Thursday, January 26, 2012

Poem 9. Messenger

Come here little Birdie,Come near me I have some message
Which is needed to be given immediately if possible can you
Come near me I promise I will not hurt you and
I never put you in any cage because it is sin for you as well as for me
I love birds but my mother taught me never to cage them
So I will never harm you so can you just for minute come near me
Since this message is important I must tell it when you are near me
Because I don't want to others to hear it and make fun of me
I just want to tell god I have some problems and miseries
If others hear this they just come and start to blame me
They say that I done some things wrong I will get blame for everything
I just want help not blame from every body in our life on every day
I do as I wish I try honestly for my success but sadly success is away from me
Then some one told me only god can help me and to contact I need some one
Who fly high in sky as strong and innocent like you I never seen any
So little birdie can you do that favor to me because they all say god lives in sky
And I saw you can fly highest in it so you are greatest messenger to me
When you reach to god can you just request god and tell him my need
I know it is wrong to expect from god but when our friend will not help us
From whom can we expect help in world can you tell me
I know you will say my miseries are small but I am not asking help
I am just asking am I on right route or my route is wrong totally
Since you fly so high can you do at least one favor to me
I know you are too busy in your own work but without you I just can't
Find proper and truthful messenger but can you please do me this favor
I will help you by giving you my food in return and reduce your work
Do you like this at that moment that little birdie fly away as if to tell
That such bribe are not suitable for god messenger such they are innocent than human being
But then I saw that birdie stop on next branch away from me
So I thought I still got chance and I went near it and try to tell him
Another thing that is important to me I told him if god say know
Just don't inform me because I don't want to upset my self
By hearing no from god it will surely upset my faith in him
So this is how our faith works we want everything perfect from god
In it then that birdie fly away and stood there waiting for answer from him
So this is what we done as child and expect answer always positively
May we claim that we are prepared for no but nothing can prepare us
For hearing no as a human being some times I think we are so selfish that
We wish that whole world will move around you as well as me
We just like those people who help us in every way as a human being
So this is how we live every day waiting for some birdie with answer
In it and when we don't get it still we just prefer to wait for birdie
Why don't we just move ahead and understand answer are for finding
Not just getting automatically and they will come to us when needed
No messenger is required to interfere and get quick answer for you and me
We are so sure to quick answer that even we can't wait go in it
Even except god to answer us in just limited time decided by you or me.


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