Friday, July 15, 2016

Poem 2838. Understanding different thoughts

                                 Understanding different thoughts
Whenever we start to move ahead in life we began to understand thoughts on every point we need to just
Sense where are we going inside our life when we move ahead on every step we sense one thought from mind
That we never know the world from inside since world will show so many touches which are changing our life
We need to understand those steps on every point we sense on every move with one thinking from mind
On every step one feel from mind that our roads of life needed to be changed on every step in life so on those
Moves in which we sense one thinking from mind we need to learn thoughts from new light those understanding
Which are creating new touch which will show world in different style we need to sense those thinking which
Will become those steps which are showing world in unique style we need to feel those appeals which are
Opening our world at every move of life when we will sense essential things on every point with one thought
That we need to understand every concept of our life those moves which are having effect on us seem to just
Appeal our thinking and open our mind to that point which will change every step or move of our life at every point
We need to sense those moves which are changing our world at every step of life since they are having so much
Effect on mind but then those sense one feel from mind on every step we sense one thinking from mind with
Show those touches which will show different knowledge which are opening world in new style we sense just
One thinking which will have so many appeals on mind we need to sense just one thinking which will start
To show those sections which are having so many effect on our life with one thought from inside we need
To just sense that every section of life will give hope to us on every point we sense one thinking from mind
That different touches are having effect on life we need to sense one thought that our thinking will manage
To change every step of life with just one thought from inside that every touch will show new knowledge in life
We need to understand one touch which will open new start on every stage of life we sense feelings on each point
We want to learn on every step of life just one point from inside from mind thoughts are opening our world
In that way which we desire from inside on every step we sense one feel from mind those lines are having
So many meanings in life but then at every step we sense one feel one thought from inside when we will start
To show so many lights which are forming effect in life we need to understand those effects which are changing
Our world to that point when we start to create so many concepts on every move of life we sense one feel
From our thinking and mind we start to form effect on mind we need to learn those reactions in life but then
Those touches which are opening world in interesting way and in unique style we just sense one thing that
Thoughts are moving in wrong way in our life we need to learn from them those touches which are opening
Our future and life but what we never sense when we start to force ourselves to change our thought since
We have to decide on every point we need to understand those steps in life but then on every step we sense
One thought from mind we feel just one thinking from inside on every step we need many concepts in life
We need to understand ways are showing those effect which are need on every step of life but then at just
Every step of life we need to understand sense will be form on every step of life when we start to feel happiness
On every step of life when we will start to understand every section of life just because others give meanings to life
But then those concepts are creating so many understanding in life but then life will show so many thoughts
Which are indicating different effect which are created on every step of life which will open world in life but
Then at every step in life we start to show those touches which are indicating other thoughts are forming
Just new touch in life we began to sense one thinking from mind we need to understand on every step of life
But then those touches are changing our world on every step of life we need to learn those understanding in life
But then life will show those indications which are opening our world to that point since we need to start to just
Sense one feel from mind that on every point we sense one from inside when we left our thought behind
We never sense one thing from inside we need to just learn to choose right thoughts on every step in life
But then thoughts need right turn on every point we need to understand every sections of life but then those
Effects which are showing different touches in life we start to  sense different thoughts are showing those
Impact on mind we start to sense one thinking from mind but then on every step we sense one thought from
Our thinking and mind which will start to learn on every step of life but then world will start to open new start
To those effect on mind we need to understand meanings from inside on every step we sense one feel from mind
We need to understand those touches which will start to move ahead on every move in life but then those
Meanings are showing those understanding in life we need to learn those meanings which are showing world
In totally different ways in life we need to sense one thought from inside on every point we need to learn in life.

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