Friday, March 1, 2013

Poem 720. Sentence

What I want to say and what understood by people sometimes seem like totally different when
We start to move ahead from one meaning and tell it to world sometimes it seem world understood
Something totally different for their world when some things that touch me will began to be
Explained in life I just feel one thought that those things are when said by me are good as well as
Perfect by my mind on every moment and on every point I just feel one thing that some sentence
Will have that meaning which I wanted from inside of my mind on every occasion all my thoughts
Began to get involved so much on that point that I will began to think those sentences are some
Sort of thinking which touch me on every point I feel when I said that sentence then people will
Understand what I have from inside of my mind I never thought once that they just don't know
What I said from my mind on thought never cross my thinking and my life that sometimes those
Sentences which said by me touch my mind and some times those sentences which are kept away
From me are hurting me from inside those thoughts which I have said in that sentence will just
Manage to hurt me on every point because people are not understanding those sentences at all
In their life those sentences which use to look good on some point will look totally wrong when
They will move ahead in life I just have one thought from my mind that sentence are not that
Much easy to say but they are more hard to understand in life so at beginning I just don't know
How to say that sentence and then after long thoughts finally I have decided on that sentence
Inside life and then suddenly that sentence will manage to understood in wrong way in life
Then I feel how much frustrated from my mind because for creating that sentence I have spend
So much hours and finally that sentence look totally wrong inside life that sentence which once
Use to look good for me and my mind look totally wrong for me on every point inside life but
Then when I start to move ahead in life I just feel one fact from inside those sentences which
Use to touch my thinking on every point seem so wrong to me at every angle of my life I will
Just never understand when I start to talk wrong in life because when that sentence look so
Different suddenly that whole talk become wrong on every point I feel just one thinking from
My thoughts and my mind that this sentence is never that much good or perfect for my life
Those words which I include in that sentence will look so wrong when people take them in totally
Different way in life it seem as if while creating that sentence I have just wasted my days and
My time on every point because those words which look so good to me are no longer perfect
For my life because when meaning changes those words seem to loose grip on our life those
Words which will look so good and perfect for our life will look totally wrong on every point
Those sentences which are full of words of hopes will look wrong on every point I just have one
Thinking and one thought from my mind that those words which are treasure for me are not
Something which will look so wrong for my mind but then every word which will have meaning
Will look so wrong when we think about it at that point those words which are related to different
Meaning inside life will look so wrong when I said them before every one in life I just have one
Thought or one meaning from inside that those words are not some thing which will look so
Good are not really truly those words which will have that hopes with which I have said them
At beginning in life those words are same and surrounding can't make them that worst on some
Moment and some point was one hopes which I have in my mind but still prove wrong on every
Moment and on every point of life I just never understand one thing from my mind that those
Sentences are never my sentence when people began to understand it in life because easily they will
Change that sentence on every point so meaning of that sentence is lost inside life when we went
Ahead on every point of our mind I just feel one thought from inside of my mind that those lines
Which I have said are not truly sentence which I said in life because when you say something
Other person seem to decide that should that person take that sentence as you said or in different
Way we take that sentence inside life I just never understand how can I just never understand
That there are so many meanings to that sentence on every point and how did we can win with
That sentence inside our life after all one sentence is something so precious for our life because
That meaning it have inside when meaning change it look all wrong inside life I just feel that those
Sentences no more look as if something that can touch my thoughts and touch my mind inside life.

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