Sunday, March 24, 2013

Poem 757. Beauty

What is true meaning of word beauty inside life that is one thing which will reaction on every
Point beauty will look different from one point to another point because we just never understand
What is true meaning of beauty inside life some just appreciate beauty of model and her look for
Some time and when she shows ego they just hate her and began to ignore her from mind but
Some just feel that this ego is perfect for our mind we can always keep ego if we have so much
Beauty which look so nice on every point some feel that ego is okay if it is placed on proper place
In life and some feel ego is good for us when we keep it on wrong point that model which look
So good on every point have right to have that ego inside life they just feel one thought from their
Mind that ego is perfect thing for us and our life when we start to move ahead with ego on each
And every point we hate that ego but they say it is alright to have ego inside life when we start
To admire some one on every point we feel that this person should be nice but some people just
Like outside beauty and they say that beauty have right to act as it wish on every point I just
Never understand how did our thinking can differ in life how did those wrong thoughts will
Manage to touch our mind on every point we just feel one thought from inside that beauty is
That thing which I love inside life when we move ahead I have just one thinking on every point
That beauty will have right on all those things but I just never want it to be rude in life when
Someone get admired I feel just one thought from inside that this beauty which look so good for
Others not that much good in some people's eyes who think like me on every day of life I know
That some are too much beautiful and some are good looking and some are bad looking in life
But I feel no one have right to insult others by keeping ego in life when our life move ahead then
I feel just one thought from inside that beauty of life lies in it's look on every time when I will
Move ahead I feel just one thought from my mind that those beautiful thing which have nice
Soul are more nice but some feel that beauty is just beauty on every point and they just never
Understand it's meaning after some point so when we move ahead in our life I just feel that this
Beauty is something which don't have right to like things on every time we never have one thought
From our mind that beauty will help us on every point but not when it have that ego which cross
All limits in life on every moment I just feel one thing that beauty is not nice kind of thing in life
When beauty enter in our life on some point I feel touch of that beauty on every angle of life
I just feel one thing from inside that those concepts which will help us to understand beauty
Inside our life when we move ahead on every point I just feel one thing from inside of our mind
That beauty is not just enough for life it feel that beauty should be in such a way in life that on
Every moment I feel one thought from inside that beauty can take us ahead on every point
But when we move ahead on every point I just have one thought from inside that those ego
Which will manage to hurt us on every time it feel that it is something totally wrong in life
We just have to adjust with beauty on every time we feel that beauty is something that is so
Important inside our life when we move ahead on every point we feel one thought from inside
That beauty is something which is special for our life we need to understand one thought that
Is about having beauty from inside but when we see something from our side we just feel that
We need it but then we feel it for some time but some people just want it on every time I feel
That is their thinking so why should we object them and change our mind on every time and
On every moment when we went ahead in life so I feel just one thought from my mind that
Those people who really feel that they like just beauty from outside but have thought just one
Thing from inside that people who will never understand thoughts from inside are those person
Who are having problem on every point of life I feel just one thought from my mind that those
People who feel ego can't hurt us are different than us in life so I feel just one thing we can't
Ignore them on every point because some people feel one thought from every point so I feel
Just one thought from inside that those issues which are part of life I feel one thing from
Inside that different thoughts on every point those beautiful things which are touching us in life
Then we have so much ego inside life then I feel one thing from inside that ego is something
Which is important inside life when we don't like it we can't adjust with it so easily in life but
Some just adjust with it on every point inside our life and it is also not fault on any point so
I feel just one thing from my mind that we not just say what it good and bad and what is
Beauty inside life so I feel one thought from inside that beauty will differ on every point in life.

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