Friday, August 14, 2015

Poem 2261. Desire of softness

                                                                Desire of softness
Soft touch will began to feel those feel in life when we will start to move ahead on each point when we
Will start to move ahead with one thinking from inside those soft feel will show those understanding on
Just point which will have that soft look and it look so excellent inside our life when we will start to understand
Those thought will have effect in our life when soft touch will start to move ahead on every point we just
Feel that soft touch at every angle of life since those soft feel will start to make us alive we want it to be stored
Inside our life but those sort of soft touch will began to give that feel at every point that we want to live
Peacefully and happily our life when we will start to feel that soft feel which will show wonderful feel in life
When those soft touch will capture our many sections of life that soft and precious but still many times
People start to tell us with those soft touch and dream you can’t achieve any thing in life then just remember
One thing from inside soft rose have harsh and sharp thorns with them in life but people just never believe
One thing from inside that soft one can take those harsh decisions which even normal harsh one will never
Take in life soft is kindness it is not weakness those are just people who understand pain of hurting and
Never want to hurt anyone in life but that doesn’t mean that you just keep hurting them and still don’t get
Any answer in life those people are soft for kind people but they can be so much harsh if you take their
Feelings of kindness as weakness in life but then kind feel will have power from inside of mind we want
To understand it in life but people just show it as sign of weakness on many points but never trust those
Thoughts in life we have to understand those thoughts which are showing so many understanding which
Will show such a nice feel to our life but then those sort feel of kindness will look lovely in our life when
We will start to understand kindness from our mind we will sense that we want kindness as basic of life
We need that kindness on every point we have to understand those all thoughts which we desire from
Our thinking and mind we have to understand that our mind will show wonderful feel from inside we have
To understand one fact on every point that we need to move ahead with one thinking that is we need
To move ahead in our life with one thinking that our life will show wonderful touch to our mind when
We will start to move ahead with one thinking that we have desire to create powerful effect on our mind
Those feels which are showing those power are beginning from kindness but we just never realised since
Harshness seem like some thing strong and great but it never have that much power to bring smile we just
Never understand those feel from inside which are telling us one thing on every point so those things
Which touch our future needed kindness as basic part of life when we will start to understand those thoughts
Of kind and soft touch on every point so those light sort of thoughts will show many good effect in life
When we will start to move ahead we just realise something which is so important feeling in life we need
Just one thing from inside that we need to understand softness as future of our life when that soft touch
Will show those feelings which are having power to show us light is always right since we all are just going
To need helping hand finally not some one to just order us to do things as per their choice since on just
Each and every point when we will have those power which are having so much strength to move ahead
In life since softness will have power to take us ahead on each point we need to understand those feeling
Which will give softness and show wonderful feel from inside we need it and one day we have to accept it
In our life but it’s up to us how did we accept easily if you accept it but then on some point we have to understand
Facts of life when we want that softness as fact of life we need to understand power of softness from
Inside of mind how much people may convince you that power of softness is nothing in life but just on
Every point soft touch will show that feel which will give happiness from inside so those feel will look so much
Better in life since we need soft feel on every point since that feel will show those new start on every point
When we have one feeling that softness will start to move ahead to right side of life so then those feelings
Which will give us precious in life softness will show those power which will give happiness in our life when
We will start to see softness on every point we will so great to our life we will start to soft feel from heart
But then soft feel will start to create appeal only when you give it chance in life but when you just ignore it
In our life since other told us it is not great on any point we have to understand every fact of life which
Will tell we need to understand every point when we will began to move ahead in life we have to just
Understand those demand of our mind softness is that need which we need from inside we want it but
We just never realised but at end of day finally it will be clear to us in our life we have to understand those
All concepts of mind we just never believe what we are told in life just move ahead and trust your eyes
Then only you can understand those miracles which softness does on us in our life we just desire them on every point.

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