which will start to show those meanings in life since lights are opening world at every step of life
When we wish on star on every point we sense in that star so many lights which will change our life at each move and each step of life
So dream on star as you like which will give positive feel from mind never let world stop you since you need finally that star in life.

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