Thursday, July 21, 2016

Poem 2847. Concept full of meanings

                                                              Concept full of meanings 
Some concepts with meanings will change our life we start to sense meanings on every point when some concepts
Are without meanings on every step of life we sense one feel from mind on every step we start to learn those
Appeals and feels on every point we start to sense those effect are having so many impressions on every step of life
We start to sense one thought from inside on every step we sense one thought from mind we want understand
Those concepts which are having meanings that will start to say those concepts on every point we feel just
One thinking from our mind we need to sense meanings which are having so many things which are having
So many concepts hidden on every point we sense one thought from mind then meanings will start to show
World in different way on every way in life since concepts are having so many meanings hidden on every point
We sense one thinking from mind on every step we sense one thinking from mind we start to just understand
Meanings on every step of life since meanings are showing so many meanings which are having so many effect on life
Those meanings are having so many concepts inside since those meanings are having so many touches on every point
When we will study concepts on every point meanings are hidden in every concept on each point then only it will
Give some sense our life we need to sense those thoughts are hurting our soul on every step of life we need
To learn those concepts which are forming effect on our mind we will start to show so many effect in life we will
Start understanding meanings which are creating concepts in life but then on every point we need to understand
Those concepts in life we have so many meaning which are having effect on life in every concepts are showing
So many meanings will start to show new light concepts will have so many meanings hidden on each point
We start to sense meanings are hidden in every concept of life but then concepts are showing meanings in different style
But then meanings will start to change concept on every point when meanings will start to understand concept
It will show so many effect on life we just sense one thought from inside those meanings will start to show
Those concepts which are having so many effect on our mind we need to understand those concepts on just
Every step and every move of life when we can start to concepts with meanings on every point when we start
To sense thought which will show meanings on every step of life we need to understand those concepts in life
We need to understand meanings will form concept then only concept will start to show those effect which
Will start to have so many thoughts hidden inside on every step of life we start to show those effect will just
Have so many effect on every point concepts are having meanings which will start to show those effect which
Will start to show world in different way in life but then those thoughts which will show different effect on life
We will start to sense one thought from mind when we will start to sense new thought from mind since concepts
Are showing different effect on life we need to understand concepts from inside we need to sense those concepts
As basic need of our life and our mind we need to learn from those concepts new start for our mind we need
To learn from concept new thought from our mind we need to understand concept from inside since with meanings
Our world will show different effect on mind we start to understand those feelings from inside since those
Meanings are showing world in different style we need to understand those concepts which are having so many
Meanings which are concept that are starting to have some effect on life but then concepts are having so many effect in life
We start to offer those concepts of mind we start meanings which will began to form effect on every point
We sense one thought from inside concepts will have so many hidden meanings which will start to form effect on life
Concepts are having so many meanings which will start to show different effect on life we start to understand
Meanings from inside those concepts are opening new start to form effect in life but then on every step of life
We sense one concepts with meanings from inside one thought will enter in life we will start to form concepts in life
We need to learn every concept which will have so many effect on our mind we need to learn on every point
Just one thought from inside that we need to follow meanings in life we start to sense one thinking from inside
Every concept are having so many meanings which will start to show different concept in life since in every concept
We start to sense those different touches on every point we sense one thought from mind in one concept
We are having meanings which will open new start to our life we need to understand concept from mind but
Then those concepts are having meanings which will change our life we need to sense one thought from mind
We need to meanings which are having concepts which will start to have so many effect in life but then those
Concepts of meanings which are changing our life seem as if that thought which will open our life in that way
Which we need to understand those effect on life but then concepts will have so many meanings which will start
To show true style but when concept is just show off it is without meanings on every point we start to understand
Every step of life we will sense one thought from mind since concepts are full meanings in life we start to sense that feel in life.

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