Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Poem 750. Crime

Sometimes we start walking on one street and we began to move ahead on that street on
Every point inside life I feel one thing from inside that those road which are moving ahead
On every point when we move ahead I have one thought from inside when we start to move
Ahead on that road on every point and  on every part I feel that we start to walk on every
Part of walk we want to move ahead on every section and on every thought when we start
To move ahead from my heart then suddenly after some moment I feel just one thought
From thinking and on heart those things which are moving ahead on every part I feel just
One thing from our heart when we start to move ahead on every part when we start to move
Ahead on every part then next time we feel just one thing from my heart then on next moment
We feel we have taken wrong start so when we move ahead in life I feel that sometimes
We just need to change our side just because we promise that we will walk on
That route in life we can't just walk on wrong route for entire life when we move ahead
On every time we just feel one thought from inside that we must have to walk on right way
Of life and we can find that route only when we change route in our life those routes which
We are offered inside life are never that much good and never that much nice because all
Those routes which we choose from mind are many time lead to lot of problem for many
Person in life so when we see that due to us someone faces problems in life then we will
Understand we are moving on totally wrong side those routes which are leading to so much
Problems are moving ahead in life when I will start moving with wrong way I feel those ways
And routes are never that much nice we will never understand how can we move ahead in life
When those routes which are confusing me are not giving happiness to my thoughts and mind
Because when I walk on wrong side then I am managing to hurt many people inside life
So just because people say that we must stick to some side I just don't feel it is right to just
Stick to wrong side because that wrong side which will manage to hurt me on every point
Is never that much good and nice for life when I start to walk ahead on some route I just
Feel one thing from my mind that this route which will give me success is not that much nice
Those routes which touch me on every moment are wrong on every point because when that
Route move in wrong way I feel that I am standing on wrong side on every moment then
I just feel one thought from inside that wrong turns are those part of life which will move
On every moment and on every time I feel when something will look wrong then we must
Understand one thought from inside that wrong routes will confuse us on every moment and
On every point we just feel one thinking from inside of life that when those thoughts which
Help us are not on that route then we will never feel that much happy and right just because
Those thoughts which are appearing on wrong point will have wrong reaction on every point
I just feel one thing from inside that when wrong thing will have happened due to wrong
Choice of route inside life I feel that I can't just keep walking on that same route because
Life will have choices regarding that route but if we change that route then why should we
Stop it just because people talk against it in life because changing route seem like something
Totally wrong on every point when we move ahead inside our life we must understand that
Changing route is also part of our life on every moment when we move ahead we need to
Have understanding inside our life because routes are some thing which are sometimes so
Wrong that following them is biggest crime don't see what other say but always walk on
Right route in life that is my thinking because honesty is in our acts not just standing on
Same side for entire life so when we move ahead on every moment and on every point then
We see those people who tell us on wrong things are happening inside life on every moment
We just feel one thought from our mind that we called betrayer by them even when we are
Standing on wrong side so when we move ahead we must understand that some people will
Call right thing crime in life just because they want us to stick on some side on every point
After all when we move to right side it is never crime so never accept all people will accept
Right thing in life some will accept and some will even call it crime when you stand on right side.

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