Sunday, August 2, 2015

Poem 2240. Helping none worthy

                                                      Helping none worthy
Some people just never care in life we have to accept one thing that it is their life style how much you may
Do for them they just never understand it from inside but next question comes is it doing something for them
Is really going to be wise for our life to do things which are not that much wise since those things which
We are doing is not doing us that much good in life but then when comes question of equal feel we just
Sense one thought from inside those thinking which are having effect on our life since those thoughts
Are showing those meaning which are having impact on our mind when we start to move ahead on just
Each and every point we just sense one thing that we are wasting our time when something happen in life
We just sense one thought from inside of mind some people just never care for that thought which we
Have in mind that is our help is worthy of something inside our life when we do something which are showing
Different impact on our mind since those thoughts are having many meanings hidden inside we have to just
Understand that equal means to treat every one in same way in life it means also working for them those
Who never care or value our work on every point we need to understand those thoughts from our mind
Since those people are also part of that group for which we are working in life but not all just some people
Care and value our work in life when life will comes to some meaning we see it in different style we just
Sense one thing from inside that we have to help whole group since that is proper work and proper style
We have to understand those people in life they never care but we have to do something since if we do
Work in half way then it will not be enough for our life it will just remain half done and that is not just
Enough on any point we have to understand those thoughts from inside when we will move ahead we
Have to work for all since we want to cover all point never even have to think who care for our work and
Those who don’t care for that in life since many people just sense one thought from inside that those
Some people never care for us on any point but still we have to care for them on each and every point
Since half completed work can harm us in life we just never understand those thought which are telling us
On every point one thing that we have to work for all at every minute of life since unless we complete
Our work that work will become useless in life since those sort of thinking who care for us will needed
To valued more on every point we have to understand those thoughts from inside at each and every point
Of our life we need to work for all group who have different meanings inside we have to understand those
Thoughts from inside some are valuable to us while some are just useless for our life but still for those
Who value us we have to understand those feelings from inside that they need our work needed to be
Done in complete way in our life we have to sense one thought from inside that we must help to all if we
Just want to help few friends in life since help needed equal treatment on every point we need to treat
Every one same way even if those people hate us in life then only we can help people inside life we have
To understand different concepts of life which keep telling us on every point just one thought from inside
That whole group needed our help not just limited people in life we have to understand helping just few
People will not considered that much worthy in life since those thoughts are showing different feel from
Our thinking and mind there is group of people few are helpful and few are not that much good in life
We have to understand those people on every point we need to sense one thing from inside that we have
To understand thoughts of those people on every point since those thoughts are telling people needed
To be helped in full way in our life we have to understand those thoughts which are forming which are
Showing new impact on mind groups are having two types of people some are good and some are bad
In life we have to understand those things in life some are good and some are bad for our life but one
Thing is so sure that we are moving in right way in our life we have to understand each point that we can’t
Be helping just limited people in life we have to help all people in life but we just feel helping few will be
Enough since they are worthy in life we have to understand those people but we also need to understand
Those people who are not worthy in life we need to help them all on every point since whole group will
Need help while few are worthy and few are not that much worthy in life that whole group is so good
We need to help whole group in life we can’t help just limited people in our life we needed to help all
That need of every point when we stop counting worthy then we are truly helping worthy in life since
Half done work will become one pain in heart people care for what you done but they just don’t get it right
We need to understand those words on every point but then people will start to divide in our mind but
Still we need to stop our judgement in life since we need to take away worthy from none worthy inside
Our future and life we have to understand our world on every point which tell us we must understand
We need to be equal since only that approach will help us in life when helping non worthy help a worthy in life.

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