Thursday, September 1, 2016

Poem 2920. I as we

                                                                        I as we          
At every step of life we sense different thoughts of every kind we need to sense those touches which are giving new hopes to our life
At every move we understand those thoughts which will start to show different words at every point we sense from inside that thought
Which tell us on every point one thinking which will show world in that way which we desire from our thinking and our mind
On every step we need to sense those concepts that are showing world in different way and style we need to just feel one thought from mind
Which tell us at every step one thought from inside at every step we sense kind touch will change our life which will show new light on every point
We need to sense those concepts that are forming new effect on our soul and mind we need to sense again and again on every step one thought
From our thinking and mind which tell us we need to move ahead with one feel that tell us we need to sense we have happiness inside our soul at every step of life
We have to understand different concepts of life which are giving new meanings to our world and give new start to opening of our mind at every point
We never tell world one thought from inside those concepts which are changing our world with one thought from mind that tell us we need to move ahead
With one thinking that we must move ahead to that step where world will look great on every step of life we sense those understanding which are having effect
On our soul and start to indicate new feel from mind when we move ahead we need to sense from our soul one thought of our mind which tell us at every time
Just one thinking that we must move ahead with one thought that it will give new opening to our mind we need to sense those thinking which will open our life
But question is that what we think and that thought confuses me on every time since I just found myself on different boats with some people but then I can sense
We all are standing on same boat with different views in our life so I just have to help them even when I just feel for them that dislike which tell us we must move
Towards that state which will give new hope to world at every step of life we need to sense those hopes as that beginning which will start to open new feel for our world
And new start for our mind we need to sense at each move we must learn different things which different thoughts on some step of our thinking and life
When we move ahead we need to sense again and again at every step we need to learn that concept which will start to show world in different style
We need to sense that we are together but still I sense that I am different than them on many point how confuse is that thought which I sense from inside
Even when I don't agree I have protect some since we just stood on same boat and help them in life we need to just sense one thought from mind that
Start to tell us we need to move ahead and sense those concepts which are giving different and new opening to our future and our life at every point of mind
We need to sense on every step of life one thought which will open new start for our mind we will began to start new appeals from souls from inside
On every step we sense those effect that will start to change steps of life I am nothing but me then when some moves enter I sense one thought that
I change into we even before I sense it in life because we don't need to do it with force it will happen if we give it some time we start to sense different concept
Which are showing new thinking from our mind we need sense that we will become we even before understanding in life after some moves on every step of life
We need to sense that we don't need to become we by force in life just start to move in right way we will become we at every step of life since those touches
Which are showing world in new style we need sense that I will become we even before we sense it inside our future and life we need to sense
On every step one thought from mind will tell us that we can't decide when we will become that we instead of I since it is not some we need to taught in life
Because we are taught together in every classroom of school so I will know that we concept from my soul and heart on every point I just never accept it
Since I am angry but that anger will stay for few moments and finally true feelings and hopes will enter and we will that we which is our teaching on every point
How hard it is to understand what we are doing when we change from I to we and never even sense it in life after all when voice will become chorus we never sense it before many times
We never understand when instead of one person we will become two and how soon we are a group in our life after all one more friend never seem like burden to that heart which hurt from inside
We have that desire which tell us we want to become that we which will give new light to our mind I just sense that one thought which will open world in different style
When we will start to sense other people are with us mostly we just never sense it will just happen in our life and we never feel it on any move and on any point
We need to sense those concepts which are opening our world in that way which we desire from our soul and mind at every move with one thought from inside
That we want to move ahead and when another person enter with same voice we never just sense that turn of I into we at any step of life we need to sense we from inside
When I will become we life will change on every point but so different is that touch which will open new way our life it start to make that we in that way in life
We need to sense one thought from our mind that we are so together on every point that we never sense what difference is inside I and we on any point
When we will start to sense thought which will give new meanings in life we will start to sense on every step one thought from mind that those touches
Which are having so many concepts in life  we need to have so much power hidden on every point when we need to start to show those effects in life
When we start to work on every point with one thought from our mind we will sense those meanings in life which are showing powers on every step of life
But then we need to sense we is as basic feel which will start to show those effect in life we need to learn those concepts in life we need to understand we as thought
Which will open world to that way where we can sense different concept from thought of we on every point we need to move ahead with one thought
That when we will start from I then we will finally land on to that concept where our world will look so hopeful on every point we need to sense that we can
Have power which will take us ahead to that point where world will look so different at every step of life with one thought from our mind which tell us we need to learn
Those concept which will start to show world in that style which will give new meanings to our life we have to sense one thought from our thinking and our mind
We need to value I over we on every step of life we need to move towards that concept which will open our life we need to sense those thinking from inside
Which will open in new way our life we start to sense those sense which will have power hidden on every step of life we need to find those feelings on every point
We will have so many concepts which will start to show those powerful touches on every step of life which will give effect on every step of our world and our life
But we never sense since when we enter we never think that I have changed into we that we need to move on every point with one thinking from mind we need to be togetherness in life
We need to understand I is never important on every step of life but then we need to sense value on every start of life since we will come and then rule our life on every point.

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